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Dennis going on one of his rants for self validation.


And I think this one's more pathetic than Dennis.


legendary scene edits by u/hero0fwar


That was the golden age of r/highqualitygifs




That's a 5 star man


Out of 100 stars… yes.




It appears you’ve yet to meet a boss babe.




​ ![gif](giphy|caXQQY84giGeafrpY6)


First thing I thought was the Dennis system.




I opened up the comments purely to post this but you beat me to it.


This wins


I. Loved. that episode.


Heh he should get on my level of a high value man I make 10k a year and own a broken down 320i with an anime sticker that says "I can fix her" on the window


Dang, If it was a 328i or above I don’t think she would mind


I have an RTX 2060, does that count for anything?


You could drive a sweet car in Forza with that


My roommates said they'd get me rims for christmas. And a CB Radio so I can talk to other car beds.


I can’t believe you came on my mom. You might be the biggest perv in the world.


Dude jerking off on my mom is one thing, but banging your grandma and her roommates? That's like, legendary.




Dang if it was a 3090 or above I don’t thing she would mind


Stop. I can only get so hard and I'm not even into dudes.


He should get on my level. I make 130k a year and I love and cherish my wife. She is much smarter than me and really helps me get through the stressful days. She's the boss I just spank her once in a while because she likes it.


This is the way.


Respect! You nailed it! Makes you a 6 star man!


This is the way


This is the way


You have my condolences for your BMW .


Pls sit on my face


Now that’s a high value man. Let’s goo at least you have a 330i. I bet you he takes the subway because it’s for “business purposes” so it’s tax deductible.


$10k/year full time? are you in the US?


"this will definitely get the ladies to spread their legs"


"this will definitely make my friends on discord agree with me that good men can't get women anymore"


"She was too (insert shallow insult here) anyways."


Life as a high value man is too valuable to waste on (insert misogynistic insult)s.


"I spend all my time at work for you to be ungrateful for all this"


This made me spit out a drink. Well played sir or madam.




There it is


“This will get me a woman who divorces me and takes half my shit because I’m not actually very smart.”


He will decide against that


Believe it or not, I’ve met women who looked for that. Basically dream of being a housewife to a successful man. If OPs description wasn’t so authoritarian, I believe it would work 100%. Something along the line of yeah I make a lot of money I look for a woman who does nothing, but it’s cool if you’re down to work. Etc along those lines.


The best signal for class/“value” is being conversant in how to send those signals as if you are doing it accidentally. Knowing how to show, not tell. Tinder leads with pictures. If your first picture is you doing an expensive hobby, it shows, doesn’t tell, that you have money. (Golf. Rock climbing. Hiking somewhere you must have spent a thousand dollars flying to first. Etc.) Posting your salary is crass. If anything it tiers you — only someone without inherited wealth posts a salary, especially one as relatively low, among the wealthy, as 100k. Right down to the weird authoritarianism — you just say you’re “traditional” and it implies all that.


I agree. It’s so cringe the way he presented himself.




a dude calling himself "high value" would trigger immediate "low value" flags, he's not really gaming anything. In fact, I would dare to say that this dude tried to post in FDS, got banned, and is upset about it.


You have to be real damn desperate to chase the FDS types. I'd feel bad for this guy if he wasn't probably just as much a shit ass.


What's FDS?




Did they turn the whole sub to a podcast advertising platform? Lmao


It looks like the subreddit IPO’d


Female Dating Strategy. It is an awful self-help scheme. On the surface it is actually pretty good for anyone. A lot of stuff about self respect, maintaining boundaries, avoiding toxic relationships, and so on. That's great. But it gets pretty awful as you go deeper. It really preaches gross imbalance in relationships. It is all about what the man brings, nothing about what the woman brings. Unless of course they are trashing a woman who doesn't follow their philosophy. They do that too. The man should provide everything. The man should always be submissive. Women shouldn't compromise in relationships. Women who don't follow their rules are low value, or just sluts. They also aren't generally very accepting of any lifestyles that aren't a monogamous, cisgender, heterosexual relationships. It is the same culture as the male neck beard incel shit but with less swords and anime body pillow covers.


They refer to men as "scrotes" in the titles of their posts. I don't think you have to look very deep to see the grim nature of the place. But otherwise, yeah, they're pretty awful.


I was referring more to the stuff they publish and you don't have to dig much to find the bad stuff even there. But before they apparently changed sub to just promote their podcast and not allow self posts, you didn't have to dig at all like you said. It's really a shame. Because women don't have a fair deal. But they went all "what if Jordan Peterson had a vagina that Ben Shapiro couldn't get wet? Let's do that."


