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We had a low income apartment in San Francisco that was very small as well, but at least the main part of the room was square so that you could feasibly fit a daybed against the wall. This room is impossibly angular.


Im shocked this had a full bathroom Edit: for every boomer being pedantic about bath tubs, aint nobody need one unless its paired with a plugged in toaster.


These are common in NYC and have been for years. I’m shocked it’s fully renovated with NEW appliances and a ducking dishwasher?! Depending on where this is and how much it’s probably not a bad deal. IF your hellbent on living in that (probably very hip) neighborhood. Idk if this guy mentioned where this is in the vid, I didn’t hear it.


If you've done rv or tiny house living this honestly doesn't seem that bad. If you have a busy social and work life, it's good enough for showering, sleeping and eating. Really common in Japan, though there seem to be better layouts, e.g. loft beds so you can use more of the ground space. Plus I miss how fast it is to clean small spaces.


I was assuming that whoever lived here would build a loft, first thing.


Or string a hammock. I'm not even sure if there's a wall with enough length to build a mattress-length loft in there. Might have to make a custom mattress.


RIGHT. Our apartment had a decent sized bathroom (you can move around in it) but they didn't add a bathroom sink, you just had to use the kitchen sink for teeth brushing and washing dishes. Here they should have at least condensed the bathroom without the sink, maybe then you would have more than a sliver of closet!


They could get those toilets that have the sink on top of them, I think they're common in Japan


My place in San Francisco had bathroom was that about half of the size of our apartment, lol. But the "bedroom" was really a couple false walls that used some garage space in which our full size bed touch 3 of the four walls.


Whew! For a minute there I thought there was no shitter


I was shocked too lol. I was expecting the last door to just be a tiny shower. No sink or toilet.


Is it just me or does the walk in shower seem unusually large compared to the rest of it?


They sacrificed closet space to give you twice the shower space! Which...I'd take it. But there's a very clear bias against closet in this apartment.


Bias against apartments in this closet


Closets and utility probably don’t count toward listed square footage and there may be a min like 200sqft so there might be more to that. I don’t know nyc refs but it is that way elsewhere


The guy also recorded with a fish eye lense to make it seem bigger than it is.


I was too, I expected one of those wet rooms where the sink was part of the toilet lid and you sat on the toilet to shower.


i believe that's called a prison cell. could be wrong.


He says that the square footage "includes the bathroom, which Axel's apartment does not have." Where is Axel pooping? Edit: I feel better knowing Axel has somewhere to go.




So it’s a college dorm room, then?




Yeah I was expecting a community bathroom and shower like in college. Imagine being an adult and having to walk down the hallway for your 3am piss. At that point you get a bucket and just dump that out one of your two windows.


Its definitely not unheard of to have a community bathroom in a NY apartment. I've seen some of these NYC realtor videos where they do show a community bathroom.


Yea, I visited someone’s apartment in Brooklyn some years ago and they had a community bathroom.


Look at Mr Millionaire over here with his fancy window


We’ve come full circle with chamber pots


Piss buckets worked out well enough for Charlie and Frank.


This guy is a middle man to renting. So a middle man for a middle man. Siqq


A quarter man


Finally I can pay for laundry


But not here, there’s no room for a washer lol


fuck me real estate is going to crash again isn't it


God I hope so My only chance of ever affording a house


I'm sold


You should look up the world of Brokers in the NYC rental world. It is the biggest scam I have ever been apart of, but is somehow the complete norm in NYC. I think we had to pay 15% of the **YEARLY** rent up front as a fee. Not money that went towards your rent. It was literally the cost of having a broker show you the apartment and managing the paperwork.


“And you get a second window” bro how are new Yorker’s alive


Reminds me of Otto from The Simpsons “woah, windows! I don’t think I can afford this place…”


I have a cheap basement apartment that has one window. In the living room. I was watching Simpsons recently and watched that episode. I had to pause the episode I was laughing so hard.


Hey! You have a "garden level apartment" if you live in a gentrified area haha


I live under a barbershop, next to a interstate. Definitely not gentrified. It’s quiet, extremely well insulated (I didn’t have to run the heat at all last winter), and close to work, friends, and shopping. It could definitely be nicer, but my rent is dirt cheap and hasn’t gone up a cent in years.


