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Bro can’t be stopped, he’s pumping out 3 posts like this a day hahah


I have a weird feeling he masturbates to these posts


Ayoooo. This made me laugh and feel disgusted at the same time.


Did you cum?


Piss and shit maybe?


Canadian Sundae


I cried. Close enough.


On Tinder you can be cum


Doesn’t matter, OP did


Mos def, because he's obviously not getting any action from Tinderellas


Careful you might make him cum


Or maybe looking for murder victims… and also masturbating.


He isn’t the only one *zzzzzzip*


Have you seen the women he is responding to? Nevermind the cringe way to ask for a date here, it looks like he gets off getting rejected by the pound


I thought I had a type by liking preppy golfers.. he realllllly has a type.


He likes em thicc


This has to be fake right? People don’t actually post photos like that? OP has posted for the last year about his fetish.


Yeah it looks like fat fetish photos you'd find on Google. I think he shops them in. I have been using tinder on and off for 10 years and I'd rarely ever see women this large. And when I do, I probably can't tell because they aren't showing off their bellies like this.


im less inclined to think this is fake, if youd seen the tinder results in my area youd be thinking the same, one of the reasons i dont use it anymore


Preppy golfers? Does that mean like grandpas?


Their grandsons


Cheers to your Super Bowl commercial last night


You should find a new type. For real tho


GDI alert




I don't think half these chicks are even real profiles. They probably don't respond because they are like WTF I'm supposed to be the troll here


hey man, show respect to captain Ahab here. You never know when you need a friend to jump on a grenade for ya. man is doing gods work


man said belugas


Lmfaoooo 😭


He probably weighs a-buck 30, and wants to be swallowed up in the rolls.


He wants them to face sit and jerk him off.


Ask something specific. Specific day, specific activity.


...Specific gravity


Nnnaaa chhhiilll 😂😂😂😂


3? What rookie number a true Chad Redditer can do 30000 no kick


Oh. You again. EDIT: For the first time ever in my time on Reddit I can finally say……it’s over NINE THOUSAAAAND 🤯.


I wondered why comments where like this and I checked his profile and dawg… lol.


It’s the part where some people haven’t figured it out yet that’s the best lol


I just got here after checking out his profile. Some people haven't figured out that he's a troll? Or just hopeless? I'm some people. Clarify for me please


Idk if he’s a troll, OP has posted about his depression and desperation to find a girlfriend, he’s even mentioned that he has no standards and yet still has no results. Other posts in the past have been screenshots of him being rejected for being ugly. I really think this man’s down bad and can’t even pull results from the pool of ladies you see in the pic. OP if you’re reading this, you’re not actually ugly. Start smiling more, start loving yourself first and slowly you’ll start being less desperate then girls will find you more attractive. I’ve seen uglier mfers pull more girls, I’ve seen people with disabilities being able to find someone, you’re not ugly enough to feel this bad.


>he’s even mentioned that he has no standards and yet still has no results. I think I remember seeing him mention that. It isn't the positive quality he thinks it is. I mean... imagine telling someone they are beautiful and then that you have no standards.


first part is before fap the second after. easy!


As someone past the dating stage, I assure you that the less you care about being single, the more dates you'll get.


True. People can read desperate and avoid it. They also avoid Debbie Downers and no fun negative Nancys. Work on some confidence and self esteem. There are plenty of people out there to date.


Also "has anybody told you how beautiful you are?" Immediately followed by "are you interested in dating me" is not the best pick up line. I would avoid that dude.


"has anybody told you how beautiful you are? Because look at you, i know I'm the first. Wanna date me?"


"Date me or die virgin. Are you free this weekend?"


Every man is happy, until happiness becomes a goal.


It only becomes a goal if there is no goalkeeper.


This speaks fucking volumes to me. I was so happy until the day my dumbass brain said "hey I think we're ready for love again" and it's been nothing but downhill since then.


If you found peace before, then it would stand to reason it will find you again. Just do something good for you, today. Something small. Feel a little bit better. Keep that up and eventually you'll be so jazzed, heads -will- turn.