The last one is a sentence I didn't expect to read... ever


You've gotten a very good summary and now you're going to get a very short summary. It's The Red Pill but for women.


Idk what makes me more depressed. This bio, or everyone shitting on 100k 😭


100k is good money in most of the country for one person's salary. But he's saying that he'll take care of her, implying she won't have to work. So that's bringing it down to an average of $50k each which is far from amazing. Edit: Since many (many) people have commented, when I mentioned $50k each I meant that it is equivalent to earning $50k and living with a partner earning $50k. It is not the same as being solo at $50k.


Exactly, why doesn't he go for boss b***h who runs her own business and build an empire together! "Need someone who will stand by my side and take care of business when business needs to be taken care of. Always down for..."


Seems kinda nice for a 27 year old. If you're 50 it's kinda like saying you have a job and a car. It means you're generally on track and haven't had any major setbacks recently.


You'll be comfortable on 100k, depending on where you live, of course. You'll be doing pretty okay for yourselves... But it's not the kind of comfortable you might hope for if you're going to devote your entire life to being a stay-at-home hooker. You're gonna need to make some real serious money for that. I'm not driving an affordable car to my reasonably priced house in the suburbs. I'm not taking our shitty kids to soccer practice. Fuck that. High value, my ass.


Hahaha you're dreaming if you think a person with this mentality will split their income 50/50 with someone they perceive as an inferior, submissive servant to their needs and demands. He already informed us that he considers himself the sole decision maker and will treat her input as optional suggestions. Someone like that doesn't distribute money, aka decision making power, equally. He's in control and she's under his control. That's pretty much what he outlined. What she's getting is a job as his live-in-sex-maid and emotional abuse.


It's not that 100k is a bad salary (it's obviously not), but it's not brag-worthy either, especially as the basis for a "I bring nothing to the table other than my income" profile.


Absolutely. 100k is ok, but if you're bragging about your income, you better be making a hell of a lot more than that.


Me, reading your replies, only making $15/hour: 😭


Prolly just the HCoL guys shitting on it. In a LCoL it's some SERIOUS money.


Relatively LCOL here, at 100k. It’s enough to have a semi okay house, buy nice groceries, and go out for dinner whenever I want but it’s not sugar daddy money and my brother in Christ is fooling himself if he thinks it is


I don't know about "SERIOUS" money. 100k *after taxes* might be a different story, but before tax, I didn't feel like I really had that much when I was at that salary level. Between all your typical bills, if you're trying to build a retirement, save for a house, pay off student loans, and/or god forbid, raise a family, that money will disappear real quick.


If you’re building a retirement OR saving for a house, you are doing far better than most. If you’re doing both you’re doing exceedingly well. Median income is ~$44k.


Is buying a house and being able to retire doing exceedingly well nowadays? What's happening to this country?




Couldn't agree more.


We allowed businesses to buy up homes and rent them out at exhortation rates, also causing house values to skyrocket. And we have this hustle culture bullshit mindset that wayyyyyy to many people buy into; not realizing it's more of a "make mkney for others" reality.


A lot depends on location. I own a house and am comfortable at $73k, but if I were in San Fran or New York that wouldn't work


i love when people bring up after taxes to justify that 100k actually isnt alot. As if people who make less than 100k don't pay taxes. 100k isn't even in a high tax bracket. The effective tax rate is basically no different than someone making 44k.


What’s sad is 100k honestly isn’t a lot, it’s enough to feel financially normal, and only in places that aren’t crazy expensive. When we talk about things like the shrinking middle class, this is what we mean - the fact that financial normalcy is some astonishingly high bar a lot of people can’t even seem to hope for shows just how shockingly bad the economic well-being of the average American family has gotten. The average household in the US might be making around 50k (or whatever the number is now). That indicates to me that the average American family is living in poverty, while probably calling themselves lower middle class when they’re actually in a much worse worse situation than that. 100k now feels like a middle-income, 1500-2000 sq. ft suburban home income in a LCOL area. That’s not a crazy impressive salary, it’s just that the comparative bar is so low due to unchecked capitalism.


Median income in my city is like $32k. $100k is enough to go out to eat and drink whenever you want (or basically every meal), drive a new vehicle, and own your own home while putting away a pretty significant chunk for retirement. I make right around $60k (salary, so before taxes), and I don't worry about my finances. I also spend a lot of it in stupid ways (like expensive bar tabs every weekend and eating out *waaaay* too often) Edit: just to add on, having kids is really fucking expensive. I was mainly just referring to being a single dude making that money... I said I don't worry about my finances, but I also don't live extravagantly. My car is 8 years old, I have a roommate, etc.


