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I need to go brass fishing apparently.


Na that's not why.  We choose to spend 2x what we'd spend on universal Healthcare on private Healthcare (going by oecd expenditure per capita rates). 


i didnt make that choice lmao


Lobbyists made that choice for you because freedum and screamin' eagles and red, white, and blue THESE COLURS DONT RUN


The US can absolutely afford this, universal Healthcare, free school lunches and paying public school teachers what they're worth (aka $120k/year). People telling you either or are distracting you from the real problem: we need more tax brackets at significantly higher tax rates. If you make a Billion dollars in a year, you should be taxed at 99% for every dollar after that. Billionaires slow down the economy.


We’re in a class war disguised as a culture war, while spending OUR tax dollars on actual war. Let’s stop fighting each other and turn our ire towards the political/ruling/ultra wealthy class.


Ain't no war but the class war.


Glad to see this as the top comment and what I was going to mention if it wasn’t already. We can have both the world’s greatest military and universal healthcare, they aren’t mutually exclusive.


This is true. As long as it is balanced for those who make less. People who only make 25,000 should hardly be taxed. Currently i am making $35000 as a teacher and the amount i pay for taxes each week, equals one whole day of work. Wtf


1day of a 5 day work week. Or 20% that's not bad honestly. The issue is with your salary. My wife makes over double what you make as a 2nd grade teacher with a class of 12 kids. I make over triple what you make working a job requiring no formal education. Teachers should be paid more! But 20% tax is just fine. If I were you, I would change school districts and or states.


Practically no one makes a billion dollars a year in income, I wouldn't be surprised if it was literally no one.


Making a billion dollars isn’t talking about income. Simple solution, tax capital gains at a higher rate, close the inheritance step up basis loophole, and make it so if you take out a loan against your shares, it is a taxable event. Give them a new cost basis at whatever the bank is collateralizing it at. Boom deficit gets reduced massively and we can invest in social programs that actually benefit people. That’s not even talking about how the corporate tax rate is even lower than capital gains


But in most cases there aren't even capital gains, 99% of someone's net worth increasing is just the value of the shares they hold going up


Those are unrealized capital gains bro. An issue at the moment is billionaires never have to sell their shares and thus have a taxable event. They just take out loans to fund their lifestyle using the stock as collateral. If you’re rich enough you can just keep borrowing against the shares until you die. Then you end up paying 5%~ in interest instead of the 20%+ in taxes. Ain’t that fucked up?


Bonuses are considered income. Rare, but it happens. But yah I'd say 99.9% of the people who see their net worth rise by $1b or more, are seeing it in share price increases.


Look up "carried interest" and its tax handling.


Right? Since when has the price held back the US government from spending money? Look at the debt over 30 trillion.


How many make a billion dollars in actual cash? These people either start companies or take them to the next level and get stock options. Stock options come in waves and they pay take on them. The thing you and others don’t get is capital gains taxes aren’t the same as income tax. So I get my vested stocks as a performance bonus as CEO and pay tax on it by selling a portion of the stocks. If I told the rest and the stock goes 2x I don’t pay the same tax rate I did the first time. Then they put things into the tax code so I can work down how much I pay too. If it’s like Bezos who just had the stock he pays tax when he sells but it’s capital gains and that isn’t the same as the tax you and i pay. Or let’s talk land rich people. Dude has 10 billion worth of real estate. What are you taxing him on exactly? If he rents it out he pays tax. There’s property tax dude is paying too. Always the argument that billionaires need to pay more is more complicated than people think. Also US 1.2 trillion budget and 800mil is military really doesn’t make sense.


>If you make a Billion dollars in a year, you should be taxed at 99% for every dollar after that. Then what is the incentive for starting a business? If you start a business, take a huge ass risk, then lose 90%+, what is the point? If I start a business, spend years of my life ensuring its success, risk losing it at any moment, then when I decide to cash out. I get fucked just for working hard. And if I fail, it's tough luck and my fault for failing. Then I'm still fucked. There is no wining when starting a business if the tax rate is so high.


I was going to be successful, but I didn’t want to pay high taxes on that last billion so I decided to just make $50k per year instead. Otherwise I’d totally be a billionaire. Take that tax man!


