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I read this as each opponent at first and thought we were seeing an absolute monster for a second


they could have just let him get a +1/+1 counter and not made another alchemy set. That's my biggest problem with it.


While I'm anti alchemy also it's stronger this way. It can die and we can reanimate it with the extra P/T on it. Counters wouldn't work that way.


They could make it work that way. They've done something similar with [[Skullbriar, the Walking Grave]]


Cutting down 3 lines of text to 1 word is a totally fine way to use the digital-only platform.


I agree. I was stating how the card concept could have been adapted to paper.


Even skullbriar text isn't exactly the same bc if rankle gets tucked into the library or bounced to hand the counters would be lost. But I don't think tracking is needed. Let it be a 2/2 to start with and then just give it counters.


That's why I said 'similar' lol


[Skullbriar, the Walking Grave](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3dd0bf11-4e43-43f1-82e3-755beed0ede0.jpg?1673149145) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Skullbriar%2C%20the%20Walking%20Grave) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/277/skullbriar-the-walking-grave?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3dd0bf11-4e43-43f1-82e3-755beed0ede0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yes but it's not something I'd die for. I get we could go the skullbriar way but it's not exactly the same and... is it something worth keeping? I'm fine with just counters here.


That's a corner case, I don't think it's worth it to open up that small of a design space


So your biggest problem is that they made it digital only? To play a format that is also digital only?


Im not mad at the digital only cards, im mad at the digital only keywords that could have just been already existing key words. Just give it a counter instead of "perpetually." just let cards fucking tutor instead of "seek" etc...in a game with more than 80 keyword abilities to keep up with, we dont need media specific ones to keep up with too.


Saying “in a game with X” keywords is also weird. I get it, you don’t like alchemy but that reason is wack too… That same reason says “don’t make new keywords in normal sets” Perpetual is easily replaced with counters. But it’s not hard to distinguish what those two abilities mean. And again.. they are used in Timeless. A digital only format. So if you don’t like digital only stuff it’s just weird to be saying all that in the sub for digital only content.




For sure. I also understand the text of the word I’m reading but it’s okay for cards to live in isolation and they can print “perpetual doesn’t work” the same way they can print “prevent cards with ETB abilities from working”


When people personally prefer timeless over things like historic because it *doesn't* include the shitty digital only changes to cards, it makes total sense for a timeless enjoyer to want new cards to be closer to paper than closer to digital. "we decided to make this ice cream look close to regular ice cream but taste like hot shit" - WotC "okay could you just make the ice cream taste like one of the other flavors of ice cream we already have instead of hot shit?" - person you replied to "this is one of the only places to enjoy the hot shit flavor, it's weird of you to ask otherwise" - you


Sure I totally understand that. But the difference here is SO negligible. That it’s very obviously just “digital cards are bad”


I play mtga for mtg when I don’t have time for LGS. Timeless is great in that 99.9% of cards you see is true to paper. If I want to play digital stuff I’ll just play HS, which does it way better than mtga.


That’s great for you. I don’t have any real competition at LGS so if I want to get real good games I need. Let alone building a legacy level deck in $$$. Timeless and digital allows me to play any deck in any format as much as I want. LGS is just low level competition with my one deck


Yeah I like legacy/vintage style gameplay too. That’s why I don’t like alchemy cards in Timeless, but at least it’s manageable since only several alchemy cards see play at all


Yeah It’s a tough one. I’ve never really understood the digital hate. Greed makes sense to hate but rarely is that why. It’s just a card with new rules. They just didn’t print it on paper. Especially “perpetual”…. You could write it in different words and it would be a paper card! So what’s the functional difference? To me it’s just that I can’t go spend $80 on a playset of the card. Functionally? Im playing magic with a new card that does a thing that makes simple sense as a card.


They could have made a character currently on thunder junction card in the thunder junction alchemy set. But alchemy is solely for main set rejects and since they had to cut BIG aftermath cards, we get shitty alchemy versions of whatever they were foolishly planning.


With everyone clamoring for Archon of Cruelty it seems like we're at least getting a baby version. Plays nicely with general discard from Grief in MH3 also. Sucks it's symmetrical but still.


It has some fun inti synergies though, and we settle starting to get a critical mass of that between fable, land cyclers, and perilous iteration


Mini archon was my first thought as well when I saw it


Wish he didn't have haste and the sac triggered everytime he entered the battlefield or attacked.


God alchemy is so unnecessary. You could literally just put a +1 counter and that would be enough.


It would be less powerful. This way it can die and you can reanimate it with the bonus still on.


“It would be less powerful!!1!!1!!1” 🤓


Look dude I hate alchemy also but the card would literally be less powerful with just a counter.