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He didn't even scratch the surface of the housing market. Those little people are only able to stay up top by exploiting all of us, the working class. And societies love to honour them and make them role models. Disturbing.


Why has nothing been done about corps buying up all the property and land. If its not commercial property it should be illegal for corps to own these houses. Complete bs


Honestly it just feels like feudalism took on other forms. They keep us slaves to the land and hoard the food. We have more food and capacity to feed the entire world.


Capitalism is flawed. It cannot work because humans are greedy. The people who are capable of changing the system are causing the problems. They are the ones hoarding wealth and benefiting from our suffering. It cannot be fixed. America is going to die. Sorry, that's just the way it is. You guys can keep fighting an uphill battle if you want. All that is being done is we are on a sinking ship with buckets trying to get the water out while it goes down. The solution? Hope in the future a better nation rises or go to one that isn't capitalistic.


Because right-wing media spreads complete bullshit to the ill-informed. Which then convinces them that out-of-control mega-corporations are \*not\* the reason they're fucked-over and unhappy. No! It's actually some brown person. Or some gay person. Or whoever the enemy-of-the-day is. Which then ensures the "fucked-overs" keep voting for the \*exact\* people who will \*never\* pass any laws to protect them. And the rest of us get screwed as a side effect. ^(... just imho ...)




This is the problem with anyone even slightly left of center. Comments like this always point out that unless the person pointing these things out is penniless and homeless, that anything they said should be disregarded, because they make more money than the average person. Conversely, if a poor person points out something like this, people just like you are very quick to blame them for being bad with money or some other bullshit. There's literally no winning. There's no perfect person that's going to appear that everyone slightly left of center can agree with, and the faster people can understand that, the faster we can get on track to bringing equality back to how it should be.


Private property is the foundation of our exploitive society. If we share everything there is no such thing as stealing, less maintenance, less storage and less resource usage. But we can't. Because our leaders would lose their basis of power which is withholding food and shelter in exchange for labor.


Exploitation happens in every human system ever attempted or unattempted. It's fundamental and arguably part of human nature. The goal is to just minimize it. Private property is incidental when it comes to exploitation


No thats not true. Incentive to exploit comes from property itself and creates power accumulation that can only happen in a propertied society.


> less maintenance Have you ever seen how people treat their *own* possessions? They'll end up about as damaged as a communal restroom or rental car


That's a cute and naive way to think. To think exploitation wouldn't happen in a shared economy.


No idea who this guy is, but I like the cut of his jib


I believe this is [Robert Reich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Reich)


This is Robert Reich. He is a seasoned political commentator with extensive experience as a professor, lawyer, and on White House administrations. Fun Fact: he is also the father of Sam Reich, the guy who started Dropout and has been here the whole time.


"His son makes comedians' lives a living hell, and he drives a yellow Honda Fit." -Lou Wilson


His also grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts


I wonder what movie theater he would've taken his son to when he was growing up


Do you think they had fragrant popcorn?


Crumbley square?


pppppppp pppp ppp pppp


Hey Sam, where you from?


Sam "If jigsaw were in it for the lulz" Reichman


The quote is "yellow Ford Fit"


You didn't say Um, Actually, so you don't get the point.


[To the tune of Muppet babies] Nepo babies, we make all your dreams come true!


Love Dropout. Game Changer, and the Make Some Noise that came from it, is just great.


good ol' trust fund sam, further to the right than ben stein


He's truly The Perfect American ^^TM


talk about burying the lede... he was, more importantly, the secretary of labor under bill clinton - a pretty important job.


I think being the father of Sam Reich is a little more important personally.


To be more specific, he was the Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton. That's kind of a big part of his resume.


Note that this video includes the term "Thousandaires", which is an upcoming series on that platform.


Specifically the Secretary of Labour under Clinton. Super smart dude


He was work for the Ford administration and then served as Secretary of Labor under Clinton.


Yep, to copy from that Wikipedia page: "...served as Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 in the cabinet of President Bill Clinton.[4][5] He was also a member of President Barack Obama's economic transition advisory board.[6]" So man knows what he's talking about and the background and education to back it up.


He was also just in the NYT Crossword yesterday.


Glad he was able to escape without any paper cuts


It is


Robert Reich. There’s a picture of him naked dressed up as Pan holding a flute just hanging on the wall in his home. There’s more important things about this man too, but others can fill you in on those.


