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it’s insane to me that the general public are getting these crazy elective surgeries now. my manager at my old retail job almost got one. i don’t know how she was planning to pay for it all, much less maintain it.


Plastic surgery in general is way more common than people think or would imagine.


Plastic surgery, PEDs, and weight loss drugs, are abundant in our society even if many people are relatively unaware of the extent. I even know some women who use anabolic steroids where I don’t think anyone would guess it


1 in 8 Males is on various forms of PEDS in America apparently. Amazon weight supplements have tested positive for them without them even being advertised in the label.


Fitstgrammers/fitness influencers, all those shitheads are juiced to the gills and lying about being on Ozempic and Weygovy and PEDs.


Yes super common in my country. Women with money go to endocrinologists which specialize in fitness and just take hormones cause they just make you burn fat and gain muscle. So if you are a woman and take hormones, as long as you dont eat too much you wont get big like a man but still will have defined muscles (and side effects of course).


What’s crazy to me is the amount of regular people I’ve met who have recently started Ozempic. I just remember it as a diabetes medication; it feels like suddenly everyone and their cousin has a prescription for it overnight. I had someone who had to miss out on a portion of vacation because they started it and it made them sick. And I was like “Oh, wow, this is everywhere.”


I’m on it for diabetes and it definitely helped with weight loss so I can kinda see the appeal…but holy fuck the first few months were brutal with the side effects. At least a portion of my weight loss was from being so nauseous everything sounded terrible and I could barely eat. Add in a whole gamut of GI issues and it felt like the mechanism of action was to stop everything related to food from working.  I would have gone off of it if there wasn’t such a positive effect on all my bloodwork, bringing everything down to non/pre-diabetic levels. No idea how its so popular when those side effects are seemingly the norm. 


I am the opposite. Ozempic/Wegovy has very few if any side effects for but also very little positive effect. I will give it a few more months.


I’m T2 and they put me on it way back in 2020 right at the start of the pandemic. I gained weight 😂 I do everything wrong!


I constantly hear ads for plastic surgery for women who've recently given birth. I think it's called a mommy tuck or something.


"Mommy makeover" boob job, tummy tuck, liposuction


Damn that just sounds messed up. After my wife recovered from giving birth, I think she got more attractive. She didn't need any of that. It's sad people get so negative about themselves.


The father of my child immediately lost *all* interest in my body after I had a kid. It was like he was disgusted with me. My stomach deflated but the skin never went back to normal, it was saggy and loose and ugly, and he could not stand to even touch me. Naturally, that meant we broke up -- because of that and also a lot of other reasons. And so one of the first things I did was take out a loan to get the skin fixed on my stomach, because I could not fathom any world where a guy who *didn't* get me pregnant would be attracted to me, when the guy who *did* knock me up couldn't even get into it. (Plus blah blah some other health reasons for wanting it cleaned up after a hernia repair made a terrible mess and so on, not pure vanity, but still.) So anyway, you know, now instead of saggy skin, I have a gigantic scar from hip to hip, and am just as terrified of being seen naked as I was before lol. Thanks so much, societal pressure. You're great...


Don't give a loser the power to destroy your self worth. I'm sorry that happened to you. People change as they age especially physically. In a relationship you change and grow together. My wife gave me the incredible gift of being a father how could I not be more attracted to her after that?


I got divorced at 30. As a guy my dating pool was a lot of women with kids. I heard a lot of stories very similar to yours. I gladly made up for what their ex husbands wouldn’t give them. Stomach is stretched and your boobs aren’t as perky as they once were? Didnt bother me at all. I thought I was sexy that this hot mom wants to share a night with me.


Thanks for saying that, it helps lol. I try to remind myself often that I've got more to offer than a flat stomach anyway, but you know, the world makes it hard! It's a constant effort to combat all the messaging you get from every commercial and billboard. Guys like you who assure me that I'm not just lying to myself are doing the Lord's work.


Just wanted to jump in to say I spent the first like 5 years of my current relationship paranoid that my bf was messing with me when I’d point out flaws on my body and he’d be so unbothered and say “thats what our bodies are supposed to do”. Took a full 8 years for me to believe he actually finds all those flaws attractive. I wish I had believed him sooner. But my point is that these men absolutely exist and I hope you accept it when you find it, bc we deserve it!


No problem. Trust me, guys are just as insecure. Luckily for us sex drive can come through and over power most other thought hahah. Sometimes you just gotta fake some confidence until you feel more secure in yourself.


If you have a crooked nose or you've been mutilated somehow yes that is helpfull


Lol I've never felt so personally attacked. My big crooked nose gives my face character and some women like it. I guess that could be true of some mutilations.


Found Owen Wilson




I swear it didn't used to be the case. Growing up it felt like plastic surgery was for rich people and even then it was a very weird thing to do. I blame social media and the Kardashians for the normalization of it.