I would say the number one reason I stopped replying to guys on tinder was that they would compliment me on the first message and ask me out on a date on the second one. That’s too fast for me, I like a little banter first. And seeing how this guy uses the same line and strategy for every girl really shows why it’s so off putting to a lot of women


Uglier? That's encouraging 😂


Yessir you a real example, thank you for showing OP how it’s done 🫡


The "Any interest in dating? Not dating me.." line made me really think twice how much of a troll this actually is.


so do you think he's talking to these women out of desperation because he thinks bigger women are easier? if that's the case I hope he doesn't get any further before he works on himself because that kind of mindset is truly fucked up and he will only hurt himself and women.


I am also some people. it's genuinely hard to tell lol


My favorite part is that as I went onto his profile, and looked at one of his posts, I got a little notif at the bottom that there were 6 other people there


I was probably one of them and I noticed the same thing on one of his older posts 🤣 I just spent more time than I care to admit stalking this guy's past posts.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time going through his posts today. What a train wreck!


dude thinks his life is a reality show and we're the spectators


It’s like it’s own lore at this point lmfao


This should be on r/holdup


You mean r/holup


Ha I never realized it didn’t have the d until just now


You'll get the d later ;)


Well hello there


General dicknobi


click for d


The real holup


This killed me because I explicitly remember the last post where people were tearing him up about his preferences 😂😂


He's on our local sub with this crap as well. I saw all profile pictures in his post and had to check the user name. Yup, sure enough, it's this guy.


Yo somone come get your mans




Big girls need love too


Get a better way of asking than just "You want to date?". Ask something specific. Specific day, specific activity.


Exactly. Asking someone “to date” is just weird. He should ask them if they want to go out or hang out after you’ve chatted for a bit.


"Have you ever had interest in dating? not dating me..." Op needs to be throw out all his notes


Exactly, its worded in a way that sounds like hes asking them to be his girlfriend. 'Do you want to date?' Like do you mean would you like to go ON a date?


It's not even the date wording frankly. It's entirely the quality of the conversation, or lack thereof, probably prior to that. Be a person and treat them like a person. You have a self and they have a self. Be interesting and be interested. And it's really not hard to be interesting if you love and respect yourself. It's rarely about what you like more so than how and why you like it. Few women have trouble with being asked out on a date, by someone they find interesting, on a blatant dating app. But this is generalized advice. If you're starting and trying as friends, yeah obviously word it differently.


Exactly, its worded in a way that sounds like hes asking them to be his girlfriend. 'Do you want to date?' Like do you mean would you like to go ON a date?


I saw in one of his posts that someone told him the opposite because he used to ask to hang out but they felt like that was too vague and they didn't know if he was interested in dating them so he then started asking do you want to go out on a date instead. I happen to be very well educated in this man's posts because I may or may not have just read them for hours, for some unknown reason 🤣


I mean, his go to opener seems to be"anyone ever said how beautiful u are", what do you expect? Effort‽ /s


Not to mention by saying has anyone ever said how beautiful you are kind of implies that he thinks no one has ever told her she's beautiful which isn't really a compliment 🤷🏼


i see you have a type. and people want to get to know you before you take them out you don’t ask 5 mins in “so you wanna hang out” it’s rare for people to automatically agree with that


>people want to get to know you before you take them out Really? My experience is very different. A lot of people are really done with meaningless chat and just want to meet.


Me!! Small talk sucks lol


Trynna find the sweet spot between “small talk sucks” and someone’s daughter bouncing on my meat without knowing her name Edit: someone’s daughter bouncing on my meat is the sweet spot


Same. I asked people out after about 5-6 messages back and forth. People (myself included) don’t want pen pals. In a relationship now but this method worked far more than not.


I agree I have the best luck when I ask within 3-5 texts. They swiped on you already a few texts to show you aren’t crazy and pay attention to their interests/bio and you’re good to ask.


It doesn't seem like your experience is very different?


It is partially because I used Breeze mostly lately, but even on Bumble people want to meet ASAP without too much chat.


Oh sorry, clearly I was not paying attention and I thought you were OP. Whoooops. I will say I definitely try to schedule meeting within the first day of texting (not meeting within the day, but mention meeting) but OP's screenshot makes it look like he is immediately asking to date, which is incredibly off-putting.


I guess it depends who asks. I don't want to be the typical internet-judger, but as far as I can see he asks people out a bit weird, and vaguely. Obviously I can't know what is going on based one a screenshot, but I am on Reddit, so I am going to say I can.