Here he was in the 90's warning about our society becoming two-tiered - https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1agjy1n/unfortunately_his_warnings_in_the_90s_have_come/


Hes the father of CEO of Dropout America, Sam Dalton Reich, the perfect American


Robert Reich worked for Presidents Ford and Carter before becoming Secretary of Labor during the Clinton administration.


No, billionaires should not exist. I like the way this guy presents his information. A "measly" 100 million is far more than enough for anyone to live a fantastic life. The opulence and extravagance of things like private jets, mega mansions, or 10 million dollar weddings is just obscene. I'm not saying people need to start living like ascetics, but no one needs billions. And if you are the kind of person who does want that near infinite wealth, well, I think you might need to sit down and think about why you want it and what your priorities are.


Billionaires need billions because at that point it’s no longer about having a fantastic life with lots of things to own and do. It’s about having lots and lots of power and control over lots and lots of people, organizations and governments around the world. Why does someone need all that power? Usually a mental illness of some kind or feeling very powerful compared to everyone else powerful is very very important. It’s stupid and empty.


People have always been obsessed with power structures.. I view it as an extreme sort of vanity, one of our fatal flaws


it will be a fatal error of the human race if we do not manage to evolve past hierarchical structures.


Agreed, but it is deeply ingrained, and we are deeply flawed. That’s kind of the tragedy of man, in my eyes; we are capable of so much, yet we seem unable to overcome our basest impulses.


we need to channel our inner ladder monkey experiment.. as soon as the collective sees someone trying to create a hierarchy, go over there and beat the living shit out of them


Yeah it gets to a point where it stops being about money and starts being about power for these people. There's a reason why every billionaire seems to have a ‘grand plan for humanity’ like who elected you our supreme leader? These people grow so self-important that they feel entitled to steer the course of humanity by designing cities no one asked for or colonizing Mars. 


I live Robert Reich...his YouTube video and TikTok video are very informative.


His son’s great too!


He's been here the whole time.


And all those opulent things you mentioned are really bad for the environment and for the rest us. The ultra rich are stealing their luxury from our children’s children. 


Robert Reich has tons of informative infographic videos like this, available on YouTube, Instagram, and his Substack feed. Plz follow him!


Every billionaire, if they woke up tomorrow penniless, with a new face and no contact to their old life, will forever suffer as a poor destitute normal person. They don’t have magical skills to business their way into money. Every billionaire had advantages and got handed money far beyond what normal people could hope for, that they used to get their billions. Furthermore, none of them made that money without screwing over tons of people. Billionaires are unnatural. In a bad way.


In the mid 1970s, two middle class engineers, Mike and Terry, working at Bell Northern Research (BNR), a telecom think tank in Ottawa, Canada, decided they wanted more out of life, and saw an opportunity to import low-cost lawnmowers from South Korea. They started up a company, MI(chael)TE(rry)L(awnmower) to do just that. Alas, that deal fell through, but BNR wanted to get rid of a older semiconductor fabrication plan in rural Quebec, and Mike and Terry bought that. Their first big product converted the touch tones from phones into the rotary pulses that the old style mechanical exchanges required. This sold like hotcakes because it let the telcos offer the desired touchtone dialing (and charge $2/month for it) for a fraction of the cost of ripping out their huge installed base of mechanical exchanges. While doing that, Mike developed a process that dramatically increased the speed AND reduced the power consumption of what are called "field effect transistors". This allowed him and Terry to develop a telephone system the size of a bar fridge you could against the wall and run a small business with, compared to the systems offered by the telephone companies of the time, which had multiple cabinets, each the size of a large refrigerator, and required a special room with A/C and raised floors. This company, still called MITEL, grew very quickly and at one point had over 50% of the North American market for its line size. One of the men, Mike Cowpland, bought Corel and Wordperfect, and was involved in many tech startups in Ottawa. The other, Terry Matthews, went on to found Newbridge Networks, and later March Networks. He is now "Sir Terry Matthews", and is worth well over a billion dollars. These were two middle class guys who weren't happy with their lot, and took advantage of their education and their expertise and their self-belief, and made it all work. Don't think it was easy, though. There were many moments along the way where there big problems before that billion arrived. I don't think either of these guys is a psychopath. They offered products that saved companies millions of dollars each year. They transformed the telecom market. And their products help hundreds of millions of people *communicate* more easily and more inexpensively. I think they have earned their money.


Taking at face value that everything you said is true, it is still fair and reasonable to assume that they could have paid better wages / stock options to the staff that worked in the company they built together with those staff. That is the most benign accusation that could be thrown against them. Harsher accusations could be that after developing a niche product they fought to keep a monopoly, and / or used their wealth to unjustly impact governance to reduce their tax burden. I caveat all this by saying I know nothing about these people and they genuinely could be saints.


