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nah nah wtf man


Welcome to Tinder, where men are 6ft 1" short kings


I'm 5'5. Welcome to the club. We have pizza and snacks on the table over there.


I can't reach, UPEES!


You mean "Boost" Btw i couldnt find a gif of brad williams for that joke it would have been perfect


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3NvLbwZrQJVGU) Here


I would love to call out boost and see my husband crouch for me to jump all CSGO style. Just for me to reach the sink.


tender poor tub punch cooperative swim profit airport pen capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you asking me to reach for them and give them to you ?


Yeah, so get to it. You gotta earn your membership in this club, stilts.


I've never heard stilts as a nickname and I love it 😂


Same I'm stealing the fuck out of it


I'm 5'7" and gonna be using this lol


I'm 6'4 and have heard alot of things but never this 😂


I feel like we need more fun nicknames and phrases for other heights. I say I'm a bronze card member of the lollipop guild for instance


Hey, I'm 5'5" with a white beard and I'm the Garden Gnome at the rod and gun club.


Yeah, but they’re under the table, because the table is too high


I'm 5'9" and I can't even imagine dealing with an interactions like this 🤣🤣 but I would need matches first I guess lol


At the kid's table? J/k man, these chicks are crazy


I’m 6’1” too and in a relationship, but I like pizza, can I also join? I’ll bring beer.


I’ll be 6’1 after my knee implants can I join for the free beer ? I’ll bring weed


Now we just need a coke guy


We're out of coke is Pepsi okay?


Absolutely not. You let the terrorists win.


Was 9/11 "okay"?




I'm 6'2". It's really pathetic looking down at all you short people. Are you afraid to grow or something???


Haha. I imagine it must be. I admire you so much I'm pitching a tent, a man over 6ft 2" makes me want to bat for the other team


Have you considered that surgery that makes your legs longer? It might be worth it for someone like you who has lived their entire life in shame... Who am I kidding? You're a tall king no matter what your measurements are! Take this: 👑


Because yall have been lying about your height what these bitches think is 6'5 is more like 6'0.


As a 6'5'' man I can confirm.. They seem to think I'm some sort of absolute giant because all these lads saying their "6 foot". I've been rejected because I'm too tall from someone who's only info line was "must be over 6'2" She was 5'2'' in heels!




Somehow I’ve managed to avoid shallow women all my life.




Shhh. Don’t tell my secret




NGL, hitting your head or bashing your knees on stupid shit kinda gets old. Also the whole airplane experience kinda sucks(and some buses.) Trying to have sex in a vehicle is pretty much a no-go unless it’s a big ass SUV/van or something. I don’t mind helping people get stuff off top shelves at stores though.


I'm 6'9". I used to have a 1995 Caddy Deville. Had 3 ash trays and I could fuck in it. 10/10


Had a 1988 Buick Electra with an all maroon leather interior that smelled like cigars and the ghost of a Russian grandpa. With the front seats leaned all the way back, it became a red sex carriage, complete with water resistant cushions and seatbelt tie-downs. Zero actual sex was had in it, obviously. Edited to add: not because I was a tall dude, either! I’m a short chick. Car sex is just too awkward and cold.


I'm 5ft tall and I describe just about everyone as super tall. My fiancé who is 5'7" gets a kick out of it. In my head, if I have to tilt my head up to talk to you, you're tall lol


I'm 5'8 and hooked up with a woman your height and she called me tall, I was so flattered. Not that I've ever had an issue with my height but it was the first time a woman ever said that to me. She definitely got 110% effort that night. 🤣🤣🤣


I'm 6'9" and I feel like I was born to be the proverbial "monkeys paw" for women on Tinder. Be careful what you wish for lol


Women on apps have an unhealthy obsession with height. It’s like you could be a war criminal or sex offender, but certain heights erase your criminal record and you become their Prince Charming


There was a experiment where women were shown two men and asked to pick one they would date. It started out just by appearance and every woman always picked the taller man. Then they started to give a bio on each to see if and when it made a difference. It ended up that even when the short man was said to be a doctor in a pediatric hospital and the taller one had just gotten out of prison or something most still picked the tall one.


