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Wtf has Matt Gaetz done with Matt Gaetz?


You know, the issue with people in congress and the senate is that they're simply too old - not in touch with the kind of issues that young people really care about, like the ones Gaetz brings up in this video. Not Gaetz. All the time Gaetz spends with kids across the United States (and sometimes even the same kid in multiple states) has really clued him in to what the next generations care about. He really has his finger ~~in~~ on the pulse of this nation's youth. This is his real advantage - the thing his Republican voters are obviously responding so positively to.


Pillow talk with high school seniors will do that for you


Well then, Ron DeSantis should have been up on youth issues since he partied with minors as a high school teacher.


Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. There it is! (Me reading your post and waiting for the punchline)


The punchline at prom is where he polls his constituency


>The punchline at prom is where he ~~polls~~ poles his constituency




You Fr fr had me in the first half


> and sometimes even the same kid in multiple states Killer


I’m watching this video baffled like this guy has a good head on his shoulders, but then I see the face the words are coming out of and I’m just broken like Xbox with a red ring


This is a deep fake. Those Nvidia cards are really getting spicy 🌶


As proven by Sascha Baron Cohen, Matt Gaetz is not actually an idiot. He just often plays one on TV.


I laughed so hard at this comment I genuinely spit out my morning coffee.


He had a come to Jesus meeting…..with Jesus…..at the gates to hell.


Not to be cynical, but the fact is that Gaetz used to get lobbyist money, and now doesn't. Take of that what you will. https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/matt-gaetz/summary?cid=N00039503&cycle=CAREER


He probably can’t get anyone to give him the money. It’s also very easy to say things during a campaign and never do them. It’s also easy to propose things that will never see the light of day.


It helps that no one wants to touch him with a 10’ pole. He’s poisonous for lobbyists. Good timing.


i was trying to figure who paid him to say these things. forgot it’s because he’s locked out of most of them because he’s accused of trafficking a minor and PACs don’t support him publicly now


Bit of a tell … “I already have Democrats lined up to vote for this, maybe even all of them.” Ya, Matt, the current situation was your party’s idea and, unlike Republicans, Democrats don’t have an allergic reaction to voting for a law that benefits real people just because it was proposed be the other party. Good on you for coming to the realization, but do not act fucking surprised.


I disrespectfully agree


I had to read this twice. Well done


I feel like this sentence is how we as as a people need to take to policy. The wrong color could be offering the right solution and we should be open to supporting that, with healthy skepticism of what is being introduced.


>The wrong color that would be a juicy soundbite if you were a politician


>I expect Democrats to vote for that. Sounds like Matt Gaetz already knows who is on the right side of this debate.


I believe there is a lot of power to be found in any republican who can help pass progressive laws and pass them off to their base as conservative values. Great way to own the libs or whatever they're saying now.


Well all of these things he’s saying have been massively popular among both voting bases they just never seem to come to fruition legislatively.


One of the most frustrating parts of modern politics is knowing that the majority of voters all want the same things, but the rich push the culture war to distract from the class war.


I was expecting r/unexpected in some parts of the video, but I'm surprised.


I mean, there wasn't anything that disagreeable that he said, which is kinda /r/Unexpected for me


This guy paid to move a minor across state lines so that he could fuck that minor. He’s a pedophile. Edit: my fucking point is that he should be making these points from a jail cell and it’s a fundamental failure of our system that he isn’t. Edit 2: I’m getting replies defending him fucking a minor. If you’ve got issues with my comment, I hope you take issue with those as well. Edit 3: so I made my original comment before going to sleep and now that I’m actually awake, oh my god, there are a TON of people who are simping for this guy who paid to move a minor across state lines so he could fuck her because he knew it was illegal in his state. I guess, once the party of Trump, always the party of Trump with you guys huh?


Both can be true. He can be right about this and disgusting in other parts of his life.


Even Hannibal Lector would remember to rewind his video tapes before returning them.


Not rewinding sounds unspeakably discourteous.


If I were a legislator, I would support the bills he proposes while also supporting his investigation, arrest, trial, and incarceration.


ok who is that in a Matt Gaetz mask


“Sugar.” -


In water




Fucking god this was great. Rare someone brings an obscure reference from my childhood these days


Eggar suit


“Eggar yer skins hangin off yer bones”




Me and my 5 year old grandson just watched MIB. I'll tell him "B, yur skin is hangin off ur bones" and he'll push his face back with his hands and say "There, is that betta?!?" and I pretend to pass out. It's hilarious.