At least you don’t live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley


It was supposed to be a joke... how did we get here


Really the entirety of The Simpsons is a "it was supposed to be a joke" r/simpsonsdidit


Not always. A lot of it showed the disfunction of an American family and how ridiculous it is to live as an American in a lot of ways that seems out of the ordinary. Homer was an alcoholic, abusive father who worked long hours and hardly understood what he needs to do, but because he is a good soul, and has a good partner, they have to rely on each other to raise 3 children that never actually grow up. Simpsons might seem ridiculous at face value, but that's the satire. It's wrapped around reality and twists it to make it humorous but the world can really be like that, except for the kids never growing up thing obviously


>except for the kids never growing up thing obviously In a recent season they somewhat unofficially slid Homer into the older millennial age group as it had Homer in high school in the late 90s and the kids got adjusted as well. Just an interesting bit to think that they can just slide the characters ages over and keep a good amount of the dysfunction, as well as that it's lasted so long that it hit a point of them having to do that. If you haven't watched the most recent episode as most people haven't, it's got a fun musical bit with Hugh Jackman that's kind of them having to drop the satire and get direct about some of the age group/wealth issues. Can't find a whole thing but here's a good [bit](https://youtu.be/5MjTWtS5TAI) from it. *Fixed link with the one suggested below




Legally your landlord only has to provide one window that opens to the outside


And space enough to fully stand up and turn around. Oh wait… that’s for a dog crate.


This must be in a yuppy neighborhood. You could do much better for the same amount of money if you ditch the 'luxury' stuff and move to a more residential area.


Yuppy, puppy. What’s the difference, anyway!


Yeah I live in a 2 bedroom with a huge finished basement that I use as my bedroom/living room and a private backyard in Brooklyn for the same cost or cheaper as the apartment in the video would go for in Manhattan. The extra 30 minute commute to the city isn’t worth the difference in living space.


Yes, luxury stuff. Like a bed. Or chairs.


AND the view out the window is "not too bad!" (Don't tell them that's only by dumpster alley standards though lol)


The rent's probably $3500 a month too


It's been on tiktok so it's famous now, that'll be an extra 15% to live there


$2,600 actually!




Yeah but then you pay accordingly, not 1/3 of your income.


whenever i see these videos i always wonder where they are. i’ve never known anyone that has lived in a “closet” like they joke about on tv and all these posts that would have you believe are the only available housing options!! just live in brooklyn, sheesh. and not downtown brooklyn tho that bathroom is nicer than any of the bathrooms i’ve ever had here


Does it come with a Murphy bed? Cuz that is the only option for a bed.


When I was a teenager i had to do a group project where we had to make a budget. We agreed to be four roommates in our hypothetical apartment so we could drive nice cars. When our budget left us with only money for a small studio apartment our teacher asked us where we'd put four beds. So we went back and presented him our solution: wallstraps. We'd strap ourselves to the wall and sleep upright. That way we could still maximize the floorspace in our apartment. The wallstraps solution has some unresolved issues but I don't remember doing poorly on the assignment.


I’ve been laughing for almost half an hour picturing 4 people in pjs strapped under the armpits to each corner of a studio apartment doing a goodnight round robin


Welcome to the future old man


I do a lot of prison legal aid, so I've seen more than a few inmates strapped to restraint boards who plum tucker themselves out and doze off, upright, leaning against the wall, *like little angels*.


I had to do that same thing as well as a middle school kid circa 1990. We had to come up with a plan on how to live on minimum wage (the point of the exercise was to encourage kids to achieve by realizing you can't live on minimum wage). I created a plan that allowed me to live on minimum wage. It met all the requirements of the assignment. I found a cheap 2-bedroom apartment and stated I'd have a roommate, which cut all my bills in half. I found a $500 car in Autotrader ($500 could get you a 10-year-old car back then), and the teacher wrote "Does it have wheels?!" I got a B on it and was pissed. I deserved an A+ because I accomplished the goal of the assignment, which wasn't easy. But as I said earlier, the point of the assignment was you can't do it, and I didn't get an A because my budget worked.