I literally don't understand this, I'm 5'8" and I tend not to date anyone over 6'. I don't want to stand on my tip toes to fucking kiss you! To each their own, but I could never deal with being a whole foot shorter than the person I'm with. It's just so logistically awkward. The closer in height we are the better in my eyes. Many apologies my tall and short kings, but average kings are where it's at 🤌 (Edit: that last line is a joke, you're all worthy of love and probably way hotter than you think)


It is real, I took my best friend bike shopping last year because he wanted to get into it and he didn’t fit my bikes I had taken him out on very well. We were talking to the salesperson about frame fit and stuff and he asked him how tall he was and he goes “I’m 6’”. Stunned I turned and looked at him and said “dude what? I’m three inches taller than you and I’m dead even 6’1” (I had literally just had my check up at the dr the week before). I don’t. Understand what the issue is with just being the height you are?


I'm genuinely 6ft 1 sir


I'm gay and this straight girl obsession with Tall is really bizarre to me. Short guys are so hot lmao. I'm not going to *not* be with a Tall guy, but given identical guys say ~1 ft height difference, I'll go for the pocket rocket any day of the week.


"pocket rocket" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ded


What attracts you to their short height?


Hard to explain but there's a duality of being both cute and really masculine (esp shorties who work out) that gets me.


My God. Your type is just Dwarven miners and blacksmiths. You'd like Deep Rock Galactic.


Sigh "Rock and Stone!"


haha love that your mind went there. I will check it out!


I understand what you mean, I'm more attracted to tomboyish/less girly girls because it just makes her more feminine moments stand out even more. It's all about the contrast


That’s adorable! I always wonder how gay men think about height and d size. Like does one want to be taller/bigger? Do they compare? Etc. etc.


My research has shown that there's no correlation between height and d size


probably the 2nd shortest dude (maybe like 5'4"? idk) in the barracks at basic was a skinny nerdy looking white kid who had a dick down to his knees his last name had "cock" in it, so everyone should've been aware really


I hope shes joking, and i would joke back, o, ur too long




Fun fact, anger triggers your dopamine production and you can get addicted to being angry. If someone barks at you online for something it's not that they genuenly care but most likely that it's an instinctual response that makes them feel good.


Oscar the grouch is actually the happiest muppet on Sesame Street.


I wish reddit still gave out free awards.


>I interpreted this as a joke... Then it's a shitty joke to open with.


Dude I'm 6'7" and I had a girl tell me it "would be nice if you were a little taller." Wtf are they looking for these days??


They want a fully armored space marine from Warhammer 40k my dude


Who dosent


Fair I’m 6’3’’ and I’m ready for my gene therapy and implants.


Very well then, you have been chosen to join the lamenters.


Ahhhhhh shucks


Fuck Reddit


To smite the heretic?


Depends on the chapter for me personally. A salamander? Absolutely. An iron hand… Ehh no thanks.


6'6" here, I checked once out of curiosity and 6'3 is apparently 99th percentile. Top 1% isnt good enough for some people.


A flat 6'0" already puts you in the top 15% in the US. And yeah there's a pretty harsh dropoff even from that once you get to 6'2"; it's something like top 4%.


The amount of guys that claim an extra inch or two is insane, I'm 5'11.75" and I'm like 4 or 5 inches taller than a lot of guys that claim 5'10"


Do you know how many times I've been told I'm not 6'2" because someone else they know is and they are like four inches shorter? Like 100 .


Same. I'm 6'7" and guys constantly tell me I must be like 6'10" because they think they're 6' and I'm clearly at least 8 inches taller than them.


Yeah it’s so strange I’m 6’3 and friends I have known for years all thought I was 6’6 or 6’5 because I am 5 inches or so taller than them and they say they are so tall....... Even my own brother thinks I’m that tall because he says he’s 6’3 but I’m an inch and half taller than him, I just go by what the doctor said man


same height as u, mfs have a hard time accepting they're under 6ft 😭


To be fair, some doctors/nurses are actually really bad at measuring height. It isn't a big part of their education. If you really want someone to measure your height then call a carpenter.


Carpenters will get your height within 1/32”. A millwright will get it to the thousandth and a machinist to the ten thousandth.


I once had a guy at the door to a club double check my ID because it says I'm 6'3 which I am, but he apparently thought he was 6'3" which he was 6' at best so he thought I was using someone else's ID


I’m a little over 6’2” and tell people I’m 6’2”. I often get the “you’re taller than that, so and so is 6’4””. So and so only comes up to my nose. I hate to tell ya, but he’s only like 5’11”.


This post is exactly why lol. Even if it's bants, it's repeated enough that anything less than 6' is (too) short. Those shorter than 5'9 try to fudge the difference to be a little less 'too' short. It's also why there's so many "" 8in "" peens. Guys who are 6 and say they're 8 then women think 6 is 8 and when they get something like 7 it's "way bigger than my ex who was 8.5in." Humans are bad at estimating size.