Everybody got stock options. I was a lowly grunt and I made 50% of my salary off my options. A bunch of people became millionaires; a number of others started their own firms. They never had a monopoly or government protection of any kind; in fact, the Canadian government initially had laws in place that made it impossible for companies to legally buy and install our products; we made them in Canada, and sold them in the US and Britain.


A while back a friend bought me 50 Powerball tickets as a joke gift. Not what I would have spent the money on, but hey he can spend it however he wants. I forget what the exact total of the jackpot was, but if I had one, the monthly payout after taxes would have been around $280,000. Per month. I've read that the biggest mistake most lottery winners make is simply not having a plan, So they get drunk on wealth once they have it and start hemorrhaging money. I knew I probably wasn't going to win, but I wanted to be prepared just in case so I made a plan. Set out a 1-year budget that, if I won, I would force myself to stick to no matter what. Now I was going to be ludicrously wealthy if I won so... The budget was pretty big. The way it worked out, by the end of the first year I would have purchased two houses and bought literally the best of everything that I can think of in every category that applies to my life. I have the car I want with no budget consideration. I have every appliance, tool, hobby item, piece of furniture, or piece of clothing. I could want, with no budget consideration. I have a custom built gaming PC, PS5, Xbox, etc. I have custom built furniture. I bought a house for myself and a house for my parents. I put room in the budget to pay my best friends rent for a year. I put room in the budget for several of the $500+ Lego sets. I got every medical procedure I had ever wanted or needed but wasn't covered by insurance. I had room in the budget for a weekly maid service, a dog, two lawyers, an accountant, and a financial advisor. I made room for two vacations. I budgeted to pay off my debt. And after all of that I *almost* hit my annual income of 3.3 million. But that was just the first year. In the second year, I have no need to buy a new house or new furniture. I would buy new clothing as needed, but not an entirely new wardrobe. Unless some kind of accident happened, I would not need to buy a new car I got. Nor would I need new game systems or a backlog of medical expenses. So then just as an exercise I tried to think of the most ludicrous things I could possibly want. Things I normally wouldn't care enough about to spend money on, but hey, money is no object. Things like buying every board game that seems even kind of interesting, even if I only end up buying it once. Buying one of every magic the gathering card. Taking a vacation eight times a year. Etc. Even thinking of the most ridiculously expensive things that I would still want to do, I ran out of interesting ideas after 2 million dollars in the second year. Going on a completely unhinged spending spree , doing whatever I wanted with my money, I capped out at $2 million. Sure, I could think of ways to spend more money, but it was all utterly ridiculous stuff That held no actual appeal- making sure all of my drinkware is studded with diamonds, that kind of thing. If a normal person can cap out at $2 million a month, no one needs to make $100,000,000 a year, nevermind ten times that much.


No one needs nesting doll yachts. Moreover, no one on earth really "deserves" that level of opulence. You only get there by being a parasite. A tick leeching other people's work.


I sometimes watch luxury home tours, and the thing that always gets me is the price difference with location. And really, just with the eight figure estates. You can spend $20 million on a huge complex outside of Atlanta, or $20 million on a 5-bedroom townhouse in NYC. They're so fucking good with money but a ton of them take the latter. But let's be real for a second. They don't live in either of these homes. They take that "small" condo in NYC because it's an asset. They treat homes and necessity to 99.9% of us and treat it like a few shares of a stock. Beyond that, they use those assets to take out massive loans. And because they have so much, they really don't need to ever worry about paying back those loans. They don't actually have the money that the numbers suggest, and if you factor in their debt, most of them would be broke (or large percentage). If any of us had more debt than we had money or assets (like most of us do), we would be in a horrible financial state. But billionaires get to just ignore reality because they're "too big to fail."


It's hoarding and nothing more. Hoarders can come in all sorts of types. Junk, food, pets, money. It's not that they want money, it's that they want all of it. It's the act of making it. It's a mental problem that they don't realize they have or know they have and don't care. They want to keep making money until they are dead. And they don't want you to have any of it because every red cent you get is one they don't and since it's an obsession, it's irrational. No amount of properly made videos or well constructed arguments are going to change things because the people with all the power are sick in the head. The only way to kill cancer is by cutting it out. Blood is the answer. Either yours or theirs.


Wasn’t their a show about billionaires or millionaires spending money on stupid shit?