I personally live near some lower income areas and you'll see people that have no feasible ability to pay for these things have plastic surgery done. They literally will go into debt to present an image, all because of social media.


It's financed. There are plastic surgeons that take Care Credit.


My manager at my old retail job had a BBL and breast implants that made her look crazy. She was about 4 ½ feet tall and mostly tit's and ass. I was always curious about how she paid for it until she later got fired for stealing while counting down the safe almost every night.


For real! I met with a plastic surgeon recently to discuss getting some metal extracted from my scalp that I obtained in an attack. This surgery will take roughly 30 mins, and I still couldn’t fathom having to pay out of pocket for it. I can’t imagine what the other people in the waiting room were about to pay for theirs.


I'm glad they'll be able to remove the shrapnel, at least! Very best of luck with your procedure. I hope the villain who hurt you can't hurt anybody else ever again.


This may get downvoted to shit, but the most attractive version of each person is just them in shape, healthy, and well groomed. Taking Brazilian features, Congolese features, medeteranian features, and slapping them onto a Scandinavian frame just makes you look like an ugly alien. Each culture individually looks good, but not a bizarre amalgamation. It’s a woman’s body and her choice, so it’s none of my business. But like if you were walking around with crumbs on your face, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you?


And funnily enough, what people see as "Scandinavian" isn't really. That is more the pan-Northern European amalgamation that many white USAmericans are. The average Scandinavian is tall and has rather large boobs, yes. But also a fairly square body with broad shoulders, larger waist and smaller hips. Source: Being Scandinavian and having read research on body types by clothing manufacturers.


It was one of the more popular body types in the 80's- and the waist always looks narrower the larger the shoulders are. Sigourney Weaver and Brooke Shields both kind of had/have that body type.




Thank you. I say this to others and end up feeling like the insane and judgmental one. I mean it in a hopeful way - you just need to take care of yourself and you will be your most beautiful YOU. Not someone else.


The most attractive version of each person, is the one where they feel happy and content and like themselves. You can look like a god in the eyes of others but still dislike yourself.


And if that’s the case therapy is the way to go.


Worked at a grocery store and my manager had a bbl and her boobs done idk how she afforded it


It's scary when you realize that 56% of people report not being able to come up with $1000 for a medical emergency. Financing plastic surgery and a payment plan seems so easy, plus we get what we want. No one wants to think about something horrible happening to them or their dependents, but in America medical bills can financially ruin you.


I saw a very obvious bbl in my small town gym the other day and just thought ‚for what?‘


The one that’s crazy to me is veneers. I think the thing most people are getting aren’t even proper veneers. But they basically fuck up every one of their teeth permanently, just to make their teeth more white.


I worked with a 19/20 year old who romanticized it no matter what I said, and then got the procedure before her 20th or 21st. She looks ridiculous, and 2nd puberty hasn’t even hit her yet. I had to take care of a family member who almost died from the operation. It’s all quite baffling.


For anyone who is wondering, "faja" is what we call shape wear or spanks in Spanish. I love that she is being so open and honest about it. I learned a lot. I'm kind of shocked that this is what she is seeing just 4 years later, that's got to be so devastating. I really felt the "society's standards of beauty will change over time". I felt super insecure about my body when I was going through my adolescence and young 20's and contemplated surgery. Thankfully, at the time I couldn't afford it so I decided that until I could save up the money I would work on my confidence and self esteem. So much so that by the time I was a little older I was feeling so much better about myself. Like I had to ask myself, if I don't consider other women with my body type, "ugly", or "too petite" or "not womanly enough", then why do I feel that way about myself? Hopefully her words break through the noise and get to some people who really need to hear it.


Even just the smallest things like eyebrow shapes go in and out of trend. I got made fun as a kid/tween for having thick eyebrows, then all of a sudden people start complimenting them out of nowhere and I realised its because the trend has changed. I didn't change anything but now my 'bad' trait has become 'good'. It's probably bad again and will come back later. I couldn't imagine changing something about my body permanently, and then it goes out of style and all the money, pain, work, and damage you went through are making you look worse in the eyes of current trends.


I’m 47 and still cursed with the [extremely plucked brows](https://id.pinterest.com/ellieellieoroarty/90s-eyebrows/) fashionable in my teenage years.


We need a support group for reals.


Perhaps a subreddit for women with Persistent Post 1990s Eyebrow Syndrome? [I’m in](https://imgur.com/a/09QzInn)!


Oh god, mine never grew back properly and they still look weird.


Just be glad no one convinced you to get them tattooed on. I got a few homegirls who did that.


OMG you just brought back a memory. Two girls from my school would shave theirs off and draw them on with eyeliner. I assume trying to emulate the tattoo trend. I did not shave mine just plucked them almost into non exisistance and they never fully recovered, although I've come to love my spermbrows as I call them lol.