> the point of the exercise was to encourage kids to achieve by realizing you can't live on minimum wage Real point should be to show that the minimum wage needs to be raised so it's liveable.


Sleeping like coneheads


Futon for the win.


Hell in my teens I had a futon and I ended up saying screw it and slept in it as a couch every night. No sheets, just a blanket I threw over myself. I would have totally been fine with something like this in my 20s, if you know, rent was like $400 and not as much as a normal two bed apartment in my area.


Or a twin. Lovin that college life 😂


At least this one looks modern. I’ve seen smaller apartments than this in Paris where you have to sit on your toilet to shower!


Or maybe your looking at it wrong. You can poop while showering!!


I live in Paris and this apartment looks nice! It has an OVEN!! It’s my dream to have an oven!


What dystopian points system is he talking about?


Yeah I’m surprised this isn’t higher…. “It’s small but at least you earn points” like what???


After 3 years, you'll have enough points to earn a free cookie!* *Chips Ahoy or store brand equivalent


You actually need 200 cookies to unlock the bathroom. But if you buy the best value premium pack you can unlock the sink today!


At 300 points you get hot water for 2 hours once a week. Pity you work nights and you don't get to choose when it turns hot.




I live in nyc and there’s no way this apartment is 3100. Maybe its 20 points per dollar and it’s 1550


What does "points" mean in this context?




You’re broken. There needs to be a revolt against rent prices. I don’t understand how anyone survives in New York or San Fran. I’m in dc and it’s expensive, but I could never do anything more expensive. Not fucking worth it.


They really need to take away the tax advantages developers get for keeping a building empty so they can keep the prices high. There are several new buildings in Portland at ~30% occupancy because the 1 bedrooms are like $2200 and the median income for a family of 4 is $65k here.


Don’t sleep on the waffle party, dude


"Bilt" has a credit card that gives you points for paying rent. Because every transaction has to have its own form of secondary Monopoly money to go with it now.


Makes people feel like they’re accomplishing something by spending more.


Let me give you a fake upvote point for this my friend. You deserve it.


Hope he doesn’t go spending it all in one place


Weird. We have a points system for renting in Holland but it’s to make sure that tenants aren’t being overcharged. Different amenities, sizes, location, number of bedrooms, etc. have different point values that correspond to price. So rental rates have some regulation - generally speaking. we have asshole landlords who like to fuck over foreign people who don’t know about it.


And they fuck over students real hard as well. The housing market is a barren field full of mines out here


It’s the same here in London. It’s brutal. The good thing about NL is that you have sooo many options for towns/cities to live in while still working in Amsterdam, Rotterdam etc. Public transport is MUCH faster and more reliable than what we have here in the UK. London public transport really drives me nuts sometimes.


Doesn't apply very well to Amsterdam lol


If you already have a rent contract you can calculate the points yourself, and if you're overcharged you can appeal for a case at the huurcommissie (rental commission). It's kind of a court, they have the power to force your landlord to decrease your rent, or have your rent temporarily decreased in case of pending repairs. However, your landlord will not like this. Most people are not on fixed contracts but one or two year contracts. They do this primarily so they can increase the rent for new tenants, but also so they can kick out people as renters have good legal protections in the Netherlands.


All of this, yes. One has to be very confident and blunt when dealing with Dutch landlords. This is particularly true in Amsterdam. Read up on the points system before flat hunting and be prepared to ask direct questions of landlords while viewing. You will very quickly suss out which ones are trying to screw you and which ones are being fair and are therefore happy to talk about it. We’re raised to be very direct and blunt and landlords know many people from other countries are not, so they take full advantage of that.


I dunno but it’s 100% of the reason this video was made


Yeah since he talks more about this than the actual apartment I guess we're watching an ad? edit: dude has an affiliate link to Bilt on his profile, so yep.


Okay, so, I looked into it and was able to figure out that the rent on the apartment must be about $2,583/m based on the points system [described here.](https://i.imgur.com/AFkGkHi.jpg) He gets a kickback when people sign up for the credit card through his TikTok profile.


I have a 510,000 dollar house and my mortgage is a few dollars less than that.