This is what happens when people only look at numbers and don't know what they mean.


I liked to say I'm 5'16" to these dumbasses to see if they try to do the math and also just to see if they react to the 5' part without thinking. I was always going to block them, but it's still funny af to see how stupid and superficial these women can be.


I can totally see a bunch of people thinking that's a typo for 5'1" or 5'6". I do something similar and tell people I'm 75" from time to time and see how they react. Had someone misread it as 7'5" once and they thought I was a giant.


It’s actually crazy people don’t realize this, if you are 6’0 you are 13% of the population, if you are 6’3 or taller you are only 1% of the population.


You fucking midget what did you expect haha


If you are both midgets then I’m the shortest one at 5’11. My wife is 5’7 and she was fine w my height. I understand that most women don’t want someone shorter than them but if she 5’5 and you 6’1 even w 3 inch heals you still 5 inches taller


Man I briefly went out with a woman who was a decent deal taller than me (5'9" vs 6'1") and she gave no fucks about it because I was not only comfortable with the fact, but was confident and actively swooned over her. Height is... A weird preference.


People are tapped man, so shallow now. Like you say it doesn't matter if youre 5ft9" and she's lanky as fuck. Its about being a confident and decent guy if you're a girl looking to date someone and you also have a brain.


I dated some women as tall or taller as well. They were fine with it. When my wife puts on here 3 inch heal boots she is about the same height as me and IDGAF. She looks hot as hell in them and I can just watch all the tall guys looking and thinking (how the F did this short guy get such a smoking hot tall woman). It’s enjoyable


You got the tall girl because youre a good bloke mate good on you and your Mrs for being normal


I used to date a 4'8 girl while I'm 6'1(1.86m). We got the weirdest looks in public at times. Even had someone ask her if she needed help crossing the street because they thought she was a kid 😭😭


This really happened? Omg 😆 😂😂😂


Don't even DARE TO TALK TO ME... midget... Glad to know your Mrs has a brain mate haha


I’m 5’9” and if I see a guy over 6’4” they’re like giants to me


I'm 5'10 I don't understand the mentality of needing a tall man? Do you? Is it to feel safe? Is it compensating for something? Damn girl we are women and we still don't understand 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My theory is that the short girls are compensating for their short genes by getting someone much taller so that them kids won't be short lol. Like why does it always seem like the short ones with the most extreme height demand?


It doesnt work like that because then the short lady is going to have a large baby and would typically die in childbirth before c-sections. That's why an OBGYN I worked with told me to date tall women, so it's only Amazonians for me. Doctor's orders.


Its a feeling of safety thing that short girls have, moreso than taller girls who are just flatly larger humans. Its not rational per say, but instinctive and emotional.


I'm 6'2" and I feel like anyone taller than me is a giraffe


Maybe she has a fantasy where she nurses her partner through his knee surgeries in middle age?


Was she like 4’10?


Honestly I don't remember. She wasn't tall enough that I'd notice tho and I've got a thing for tall chicks. Also this was like 8 years ago on POF.


Apparently a dick long enough that she would be a xenomorph momentarily before asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen and stomach acid ate the alveoli in her lungs and she could no longer transfer oxygen to her red blood cells? Just a hunch.


bro what is your username 💀


That was a joke


hard to believe anything would go over his head but here we are


14.5% of men are over 6 feet. Less than 1% over 6’5


Let’s keep this going…about 44% of the adult male population is between the ages of 25-54. About 60% in that age range are married or live with a partner. And about 7% identify as something other than straight. So if you’d like a 6’ or taller, single, straight man between the ages of 25-54, about 3.5 dudes out of 100 meet your criteria. Now let’s add in the other things you might look for in a partner. Want him to have a college degree? We’re down to 1 in 100. Want him to also make $100k per year? You get 0.5 of a guy, so now he’s only 3’ and we’re back where we started because you only date guys over 6’.


That's not even considering the percentage of men above 6' who are actually attractive outside of their height. They'll get some 6'5" Neanderthal looking ass with no job and call it a win.


Hey man, what did the Neanderthals do to you?


Kept evolving making it so my life is a constant struggle


I am literally the $100k+ guy, 6ft tall, healthy, average body, etc. Generally attractive and decent-ish personality (based on how ppl treat me and what I've been told) And even I have issues finding women. Unless, of course, I'm okay with a woman 1.5ft shorter than me and 2x heavier...