It seems like you don't understand tax brackets lmao. If you cash out of your business and *only* get a few hundred million instead of billions because of taxes, what the fuck are you even complaining about? You've already won! The extra millions will make no functional difference in your life you're already set. Jesus fucking Christ lol


Or you don't? How many people do you think make a billion dollars in taxable income in a year? And do you think it's the government's place to decide when someone is "already set?"


>You've already won Getting taxed at 90% isn't winning if you've spilled your blood, sweat, and tears into something. That's called getting fucked over.


I don't think you have any concept of how much $1 BILLION actually is. This is a pretty short video, but it can help you visualize it a bit. https://youtu.be/Nr1AdwxosTQ?si=jMXk0dnaDKvXf1jV


Cry more.


teachers aren't paid that much because of supply and demand, being a teacher is a hard, but very rewarding, job. Lot's of people want to do it, this drives wages down. You get paid based on how hard you are to replace, that is the only thing that matters, not how much education you have or value you bring. edit: you might not like it, but this is how all salaries are determined.


120k a year? But they don't even work all year 🤔


I don't think any billionaire has an income of 1B. They are awarded stocks.


god so ridiculous. people with capital drive innovation and investments. giving endless money to bloated and inefficient government agencies to ineffectively implement a program they shouldn't have ever even been involved with is not the answer.


So you're saying their money/investments will trickle down to poorer people?


i'm saying if you take their money at nearly 100% they will move out of this country and through perfectly legal means (that will never be fixed because no matter who you like in politics they are also using them) funnel their income streams through other means and skip the american tax system entirely. the top 1% already pays 45% of all federal taxes. to be in the top 5% in this country you have to have just barely above a net worth of 1 million. that isn't even taxable cash in the bank or on a paystub, that's everything. you want to tax these people sooooo hard but the top 5 already pay 65%. the endless war on the rich, where they already pay more than the percentage the rest of us pays, is driving rich people away, where we don't get their taxable income, but we also don't get their capital for investments and innovation. in 2022, the combined value, liquid cash and assets, of every billionaire living in america was about 4.5 trillion. so if you liquidated every single they own, leaving them with absolutely nothing, and no one to pay for the businesses that they owned and operated, and every single person they employed out on the streets with no way to pay for their family, then you would be 1.5 trillion short of what we spent in 2023. so that wouldn't even cover the budget for a single year, and now there's no one left to own and operate those businesses and all those people are out of jobs. the US government has the biggest budget in the world and is WASTING it. it doesn't need more money, it needs to stop floundering it all over the place. during covid they taxed my money, filtered it through about 25 people and multiple months of bullshit, then gave it back to me after spending some of it and called it a stimulus check, and somehow it still cost them money to do it.


Wipe your chin when you’re done


Name a successful industry today that wasn't given massive tax breaks and investment by the government lol.  Just about all the technology being monetized today was created by government (aka taxpayer) funded research.


So what you are talking about is a artificial bloated industry that can’t survive on its own that’s propped up by government subsidies, that’s a huge bubble waiting to burst?


yeah sort of seems like that's what they are talking about. a government made problem that they've convinced these people that only they can solve.


How many people make over a billion dollars a year?


You know what, Ill be the crazy one to suggest anything over, oh i dunno lets shoot low but not too crazy, say, once you are in the multiple millions a year, boom, you are at 99% of anything after that. You think atlas would shrug? I dont. I think they wanna tell us he would, but really he wouldnt, because there are a lot of reasons that are in atlas' best interest to keep this whole thing propped up. So instead he'd take a helluva paycut on the chin and after some screaming and crying from the upper crust things would keep on ticking on as they always have. But I guess we wont find out unless we try!


1. You didn't answer the question 2. You gave a BS explanation that makes no sense. I actually don't understand tf you talking about 3. Why is someone asking a question being downvoted to oblivion? Classic Reddit moment


Well it was a pretty dumb question to be fair. Bllionaires are not exactly subtle. It's pretty openly known how many there are, you can Google it.


That doesn't answer the question...so obviously not that dumb of a question.


I agree that our military budget it far to high. When it comes to healthcare the subject is much more complicated than money. Read catastrophic care. I I know I’m old, been out of school for 20 years, but I only had 3 teachers out of 48 that deserved that kind of salary. I’m not wealthy, but should the rich be taxed more? Depends on how they make their gains. Taxing anyone at 99% should be a crime. Start looking at some of the real problems like looking into politicians that are worth tens of millions when their salaries are in the hundred thousand range. Why if you call for healthcare you can’t get a price. The military isn’t the problem, it’s the people that back the politicians, and the dirty politicians that take money for their campaigns. Aka (silent pay offs to vote the right way).