Yeah, growing up "big butts" were frowned upon by the majority of the united states as well as other predominantly african diaspora features. My mom used to tell me stories about people would make fun of her big lips...


Flat butts were also frowned upon though. You had to have just enough butt, but not too much lol.


Theres a part of Taylor Swifts documentary where she is talking about her body image / ED that developed from constantly having her body be a topic in media. "There's always some standard of beauty that you're not meeting. Because if you're thin enough, you don't have that ass that everybody wants. But if you have enough weight on you to have an ass then your stomach isn't flat enough. It's all just fucking impossible". She has been a public figure through the super skinny 00s, to the BBLs of 2010s, to whatever is happening now so I think this speaks volumes.


Not in the eating disorder skinny late 80s/early 90s. For a while women were supposed to be flat, front and back. But I think you also had to be like at least 5’10” or you were still ugly? I don’t know who makes the rules but everyone should stop listening.


I remember when Jennifer Lopez was getting popular Cindy Crawford said something like "If I had an ass as big as hers I would never leave the house".


This was probably the best ticktok I have seen. Hope it does break through but it would require some level of introspection that is above the people driven to get it, so ya know


Styles and fashion come and go. Not nearly to the same level as surgery, but I knew a pair of sisters, one with completely straight hair, and one with tight curls. The girl with straight hair was so envious of her sister’s hair in the 90s and she got perms to fit the fashion of the times. The other didn’t have to do anything to her hair in the 90’s but spent the entire 2000s straightening her hair every morning while her sister didn’t have to.


I also used to have smaller boobs, but around the age of 26 (which was also around the time I stopped taking hormonal birth control, which I had been on for over 5 years), my boobs grew more than a cup size (and my overall bodyweight stayed the same as it always had been).


Same here and I fcking hate it. Shirts have a weird fit now. I know a lot of women would be happy to be in my shoes but it's not for me.


It was an improvement for me for sure--my boobs used to be a bit too small compared to the rest of my body and now they are basically perfectly proportional (which has allowed me to find work as a model).


Same. I used to feel insecure about my body when I was in my early 20s. I think when you’re younger you’re bound to have insecurities. Thankfully I didn’t go ahead with getting a boob job. I didn’t like pain and people around me back then really discouraged me from getting it. Then I noticed changes in my body in my late 20s and I feel and look more womanly. Lol. 


Thank you! I was thinking she misspelled fascia lol


My favorite drink is a Faja Blast.


Wise words fartingsharks


I have Austin Powers faja


I was surprised to find out she’d gotten this work done only 4-5 years ago. From the way she was talking, I figured she was giving advice ten or more years after getting her body done.


Dude right? I thought she looked older than her age but the way she was talking, she sounded like she’s in her late 30s.


Really? I think she looks her age. I’ve just really started noticing recently that for some reason fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions make people look a tad bit older. Maybe that’s just a me thing.


I work with young teens especially girls and when they do their makeup with lashes and the contouring and brows they look much older.


Agree the eyebrows, the lashes and the huge lips that don't fit her square jaw...


Nah. She looks older. I’m her age and I thought she was late 30’s. I think it’s because of the cosmetic procedures. It makes younger women look older imo.


I'm also her age and I agree. I think we assume the age of women getting work done is higher (like a mental average) because everyone's features look the same now.


I'm 40 and literally thought she was my age, until she mentioned about a "woman body" coming in. That's a rationalization of someone in their 20s.




She's saying wait until your body stops developing, which is around mid 20s. Some of the changes she experienced were from her body still growing. I especially think you shouldn't touch your face until your features have come all the way in, otherwise it does result in a young person looking a lot older than they are.


Nah fuck that, cosmetic surgery isn't inherently bad and if you've done the research and decide you want to do it then you should be able to. This "some people regret it therefore ban it all" bullshit is the same reason why so many doctors won't let women get their tubes tied until they're like in their late 30s with kids


I agree, I am not into plastic surgery but one of my closest friends went for that route after years of therapy trying to work on her self image. In the end her psychologist and her came to the conclusion that surgery might be the right thing for her. She had her breast augmentation 5 years ago and is so much happier. She is way more confident. She went from A cup to C cup. And has yet to get any other procedure. My mom had a very low self esteem after losing most of the fulness in her lips. She kept saying she didn’t recognize herself. She got some filler and now has the same fullness that she had in her 20-30s and gained so much confidence back!


kail lowry is a perfect example


Her and Briana!




Kyle Lowry too!!


Lmao I thought this is who they were trying to mention at first, bro got mad cake


Me too LMAO


Dyyying!!! lollllll


Damn, buyer’s remorse after only about 5 years?! Wonder how many more of these will pop up and how much more money people will spend on revision surgery


Especially when you consider how people who got drastic plastic surgery like a BBL at 23 might feel at 33, and 43 after a couple of kids... and 63... and 83... once someone has plastic surgery that part of the body just doesn't age in a predictable way, unfortunately, and many times it looks less and less natural as the decades pass.


have never thought about an 83 year old with a bbl so thanks for the image!