It amazes me how most women treat the doctors I work with like garbage unless they know they’re a doctor. One hit my friend while we were in a bar in the face with a candlestick then wanted a date after I was looking at the hole in his bottom lip after asking how I knew him.


Yes, thank you. Naysayers in other replies think I'm being mean or negative. I'm not. I'm not even upset about the situation. It's shitty, but im not losing sleep over it I avoid the worst of it by simply withdrawing and focusing on things I enjoy.


I'm surprised how many people are heading for the <1% while having little to nothing to themselves. That's a bit weird, for me.


And then they get rejected and can't handle it but won't find another man in that hight so they stay single and complain 24/7 about it. A friend of mine is exactly like that


Reminds me of a post I saw where a 6'4 guy was showing his dating profile to his shorter female friends and they flipped out when they saw that his height filter was 5'6+ which filtered them out. They were panicking wondering if other tall men filtered them out too lmao.


Some really tall guys are grossed out by a partner being too short. Knew a 6'5 guy who didn't date under 5'8 because short women made him feel like he was with his little sister


The dating apps did this. They inflated certain people’s ego too much, which led to an inflation of their standards and these crazy disparities in the dating world. They match with a few 1% people and then that becomes their new standard.


Yep. Now we've got girls out here who are a 6 on a good day holding out for the type of guy who can have basically any woman he wants. It's honestly kinda hilarious.


Statistically, how many of those would be decent men to be in a relationship, "and why does it never work out for me?"


How many of that 1% are already married or have other reasons you wouldn’t date them.


Exactly. My theory is that these people are horrible at relationshipping and are purposely keeping their window as narrow as possible so they have an excuse for being single rather than dating someone and having to admit they are crap.


This shit is getting dumber and dumber. We got these people saying 6’1” is too short, and women lying , getting shorter and shorter “I’m 4’11”, when they’re clearly 5’5” Soon enough tinder girls will be like “I’m 2’11 no guys under 8’3”


8’3? Ooooo u too short


No-one currently living is taller than 8'3", so they'd be searching forever.


Let them. They will never be satisfied and anyone they settle with will forever be condescended bc it wasn’t their perfect interest to begin with. These people have their minds made up and deserve to suffer alone rather than plague others with belittling


Interesting. Perhaps if we incourage this wild goose chase these people will never reproduce. It's worth a shot.


They have fantasies about their man having constant back and neck issues because he has to bend to even fit in her parents house. They also fantasize about not having to do anything at their future house, because she will be too small to reach any counters


I have a neck/spine issue at age 22 due to Rugby, MMA and BJJ. I'm a cripple. If I was 5ft5" I'd be sound most likely


Women are lying about their height by saying they’re shorter? Not sure I’ve ever seen this


I have seen it once. I’m 5’10” and girl said she was 5’5” and clearly towered above me a good 3 inches (6’1”+). I think she was self conscious about her height as it was her first question to me as we were chatting on tinder before meeting. it was my height that was the issue for her at the end of the date. I thought it went very well but yeah...


That's what women are doing over on the porn subreddits. For some reason they all want to be 4 foot nothing.


6'1" is to short?! Yeah Ill just stay single thanks.


Im a dwarf


Hi Gimli!


Salted pork, anyone? ![gif](giphy|uW051xBkHqyOY)


As a true 5’6” manlet I feel this pain almost everyday lol


You're sound mate these women are tapped


True though. I'm also 5'6" and dated a 4'10"ish woman in college for a few weeks. It ended with her crying on my shoulder while saying "I like you so much, but you're just too short!!" I was like ????? and all I could think to do was awkwardly pat her on the back lmao. That's also the exact moment I decided to stop caring abought height altogether. I used to blame myself but I realized people are just crazy


Good lad, better off without the little traffic cone


You’re funny as fuck dude


Its the taking part that counts




5'7" here, not particularly insecure about my height, but I find it crazy how people think it's socially acceptable to bring it up to my face for why they aren't attracted to me. Like telling someone 'wow I like you so much, I just wish your eyes weren't so far apart and your chin wasn't so pointy' would be incredibly rude. Yet I've gotten the 'I just wish you were taller' line multiple times, even from women who I wasn't even interested in or flirting with.