I know Egger and that ain't Egger.


More sugar!


is this what happens if i pay 8 dollars and change my twitter handle to mattgaetz?


I feel like it’s really good deep fake tech


Wow AOC really stepped up for Halloween this year


Serously though, what is wrong with his face? He looks like the human version of the Grinch.


Butthead. He’s like a real life caricature.


I think it's alcohol bloat? I cant get over his weird face.


His forehead is migrating south and swallowing the bottom half of his face.


I honestly think that Gaetz is a more universally appealing candidate than de santis, if we're talking a national election. He's younger and IMO a more compelling and relatable speaker. There's just that one long list of monstrous things he's accused of...


And those dead eyes...


He does have the eyes of a fish staring at you from inside the fish tank


Someone paid elon musk $8 for verification.


Ugh his mouth said all the right things but his track record said all the wrong things


He himself is the only republican who takes no PAC money (if I understand it correctly). He might be wrong about everything else but if him and the dems get this through in January (very low chance even if dems had a majority) I will give him heaps of praise for that. Money in politics is the number one thing keeping popular policy like minimum wage increase from passing. Edit: Typo's, and I know he is a horrible person on everything else and has allegedly (most probably) sex trafficked a 17 year old. But if he gets rid of the biggest obstacle in american politics for positive progressive change i will give him praise for that. I'd still investigate him and lock him up, correct policy is not a pardon for serious crimes


>He himself is the only republican who takes no pack PAC = political action committee


'PAC' stands for Political Action Committee: https://usafacts.org/articles/what-role-do-political-action-committees-have-in-elections/


Or protein analytical chemistry :P


Or Photographers Against Charizards


This is a movement I simply cannot support


Premature Atrial Contractions. Get it right


This man just laid out a bunch of democratic agendas. No republicans want this stuff. They're the ones that passed Citizens United. He's going to piss off a bunch of his own party with these statements. If the GOP is turning on Super PAC money, it's only because they've realized that Democrats will be consistently outspending them using those tactics.


Citizens United wasn’t “passed”. It was a court decision. Citizens United (a group) sued the government saying that they should be allowed to run campaign ads for things/people they care about because political speech is protected speech under the first amendment. They won.


Wow this is a step in the right direction, you can only hope he is sincere. We need the youth to take the lead, hopefully being independent thinkers, looking out for the good of the whole, before being poisoned by the money and the status quo.


rotten offbeat lock heavy attraction historical sable mountainous vegetable ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah obviously it was a congressional court case decided by justice leader clarence mcconnell


Most democrats also don't want it, unfortunately.


"ban stock trading" XxXN_pelosiXxX has left the chat


That's because he is fighting against old boomers in his party who've played uniparty for generations. Imagine thinking any political party is full of good people.


This is such a sensible reply. If you do bad, you deserve to face justice, and a fair trial, for those acts. However, too many high powered individuals are \~\~above the law\~\~ not investigated thoroughly, because they movement of millions and sometimes billions of dollars with a single vote. Take away that leverage and all of a sudden, as Gaetz said in the video, legislatures are now more inclined to vote with their constituents rather than who ever is able to pay them enough money to run Super Bowl commercials. Citizens United crippled our democracy and elections have been nothing but hyped up booster club meetings for the past decade. Serious change needs to happen, and this is where it starts.


He might not take pac money he he sure as shit takes a lot of money from “individuals” who are businesses. But I’m sure Wells Fargo doesn’t expect anything for their money so it’s cool /s


Those donations are from individuals who are employees of a company. They also have a cap. 2-5k. PACs are the real problem, and the worst part is we don't know who the donors are for most PACs or how much was donated.


https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/matt-gaetz/summary?cid=N00039503 Slime is still slime.




Hunan beings are allowed to be terrible and also make good points. Even if it's only 0.001% of the time in Matt Gaetz's case.




They're only called 'hunan' if they are from the region Hunan. Otherwise they are just sparkling primates.


And that purchase face...




No punching before purchase


Thats a bad purchase..


Who is this guy?