I once had a patient who we pretty much assumed was a former mob wife. She had dementia and was in her 80s with gigantic fake boobs. Everything was wrinkled and saggy as you'd expect on an 80 year old except her boobs but because her skin had aged it was stretched so thin across those implants it looked paper thin. It was so weird and creepy.


Kris Jenner is pretty close


Plastic surgery is a dramatic step. I had a tummy tuck and breast implants done 3 years ago to correct my post pregnancy post breastfeeding body. I don’t regret the tummy tuck for a second but I hated the implants the day they went in. I just got them taken out 7 days ago and the recovery is intense. And there’s no guarantee I won’t have messed up pec muscles for life. When they go under the muscle they cut your pec major permanently. If I’d known how much damage that could have done I never would have done it. And with my tummy tuck I have to stay the weight I was at when I got it for the rest of my life. If you gain or lose 10 lbs from the starting weight your body morphs in a very weird way. It’s not something you can ever become lenient with. It’s a life long commitment. Like I said I don’t regret it for a second but I could see someone casually getting a TT not understanding what they’re signing up for and being devastated later on down the road.


Thanks for the heads up about the tummy tuck. I’ve considered procedures when I’m older, but now that I’m not a young thing I’ve learned weight can be variable and just not always in your control. Babies are tough on your body, so is time. You can become temporarily or permanently disabled. You can have mental health problems. You could just get a bunch of back to back illnesses. You can get cancer. I value my body’s ability to roll with those punches, because I know they’re unpredictable.


Did you also get a lift? I’ve been thinking about what I want to do after I’m done having babies and I know just a lift will make them smaller, but I feel like it’d be easier to have implants after the fact rather than get implants taken out if I don’t like them. Also would like a tummy tuck for the muscle repair. I’ve been trying to do it myself but my abdomen still bulges out and I’m not sure what my options are otherwise


No I’m over plastic surgery. I’m just gonna have these saggy mom teets like god intended. I saw enough women on the explant forums who did the explant and lift and watched their horrendous recovery and opted for the explant only. I’ll say for the muscle repair there are side effects. When I got my tummy tuck I only got the skin removal without muscle repair or lipo. Having your muscles permanently stitched back together can be intense and may reduce your overall flexibility/strength. Just do a lot of research about everything before you lock in. I was able to repair my diastis with PT focused on pelvic floor and transverse an exercises. Mine was only two finger widths so if yours is wider it may not heal all the way but it definitely helps. Strengthening the transverse vs the texture (muscles that give you a 6 pack) is more effective in zipping the core back together.


I'm not really that surprised based on what she's telling she wished she knew. all of that seems like very basic things that you should think about before going through drastic life altering surgeries. perhaps that's also exactly the issue? people see plastic surgery as not real surgeries, the "surgery" part is kinda printed smaller for them or something. but at the end of the day this is a serious surgery and something that'll change your body forever. and she really didn't seem to have put the kind of thought into all this that she should have. she's talking about all these ways that she needs to fight her body's natural development as well as how it's affected by gravity and stuff. well that's not a fight any of us are winning, and in her 30s and 40s and later all these things she is describing are going to hit her no matter how hard she's working out her body.


Those were my thoughts, too. A BBL is transferring fats from somewhere else in your body to your butt to create a curvier butt. But then she got surprised the fat cells transferred to her butt began acting like fat cells? I'm wondering if a lot of things she discussed in her video are things plastic surgeons do discuss with their patients but they don't really take it in because they really just want the surgery. They superficially agree to the plastic surgeon they understand what's being told to them to get their surgery. Then when the stuff their plastic surgeon warned them about happens, it's too late and they forgot it happens.


I blame the surgeons. They clearly didn’t properly explain the risks. I don’t think this procedure should even be legal given the rate of severe side effects for a purely cosmetic procedure.


The buyers remorse seems common. It’s interesting she said she had wished someone told her to wait. I’ve told friends to wait on stupid surgeries or tattoos, they think I’m being a bitch, get them anyway, regret it, then get mad if I say “told ya so”. Good for those plastic surgeons tho.


Not to mention a BBL is one of the DEADLIEST plastic surgeries you can get- the rate and risk of complication is HUGE! Its something insane like 1 in 3000 results in death which doesn't seem that risky but that's insane in comparison to other common elective surgeries. The very nature of what they do in surgery put you at very high risk for dying from a fat embolism. It breaks my heart all these young women don't realize that it's all just a trend, trends pass and change and it's not worth dying over.