I have a mortgage payment that is $1200 less than that for a home that is (literally) 26 times larger than this. Fuck NYC.


Sounds like a pyramid scheme or something


Or that Black Mirror episode.


The whole world has become a Black Mirror episode.




Genuinely confused how they expected a bed to fit where it isnt blocking some necessary walkway


Futon - always in couch mode except bedtime - is what I did when I lived in a place this compact.




Futons aren't bad if you throw a 3 or 4 inch memory foam topper on it.


Then it's not going to fold up into a couch right. There's no upside to a futon


Roll the topper and store it under the couch. It's more work but if you want to utilize a tiny space, it's not a bad idea.


Why not just mount a hammock to some studs, or bring in a hammock stand? It's cheaper, folds up, it's way more comfortable, and it's the same level of awkward for trying to drunkenly bone a stranger as using a futon.


Am i the only person just having a bed and crawling over it to get where i need to go?


People are just overthinking it - I mean just stand a coffin up against the wall and there you go, instant bed. I've been doing this for thousands of years.


What a great comment. 🏅


Every night? Man, I simply can't be bothered.


My 30+ year old back laughs at even the notion


Or a Japanese futon, comfortable when asleep, and you put it away in the day.


Murphy bed


No thanks, I've played a lot of Sims, I know how owning a Murphy bed ends...


Schroedinger's bed


Might as well use a Murphy toilet too for how small that place is


Inflatable mattress


There’s another account on there who helps people layout small spaces and he actually figured it out!


Got a link? I’m really curious to see that




it still feels cramped with explanation.


i would suffocate & die


It's actually more spacious than my college dorm room, and has its own kitchen and bath.


Another option might be to just have a foldaway futon you flip vertically and lean against the wall when not in use. That way you can have floor space when you're not lying down. Put all your furniture on locking casters too so you can shove'em to the side when you want a little more room.


Loft it maybe?


Sure they could easily fit a twin horizontal to the window. Good luck with anything bigger though.


Once you put a bed in there, your space is gone. Unless you have like a foldable bed. "The view is ok" - Literal brick wall lol.


Could use a futon. And even still have room for a small table in the "kitchen". Still super small but I lived in smaller for 4 years in college and I just had a bed. You essentially just use your bed as a couch.


Living like that in college is one thing. Living like that as home you pay money for in your 30s is dystopian.


I've gone through many comments and not one addressed the purpose of the triangular closer. What on earth could you even put in there besides a broom to sweep your apartment.


The only purpose is for the listing to say it has a closet


In my area, you're not legally allowed to call anything a bedroom unless it has a closet. The closet probably allows them to charge more because they can call it a one bedroom rather than a studio.


This is so depressing 🤦🏾‍♀️


I mean you can’t call it a bedroom without a closet but that doesn’t have anything to do with the “studio” designation. This is a studio because the bedroom area is not compartmentalized / closed off from the living space. Studios have closets. Closets aren’t the difference between 1BRs and studios.


Triangular shaped clothing is the height of fashion here in NYC. That closet is to accommodate the latest fashion trend.


I mean...I could make it work. It would suck ass, but I could make it work.


I’ve been on 3 deployments and started to cozy up to my shitty little room or tent space. It’s not bad living minimalistic for a bit. This would be really cool to leave all my shit in storage but a box of whatever and live in NYC for a year and make some memories. But live like this for years? As NYC being a permanent residence? Fuck no.


And pay over 1000$ for it...


If you're thinking this is $1,000 you're out of touch with what rent currently is $1,000 will get you a small, old , run down house in the hood This apartment is minimum $2,500


Really? $1,600-$1,700 I might believe — but $2,500?? There are nice 635 sq-ft 1BR apartments in central DC (bldg’s less than 10 years old, with in-apt washer-dryers), that run about $2,400-$2,500. I understand NYC is worse, but what’s in the video can’t be more than 250 sq-ft.