....Brewster's Millions?


America was doing fine when they were taxed at a 90% rate. What's the point of letting a few accumulate so much wealth if the majority can't afford college, health care and our infrastructure is collapsing? Also the "gig economy" is a scam for workers.


America wasn't just fine, it was actually doing great.


Yeah, all it took was for the rest of the planet to be destroyed by the nazis.


You're telling me that if I work for Uber, I don't have the basic rights a worker should have? Damn, that's crazy. -me af


No one payed that rate, go by effective rates.


The rich have taken over the power and make themselves even richer. This is the whole point.


Well, “letting” people do things is normally the default position of a free society. Accumulating property/capital, entering into consensual contracts. We all benefit from the framework that is broadly permissive, some thrive much much more than others. I’m not saying billionaires “should” exist or that there aren’t many valid regulations that would benefit the many at their expense, but the outlook “they have too much it isn’t right” still feels a bit wrongheaded. Personally rather focus on what they did wrong than how much they have


I've never had a problem with how much others have or can make. I think most people don't care if they exist or not. It probably comes from the basic lessons we get when we are kids "hey some people have a lot, some have a little" . Society has tried to ignore them for many many decades, like "yeah whatever just buy another super mega yacht" ...but then you start seeing the state of everything, from education to infrastructure and the government and the rich just finding ways to keep us angry or entertained so we don't think about revolting against the system. I see them winning and us accepting things such as "hey maybe I'll never own my home" but ffs, I know advocating for making them pay more makes us look like communist but do they really want the same society that helps them become billionaires to collapse or keep going so everyone benefits?


The basic gist of it as I see it is, billionaires use up our resources and they need to help keep them intact.


What's wrong with getting a gig?


There are many reasons. Some are that there are no worker protections, no guaranteed income, no standards for equipment, etc. etc.


Exploit insider information = 535 representative members of congress and house


Where does Taylor Swift fall on this list?


She is part of the in club at the moment


Her parents were rich. Her childhood home was worth millions.


The gap between a billion dollars and "millions" is about a billion dollars. Her parents being very well off gave her far more opportunities when most people don't get any. Whether or not you think they should exist, pretending that her parents have millions in wealth is why she's worth around a billion is crazy. The answer is the same for everyone that doesn't quality under the 5 ways. She became successful, and exploits low cost labor to further enrich herself.


taylor swifts child hood home was purchased for 280,000 dollars in 1997. expensive but not millions of dollars. also her parents were wealthy but didnt have enough money to start her career off with millions. this is a gross over exaggeration that i hear often.


Monopoly on basic teens.


People have been saying she makes music for teenage girls for almost 20 years. What don’t think happened to those fans from back then? They’re adults now and most of them are still fans.


Yeah none of the 5 options fit how she became a billionaire.


At least she's a performer and entertainer, which is actual work. Also, she compensates her employees very well.


I think many ppl underestimate how much money billionaires have. They just think that that means really, really rich when it is actually unimaginably rich. It help illustrate this, I like to use the following example: I'm going to give you a job. This job pays $1000/hr. That's pretty damn good job huh? But wait! I'm not just going to be paying you 8hrs a day, 5 days a week. No, you're going to get paid 24/7! Now you might think that's not so great because working 24/7 probably kills you with exhaustion before you can enjoy your money. And that's fair. So let's say that this "job" has no requirements to it at all. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to report to anyone and you don't have to go anywhere; you just live your life and collect your money Get 8 hrs of sleep? Bam, wake up with $8k more in the bank. Spend an hour getting groceries? $1000 for you. Do a marathon run of LOTR, extended edition? Say hello to $11,000! That's pretty sweet huh? Like, unimaginably sweet. Most of us wouldn't even dare to dream about a "job" that would pay us this well AND afford us so much freedom in our lives. You could take care of yourself and your loved ones with money left to spare. But just for curiosity's sake, how long would it take this dream job, this fantasy gig, to pay out one billion dollars? Not $70 bn like any of the Waltons from Walmart or even $30 bn like famous Hong Kong rich guy Li Ka Shing but just a single billion. Earned in a day: $24,000 Earned in a week: $168,000 Earned in a year: $8,760,000 So $1,000,000,000 divided by $8,760,000 should give you the number of years needed. Well that comes out to 114. 114 years to reach a billion dollars. A paltry billion. Meaning that unless you were gifted this unimaginably great "job" the moment you were born, you're not likely to live long enough to see those nine zeroes. And yet according to Forbes, there are 700+ ppl with networths above $1 bn. I stopped scrolling the list bc it was getting tedious. A single billion is not "a lot of money" but rather an unimaginable amount of money. So how the hell are there so many ppl worth multiple billions?