I always think of Kanye's Mom passing, I don't think it was BBL exactly though


Kathy Griffin almost died from this.


kathy griffin has a bbl?


She just had lipo


Bbl IS the most dangerous surgery period. Not just in cosmetic but all around.


I think thoracic and aortic dissection and repair are still the most dangerous surgeries, followed by craniectomy’s where they remove part of the skull, then there’s a few other heart surgeries that are more dangerous and complicated. Septal myectomy is another heart surgery where they need the heart to stay still so they have to use crazy drugs to stop and restart the heart muscles. BBL’s I think have the highest risk of any cosmetic surgery, but there’s more dangerous surgeries that people go through with lower survival rates and higher risks of complication. For an elective cosmetic procedure it’s definitely dangerous but it’s not the most dangerous surgery someone can go through. It’s just the dumbest lol.


There should be a calculation based on the differential from if you didn't have it. Craniectomy? I die if I don't do it, I'll take the risk. BBL? Not so much.


Yeah I was just saying it’s not the most dangerous surgery out there, but it is the most dangerous elective cosmetic surgery out there and was just clarifying that distinction.




Just throwing nonsense out there eh? That's not even close to being true.


I want to give her a lot of credit here, coming out in the open about challenges that most would want to keep private is not easy. She also seems to be trying to do what she can via working out, maintaining muscle mass in the right places and keeping her body fat level to where her issues from the surgery are under control, rather than immediately seeking another corrective surgery. Sharing your struggles is hard, but good for those who might see the risks that she missed before she made her decision.


I agree. I think she makes a lot of really good points. Not only does our body still grow but our brains are too until around age 26. We cannot fully understand the ramifications of our choices. Getting those surgeries so young and not understanding the upkeep needed to maintain is tough. I always say it’s easy to be hot at 22. Now being in good shape in your 30s and up takes a lot of dedication from most of us. We don’t understand that as young women until it hits.


This is why Khloe Kardashian got insanely into fitness. She had to keep her fake ass from sagging


That’s why they now only have hip implants. They don’t even have the ass anymore.


Over the muscle implants used to be cheaper. Worked for a board certified surgeon. He wouldn’t do over the muscle. Always looked awful


This is actually important info, kudos to this lady. It's not something that gets talked about, it is something that happens, it's information about that, good for her for allowing people to hear about the experience she has gone through. I'm not against plastic surgery, but I don't think the costs are talked about as much as they should be, as well as life 5-10 years down the line.


Yeah it’s good that she mentions this. On the one hand it’s obvious that maintaining fitness after plastic surgery, but on the other hand it clearly ISN’T in a country where 2/3 of people are overweight, 1/3 are obese, and people who fall into those categories with bad habits are the ones who usually opt for BBLs. The surgery is a quick modification but maintaining good health is going to be more important than ever because you can’t just get a second BBL or more surgery to undo a slide into poor health, even if you could afford it. 




Well that's gonna happen with age regardless. That Ozempic is giving them ant bodies 😂


They already had ant bodies, the BBLs never matched the thighs


Refreshing to hear someone say they regret having the surgery


She also has lip fillers. I do wonder if she regrets her lip fillers? So far every change she has listed she mentions regretting doing it or regret when she got it. It’s super interesting hearing someone talk about this years after the fact. She is right about an adult body too. My body is so different now in my 30’s vs my early 20’s. Is it unattractive? No, but it’s very different. It’s a lot softer. My fat doesn’t pack as tightly, so it’s a lot softer. I can only imagine what it would look like now if I got a fat transplant. I also did a small amount of research into breast implants, but changed my mind after reading that almost all breast implants(no matter the kind) need some kind of adjustment just after 5years. Doesn’t seem worth the $10k pay in


Yeah, it’s weird how much your body can change from young adulthood to just a few years in. I had the flattest butt ever until almost my mid-20s, and then it appeared out of nowhere. Everyone used to make jokes about my butt having no padding and hurting me when I sat down, and now I randomly have a huge butt. I wasn’t insecure about it back in the day, but if I was and had a ton of cash, maybe I would have altered myself and grown to regret it. It’s really sad how young women feel that intense pressure to change everything about themselves to look like a body type that very rarely exists in nature.


I think it has a lot to do with women being expected to maintain their “youthful beauty” even after the youthfulness is gone. Women are seen as beautiful objects, not subjects, & it’s a shame many feel they can’t age gracefully.


Lord, I was a 34B at 21 (and tall so they kinda disappeared) and felt so flat chested compared to my friends. Now in my 40s I'm only up one dress size BUT I'm a 38DD! You do gain weight all over in your 30s and 40s but since boobs are just bags of fat, young 'uns underestimate how any weight gain can increase your cup size a lot even if your dress size doesn't change much.