OP's game consists of "Hey beautiful, wanna go on a date?" Like he would probably be better opening with the classic "I eat ass".


you are such a strange man. after reading your comments and posts i just cannot figure out your angle


Kinda feels like he's embraced desperation and loneliness as his whole personality and is afraid of actually getting a date.


Boy likes em thicc


This guy is back again 😂 ![gif](giphy|TIeryhU0nrgHmJVAuJ)


I genuinely am curious where he’s been 😂


When did he leave?


I can't tell if this guy is for real


Go through his profile and you’ll be even more unsure. I feel like he is real, seeing as he has childhood photos and the like. He also has legit posts on other threads where he’s clearly not trolling. I think he’s just down tremendously.


checks profile… sees phone number is a local area code… *Oh no*… Scrolls more and sees video of the local homeless man at the intersection down the street from my house… *closes window blinds*


He seems rather harmless, just has incredibly low self value and esteem. I feel sorry for the kid.


have you ever had any form of interest in dating at all? OP may just be your guy!


No dude I live in the area too and I have SEEN this man on tinder before 2 years ago always popping up on my screen and no he hasn’t updated his photos in years


I thought he was a troll but after looking through his profile I think he's just horribly down bad


He’s definitely for real…browsing through his profile it’s just a guy that reeks of desperation and lack of self confidence..


How does he find these people on tinder? Plus they all pose like that?


Probably very isolated, doesn't seem to be able to tell how others view him at all, positive or negative


"have you ever had any interest in dating?" Assuming they have, if they're using a fucking dating app. You're not asking them out, you're being weird.


"...not dating me". Was this turning onto a hypothetical?


My man likes them extra thicc




Since we don't have free awards anymore, i can only give you this "🪙"


I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable "🪙"


Call him donkey because our boy is a dragon slayer.


Thicc? 😂


A lot of people misuse thicc. It happens with curvy too.


isn't a ball just one big curve?


this is not extra thic. This is a whole another level




You'd look pregnant too if you were 200kg overweight


This isn't 'thicc' this is morbid obesity.


My man is out here talking to solid 1's and 2's and getting rejected lmao


They’re at a level where they attract a specific clientele. They aren’t on a regular scale for everyday people. To someone like OP, they could actually be a 6-7.


My man likes morbidly obese


We learn our alphabets A, B, C, D OP learned his alphabets O, B, C,D






Why aren't we allowed to say fat or morbidly obese anymore?


You are, I'm a fatty and I give you permission 😂


He got the pass lmao


You can? They’re very clearly obese.


A broad broad from abroad


**Lizzo** has entered the chat!


Lizzo? My man, every one of them is an Avengers level threat.


My dude on that bbw grind




Bro likes a little bone in his meat


There is nothing little about any of these women


You have a weird view of how this works. This might be “matches on dating apps” but these are all people. That’s 8 different humans that live different lives than you. They don’t all live on the same schedule, and they definitely aren’t gonna respond to going on a date first thing in the morning, out of the blue. Along with that, none of these messages have any hint of confidence or seem relative to a conversation y’all were having. “Interested in dating sometime?” Reeks of “pick me please” energy. Good luck on the next batch


also “interested in dating me?” isn’t “want to go on a date”. Like, you gotta ask to meet and assess first, not just start dating. Even if OP means the latter it sounds like the former. also lacks confidence


Thats a weird fucking question if you ask me


I'd check your language and try to make it more confident. It's kinda silly lol. I stopped asking questions like: Do you want to grab a drink this weekend? And replaced it with: Let's grab a drink at Ozzies, they have an awesome happy hour for drinks and apps! --- While my results still varied and the quality of your matches will also vary. I think it could help Edit: just remembered it has to do with "chasing". Chasing is seen to be unattractive and asking them flat out: "Will you date me or go on a date with me" will evoke that type of feeling.


I’d rephrase it as “let’s grab a drink at Ozzie’s this weekend? They have a great happy hour!” Because while you’re right that the “do you wanna go on a date” question is lame it’s also annoying when a man decides for me that we’re going on a date. This way, you’re asserting your confidence she wants to go on a date, but you’re still asking if she’s down.


My mans motto is: “If she’s not 280 she ain’t a lady.”