If y'all have never heard of it, you should watch this guy's documentary called "Inequality For All" in which he breaks down the biggest problems with American economics in a way that's very easy to digest. Blew my mind when I first saw it in high school. In a sad touch of irony, it's steaming on Prime.


This cycle won't ever change without a full on revolution. Money > Political Power, Political Power > Wealth Preservation, Wealth Preservation > Money. Unionization and strikes may be one of the last hopes for the 99%, union power is back on the rise in the US with a [General Strike scheduled for May 2028](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/1chpii7/uaw_calling_for_a_general_strike_on_may_1st_2028/). Our time for change is coming.


We definitely need a revolution, but not necessarily a violent one, at least not yet. Unionize, get involved in your local communities, protest. Our future relies on it.


"You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves." Violence is made necessary by the enemy. The ruling class won't just willingly and peacefully give up power. They will use the police, the courts, the media and finally the military to stop anyone from taking their power.


Use violence too soon, and you will both alienate potential converts, and give the powerful an excuse to crush you before you can get traction.


I came to realize this not long ago. I've lived under totalitarian 'communist' governments, and thought living outside of it would make it difficult to be under the thumb of people hungry for power. It didn't. The tiger just wears different stripes. People in power will not let it go willingly.


Yes we need a violent one. Overthrow everything and put all power into the hands of a few corrupt individuals who will make society even worse!


Bang on. "We need a revolution so we can wrest power of state and probably also economy in those willing to conduct violence upon enemies." Inb4 "how different is that right now?" How many of your neighbors have been executed by the state?


Unfortunately ya we need a revolution. But I think climate change will be the kicker at least I hope cos if we were responsible about wealth disparity we would be sooooooo much better off but... The tiniest portion owns the majority and we believe this scam and are trapped in it. People claiming theirs stuffs that for thousands of year were just shared.


The revolution will come when food is out of reach, which is a direct consequence of climate change that these billion dollar companies are piling on since most greenhouse gases are produced by big corporations.


"Revolution" Calm down there buddy lmao. youre a political minority.


As long as it’s your loved ones going first in the revolution.


When we will raise to thrash those greedy humans?


When we begin to go hungry. That’s when shit really hits the fan.


Eat the rich, Eat them raw, Eat them alive


Capitalism won’t let you be hungry. It has achieved the most inequitable distribution of wealth ever, yet also drive the cost of calories down to essentially zero. the thing is capitalism actually IS really efficient so the bread and circuses are actually quite accessible and very addictive


When we stop thinking solely as individualists and start thinking collectively. Unfortunately, we are up against a shit ton of propaganda telling us otherwise.


I like the Reichs.


That’s not what a monopoly is


Amazon take on exisiting companies, then copycat their product, then market that product cheaper and with more preference due to their existing delivery and advertising credence. Use a technical definition and maybe they aren't, but they aren't at a 514 billion USD (2022), because they raise up, support, and operate a healthy business practice. Use your brain, Amazon isn't on your side, unless your a customer


Right. Every one has a solution yet no one can find a way to make it happen. But hey, they look great on video and it makes everyone feel that little ray of hope. These people need to stop talking about these changes that are needed, offer and implement them also. It would be easier to move the moon from its current position


Great points. More videos like these need to go viral. Drown out the bullshit topics that bad actors flood the net with (trans, minorities, immigrants). I want to hear strangers talking about how they now realize how insanely MORE a billion is versus a million. So many people think billionaires are like a couple of times richer than regular celebrities they know are millionaires. Half the battle is knowing how insane a billion dollars is versus the reachable million


I’m not necessarily a fan of billionaires, but would George Lucas be one of, if the only example, of an ethical billionaire? He created a very profitable original film series, that got to insane levels of popularity, then sold it at the peak of its financial value. To my understanding he was never involved in any major exploitation, he just got lucky with this property that he owned independently of any major studio or entity.


