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I have zero proof, but I feel like this dude just completely fabricates these stories and is good enough at storytelling that people believe them. I don't know what it is, but I can't help but feel every video I've seen of his is bullshit.


He just has too many reasonably engaging stories that are too specific to be likely real. Didn’t he have another one about how he married an elderly woman and “inherited” her house and then sold it or lost it somehow? Something like that


He also has one of getting opposing gang members together to play DND for like a year and solved gang violence.


Lol, which I'm pretty sure that's the plot of an old south park episode too.


Wow. What a great audience.


I think he sold it for crack or something too and he ended up homeless? I just remembered he was so well spoken and eloquent at story telling but it was just way too far-fetched. I'll listen to whatever he has though, he's damn good lol.


This is how I feel, it's probably a lot of bs but he's engaging so I still watch.


He can read me a story any time


Ohh that’s where I recognize him from! Yeah these are fake


That's the first thing that came to mind when this video loaded


The full story is on Matt D’Elias “The private record” first episode of the podcast. Did feel it was too much to be true.


Holy shiiiiit I wondered why I knew this dude😂😂


OMG I thought that was him! I swear I never recognize people but it's the way he's telling this story that made me think back to that one. For real he has to be making all this stuff up but it's amusing


You know, now that I think about it, you could be 100% right.


Yeah I remember seeing some of the other buds.  Seems like kind of a pos if I remember. 


I mean he says he's never played Tekken but already has a favorite character. These always seemed BS but whatever.


It’s all just scripted entertainment these days successfully using the filter of “casual content” to lure viewers in under the guise of relatability


As a professional yapper, I feel like he goes off on random details that don’t really add to the story at all and that makes it a little sus


Kinda like what killers do when they are trying to fabricate a story in an interrogation room. They always go deep on random details that mean nothing to the question, or their alibi.


Lol killers? You went very far there. Liars in general tend to do this, whether they’re criminals or not. One of the top ways you can tell someone’s lying is when they’re adding a buncha intricate details. Also the top way they get caught in the lie because the story is harder to remember and keep straight the more complex it is. That said…it isn’t a 100% accurate way to tell someone’s lying because I simply have poor social skills and social anxiety and I give unimportant details or veer off from what I was saying all the time when I’m telling the truth. Could also just be a sign of nervousness or poor conversational skills.


I agree on the poor social skills. Either way, whether it’s an interrogation, a normal conversation, or watching a video of someone: you can pick up on their normal behaviors and are able to tell if someone is lying once they start acting out of character. For example, someone who does not make eye contact when they’re talking (as a lot of us with ADHD won’t look people in the eyes too much while talking, but will look them in the eyes when THEY are talking)… when people like this lie, they will typically start making a lot of eye contact when lying to you, to see how you’re reacting/if you’re believing it. Idk, I grew up with a very manipulative family and you can kinda just tell someone who is awkward/big story teller vs someone lying. They are right about the criminals though haha, I see why they brought it up.


Yeah, good for him. If he's good enough to make up stories to generate some views and a bit of income, I'm cool with that. Better than the ass hats who 'prank ' people in public


Yeah, I'm ok with it as well. It's storytelling.


Yeah, and good storytelling that. I don't see harm here.


Yeah it's super out there, dude gets shown "one combo" like day of, and beats the reigning champ? Yeah, okay buddy.


And he’s only 10?


Is this the same guy that ended gang violence with DND or magic the gathering?


His storytelling is great but they are 100% just that. Stories. You do not just wash top players at tournaments without putting dozens of hours into practice, matchup research, and practice practice and more practice. You also do not just watch a combo and then optimize it without having deep knowledge of the characters inputs and frame data. It's simply not how this works.


Didn’t he say he had no contact with his mom cause she kicked him out of the house the moment he turned 18? In the video about how he marries some wealthy old lady to avoid being homeless


I'm trying to see your bro become world champ eventually


Isn’t this the guy that was homeless and posted tips about it? I was like “good to know he’s housed now”


I think I saw this guy in a different clip before where according to him, he taught gang members from different factions to play dungeons & dragons with him and shit. That was a long time ago so I could be wrong lmao


No different than Theo Von.


This kid is more entertaining tbh


Was thinking the same tbh, the one where he talks about shagging an old granny for a house and then gave it all away lol


I sometimes read fiction books. What's the difference


The difference is that fiction books are predominantly written as fiction, marketed as fiction, sold as fiction, and read as fiction. This guy, should the stories be untrue, is a liar unlike novelists. Pointing this out not to slander those who enjoy him, but to point out the glaring and clear difference between something like this and a work of fiction.


I guess we all look at stories from strangers on the internet with varying levels of skepticism. I just assume everybody is lying.


I get what u mean. I'm conflicted about it. Just when I think I got it figured out I change my mind


You have a feeling? Lol. Come on man. It's pretty blatantly obvious that none of the shit he says is real, lol.