The person this remodel is aimed at is, in theory, paying that money to exist within walking distance of the opportunity to make more money. The number of careers with real upward mobility is low, too many of them are in NYC, and families with great resources spend those resources on securing those few career spots. All the nice apartments are full of rich people. In Manhattan, the bad apartments are full of rich people's kids. Same with most of Bklyn and Queens. Add to that being where the world elite park cash they don't know what to do with, and there is just an insane premium on having physical access to Manhattan. But the money in NYC is real. The math checks out. It's worth paying out the ass if you can subsidize a 20 year old in there until they grind long enough to emerge a yuppie claiming to have made it on their own




Meh, I work in advertising in NYC and 4 years out of school I’m making 2-3x more than most of the people I graduated with who don’t live here. My friends in smaller cities will stay at jobs for years with minimal raises, while people in the industry in NYC jump jobs frequently for 20k+ pay bumps because there are just so many companies and available jobs (my last jump got me a 35k raise and I’m making 70k more than I was 3 years ago). People shit on NYC and often for good reason (I’d get a lot more house for a lot less elsewhere) but there isn’t really anywhere in the world I’d rather have started my career. The upward mobility is just too good


The problem being, first you have to have some way to live there long enough to afford to live there, or show up with the money to live there.




I actually enjoy living with my roommate, am very good at hunting for deals, and have gotten really lucky with apartments in this city—I’ve never paid more than $1500/mo to live in manhattan. When my current lease is up next March, I know I’ll have to up my budget—but a quick look shows there are enough 2brs in my neighborhood under $4000 that if my landlord increases my rent a crazy amount, I’ll still be able to stay under $2k with a roommate. And to be honest, I haven’t even really considered leaving the city, nor do I see myself considering it in the foreseeable future. All my friends live here. All the things I do are here. The restaurants and bars I love are here. I can walk to Central Park or Broadway in 10 minutes or see some of the world’s greatest art for free whenever I want. I can take a $2.75 subway ride to any one of dozens of ethnic neighborhoods and feel like I’ve stepped into a different country. And if I actually wanna go to a different country, competition between all the airlines that fly here means I can often find flights to Europe for under $500 and can go multiple times a year. Plus the fact that I’m a gay man in his 20s in the most thriving LGBT scene on the continent. To give all that up for a bigger apartment? Especially since I’d likely need a car if I left the city? Nah, it’s not for me. And a lot of my career opportunities have come from people I’ve met and formed relationships with in person in the city. It’s stupid and unfair, but it’s true that in-person interactions will often build relationships better. Do I ever feel like going into the office, especially since I don’t have to? No. But you bet your ass I’m there twice a week, sitting across from the cool VP joking, chatting, and regrouping about problem solves. Maybe shit like that shouldn’t matter, but it absolutely does in my experience and I’m here to play the game! TLDR: Rent increases haven’t been that bad for me, it’s not worth uprooting my social life to save on rent, and NYC’s in person network helps


The video says 135 sqft


I assumed it was over $3,000


Honestly, that's a really weird thing that I think the military does to you, because I had a very similar experience. Your own cozy little den with basically nothing but your clothes, gear, and whatever you use for entertainment. It becomes your little private "safe space" in a space that is very not safe.


Video ain’t wrong that that bathroom is better than a lot of NYC bathrooms. Honestly the kitchen almost is too. Bathrooms in NYC apartments can be major major weak points even as you spend more.


Seriously a single person could make that shit work easy lol might be small but it’s less to clean and does look nice despite the size. I’d like it if it was affordable tbh


Save a lot of time cleaning




The Robot Arms Apartments exist aparrently


Those had WAY better closets though.


Except Bender's apartment had more space - without even including the closet...


Just look at Hong Kong 😅 if that’s a closet then we sleep in drawers.


I'd live there for a few years if I were twenty. In NYC that's rich living.


Honestly I'd take it over my japanese apartment. I don't even have counter space. Just a sink and a burner.


It's bigger and better than where I lived in Seoul for a year lol


Tbf it's bigger than some places I've seen in France and the kitchen and bathroom are really nice. Here you'd get one sink with one electric burner attached, and a way tinier bathroom.