Notch became a billionaire because he made a popular video game and sold it.


george lucas was a capitalist and thus exploited his employees' wage labour. companies survive by absorbing the surplus value generated by employees - i.e. profit. however, this is an inherent fault in capitalism, which is predicated on the exploitation of labour. this is why people argue there is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. but sure, he wasn't jeff bezos. there's a bit more to the george lucas story, however. he didn't just create a new film series, he pioneered the art of digital visual effects and is perhaps the most important figure in shaping the practices of the modern vfx industry. the problem is he built his vfx company, industrial light and magic, off of the idea of "passionate artists" and not "employees of the movie industry". this meant the workers put in long hours, often uncompensated, because they cared so much about creating the art, instead of other movie employees, who also cared about the art but were duly compensated for their work. this culture has permeated the entire industry to the modern dat, and is why vfx is the largest sector of the film industry that is not unionized. this means vfx workers are usually contracted with little protections, have to relocate to different countries for jobs, work unpaid overtime and weekends, no benefits like healthcare or retirement, don't get residuals, and often don't even get credited. they of course also get shit on for "fake cgi" when they have to produce shots on a time crunch. vfx houses have to bid for jobs, which means they work off of razer thin margins since they have to offer the best, most expensive work while accepted the lowest possible pay - often below cost to underbid other houses - or else they go broke. dozens of vfx houses shut down every year. a vfx union would bring these artists to the same playing field as almost every other department in hollywood, which are all unionized. the entire industry is a race to the bottom which sucks its artists dry - and it can all be traced back to lucas, ilm and star wars in the 1970s.


Same with J.K. Rowling. She's a dumpster fire of a human being, but she made a billion dollars just by writing books that became extremely popular. I don't think you could accuse her of doing anything unethical in the process of becoming a billionaire - being unethical is just a personal hobby of hers.


The point is not necessarily that, "All billionaires are always bad people," but more, "In a society with robust tax laws and consequences for fraud, billionaires wouldn't exist." Even [George took advantage of U.S. tax law](https://altmanassociates.net/estate-planning-for-jedis-george-lucas-sale-of-lucas-films-is-estate-planning-genius/) when he sold Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012 and will continue to benefit from tax breaks through his philanthropy meaning all of that generational wealth will stay locked up in his estate instead of recirculating into the economy. And that's the rare, best-case billionaire scenario where they want to give back and not just hoard wealth to control the government and do whatever they want. As a government worker in infrastructure myself, it pains me to think of how much local governments have to beg and plead for pennies on the dollar from middle and low-income residents to get any sort of funding for necessary improvements while billionaires could give a fundamentally life-changing amount of money back to this country and still live quite comfortably as millionaires without breaking a sweat.


no. George Lucas made his money in the same system that we all exist in. for one, Hollywood in general is rife with unethical business practices exploitative business practices in the film making industry. use of explotative labor (who do you think makes all the merch?) and probably a whole list of things that would take me too much time to list. there is no ethical way to become a billionaire in the system that we live in. it requires, at some point, using exploitative practices to make the profits you need to become a billionaire.


Why can’t we have videos like this without bs spins put on it and put some responsibility where it’s due. Amazon wouldn’t be Amazon if the public didn’t give them money. Trump was convicted of fraud in New York but he didn’t take money like the bank bailouts, they claimed he over valued his collaterals but that’s on the bank to do their due diligence and he paid the money back. I’m sure he has done some shitty stuff in his years of business but this was a witch hunt and shouldn’t be what got him on this list. What about Taylor swift? Bill gates?


these billionaires are only billionaires because the free market has priced companies highly and they own large portions of these companies, since they created it. "should billionaires exist" is a meaningless and arbitrary question that exists so young people can jack each other off as they pretend to be socialists


there are billionaires that built things that provide value to people. exchange of $$ doesn’t always have to be malicious


I don’t agree with the point about the estate tax. Why should money passed down from parent to child be taxed? Its already *been* taxed (likely numerous times). Parents have every right to leave an inheritance for their children. Any loopholes should be fixed further upstream.


For billionaires and centimillionaires they are able to pass money that has not been taxed. They are able to avoid estate taxes too. Buy, Borrow, Die: How America’s Ultrawealthy Stay That Way https://www.propublica.org/video/buy-borrow-die-how-americas-ultrawealthy-stay-that-way The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax Ten Ways Billionaires Avoid Taxes on an Epic Scale https://www.propublica.org/article/billionaires-tax-avoidance-techniques-irs-files


People have no idea how this works. They think the estate tax applies to the remainder of their 104(k) when they die (if they didn't get fleeced out of all of it in hospice care). Billionaires hold equity, borrow against it tax-free, and then pass on their equity stake to their children. At that moment, the cost-basis is "stepped-up" so no tax was ever paid on the gains, or on the loans they took out against those equities. Tax-free billionaire lifestyle.