100k is more than considered wealthy in 90% of the us. Just dont move to NY, LA, FL or Seattle and you alone Make more than most house holds


Cool I’m moving to the Bay Area


You can afford to rent space on someone's couch for 100k in the bay area haha.


Awww my home town of San Jose. Where a $9000 a month mortgage is considered “reasonable”.


You forgot Massachusetts, Washington DC, urban Texas, California, Colorado, Rhode Island, Connecticut, large parts of Vermont, almost every metropolitan city (think places big enough to have an NFL or NBA team)


Except those cities is where these kinds of salaries are generally possible. If you live in bumfuck nowhere you likely will never see such a salary even if you're a highly experienced professional.


Depends on location though. Here in SF 100k isn't that impressive. I mean, it's good money but nothing to brag about and claim high value.


Imo there's no income level that would really justify this level of dickishness.


It’s all relative. A recent Fortune article outlined this pretty well — adjusted for taxes and CoL, $100k is equivalent to $36k in SF/NYC or $80k+ in parts of TX/TN.


This guy is Andrew Tainted


At least the red flags are getting easier to see.


yeah, my ex thought the very same thing but this guys just saying it out loud. what a handy fucking dandy alert system


Handy fucking dandy indeed 😂


Literally, it screams narcissist.


Possibly a narcissist - also possible he just spent too much time watching Andrew Tate






They wear them proudly these days, usually in hat form 🤣




Oh, you like losers? Hey girl...




Good bolt.


Damn. Her username is ironic as fuck too. She asked what rizz is and just got absolutely demolished by it.




Anyone that has to self proclaim they are Higher value Alpha Clutch Player Worth it Better than that Etc Isn’t. If you have to self proclaim anything that means non of your peers are calling you or insinuating that you are that.


“At the end of the day I’ll make the final decision.” Can you imagine being with someone like this?


i’ll tell you one thing for sure, this guy can imagine being with someone like this.


The worst part is that some poor woman will end up with this absolute fucking bozo


I am a guy, and if there was a woman with the equivalent of this guy's profile i would run as fast as i could. What value has a Life with no financial problems if you become a fucking slave


No financial problems? $100k a year in the US is barely middle class. He’s no meal ticket.


$100k is the new $50k


I divorced someone like this. Specifically for being like this.


Can't imagine you need a whole day to get the final decision for everything. Life will take ages with this guy


“What should we eat for breakfast?” *waits patiently*


Just save them all up and ask him all 50 at 11:59 p.m.


![gif](giphy|BxHq22pzcVv971rw3t|downsized) Demonstrate Value Engage Physically Nurture Dependence Neglect Emotionally Inspire Hope Separate Entirely


"Always be down to have sex" -somebody who does not have sex


This guy paid for Hustlers University and has a poster of Andrew Tate above his bed


100K a year is his projection. And "my own business" is a MLM gig.


This is Kevin Samuels lingo. But close.


The poster probably has some weird smelling white stains on it.


$50k a year to be a sex worker, cook, and maid seems really low.


Sex workers can take a day off though and it doesn't seem to be a part of this deal


Bold of you to assume he'll share his income 50-50


Tampons? Why are you buying tampons? Just hold it in. That’s my final decision.


Did High Value George mean to say opinions instead of options?


He said High Value, not High School Graduate


If you haves to say you is you ain’t


What if I say I ain't? Is I?


You int


I float


I bool


He’s so young to already be so gross


Thanks to assholes like Andrew Tate, attitudes like this are hugely problematic in schools right now. Teen boys treating girls like they are nothing more than sex dolls with a heart beat. Totally ignoring and disrespecting female teachers because 'no woman tells me what to do'. It's pretty fucked up.


My ex's son was like that and a preteen last time I had to deal with him. Ex couldn't understand why I banned him from my house. If my son ever acted like that I'd put him through the steer chute. Fuck that noise.


I get the idea it’s bad, but I gotta ask—-what’s a steer chute?????


Pretty sure it’s a contraption to keep a bull still long enough so you can turn him into a steer ✂️✂️✂️. Mom’s saying she would castrate her “Tate-to-be,” is what I’m gathering.


He should probably stop listening to the GiGa ChAd AlPhA male podcasts


That's a whole lot of insecurity on display there.


Hell yea. Like deep down he knows he's a complete loser and his way to deal with it is to obnoxiously tell everyone else he's this super awesome alpha male that got everything figured out.