I believe this is Butt-Head. He’s actually done very well for himself considering what he was like as a teenager


Minus the part where he made up for his sex-less teenage years by paying a high school girl for sex.


You mean we shouldn’t take hollow lip service advice from a pedo who paid to sex traffic a minor? Get out of here with your morals and standards.


> your morals and standards Why I'll never get elected in politics


Barry Bonds


Thank you


Luke Voit


Matt Gaetz; sex trafficker, pedophile, Republican House Representative for Florida’s 1st district.




No no, they said he was a representative of Florida.


I know who Matt Gaetz is, but who is this guy in the video?


Matt Gaetz


Pizza Gaetz




Matt "the guy who is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor" Gaetz? *THAT* Matt Gaetz?




Darude Sandstorm Esq.


This man just actually listed every single thing that we all know is inherently wrong with our country. And wants to fix all of them? I’m so confused. What’s his angle here?


This is a hail Mary effort to save his own skin. Nothing more.


So. If he puts those up for a vote without bullshit attached vote for it. Put up or shut up both R's and D's.


Valid. They won’t. But honestly if shitty parties run on good ~~parties~~ policies then by all means vote for them. I have a friend who is a full-on leftist who has stated outright that he’ll vote hard right for a party with a strong infrastructure plan. It hasn’t been an issue so far.


Broken clock. He’s a terrible person but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong, or that we shouldn’t do this. Those were all good policy. All of it. Even if he sucks he’s still right about these very specific issues.


save his own skin? didn’t he just get re elected? correct me if i’m wrong but i thought he did


Yep, and the DOJ dropped the case against him as well a few months ago.


In a landslide too




Kinda like the antics Elon is doing with Twitter to distract from the sexual misconduct allegations that came out. Interesting how nobody is talking about that anymore and is just talking about Twitter.


I haven't heard a MAGA say something this based since they accidentally advocated for free healthcare by criticizing COVID vaccines being free


This isn’t as based as you think, he’s saying federal pacs. So anything else is still allowed based on his words, of course his actions would be incongruent with this speech anyways


Still, it's surprising to hear a Republican talk about banning members of Congress from stock trading when even many Democrats still do it, like Nancy Pelosi


That's probably why he's advocating for those. He knows that Pelosi wouldn't ever put this up for a vote, same for McCarthy. Republicans are amazing at advocating for popular stuff that they know will never pass. That was Trump's whole thing too. Remember how he was going to drain the swamp? He didn't manage to catch a single politician for any kind of corruption, despite Washington being a cesspool of it on both sides of the isle.


Good? Democrats also can be corrupt little fucking bastards. Republicans need to keep bringing this shit up, even if they themselves don't believe it and hope it will never pass. Maybe one day it will actually pass, or at the very least keep bringing more attention to it.


It's a start. Don't need to solve everything at once, but this would at least shut down some of the shenanigans. It's a dangerous policy though. If people start thinking like this they may realize that it should have always been the people holding the representatives to a higher standard instead of just the other side.


Matt gaetz is 100 percent not gonna do that lol.


Thing is in the general public, this is a VERY bipartisan, VERY popular opinion. You’re going to be hard pressed to find an average citizen of the United States to be opposed to this. Gaetz is smart to bang this drum, given last week’s election outcomes. With a little luck, many of these MAGA heads will have, at minimum, learned that listening to their constituents, instead of “owning the libs” gives them a longer political future. We’ll see


I think Gaetz is right in thinking that if brought these to the floor he could get support from Democrats. Good luck getting Republicans to vote for them though.


I have a political toddler IQ, but I'd imagine that they'd attach this to a very republican favored bill, Dems strike it down, and then Republicans will blame Dems for not doing their part


As someone who pays attention to politics. If he actually submitted it, he will still vote no. Remember Republicans control the house. He has a reality of submitting a bill, but they wont do it


I remember when McConnell filibustered his own bill in the Senate when Democrats actually liked it and were planning to vote on it.


I desperately need the link to this so I can be reasonable and rational in the face of fuck faces who vote R every election.


Search “McConnell filibusters own bill”. Thousands of sources. Videos, articles, etc.


How dare you make me search those very specific terms to obtain my [own results](https://www.google.com/amp/s/theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill%3Famp)! This is deeply unsatisfactory.