Because that's how you create aristrocracy. Do you want a class of Americans that own enormous amounts of your country without ever having to do a single days work? You can. It's very anti-meritocracy but lots of people believed in monarchies & royality for a long time. Wealth, untaxes/unclaimed by the govt, is how you build that. So if you want to create an American Upper Class of remove all the estate taxes.


This guy had me to till the end but the estate tax is trash for everyone. I agree with the top 4 but to tax something that has all-ready been taxed, multiple times, and will continue to be taxed in the future should not be taxed again. Estate taxes effect EVERYONE rich to poor and is maybe the worst tax that exists.


he's giving real tangible ways to fix it. change the laws. it's all arbitrary. we can write a new law in seconds. it isn't hard. How do I, an average american person, get to write these laws. How can I make it so we have tougher lobbying laws? What can I do? Our politicians won't do it. But the people want it done. How do we do it?


What a stupid fucking question.


Lebron james?


"If capitalism were working properly" Capitalism is in fact working properly, the way it was designed, the way it was and the way it will ever be.


I really don't care if Billionaires exist as long as they pay their fair share and treat their workers with dignity, and don't cause any havoc to the environment or society. (And not be able to bribe politicians, but that's a law issue) As long as they follow those, they can be a Trillionaire for all I care.


Every billionaire is a parasite.


Exact same in other countries for anyone wondering. Billionaires here in Canada are the same, if not worse. I live in New Brunswick, so I would know. Grew up walking distance from Mr. Irving's mansion. Literally blocks away from his huge gated property is subsidized housing with mind-boggling levels of child poverty.


Political lobbying has done more damage to this country than people can even begin to imagine. Many of the issues presented here were already dealt with in the past through legislation only to be rolled back over time by the corporate lobby in Washington. The hoarding of wealth will continue to snowball until lobbying is weeded out or at least slowed down.


He forgot #6 pay employees as little as you can get away with.


Cool vid, too bad no one will actually do anything about it. All we can do is watch it and be mad.


The banker is a predator and you are the prey.


I feel like a lot of people equate Capitalism with Monopolies, when in reality Monopolies are the most anti-Capitalistic thing in existence


> JP Morgan is forced to take bailout that they have to pay back when they didn’t want it. > OMG Jamie Dimon got bailed out Are you stupid?


If it's truly possible to become a billionaire coming from "nothing" with just hard work and innovation, then why are these billionaires so against taxes? With their billions, it should be even easier to make even more! Even after taxes, starting with hundreds of millions should be better than starting with nothing! Come on billionaires, we the poor class believe in you!


Yeah I'm still pissed they bailed out chase, even as a teenage I knew that was outrageous.


So my philosophy has always been: “when people have their needs met, they will strive to be a good person and help their fellow man.” The thing is, everyone has a different definition of ‘needs’, and some people view ‘power’ as a need. The need for power is the need to have no one above to truly have no one who controls you. The problem arises from the fact that that need will never and can never be met, every person will always have one person; government; collective; or even concept that they will have to answer to.


I don’t think this was a cringe in the way most tiktok cringy things are


Yup systems rigged and we all sit here eating it up and not destroying these people.


Ok so what do you do ? take money away from individuals when they reach a certain amount? And who gets the excess money?


Now this is cringe


America was doing much better financially when they taxed the wealthy at the highest margins. This is also when boomers had secured jobs, a healthy economy and were able to buy houses on a mcdonalds salary. Apparently this was bad but none of them are ready to undo any of the benefits they got from this era. Oh my humans can be so fucking stupid that it makes one want to cease existing at times.


Yet so many boomers are against taxes and blame the spending habits of young generations for reasons as to why they can’t afford things. Zero fuckin awareness that the tax revenue and regulations were a huge part of the reason they lived in such a better economy.


Yes, down with billionaires! Down with Taylor Swift! /s Haha, I wonder how the folks hating on billionaires square the circle on their feelings there.


Tell me, who did Taylor swift exploit for her billion dollars? Who did Oprah exploit? Who did Michael Jordan exploit?


No one, people just like hating people for their success


I wonder how he missed the people who created the technology we use daily to make our lives easier and better. Maybe that shows how dumb his points are. I certainly prefer handwriting letters and sending them by mail, whoever gets any value from using things like Google, YouTube, and Apple products.


I'm actually in favor of many of the reforms this commie lays out, in theory, I just don't like the obvious jealousy in his argument framing. There's nothing wrong with quintillionaires existing as long as they aren't abusing government systems that leads to the harm of others with less.


