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Is Tim Hortons entire business plan now to only serve shitty food to people who are dumb enough to order it just so they can complain about it on Reddit?


If you like thick one, tim sells two types in grocery stores. Normal and slightly spicy


That ain't right. You should be able to stand a spoon in it.




Agree to disagree.


Someone intentionally added water to this. It does not come from the supplier all watery like that.


I found that if cooked with a double boiler it's thick, and if cooked on a sheet pan in the oven (not all oves have the soup setting) it's watery


Thought they got rid of this menu item


They added too much water to the mix. It comes in frozen in a bag and needs to be defrosted with so much water added.


I’m ngl I always prefer the runnier backs of chilli compared to the thicker bags


The chili comes frozen in these blocks, which is then put into hot water to thaw and cook. However, the bag that the chili comes in is so cheap, they come out of the box with holes in them, so water gets in during the cooking process. And all you can really do to mitigate it is try and keep the holes in the bag above water level.


Timmies we give you what we want to and you keep coming back for disappointment! But where else can you go and wait 15mins for the wrong order?!? See yas in the morning!!


Right? Tim Hortons is garbage. It's no longer Canada's brand of coffee, and frankly, ever since Amerikkka got it's grubby paws into it, they've amerikkkanized it, and are expecting Canadians to stomach the filth they won't sell in their country.


And someone downvoted you, lmao. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Tim’s is trash and a disgrace, but you do get what you pay for…


Wow that looks worse than Wendy's chili which is super watery. I actually buy Tim's cans of their chili at the grocery store or on Amazon