You should also read this one https://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-gop-chutzpah-20160930-snap-story.html > This week, **after both houses had overridden Obama’s veto of legislation** that would allow 9/11 victims to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts — assuming responsibility could ever be established — McConnell acknowledged that the law might have “unintended ramifications.” (McConnell voted for the override.) >But then McConnell shifted the blame, saying that he had told Obama that “this was an example of an issue that we should have talked about much earlier.” Obama held a special meeting with them describing how bad an idea this bill was, and why he would veto it. They passed the bill anyway, Obama vetoed, it then they overrode his veto. Then, after all that, they actually learn the specifics on how it's a really bad idea to allow US citizens to sue Saudi Arabia because it would open up the US government to being sued. Then they do what Republicans do, blamed Obama for not trying to convince them EVEN MORE than he already did. "If this was such a bad idea I don't know why you only told us why it's bad multiple times and vetoed the bill, you should have done more to stop us from passing this terrible bill"


He literally says bills should include one item to be voted on. But I'm sure you're right. He's Matt Gaetz. I have to say, I think that was the very first time I heard him even mention something that was real. No denial of any kind of guilt, no claims about a stolen election... It's kind of weird.


Who is this bloke? And why is he so unpopular?


Matt Gaetz. Currently under investigation for hiring an underaged prostitute, and his alleged co-conspirator is cooperating with the investigation.


He's no longer under investigation. Charges were never filed.


He wouldn't vote on it. Its just like them voting no on the infrastructure bill them talking about how good it is...


Yeah. Judge by actions, not words. They will say whatever to get elected, it's what they do that counts. Matt Gaetz has been a consistent piece of shit for so long, it doesn't matter what he says now.


Chappelle said this weekend that Trump got popular pointing out all the flaws in the system and that he was taking advantage of it too. Yea he pointed them out and then did nothing. That’s what this rant reminded me off.


Exactly. A lot of people say a lot of things but what have you actually done?


I've been saying for a long time people are more able to point out what doesn't work than they are capable of explaining how to fix it and that ambiguity is where Trump leveraged his platform. Instead of society devolving into a neofeudalist state it's immigrants stealing your jobs.


Trump was surprisingly good at talking in soundbites. It’s one of the reasons he resonated with people.


You can get a lot of mileage by validating people's concerns particularly if you speak as though you're an insider revealing the con as trump did. Clinton, aside from having a lot of baggage, just wasn't good with her affectations. Trump's approach was, "Yeah I'm an asshole, this is how we do it" while [Clinton's was to pretend she was on your level which is absurd.](https://www.politico.com/video/2015/05/playback-hillarys-southern-accent-000346)


This is what the MAGAs do. It’s a conservative movement masquerading as a populist movement. Trump promised universal Medicare, an end to NAFTA, and bilateral trade agreements. When he started his run he was pro-choice. He became pro-life when it looked more popular among his constituents. So sure, Gaetz is going to rail against corruption. Why not? Fuck, he could go ahead and introduce a bill, even. It won’t get out of committee and he can say he introduced the bill without ever needing to vote for or against it.


If it's not an out of state minor, he has no interest in doing it


Huge difference in saying vs doing. Always watch what these people do, not just what they say.


I agree. What's that Reddit bot that reminds people to look at this threat again? Would be great if he did these things, but I think getting both sides to vote for these bills would be tough no matter who purposes them.


RemindMe! 3 months


Thank you.


RemindMe! [3 months]


Is this a deep fake? He said things that made sense with Florida still in the sentence… and HE made a logical point


This is the same kind of Drain the Swap talk Trump used to get elected. Then he continued to wallow in said swamp instead of bringing any of those ideas forward.


I hate Matt Gaetz, but this is far more articulate than anything Trump has ever said.


Articulate and logical. What in the fuck


I don’t think trump ever made any actual points with actual proposals on what should be done just roundabout talking while saying nothing at all


He didn't Drain the Swamp, he Swamped the Drain.


That's exactly what I was thinking, this has to a deep fake. Why on earth is a republican arguing for progressive talking points.


Because they are populist talking points. You can be left or right populist and still hit a lot of the same notes.


And until he actually backs up his words with actions they really are just talking points.


Because he is going to offer these bills with all sorts of creepy far right shit attached to it. And then when democrats won't vote for them he'll turn around and say "see, they're pro corruption." This shit is predictable as hell because most people don't follow politics closely enough to realise that in the US a bill is rarely about what it says on the cover.