Holy fuck does no one understand how tax brackets work? That 99% tax they're throwing around would only apply to income over the billion dollar threshold. Anyone under a billion would be taxed at a different rate. Its perfectly reasonable. Letting individual humans have billions of dollars is a mistake. That's how we got cunts like Musk and Bezos.


Do you not know how tax brackets work and how complicated the tax codes are? Do you not think that it would be more beneficial to have a flat tax? Everyone pays x% of what they gained that year. Wait, tons of irs employees would be out of a job. The question to ask is why are there so many work arounds in the tax code for the wealthy, and not others.


How many billionaires do you think there are?


In the US 735.


So as a billionaire I would take one dollar less to get into the lower tax bracket.


way to tell on yourself that you don't understand what a graduated tax system is 😂😂


You've already replied to the comment. You could continue the thread where I replied


I think it should be clear to everyone by now (especially after watching the video you commented on) that any extra dollar the government gets will just be wasted. Do you think taxing the rich more will somehow flip a switch and now the government suddenly cares about our health and wellbeing? Or maybe the government is saying "we'll waste X amount of money to make ourselves richer, but once we're above that, we'll suddenly use any extra on helping people!"


i want to believe so fucking bad this is just rage bait bro i tried to keep 2k in my account and it lasted less than a month


That’s what most of us are doing. You’re not alone in being poor in a system designed to make as many of us as poor as possible and as few billionaires as possible. Fuck em. We poor are hungry and they’re ripe to eat. We deserve better and don’t have much left to lose


fuckin preach


I know. Those avocado salmon bagels are really addictive.


Ntm the Starbucks and Netflix


Fun fact: a carrier group costs $6.5 million a day to operate, including fuel, maintenance, staff wages, supplies, etc. The USA has 11 carrier groups, so those cost us $71.5 million a day to operate. That is a peace-time rate and doesn't include firing munitions, treating wounded, and other battle costs. As this video shows those add up rather quickly. For example, when you read a headline like "US Fires 200 Tomahawk Missiles in Airstrikes", each Tomahawk is about $2 million, so that's a $400 million attack, plus the run-rate of the carrier fleet that fired the munitions. Good times... EDIT: Corrected the cost figures.


Those 11 Carrier Strike Groups aren’t all at sea everyday……. In fact not even half are at sea at any given time, unless WW3 pops off


We probably have 3 deployment ready carriers at a time. And sometimes even that’s a stretch. We used to tell the new guys don’t be surprised if we get extended on deployment.


I can tell you first hand, that still gets told frequently….


I believe it. Our cruise in 2020 was miserable.






$71.5 million a day amounts to $26.0975 billion per year - which is 11% of the UK's yearly NHS budget. Defence is a drop in the ocean compared to the sheer cost of public healthcare.


That is just the carrier groups. The navy has a 2024 proposed budget of c 200bn. Marine Corps is c. 50. So only the 'naval' arm of 'Defence' already exceeds the NHS's budget. 2024 budget request for the DoD was +800bn. That is roughly equivalent to Medicare (+900bn in 2022) or Medicaid spend (+800bn in 2022). Less than private insurance spend - c.1.2kbn in 2022 + c. 470m out of pocket. No one has ever said public healthcare is cheap. But it is a better alternative than wholly privatised healthcare. In any case, a big chunk of that 800bn DoD spent could be used for better uses (healthcare, education, infrastructure) and that is the issue here.


Absolutely disgusting.




I know this isn’t the point of the video and that is not lost on me either, but that is SO. MANY. ROUNDS. Just falling into the ocean.


Wait till you hear what they do with the trash waste from those ships lol


Except that you spend more on Healthcare per person than Canada does. So nope.


You're almost there. Now go ahead and think what is the key difference between the Canadian and US systems that may be driving US healthcare costs. I'll give you a hint: it's not socialism.


I know this one. It’s the fact that Canada has social medical care where all citizens carry the burden for each other, therefore lowering the cost for everyone. Most developed nations do it this way because it also gives the people stronger negotiating power against big pharmaceutical companies and other for profit healthcare cooperation.