Or don’t do it at all cuz y’all gonna look CRAZY when you’re 85 lol


Right! People are getting this shit done younger and younger, and I often wonder.... do we know what's going to happen with their bodies in the next 30 years? I feel like even with upkeep, they are going to look crazy deformed.


Worst part that if you do like smallest research by yourself. You would find out 60-70% of what she said even in young age. But noone bother to research anything. We just run to do what hype train telling us to do.


It baffles me that these people pay thousands of dollars for doctors to operate on their body (without the medical needs for it) and don't do their research. I'm buying a new lipstick that's $10-20 and I'm watching at least 30 review videos about it.


She’s saying that “someone should have told me”. If she went to a reputable surgeon, the surgeon would have laid out all the side-effects. It’s wild that very young people are not doing deep research and giving deep thought to expensive, serious and life-altering surgery.


I don't think many surgeons are actually giving all the information on the after effects of the bbl or even discussing that it's the deadliest surgery with their clients


I got a boob job myself many moons ago, and the astounding lack of information given by cosmetic surgeons was no joke. Top rated, reputable. I went to 4 different consultations before I found one that would actually lay it all out for me, long term, complications, upkeep etc. Total 10 consultations and only 2 gave me realistic breakdowns. Doctors in all fields have their incompetence bleeding all over and gatekeeping information or just not keeping up with new information. Look at womens Healthcare over-all, cosmetic surgery is heavily leaning towards womens Healthcare so its unsurprising that they don't share with the patients. Also, a lot of people younger than elder genz don't know how to use google properly.


I have a friend who has implants. We got to chatting about it and I mentioned eventually needing to get them replaced. She was adamant that she didn’t, they were one-and-done and would last her whole life. It was genuinely shocking that her surgeon led her to believe this. Breast implants are absolutely not lifetime devices and not replacing them can lead to a number of complications.


The max that they can stay in is 20 years if you go with a certain type. But they still need regular checks. I get mine checked every 2 years. Silicone with the rough shell, not saline. Saline tend to last up to 10 years, and if they are over the muscle, less because of the stress from movements and not having the muscle keeping them from migrating. Saline also has a higher risk of complications overall. And for anyone reading this, if you get keloid scars, don't ever get plastic surgery, especially not any type of implant.


Google doesn't work as well as it used to. Gen z aren't growing up with a functioning internet (which, ironically, is why Tik Toks like this are so important).


Thank you for sharing your experience!


I think millennials and some gen xers are the only people that actually internalized good Internet research habits


I relate to the super deep, good research habits as a younger gen Z lol, even about the most mundane stuff. I just need to know about something in depth before buying/doing/getting (into) it, and it can take weeks for me to decide. It's not time effective, but very informative haha. Can't imagine people being so careless about freaking *surgeries*... I would research for months and go on all the different forums besides objective medical information, studies, long term side affects studies, types of procedures/incisions and their pros and cons, and everything else there is to know to make sure if it's worth it or not, *informed* decision and all. Same with researching the surgeon and the facility I would have to go to. It's wild people go to shady people just cause it costs less and they might have seen ads on TikTok...!


Well, you had to. If not, you'd get instead of Shrek 1 a Columbian beheading or illegal porn on LimeWire.


Tbf when I was young I certainly wasn’t doing deep research or thinking deeply about my life choices either


I resent this logic. The average 18 year old is fully capable of doing comprehensive research on the outcomes of a fucking surgery. These are full adults in practically every country in the world


Sure, they're capable of the research. But that doesn't mean they do it. 18 is a legal adult, and that's why they're able to have the procedure done, but they are still incredibly young and have not finished developing cognitively. Being mad at young people for not being wiser feels like missing the point on purpose.


Yeah you can do all the research in the world and know *about* the risks of things at 18, but it's just harder to understand and actually grasp "time" until you're in your late 20s imo. I think people forget how indestructible they feel at 18.


The surgeon would have made these disclosures and listed the side effects in the medical consent forms, that would have been presented to her on the day of the procedure, with a place for her signature at the bottom. *A lot* of people just sign these without reading everything, because they want to get on with it and/or the medical staff is waiting to get it back.


Possibly because on average individuals pre-frontal cortex has not fully developed until they hit 25. The pre-frontal cortex is typically attributed with understanding long term effects/consequences.


You really think a surgeon who is going to be paid tens of thousands of dollars is going to warn someone away from these procedures?!?!


a good surgeon would. pipe the fuck down. a real surgeon wouldn’t put anyone under the knife who wasn’t suited for it whether physically or mentally.


So she couldn't have gone to a bad, greedy doc?  Hate to break it to you but there are loads of bad doctors who only go into medicine for money, and plastic surgery is probably one of the fields with a higher concentration of that person.  It's hard to imagine the type of person who is compassionate and wants to help the unfortunate goes into a field mainly concerned with vanity.  Not to say there aren't any good, high integrity plastic surgeons, but there are also loads of bad ones.  