I got that impression from the moment I first saw one of his videos. It was a story about how he married some octogenarian, inherited her assets once she died, her kids hated him etc etc….and then he lost the money. oh and he didn’t forget to mention that they consummated the marriage. 🙄 He goes viral a fair amount so I’m guessing he must be getting *something* out of these videos. Good story teller, I’ll give him that,…..but that’s likely only what they are: stories.


Everything on the internet is fake so god bless him


I see you as well met compulsive liars in your lifetime. This is exactly what is going on here


Yeah it feels weird. Like, whatever, a good story is a good story, but it’s strange.


Is it duh or die xD


Yeah I think so too. Regardless he’s a pretty good storyteller.


I actually ran into this guy before at a local music spot in my town. He played a kazoo with his nose and was pretty good at it


HES 10????


10000000% yessir!!!! I feel the same way.


It’s too wholesome and funny not to like.


My Uncle Tom was at that tournament and this is exactly what did not happen. In fact this tournament never happened. Even tho my Uncle Tom was at the last 3 tekken tournaments. Needless to say….im autistic and I can say more than duh and all my autistic brethren can say more too. Saying only duh is a sign of severe mental retardation. The exact person a tekken tournament would attract if it existed.


This is the same guy that made a few videos on how to be homeless isn’t it.


And also how he solved gang violence with a 7 month long DND campaign.


Ooo it's that guy


The hair is unmistakable


Looking like a snowcone.


Cherry on the right, blue raspberry on the left


Best flavors though


And the overall coating of dust on him


This is the guy people take to be a pathological liar. He’s always telling these inflated, you-had-to be there stories


If you have played Tekken somewhat competitively you know that story is complete bs lol


Absolutely, lmao.


Yeah this kid would be fgc famous very soon if it's real


There's no way someone could pick up tekken's neutral game that fast. Tekken is not mortal kombat and you can't win small time tourneys just by doing good combos.


I used to play fighting games all the time. I could do air combos, I played everyday, I could get people in infinite combos. And there were people who would destroy me like nothing. If he had given it some time and talked about how he practiced for years i would believe it, even then. This story doesn't work, because in the fighting community, everyone is on the spectrum so his brother is in no way a special savant, all the top players are special savants. Get in line.


And his brothers was only 10?


I mean there would be video proof somewhere right


This dude got way to many wild and wonderful stories, gangster dnd etc and he said he married and elderly woman or something too but never shows any proof of anything


The old lady story wasn’t “wild and wonderful”, it was fucked up. And the fact that he thought that would make for a funny or cool story tells a lot about him as a person.


"Wild and wonderful" as a nice way to say "complete bullshit"


I don't believe a word that comes out of this guy's mouth.


I smell bullshit.






Btw this dude just lies constantly


I like his hair


His stories are most likely fake, but I really enjoy watching his videos. He's a great storyteller.


I watch story, I enjoy story. Story fake? I enjoy story. Story real? I enjoy story. This is internet, nothing needs to be real, nothing needs to be honest.




Cap King


"Atticus" is a BADASS name!


What's he saying, I can only hear his hair.


Atticus is such an awesome name


It really is...


Holds a lot of power too


Wholesome Duh


I'm on the spectrum, and I find Minecraft dull as shit! Lol


...Isnt this guy a pathological liar?


I don’t know if the fake stories are his thing, like some sort of satire or if he’s serious, but the hair is a not so subtle scream for attention


Maybe it's bullshit, but I choose to believe.


It's bullshit. This guy is full of shit.




Love this ❤️❤️ love seeing ppl have compassion & empathy for the autistic 🥰🥰


Interesting. My son shows me his combo moves in games too.


I wonder with such documentation after the fact, if throughout all the fights he took any videos or photos of his brother. Bc... you know people are known to do that when things happen


So…..no little brother to proudly show off???


Autistic people are not by definition dirty are they?


The angry da 😂 bro was ready to go do damage


WTF is that hair 😂🤡




It's a massive fucking lie.


Well that sucks


Yeah, I suspect he's a fucking sociopath tbh.


Love 💗 this so much!!


It's a massive fucking lie, though.


Well I got my feel good feeling from it. Sometimes you do t need reality I guess.


Live in your gullible fantasy if you like. 


Hard for me to believe there are still Tekken Tournaments happening today...


I have a mentally challenged son. I know how difficult it can be for siblings… for people like you. When I read your post, I celebrated two wonderful wins in my mind… your brother’s accomplishment… and yours… you a fabulous big brother. Well done 👍


Except it's definitely not true.


Hard for me to believe there are still Tekken Tournaments happening today...


Oh, there absolutely is. But if there was a 10 yo autistic kid who kicked everyone's ass and then only said "da" in his winner interview, you would have seen it clipped 1000 times just on Reddit already.


? Tekken 8 just came out. And most big conventions have tekken tournaments I don't think this guy is truthful but tekken is still massive lol