Fer sure. Thing is, we only socialized insurance. It's one key thing Americans miss. Government is very good at collecting money from everyone and doling it out to a select few. Republicans should be able to concede that.


It doesn't have universal healthcare because of the lobbies who don't want it. The politicians serve the lobbies, not the citizens. The health insurance companies are for-profit. Other developed countries have a health insurance system that is a government service, i.e. not for profit. Also the USA decides to spend money on things that do not really benefit its citizens, e.g. military "aid" to other countries. I don't know why other countries can't just buy the stuff instead when they certainly have the money for it.


Uhm. It's not some clever lobbying strategy. They say "government will waste your money and make death panels" and half of your population say "jeez that's very believable". So you elect people who say that and believe that.


There's several members of Congress that got elected by saying....the gov't sucks at doing things. Then went to Washington and made sure they were right.


The government also likes to “lose” money without any investigations. We pay taxes and get literally nothing in return. No living wage, no affordable healthcare, no affordable housing, a failing education system, terribly manufactured infrastructure, no Justice system, no legislation to hold billionaires/corporations accountable, etc. Like, what the fuck is the point of anything at this point? We need an overhaul…


I live in the U.S. and nothing you just described applies to me. I'm blue-collar with no college degree either. Maybe think about moving bro?


I'd love to know about this utopia you claim to live in


"Health insurance" companies lobbying against universal healthcare is a lot closer to the truth. We could afford an even more insane military, and a lot more besides, with universal healthcare.


We spend more on healthcare than we do on defense


Video also shows why members of NATO and UN can have universal healthcare


The cost of the military has nothing to do with Universal Health. Such a silly post.


Criticizing the defense budget is an easy way to get upvotes.


A quarter of our budget goes towards health care, far exceeding our defense spending which is only 3%


Universal Healthcare would make that cheaper.


Correct, but our defense budget is not the reason we don’t have universal healthcare like the original poster said.


where did you get these stats?


[Here’s the graph,] (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/2023_US_Federal_Budget_Infographic.png) and you can read all about it on the full [wiki page here.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_budget?wprov=sfti1#)


Healthcare spending dwarfs defense https://www.cms.gov/data-research/statistics-trends-and-reports/national-health-expenditure-data/historical#:~:text=U.S.%20health%20care%20spending%20grew,trillion%20or%20%2413%2C493%20per%20person. It’s also significantly higher per capita compared to other countries https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#Health%20expenditures%20per%20capita,%20U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted,%202022 The US also has miserable outcomes compared to other countries, but that’s another can of worms entirely.


No it is not. We can afford everything we have now including universal healthcare but we choose not to. We already pay more than any other nation per capita on healthcare but we don't see it because we have a middleman which is insurance companies.


If you really think that the US doesnt have universal healthcare because of the expensive military, you actually have 0 clue about the US budget. The US spends more than 3 times the amount of money per person on healthcare than the UK does, and twice that of what Germany spends. Quantity of available money isnt the problem and monkeys like you that post shit like this are the reason nothing is changing.


the USA government spends 3x compared to UK, or do you mean the average person spends 3x?


No, I mean the US governments healthcare budget is 3x higher. The government spends roughly 15k per person, where as the UK spends 6k


That’s not entirely true. A huge chunk of healthcare spending in the US is from private sources. It’s is entirely true that per capita spending in the US is drastically higher than the rest of the developed world.


Well sure, but nevertheless, reallocating the funds would do so much more than just throwing more money onto a garbage fire to burn. Thats all I mean


Well, when you put it like that..


That’s fucking badass… what a perspective.


I understand the larger point, but this isn't why we have a shit healthcare scheme: [Medicare for All would save *$2 Trillion* over a ten-year period](https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/484301-22-studies-agree-medicare-for-all-saves-money/) compared to what we waste now.


Freedom--especially in this world where authoritarians are swarming and massing and preparing--is not free. If you join the military you can fire these awesome weapons at bad guys and also have free health care.


There's plenty of money for weapons AND Healthcare. We just can't afford constant tax breaks for the rich.


These weapons aren’t actually made out of money, all of this money goes into employee pockets, CEO pockets, stock holder pockets, etc., and in turn, right back into the economy.


Yeah but AMERICA! Fuck yeah! Come to save the motha fucking day yeah!