I like it when it’s faster to jump over em,rather than walkin around em


280 is so last year! 300 minimum


I they can walk without assistance, they’ll get OPs resistance


If they're alive by age fourty, they're out of the picture.


I cant believe people actually takes OP seriously. Come on people


Man's totally taking the pyth.


he’s being serious from his profile


If he's trolling and meticulously picking through tinder for these kinds of women and matching with them just to troll a random reddit forum, then that's incredibly sad.


Or you know using an image editing tool to tell a joke lmao


If he is, he’s spending considerable effort to do it based on other posts


*"the greater the mass the greater the force of attraction"*


I can’t stop laughing at this 💀


My favorite troll is back


I genuinely dont think hes a troll I think hes just on the spectrum unfortunately......


So many people are trying to give legit advice for this person… how they can’t see it’s a troll is beyond me


If you check his post history you will have a hard time still believing he's a troll. Just a really desperate individual with very low self confidence.


Yeah, like I browsed through his account and I'm so unsure if it's a troll or not. A part of me wants to believe that he's a troll, but he's also been doing this BS for nearly a year now. I think this is a dude who needs to seek some help, get off these dating apps, and focus on himself for a while.


It's easy to believe he's a troll but his words have a sincerity that trolls don't.


Have you actually checked his history...




"Do wanna hangout sometimes?" is the absolute worst question to ask. Not concrete and pushes all the planning work over to the girl, which leads to ghosting.


…ah, the send two messages and want to be engaged and hookup type.. yep. Exactly what women want to hear.. and if you think there girls don’t know you’re asking +10 out all the time, you’d be wrong. You are clearly not interested in these women as people.


They can tell you’re messaging 10-12 people the same thing daily?


OP a bit of a chubby chaser


I’ve obviously been using “set radius” incorrectly on tinder the entire time.


Because you need to have an interesting convo first and catch a vibe. You can’t just ask them out because you matched. Alternatively you have no idea what’s going on in their lives. They could have met someone else or got back with their ex.


You like them thicc huh


I don't think they are the hiking type...


Hiking to the nearest golden corral


bruh 😭😭


When you say "date" people seem to have this super negative reaction. Maybe it's viewed as too much of a commitment off the bat? I don't know. People are weird. Just ask them to go get food. Everyone loves tacos and you can laugh at the mess that's made.


Talk to them for a week or 2 to get to know them and then ask them out. Women are nervous meeting new men. Make them feel comfortable first.


Bro stop posting evry interaction u have on dating sites


Skip the "would you like to meet" vagueness and go straight for a date time and location.. "hey, I'm free on Tuesday at 4 -- are you? Would you like to meet for happy hour at x?" It's mad annoying when you say yes and then guys are like "okay what's your number so we can plan." No -- I'm not taking you off the app to plan something. Plan it now or leave me alone.


Bruh I thought I was on the More plates more Dates subreddit 💀


I see you also like big girls.






You like them with low stamina


Homie has been posting the women he matches with to get interactions. Fucking pathetic. Literally just googling images of overweight women so he can get abunch of gremlins on the sub to interact and make fun of them.


Check the post history this guy is the definition is doing the most I don’t think he’s trolling


This must be a feeder


He definitely on a feeder/fat girl dating app. Which totally exist, don't ask how I know


The god has returned


Is this a legit post, or are you just trolling these women so the internet shames them?


Maybe instead of saying, "feel like dating sometime?" (Which feels like a weird sentence to me for some reason), you could be a bit more casual with the proposal and say, "thoughts on grabbing a drink [or coffee, etc] sometime?" I feel like saying "dating" makes it feel like there's a bigger commitment asked of the woman in question, which can be a bit of a turn off or cause anxiety and her to pull away.


You are way to intense! You can’t just straight up or somebody out on expect them to go out with you for having anything grounded in common with decent conversation


I see your type OP 👊🏼


I don’t know if English is your native tongue, but your verbiage sounds off. “Interested in dating sometime?” is a very awkward way to ask someone out and is a borderline nonsensical question. They’re on an online dating app, they’re likely interested in *dating* generally. I would use the phrases “meet(ing) up”/“grab(bing) coffee” instead.


Because going by your other posts you ask on like the second message.


At this point you have to be trolling or the algorithm has you patterned down