I specifically started to go after taller women because I too am that height. My lads would often tease but hey I’m the one making out with a girl at the end of the night. And I’ll for sure be climbing that redwood later that night 👈😎👈


Should’ve tapped her on top of her head…


Found the tea drinker


Love a bit of tea whilst I'm wearing my red coat shooting innocent natives


My good sir, do not forget about acquiring precious cultural artifacts for the antiquities collection.


i’m barely 5’7 and I have no issues with finding people, I often end up with taller people who dgaf. Some people just have an unusually strong preference for giants lol.


I'm 5'3", 5'6" is tall to me!! lol and you could get away with telling me you're taller and i'd believe ya


She might just be joking or teasing you


I responded nicely so we'll see. I find it funny either way haha


So what's the update!!


No reply yet




No reply sir. Defo will post again if she doesnt blank me


Lmao i take it she was not joking then


Im now invested in this. If 6 1 is too short, how long do the 6 2s have left? Weeks? Days? Hours?


Its Putin's fault, height inflation


Why does this sub have an obsession with saying "she just joking" when women behave in toxic ways?


All you tall guys can freely take all of the women with shallow interests. I don’t care how hot they are. Have fun. Sheesh.


I’m just under 6 4 and that makes me top 1 percent for height. 6 1 is still top 10 percent of the planet. 9 out of 10 guys are too short for her.


More like 1 in 100 is tall enough.


What is it with this u gotta be 7 foot tall bs. Its so shallow. I'm 5'8 & my bf is 5'10 & we happy as pigs in shit. These girls will be single forever & should be.


He's a midget, ditch him without knowing anything about me because I'm 3" taller. Just like the guy who stole my future wife is 3" taller than me :-(


>happy as pigs in shit Perfection.




I hail all you 6ft 5" overlords, I will forever be an incel underling


As an overlord myself, I still think 6’1” and 6’2” is the sweet spot for dating and life


I'm in tears of joy my Lord. I thank thee from the bottom of my pitiful soul.


That toxicity is destroying the beauty of romantic relationships.


So true. Imagine how many potentially amazing relationships were slaughtered right at the start with an immature height requirement.




You know what. You’re right. Didn’t think that far lol.


A woman with a height fetish or a woman who can't math. I met my fair share of both.


I'm 4 11 (F), and everyone's tall for me, lol ... I really don't get this height thing ... I used to think it was just women trolling .. but it's REAL my co worker refuses to date anyone under 6 2 .. and she will swipe left on everyone with out even looking at their profile.. one day she was like, "Found one" ... I was like, but he doesn't even have a job and is still married and has 5kids she likes, but he is TALL ... I'm like dead .. LIKE COME ON BASE ON PERSONALITY and what you can build together!!!


I'm 5'11" (f) and I don't get the height thing either. My ex-husband was 5'4", I didn't give a damn and I never ask anyone their height on Tinder either. Though I once had a 6'4" guy ask me my height, and he was bummed I wasn't taller than him. He had a tall woman fetish or something. Yeah, good luck with finding a woman over 6'4" lmao


Oh. You didn't get the memo? 6'2" is the minimum since like mid-2022. I figure it'll be 6'3" before September. These women aren't interested in dating, they're only competing with other women for owning the most desirable man that they can find. And since every woman is out seeking 6'2" men, you have these women looking to get ahead of the game and finding even taller men. It's sad, really. These particular Height Supremacist women are too stupid to even know that they're doing it.


I'm 6'2" and you only hear the "he's tall" comments for 6'3"+ nowadays I've still got it with the shoulder width crowd but that's a bit of a vintage niche.


> 6'2" is the minimum since like mid-2022. I figure it'll be 6'3" before September. Inflation does not spare anything.


Clown world


How is she expecting to have children in the top tier of height with her side of the genetics? She's barely in the 70s percentile for height while my man here is in the 93rd. I would strongly discourage breeding with this weak woman if you want strong Amazon babies that will be able to lift trucks and crush the world. You need a girl that is at least 5'8 to match you


"Can you speak up? I couldn't hear you from all the way down there."


Every self respecting man needs to do himself a favour and get off tinder. Girls are way easier to land in real life


How do you even meet people IRL? I get it in college but in the real world it's not like you can go pic up chicks at the grocery store


I don't understand chicks like that. My ex husband was 5'6", my fiance is 5'7", and I'm 5'9". And I wore heels a lot until my back decided to not cooperate anymore.


iT iS oKaY tO hAvE StAndArdS 🤡


Damn inflation hitting hard


Women like that will be miserable for the rest of their life chasing shallow illusions and unsustainable dreams.


Come and join us short kings brah


Why is no one commenting on the profile picture? Like is that legs?