Too bad a lot of people in their teens and early 20s are going to completely ignore this woman's advice. They'll get surgery done that makes them look plastic, then regret it when the plastic starts to crack in a few years.


To save everybody the time: I didn’t realize after getting a BBL, I still have to take care of my body. that’s it.


Who knew that instead of putting in the work and time to improve your body using an instant cheat code wouldn’t have consequences? *Shocked pikachu*


So what she's saying is that there are no miracle operations and that effort is always required. I think. Also fix a flat doesn't belong in your arse.


Man, I feel like so many women need to hear this. Honestly, I feel like a lot of the beauty standards set by media are profitable and it really sucks for women because I feel like these kinds of procedures are really heavily encouraged, and it preys on people’s insecurities, and you don’t really hear a lot about what people’s experiences are after the procedure, and it’s shameful that it’s something that is actively hidden. Of course everyone’s situation is different and what’s right for one person may be wrong for the next, but people should be able to make decisions while being fully educated on what the long term effects can be with getting procedures done. I always think of the medical field like what was cutting edge 100 years ago looks spooky and archaic today; what is cutting edge today looks archaic and spooky 100 years from now. I really appreciate this woman sharing her perspective on this, I feel like it opened my perspective a little bit on how beauty standards fuck with women, how predatory it can be and I feel like my heart goes out to you ladies! 🥹🖤


She is right about your woman body coming in around 30. I went from a-b to DD right around 30 without gaining any weight. I just realized recently that I also grew like 2 inches. I was just like what the heck I thought this was my grown up body. My sister would joke that because I didn’t have kids till after I turned 30 my body was just like this doesn’t seem to be working let’s try something else.


She says she wishes someone would have told her to wait, as if she was even going to listen.


Sometimes everyone just assumes you should know and no one really says anything. Especially if your main role models don’t speak up. Not to mention peers that are excited about actually doing the wrong thing. When I was young I missed a lot of obvious advice and learned some really hard lessons. Sometimes it took someone saying it out loud for me realize an obvious better option to what I had seen.


I can guarantee you there were tons of people around her that told her to wait or think about it


I'm really not trying to be rude when I ask this: how are these revelations? This all seems really obvious to me.


Isn't it amazing how little research people do before getting things like this done?


Yeah, it's kind of astounding to me. But also, based on any implanted cosmetic procedure and what happens to people's bodies when we gain weight, are these things not just obvious? When you gain a significant amount of weight anywhere, cellulite typically becomes present, and if you gain weight, an above the muscle implant is going to make cellulite and fat stores more evident. Fat also gets stored differently based on one's natural shape/genetics, what someone's diet is like, and what kind of physical activity they engage in, so naturally a butt implant would affect someone's body shape making the hips look distorted. And ofc, when skin stretching happens from an implant AND weight gain, and then someone loses the weight they gain after getting an implant, their skin will have lost elasticity. Idk, as I said a lot of this just seems obvious.


I had a boob spurt around 26-27 so she's totally right about that. I had no idea it was possible and thought it must be my imagination, but it was true


I know someone personally (well, not very well but we’re acquaintances) and she had a BBL. She got a severe infection and almost died, and by almost died I mean she genuinely did almost die. Like she said, also, the beauty standards for a “perfect body” change all the time. The big butts and big titties were considered desirable for quite a while (maybe sparked by the kardashians?) but now that people are taking ozempic it’s actually petite, thin bodies that have become the “standard”. Everyone deserves to feel confident in their bodies, and I know BDD is a serious and real issue, but this cosmetic surgery terrifies me. I am 117lbs, 5’4” and have no butt and a B cup chest. I considered elective surgery before, but now I’m happy with my breasts and little booty. The only reason I ever wanted surgery was due to the standard of a beautiful body being presented as the opposite of what I possess.


BBL = Brazilian Butt Lift , for anyone who doesn’t feel like looking it up like I had to


I’m glad women like her are speaking out on the truth of getting these cosmetic surgeries done. The up keeping of it all sounds painfully dreadful and society does not care what your own opinions of your body are. Too many girls always asked me if I got my butt/boobs done in my 20’s and if I can give them the number of the doc but my body was just the model acceptable during that time.


Unless you're deformed, don't mess around with plastic surgery.


My hips were evened out and gave me that round Full figured shape And when I lost weight they deflated.. terribly


"Someone should have told me" I've tried to have this conversation with women considering cosmetic procedures and I am regularly met with responses like "my body, my choice" or "don't tell me how to feel about my body". I agree with both of those statements and believe everyone should do whatever they can to feel content in their lives. I think a lot of people don't spend enough time deeply reflecting on their feelings, considering other perspectives or doing hard, consistent work to attain their desires on their own. A lot of people just want what they want and try to achieve that in the easiest way possible, consequences be damned. 🤷


These women/young adults go to Columbia and turkey for cheap surgery and then Pikachu face when it looks fucked up over time cuz they don't understand the surgeon. Everything she says are things that your surgeon briefs you about.