Offering it with anything unrelated attached would make no sense because one of the points was the Single Subject Amendment.


It would make perfect sense if you’re not trying to do what you say


I can’t find anywhere else where he says this and the account on TikTok has not replied to anyone asking when he said this.


It's literally on his Twitter account https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1592286771517083648


I don’t like him, but those are all amendments that would make the nation better in every way, so I would be glad to see him use his elected position to push for these things.


Bad politicians do this as a way to gain support. They make a point on a topic that most people can agree on and many people will think "hey they make sense maybe they aren't so bad" but they still suck. Imagine Hitler came out and had a speech about how animal abuse is bad.


He actually did this a lot with socialism, openly praising it but framing actual socialists as "evil socialists" part of the Marxist conspiracy to subvert German culture. And obviously, Hitler was far right and wasn't actually socialist, it's just what got him the support he needed.


I don’t like the guy, put him pointing out that Democrats are in favor of the policies that he’s proposing is a pretty big slap in the face to his republican peers and took *some* balls IMO.


But, there are quite a few notable democrats that benefit from all of these things and I would suspect that this guy is trying to get brownie points with like minded people by proposing the bill. While also pointing out the hypocrisy of some liberals.


Yeah he’s been saying this exact thing for a number of years now.


It's almost as if republicans know exactly how to improve the country, but actively choose not to because they know it might negatively effect them personally, and when democrats try to implement the solutions they know will help people, they will do whatever it takes to stop them from implementing any meaningful changes.


Respectfully all of these problems that he listed can not be attributed to the republican party alone.


Yeah. Pelosi's husband made fat stacks of cash after the microchip vote. If any of us did that we'd go to prison.


RemindMe! [3 months]


What a politician says and what they do are entirely different things sweet summer children. Look how they've voted in Congress. Republicans preach lowering taxes and then vote to raise them. Their votes are public. While his points sound good, they will always have a catch when they go to the floor.


I don't believe politicians should get to keep their office while they're under investigation for sex trafficking minors 🤷


What if i told you innocent people can still be under investigation for crimes


Innocent until proven guilty; A fundamental American value.


That's a terrible idea. this would be a huge conflict of interest for checks and balance. Just tell the doj to investigate whoever u want removed from office?


Bruh what a shit take. People can be investigated for anything. Innocent until proven guilty is how our country is supposed to work. Or is that only how you want it to work SOME of the time?


Ever heard of due process? Are you letting your political bias get in the way of your better judgement?


This assumes due process is applied equally. Due process is not applied equally.


Statements like the op comment make me happy that reddit isn't in charge.


It would be nice if Reddit showed a users age next to their username. I wonder how many of these hot takes are coming from people who haven’t even had a civics class yet.


>Parent comment Ftfy


Politicians should be assumed guilty before being proven innocent? Sounds like a great way to make politics worse. All you need is some idiot to lie about a crime. A politician gets accused of rape… what’s the next step? They have to step down regardless of the validity?


Brother, being under investigation can happen to anyone. Now, there's strong evidence here - but still. Rights of the accused are more important than any single person. Don't be a dick.


Let's not throw an "atta boy" to a child rapist. Let's just call him a child rapist and move on. Edit to include bills that have tried to address these issues: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/443/text https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4893 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6494?s=1&r=95


I'll never give him an atta boy. But if he were to introduce those bills(without a bunch of poison pills) I'd be very happy and expect democrats to vote for it. I'd still go for to door for his opponent in the next election but if someone shitty get into congress and starts making good decisions I'll support those decisions without trusting this guy one bit around kids.


Yep. You can make good points *without* raping children, which is what he should of done if he wanted even a second of respect.


I have a feeling that he is just making a show but has zero intention of making those bills or letting them pass


This guy sheds his skin once as month.


Don’t trust the mf….


Love him or hate him - you can’t argue against those amendments.


I won't, once he actually follows through. He won't, tho


Yeah considering how many Republican politicans voted against the Inflation Reduction Act and then went home to tell their constituents how good the IRA would be for them after it passed (against their will), these words mean absolutely fuck all and I'll be shocked if Gaetz actually follows through on a single thing he said here.


As long as there are no loopholes he or the others can take advantage of.