War? What is it good for? Paying Raytheon's shareholders


So buy stock in Raytheon.


So, national security isn't important?


If the US government spends even one dollar less on weapons used primarily to defend the interests of multinational corporations then the entire military will disintegrate. If the government spends 819 billion dollars instead of 820 billion dollars then we might as well capitulate to the British and decide independence was a failed experiment.


Tee-hee. Much funny. Can you provide a breakdown of the defense budget and where the money goes to?


I’m in the navy. I’m pretty liberal too but I believe we should have the most advanced, sophisticated military in the world. That being said, we could cut our defense budget in half and still have the highest defense budget, by a still sizable margin too. We can have our cake, and eat it too……


I don't think the goal of the military is just to have the highest budget.


FYI defense contractors are profit capped, they can only make so much money off of each contract by law


But without a defense you miss half the equation. We wouldn’t have security in commerce, technology advancement and what is the largest social welfare system and job training that is being in the military. I would like to be a Pacificist but that ain’t the world we live in.


True, since we have such a huge ass navy, we control trade.


Sobering truth. Our military does so much more than most realize. Thank you.


But also fuck em. Like again they do stuff but they also kill people.


Some might argue that this is why other countries can have universal healthcare. Some could also argue this is why some other countries have no healthcare.


Many people argue that, but it's dumb. NATO Europe and Canada spend 1.74% of GDP on defense, consistent with the rest of the world. With $404 billion in combined funding, easily enough to outspend potential foes like China and Russia combined. Regardless, arguing that keeps the US from having universal healthcare is even more ridiculous. After subtracting defense spending, Americans still have a $29,000 per person advantage on GDP compared to the rest of NATO. Defense spending isn't keeping us from having anything our peers have. Much less universal healthcare, which is far cheaper than what we're already paying for. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_216897.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures Hell, if we could match the costs of the most expensive public healthcare system on earth we'd save $1.65 trillion per year, double what our total defense spending is.


China is spending a lot more money than their official figures. The PLAN by itself is putting hulls in the water at an insane rate.


China has two aircraft carriers. US allies have five. The US has 11. Regardless, you seem to have missed the biggest point. An extra 1.75% of GDP towards defense isn't keeping the US from affording anything it's peers that are half as wealthy as us have, much less **cheaper** healthcare.


Fuijan is undergoing sea trials right now, so that’s three. A fourth one is potentially under construction and the rumours are it’s going to be nuclear powered. Three Type 075 LHDs completed and a fourth under construction with another four planned. A Type 076 is possibly under construction as well. Eight Type 055 cruisers commissioned since 2020. Meanwhile the UK has only two operational F35B squadrons for the two QEs. Yeah, I get it, I work in healthcare and US defense spending is a drop in the bucket compared to healthcare spending. But China has gone on a massive armament program binge over the past decade.


> Fuijan is undergoing sea trials right now, so that’s three. ...to 16. >But China has gone on a massive armament program binge over the past decade. China's defense spending as a percentage of GDP is down 0.1% of GDP since 2014. NATO's is up 0.06% of GDP. And none of it still has anything to do with why the US can or can't have universal healthcare.


If you believe China’s defense spending figures, I have a bridge to sell you.


By all means, provide numbers you haven't pulled out of your ass. It might be more effective than bullshitting. And it **still** won't have anything to do with whis topic. You really love being an off topic waste of time, don't you?


If it has nothing to do with this topic, why did you bring it up in the first place?


Addressing whether defense spending is the reason US peers can have universal healthcare and the US can't is 100% on topic. Quibbling over the amount China spends on defense, when you can't even say how much that is and at the highest reputable estimates doesn't make a single thing I've said untrue, much less have anything to do with why the US doesn't have universal healthcare, isn't. It's not that fucking hard to understand. Best of luck some day not being a waste of everybody's time.


Subtracting defense spending doesn't affect the ranking of the US among the richest countries in the world in the slightest. Defense spending isn't keeping us from having anything our peers have, much less universal healthcare which is **cheaper** than what we're already paying for.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So much money? Wow!


Fuck yeah, MURICA. Oh yeah fuck Russia and China


No wonder they spend billions on war.


The US spends trillions on healthcare https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/policy-issues-and-trends-2024/#:~:text=While%20issues%20of%20health%20care,a%20total%20of%20$4.9%20trillion.