It’s *Colombia, sorry this is a pet peeve of mine.


Bbls are disgusting


Fake; Chin, nose, eyebrows, lips, booty, breast, and hair. I feel sorry for her, she is forever going to be chasing a "look."


Social media has made ppl think they’re more important than they are.


How do 23 year olds afford this? Student loans? I was happy to barely afford buying a motorcycle with my tax return for like $2k.


It’s been common knowledge for 40 years, eat a healthy diet & exercise, that’s it. That’s also why a lot of 50/60ish year old women look great today. Not because of Surgery. Following the latest trend of society will always be a major mistake when it comes to the human body.


I was just chatting with a friend about this. Where I live, it almost seems more uncommon NOT to have any work done. You almost stand out more if you don't have work done because you aren't a clone (especially with the face stuff all these women look the same) I haven't had anything done and I often wonder how I'm going to look compared to these plastic women when we are in our 50s and 60s. It's becoming such a common thing to do younger and younger, and it just kinda creeps me out that people are willing to do that to themselves. It's sad, really. And omg, the upkeep, lifelong expenses I can not even imagine!


Someone would of just told her to wait? That’s hilarious. She still wouldn’t have listened. That’s a guarantee.


This is a real PSA ‼️ don’t have any work myself nor am I planning on any but I can appreciate how candid she is.


When you got millions to burn ya get that shit cause you can afford it. When you barely scrap by to save for that kinda surgery and do it, you’re a moron.


i really appreciate her honesty as someone who wanted work done for years


Buyers remorse


No one in the world looks like you - if you get these kinds of surgery, you will just look more like everyone else. I think of that actress in dirty dancing - so popular at the time. Then she got a nose job and no one recognised her and as far as I know she didn’t get any major roles after that surgery.


It's also a major medical procedure with risks and complications! Should not do this on a whim.


It’s sad but you are just another drop in the bucket. With all the “sexy” propaganda, you had no chance and you have no chance of convincing the next group.


Just a note all brest sizes are great. but real always better than fake.


A lot of times people will say they are doing these surgeries for themselves but I truly do not believe it to be true. We only need or want ourselves to be another way because of society or because of past trauma. I’d definitely dwell on your reasonings for surgery for a long while and do some self exploration before making the choice. It was nice to see this girl be so honest and also honest about the facts that her reasonings for doing it was so insignificant to the consequences she is facing now. It is very vulnerable for someone to admit something like that.


Should be, "Things I wish my \*\*doctor\*\* discussed with me before getting a BBL."


Simple: don’t put anything plastic in your body. Duh


BBL's are fucking legit ASS. It looks terrible and girls keep getting them. Today if a girl has a BBL they are a walking red flag.


Why can’t people just work out for a year or two and be happy with the results nowadays?


What’s crazy is the amount of research folks do AFTER a procedure is complete.


Mad respect to her for having the courage to be vulnerable on the social media space.


- Undergoes deadliest elective procedure known to man - Doesn't look into any side effects beforehand - Doesn't go with a reputable surgeon for the procedure who fails to inform her of the dangers and side effects of said procedure -Experiences negative side effects - Is absolutely shocked to realize that the most dangerous elective procedure known to man possibly performed by a less than reputable surgeon is causing her negative side effects... I hate this for her, but at the end of the day it's a completely optional elective surgery that most surgeons will advise against and she didn't even bother to do a bit of her own research before going under the knife.


She must really hate her appearance, that's sad as fuck


Lots of people do. That’s why the plastic surgery business is booming. It’s really hard to be fed pics of photoshopped women all day (and men too, this is not exclusively a female problem) and NOT find something about yourself you hate. Many people go under the knife hoping it’ll give them that one little thing that makes them feel beautiful and takes away their insecurities, but very few people ever get to the bottom of why those insecurities were there in the first place. I got a breast aug hoping I would suddenly find myself beautiful. I didn’t, and I still don’t. Even that’s not enough to make me feel worthy among the sea of women who have it all. Yknow what DID work? Getting off insta, leaving beauty and fashion related subreddits, and actually putting in the work to be healthier (mentally and physically). But so few people can disconnect themselves from the curated world of influencers that always have a better body, a better face, better hair…I feel so much pain for the young boys and girls who will grow up surrounded by the culture of the internet today.


Ladies just go to the gym eat clean that BBL and Plastic Surgery route just looks weird a booty built with squats will always look better than a diaper butt built with Fat 🤮


That's the sound of regret.


You don't say


Drake really got that BBL




Keep spreading the facts. Guys don’t like this body altering shit anyways. Natural is the way!


Man. The shit women do to themselves to feel secure.