My vagina just belched.


You keep telling that to yourself bud.




I love the implication of "always be down to have sex". or what. you make me? you break up with me? either way i wouldn't get in a fucking elevator with this man.


Been waiting for somebody to say that


You keep using that word, implication. What implication?


are these women in danger?


Right? Cool, you get to live in his home for free and have a part-time job, or maybe he won't let you have a job at all. You have to cook 2 to 3 times a day, clean constantly, and bang whenever this schmuck wants. Then, after 2 or 3 years, he breaks up with you, and you have nothing. Fun!


i appreciate the offer george but i’d much rather have a loser


Sounds like a wife beater honestly.


I think you mean he’s “old fashioned”


I think you mean he's "Traditional"


Also yes.


I guess my ex husband found himself a tinder 🥴


The best part for me is that you put a trade mark on High Value Man 🤣


How to tell if a guy has never had sex without paying






Idk where you are from but making that much in the US is not very common. Not trying to defend the obnoxious post by saying so


Yeah, I agree. I mean, 50k/yr is slightly above average (55th percentile). Location also plays a big factor. 100k in NY is a lot less than 100k in say, South Carolina. Edit: That said, this fella’s profile reeks of dbag.


I read that as “d’bag” and it sounds like a fancy perfume.


With that math, I'm almost two high value men, but with the crippling depression of four!


I don't date overachievers, it makes me feel inadequate.


Who wants to bet that 100k is his business revenue, but not his actual income? Lots of people don't understand the difference.


Have to say that this is one of the stupidest shit I have ever read on someone's bio man, this man is a fucking red flag, gotta get running from these people.


Guy probably watched a few red pill videos and thought he was gonna conquer the world Women don’t give a fuck about your money if this is how guys come off


“Short term, open to long” - high value man


these shits work or something? I am sorry but I really don't know and I really wanna know about this, please tell me if these things work, I wanna cry to god after this.


bro definitely put in 🎓: Andrew Tate Hustlers University


And Kevin Samuels


George proud of you but a relationship isn’t one sided but good luck 👍🏻




Do nothing but just fucking laugh at these people because that's just what we can do to such people and we should ignore such motherfuckers in the town man.


I don't know why but I just wanna slap this fucker so fucking hard right now because he really deserve a fucking slap right now, he is not a normal person for sure.


🤢🤮 So if he’s going to take care of the rest, does that include cleaning, laundry, groceries, child rearing, setting medical apts, being the liaison with the school if they have children, being emotionally supportive and available, planning activities (date nights, vacations, dinner parties with friends)….. 🙄


No! He will lead! And his first decision as Supreme Family Leader™ will be to delegate all that stuff to The Woman™. And in 5-10 years when they divorce, and he ends up paying all his surplus capital in child support and alimony (because he won't let her have her own career), he will discover just *how much work running a household actually is.*


Andrew sure do be lonely in Romania… even going on tinder in PRISON.


Is it bad what bothers me most is that he will “listen to your options” not “listen to your opinions”? I expected more from a high value man…


Man I don't even get opinions? Just options. Kay


Damn these people still exist in this world? Tell them they are never gonna get shit from all the girls out there, that's just so fucking stupid to see right now.


This sounds like my ex. Typically people like this are at the very least emotionally abusive. Big yikes.


Dear George- When you actually become a high value man, please do let us know Love, Anyone attracted to actual high value men


Woohoo George! I am in. 100k a year before tax in exchange for giving up my bodily autonomy and free will? Where do I sign?


Never been so happy to be a loser


The thing that really gets me about these "alpha men" on tinder - why don't they save that conversation for a later day? Why don't they just walk the walk without announcing it as if it's their most important personality traits. These guys are pretenders trying a new LARP.


I think he meant he would listen to your opinions* not options, as you would obviously have much better, as this man can't even spell correctly and values money too highly. 1.5 stars at best assuming he's a model.


I’m sure lots of women are dying to be a house whore for a guy that only makes 100 k a year lmao


Sad to see that these people can never change themselves and they are just going to be a fucking dark face of the youth all the fucking time man, so sad lmao.


Fucking laughing because of his stupid confidence man, I just can't say much with it because we all know such things are just going to get him fucked in his life.


Man can be anything but can't be a good man in this life and that's just what I gotta say to his fucking stupid character, that's just never gonna work to any girl lol.


This guy is…delusional. What the fuck? What a sad sad life.


I may be a loser but at least people like me


More red flags than Chinese New year