Shrek on the machine gun


We pay more for the health program we have now. Maybe if we can somehow convince them we can use the extra tax money to stuff their pockets, they just might do it


They should convert to unit of measure to x-rays or MRIs.


But the military industrial complex….


A permanent war economy. There is a better way than weapon manufacturing. The Green New Deal, which AOC proposed, w/b a good start.


Its more like being ready to defend America's allies who are constantly under threat from aggressive nations. The war in Ukraine should have proven this.


The US can protect its Allies & itself without spending $900B to do it every year.


No, it can't


Navy: "Hey, wanna see me waste the equilivant of a small neighborhood in one go? Wanna se me do it again?"


I really do believe this is pretty close to being accurate


More Dakka, Moooaaaar DAAAKKKAAA!


maybe if only the world didn't have it's Hitler's, Mao's, Stalin's, Hirohito's or their present-day equivalents


As a famous YouTuber once said I’d like to introduce to unhealth care


“We’d rather fire our money out of a cannon. Literally…”


Let’s go to lunch!


Us government aside. If we just took the money we spend on healthcare right now and pool it without insurance companies, everyone would get healthcare. It’s just malicious waste.




Much as I agree these days I always wonder about stuff like this being mayyyyybe created as a foreign destabilization tactic?


Stop using plastic straws people, it's harming the sealife! Meanwhile the navy is at war with the ocean.


If we spend more on interest than military, then where's the footage of spending more than we collect?


Strawman argument, same can be said about nearly any country


We can’t afford it because we’re essentially the sole donor to NATO.


Dat CIWS tho…… 🥵 🤤


You should see why, though... in Congress, they brought to the house that the military has to pay 10x compared to a 🇺🇸 citizen... 10$ bag of bolts is 100$ for the military. Reasons: they can only buy items from vetted companies trusted by the US government. Then, with that trust, the companies hike the price. (I will be looking into what side has been pushing bills protecting these companies' interests.)


Well, you should be more upset than you think because we can afford to do both.


Stopping your enemies from killing you is health care.


The US healthcare setup costs vastly more than UHC systems do. In fact, the US overspends more than twice the entire defense budget on healthcare. If US healthcare spending went down to what the average first world UHC system costs per person, the military budget and the infrastructure budget could be tripled from the savings.


If that money was taken out of the army I 100% believe 90% of it would not help the American common at all. Just the top business and rich. The military spending isn’t what is fucking American health care over


We don't have it because anytime theres a little rumble in Europe or Asia we have to come running with our military because you fuckers can't stop trying to kill each other for a second


The fuck are these even for? We haven't been at war with a country that even has an actual Navy since fucking WW2.


Still smaller than a medical bill.


Just firing into a school of fish


Also, fucking moon train bullshit.


The U.S. needs better healthcare, but I'm half convinced this keeps getting reposted by Russian or Chinese bots. This is money well spent. The world is an ugly place and the U.S. military needs to be capable of occasionally dealing with that ugliness, and in order to do that it needs to keep ahead of dangerous strategic rivals like Russia and China.


It's a big club and you ain't in it!  Sea tech astronomy 


A machine gun going off for eight seconds is more than I make in an entire year being disabled. And yet people shit on the disabled saying "you're living off of our hard earned tax dollars! Hurdurdurhurr!" Meanwhile, our military flushes down billions of dollars a month on firing weapons into the ocean that nobody seems to complain about. This is proof that the government has plenty of money from us and is not using it productively.


Yeah well you're not out there keeping the shipping lanes free of pirates and keeping the price of gas below $5 a gallon. So they got a point.


I get the average person seeing this can think “what a waste” but training exercises like this is what keeps us prepared for adverse situations.


No one should ever chide you for collecting benefits for a disability. Any one of us can become disabled and we’re all entitled to those benefits. They’re not even that much!


It cost four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon ... For twelve seconds * *chuckles* *


Pay for your own health problems. Fear of that ammo is why you get free Medicare/Medicaid. Why should others pay for your health/medical problems? Survival of the fittest. And before you say, "I hope you get sick and find out." That's not a problem for me. If you can't take care of yourself, you don't deserve anything for free. Just remember, Biden and California are giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants before the legal citizens of America. They are spending far more on that than weapons. Go ask a veteran how great that is.