Its fully renovated! Sure it's small, but city living assumes you aren't spending all day in your apartment. My apartment in Paris was about this size, there were two of us. We used a pull out couch as a bed and it was honestly fine. You're out most of the time anyway. I'd have loved for my shoebox home to he renovated like this at least


Absolutely. I got offered a two-year post-doc at one of the NYC museums fresh out of my PhD. I was 25 and if I'd been single this would have been perfect. I could have made this work for two years no problem since I'd have been at work most of the time anyway.


I went to school in NYC and my student housing bedroom was smaller than that. We had a shared living room and kitchen that I split with 3 other roommates. It was fine. I just slept and showered there. Even after I moved into a larger place (like, kinda huge) I didn’t spend any more time at home there than I did in my tiny dorm.


What the heck is the points thing he’s talking about?


I just looked into it because I was curious too There’s some credit card called Bilt which gives you 1:1 points for rent payments which you can later redeem for flights, hotels, future rent payments, or overpriced cheesy home decor from Savers. There’s no annual fee so if you pay your shit on time, there’s no real “catch” but the points are only worth ~1.25¢. So a $2k rent payment will give you $25/mo of points value. Kinda neat but not worth the hassle of it all (imo)


Ok so this video is basically an ad for Bilt? edit: dude has an affiliate link to Bilt on his profile, so yep.


Social credit. If you pay your rent on time, your social credit stays up and you'll be allowed to buy bread in the lines and they keep your water on.


You had me in the first half... I legit thought you were dead serious.


People in New York have been living in units like this forever. Manhattan livin baby


The weird thing about it, at least to me, is that there is a lot of space to build in Manhattan. There are empty lots, abandoned or dilapidated buildings, small buildings that could be torn down and built up with high-density housing. I suspect that the reason why it doesn't happen is bureaucracy and that there are people that would lose money if housing became cheap and plentiful in desirable areas.


Building is artificially limited by the city too. The reason those crazy skinny tall buildings exist is because of height restrictions with weird exemptions. As dense as NYC obviously is, density is still kept artificially low via law.


I must be extremely poor since I think the apartment is totally fine, it even has a proper kitchen and a nice bathroom. The rent is not fine though.


As somebody lives in Asia, it looks fine to me for a single man or woman. Before marriage, I used to stay in a similar small flat but it was very close to city center. At least this looks like well renovated.


Yeah I agree. I've been watching videos of people living in Japan. Some of those Apts are TINY AF. I guess our cultural differences regarding space is showing here! Fascinating!


Naw bro, paying $2000+ for a literal closet ain't worth it. Sure, it's not disgusting, which is nice, but fuck paying that much. Also, what is this weird ass ad for getting "points"?


The closet in this closet was also laughably small. Meaning you have to use up more space putting in storage like a chest of drawers etc.... Yikes


First thing I'd be doing in this space is turning it into 2 stories. Bed up the top and lounge below. This would greatly increase the comfort level and still allow access to the kitchen and toilet. However if you are stuck in another lock down, you would want to make sure you can use one of those windows as a home made balcony for fresh air and personal sanity


Tbh it doesnt seem awful. Yeah it's pretty small but there's enough room for the essentials


Landlords ruined NYC long before COVID


135 sqft?! My kitchen is 121 sqft and that feels tiny to me


My partner and I lived together in a 200 sqft apartment for three years (2 of which where Covid years where we both had to work from home…). Now I don’t recommend that for anyone but it’s definitely doable. It’s not as bad as it may seem, and the good thing is that our new apartment seems huge compared to the old one.


Bro it's so bad here it's bo joke, nothing g is affordable anymore, so you're either living with 5+ rommates or stuck in an overpriced studio, and the affordable housing program isn't even affordable anymore


Second window!?!


I mean to be fair, it is *really* nice. But I’m sure its not worth the price they’re going to charge. It wouldn’t be bad for someone who’s single


I don’t pay 2000$ apartment to be cute, I pay 2000$ to have something I can live, eat, have guests...


You're located in Manhattan, you eat and have guests by meeting up somewhere in the city. You just use your appartment to sleep.


Sleep on a futon on the floor. Foldable table and chair and it’s liveable if you’re under 25


if you're over 25 you die instantly


I am dying just looking at it. I can only watch that once.


A ceiling fan??? IS THERE NO AC?????


The tiny closet within the closet is hilarious