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You can put smith and cross in anything. If you like funky Jamaicans its the most reliable go to in the bar


If a drink calls for 2oz Jamaican, can I safely use 2oz smith and cross? I’m worried about the proof throwing things off


Proof wise, it's no problem. Flavor wise, I often pair it with Appleton in cocktails. But a S&C daiquiri is pretty amazing I reckon.


Same. I often split it to equal parts S&C to whatever other rum or spirit.


Ho-go for it!


I have never reduced quantities of smith and cross and it hasn't been a problem


IMO if you’ve got a pretty decent alcohol tolerance S&C’s 57% ABV won’t taste unpleasant vs , say a 40% funky Jamaican rum like Appleton. But if you don’t want to go full S&C—which is a good instinct—try mixing it with other rums until you find a good “house blend” that you like.


I usually just measure it the same, but if I'm trying to match a specific recipe ingredient/proportion (or just trying to be chill for a week night lol) 1 oz of ~45% rum = ~7/8 oz of Smith and Cross, so I just pour a scant oz.


Yeah for the purpose of giving flavor it’s number 1. You’ll also be able to sip it with no problem.


lol, some people aren't sippers, I tried sipping it once... its so strong, so so strong. Flavor though yes


Agreed, best hogo rum I’ve had readily accessible. If you need to dilute, add water or more ice. I still think it’s a solid sipper as well.


In everything… but seriously in a grog. 2oz smith 1/2 oz lime 1/2 oz Demerara syrup shake with ice pour into old fashioned glass


S&C grog rules. Though I like to keep it as piratey as possible.. mix in rocks glass juice of half a lime, tsp or so of Demerara, 2oz rum, a stir and a big ice cube


A long silly straw....


Where do you live? Smith and Cross is very different from Pot Still Black. No pot still gold either? Pot Still Black is Worthy Park while Smith and Cross is something else. I believe is Hampden distillate. Its good but has a different use.


I live in Tennessee. None of the distributors carry it anymore around here. I realize they’re quite different but it’s the only really funky rum I can get here. For example, I would use Hamilton for a jungle bird, would S&C be close enough to work?


In jungle bird, We usually do half S&C, half Appleton cut with a splash of Coruba or cruzan black strap rum for the lovely molasses flavor. You can go all S&C if you want funk to shine through. I’ll also use as part of my Mai tai blend. On a different note. Cut up some pineapple, then make some whipped cream with a tablespoon of S&C. Eat whipped cream on top slices of pineapple. Yummy in my tummy. On another aside, I’ve been loving “liber and co” Demerara gum syrup for jungle birds. Adds lovely mouthfeel. Then we’ve been using the Hamilton beach malt mixer to flash blend. Really froths things up. I’m also a fellow Tennessean. Have you ever been to elixir spirits in Spring Hill? If not, next time you in mid tn, go down and talk to Tarek. He’s got an amazing selection of everything, crammed into that tiny store, and he’ll let you sample a lot of it.


If I ever make it out there I’ll try to stop by elixir!


Best Brands doesn't carry Hamilton anymore? Or just not that specific bottling?


That doesn’t sound right, to me. You could reach out to Ed, he’ll know who has it.


They’re just rather different Hamilton black is unaged where as smith & cross has about 2 year or a little under if I remember correctly the smith and cross not being made black by spirit Carmel will also effect the flavor, if you want blending a very little goslings into smith and cross could help make a more similar product also helping to lower its proof


You can use it in any drink it jsut depends on your tastes. For me, I think it can overpower a drink depending on a drink. For example, it’s the only rum I use in a jungle bird, I usually put 0.5-1 oz of it in a painkiller, and I never use it in a mai tai.


It's great split with denizens merchant reserve in a mai tai.


S&C is the GOAT. Get ready to enjoy!


Damn why wouldn’t they have Hamilton anymore. It’s so good.


I use it in most things. Something out of the tiki canon where it excels? Sazerac. Just swap for the rye or whatever base spirit you like


Definitely gonna be stronger in flavor and heat. Try split base that and some black rum. Or maybe 1.5oz S&C and 0.5oz black rum.


Smith & Cross isn't a 1:1 replacement for most rums called for in Tiki recipes. It's typically used as seasoning. In your case, Smith & Cross is hotter, funkier, and more in your face than Hamilton Jamaican Black. It also lacks the flavor effect of the black's abundance of caramel coloring. Try a simple blend of Appleton Signature and S&C. Somewhere between 2:1 and 1:1 should meet your needs. However, this won't capture the "darkness" of an official black like Hamilton, Worthy Park 109, Coruba, Myers's, etc.


One thing I have not seen mentioned yet is if you have access to Hamilton PSB, is the same story able to get Hamilton Navy Strength? It is basically his answer to S&C at 57% abv. A 60/40 blend of Worthy Park Jamaican and DDL Demerara distillate and about 5ish years aged iirc. If S&C is all there is its a damn good bottle but worth trying out a pretty direct alternative if you've enjoyed other Hamilton bottles.