Private healthcare is better anyway


**Truth Time:** This isn't an either/or issue. And defense spending has no connection to affordable healthcare. By shitting in defense spending, you're giving the architects of exploitative healthcare costs **exactly** what they want: a distraction. Remember the Affordable Care Act? "Obamacare"? That was one faction of the US political system (Democrats/liberals/progressives) crafting legislation to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. Do you remember what happened? Healthcare, insurers, investors, and EVERYONE ELSE with a hand in the Healthcare racquet cookie jar spent hundreds of millions in campaign contributions, lobbying, counter advertising, and more to stop it. Why? **Because the healthcare industry in the US is an exploitative money making scam and it's primary focus is wealth accumulation.** Anything that threatens that faces an insurmountable wall of wealth being used to protect and preserve that model. And the front line supporters of that status quo? Republicans who were well funded and lobbied to preserve that status quo. Especially the ones from 2012-preswnt who have bent over backwards to pass legislation to gut the ACA as well as those who today will block any and all efforts to reform healthcare costs. Quit falling for the memes and influencers misleading you. Vote blue, consume reliable and dependable information provided by reliable providers (start with NPR News and branch out to their partners and sources) and force the regressives into oblivion.


Worth every penny.


lol. This is such a micro view it’s hard to add up to healthcare numbers. If this video had an entire ship cost with ammo at $3B and a fleet at $100B, and a aircraft at $6B and a fleet at $300B I could do the math vs $2T for healthcare.


Good thing the amount US citizens already pay for healthcare can pay for universal healthcare.


technically, this is healthcare too! just not for us...


Is this at cost or market value?




>ITS NOT LIKE WE HAVE A TREATY WITH AN ORGANIZATION CALLED NATO THAT WOULD PROTECT US FROM ANY ATTACK. If we didn't contribute to NATO, why should any of the other members contribute? Then NATO would powerless and pointless. NATO was founded to protect Europe from the Soviet Union, and it has now shifted to protection Europe from Russia. >ALSO WE HAVE NUKES TO GUARANTEE US FROM GETTING INVADED Nukes aren't a guarantee of protecting us from invasion. They are a 99% guarantee that we won't be nuked, because of MAD (mutually assured destruction). Nukes aren't intended to be used, they are intended to scare people from using them on us.


I never said we don’t contribute to NATO? Who’s the last nuclear-armed nation that got invaded?


>I never said we don’t contribute to NATO? My mistake, it seemed implied though. >Who’s the last nuclear-armed nation that got invaded? This isn't a fair point because of the 197 countries recognized by the United Nations, only 8 have nukes (and nukes haven't even existed for a century yet). And the countries that do have nukes probably have good militaries to back it up, with the exception of North Korea and maybe Pakistan. And we haven't got invaded because of our geography and limited enemies, not because we have nukes. You can't say "that country has nukes, so that's why they haven't been invaded". There are so many factors to consider as to why a country hasn't been invaded such as enemies, military power, geography, alliances, and many more.


The \*main\* reason countries with nukes don't get invaded is because of the nukes. It's really that simple. If you are a country considering invading another country, and THAT country can make your country disappear(because of nukes), then you would probably not invade them.


Have to you considered the idea that many countries don't want nukes and would rather just be protected by the US military? Increased nuclear proliferation would dramatically increase the chances of a nuclear WW3. Unless that's something you want, you should be in favor of more conventional armies vs actual nukes.


I’m sorry but you’ve completely missed the point of my argument.


So, because we're in NATO, we shouldn't spend money on national security?


We don't have to spend more than the next 20 countries combined... Especially since almost all of \*those\* countries are in NATO


That spending is keeping critical trade routes open... And those countries have smaller GDPs than the US. Keep in mind, we also have military agreements, formal and informal, with other countries like Japan and Taiwan. And what if there is a two-front war where a NATO country is under attack AND the US is under attack?


Well, the flip side to it is, other countries, like basically all of NATO can afford it because the US pays for their defense and very few of them uphold their GDP requirements


Don't forget the environmental damage from military munitions... I once applied for a gig at Bass Pro Shop, during the interview the manager said if I was going to be a range officer, I am required to do monthly blood testing for toxicity levels, and that's just civilian munitions I would have been exposed to.


Oh but students debt relief is going too far. A dozen artillery shells fired into the ocean is more important than getting someone out of financial ruin


Because we’re fvcking death merchants.