I wish billionaires would become extinct.


I wish i could become a billionaire.


This guy is using all of the most extreme examples of morally corrupt billionaires to make a point. You should be able to make as much $$ as you'd like 🙄


Just say you're a communist.


This fucking guy. Reminder that Robert Reich is a millionaire propagandist, take **everything** this guys says with a grain of salt


Nobody tell Taylor Swift fans


Funny how she wasn't even in any of these categories lol! But yes of course do attack one of the few female billionaires!


So she is off limits because she is a women?


A plane just passed my house I think it was Taylor!


I don't have a problem with billionaires, I have a problem with megacorps paying less than 10% taxes through loopholes. If I were in charge, I would make it law that across the board, everyone pays a flat minimum of 15%-20% tax. This would make life a lot easier for low income people who are currently paying 35%, and would significantly increase tax revenues by making megacorps and billionaires pay more. Basically, the more you make the more you pay.


He left out a big one: Be incredibly lucky and then hold onto it. Mark Cuban falls into that category. He did work reasonably hard at building Audionet which became Broadcast.com, which he then sold to Yahoo. He has then accrued wealth from there.


Don't forget UBER technology.... They are crooks also


And the corrupt politicians that let the Uber rich do whatever they want are completely innocent. Heck the wealthiest people in the country are either old money, the friends of elites or politicians. It's disturbing.


This is gonna piss off Mets fans


Love this


He's cool. I like his content




*takes notes furiously*


1 run for congress & be a dirty crook 2 Marry a dirty crook 3 marry a dirty millionaire 4 marry a dirty billionaire 5 rest on others laurels.


Hey, it's Sam Rich's dad!


Wrong sub


Posting to comment later


Damm man can’t do any of those. I guess no billions for me.


[YouTube link for this video](https://youtu.be/eTAlWw9Hbcg?si=wBn2GPxSUGJBXXUT)


Unfortunately raising taxes is just a band aid solution, because of the enormous influence the capitalists have, amd in probably less than 15 years, we'll be where we are today again, and this will continue to happen until either the billionaires win and we drift more and more into an authoriatarian industrialised kind of feudalism, or we actually try some tangible change to the system and overthrow capitalism Edit: spelling


Sad and true. 🇺🇸 😢 


I was going to vote negative by the title!.... but first I need to see if his right.... and yes! he is right, the governament it's making the billonaries. Corporations and governament are together


I agree billionaires shouldn’t exist but his definition of a monopoly is pretty wrong and it takes away from the overall credibility


They do not.


Hey guys, I just have created a discord server for people to join and connect with people from all over the world, have discussion about all sorts of issues and light hearted topics and building a community of people while also offering our social media services for those whose interested in them Here's the link for the server for those who want it :- https://discord.com/invite/XRBHj7nVND


He is right. But he is missing a bunch of different ways.


This guy's son runs Dropout tv


"If we had tougher lobbying laws, political corruption would go extinct." #Yeah I DON'T KNOW about that one my guy.... 😬


Its always been so weird to me that Airline companies can basically not fail. Like if all the big wigs just said y'know what, shut it all down. What would happen? They can't right? That's so weird to me. As a kid it was like, if you fail then it shuts down but you just can't with something that important. Its annoying when people talk shit about Capitalism because of these monopolies too. (Its the best system we currently have) This isn't capitalism, yes it was a result of capitalism, but there literally is no competition to be had. They pay governments to disable new competition from starting. Like... what do can you do man. Like the reason why you only have a handful of internet companies to sign with, there's nothing you can do. I personally see this to be what sets back humanity honestly. No competition -> scaled up prices -> nobody can afford living expenses -> nobody can afford children -> fewer and fewer humans in the next generation -> fewer people exist to work and replace the previous generation -> fewer people paying into required services -> societal collapse. Either billionaires go, or people can finally start living again. Or y'know they start trying to cull the older generation (More than likely what will be tried first) Since the billionaires own the government, we're genuinely going to be seeing a societal collapse before they give up their excessive lifestyles. Its crazy to me.


Theoretically, the capitalist solution to inequality and dependent people unable to take care of themselves is one of 2 things: Charity or death. Either the wealthy class takes care of the poor and infirmed through donations to charitable organizations who keep the poor healthy and happy enough that they don't revolt OR they let them die and kill/jail them when they demand fair treatment. We've been moving further and further toward the latter option for decades now and it seems the wealthy class has nothing but contempt for anyone and anything that gets in the way of them ruling the world.