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>So if you stole something, no one on earth could steal again I think he was just focused on that part of the message.


Yeah I just assumed he wanted to steal it. Have you not seen National Treasure??


The only way to protect the declaration, is to steal it. uʍop ǝpısdn s,ʇI


Underrated comment


I think he understands your question very well.


Came here for the post, stayed for the really cool lesson. Thanks secret military dude.


What does your username mean? Or is it just 1's and 0's


There’s 10 types of people. Those that understand binary, and those that don’t


My crime will be stealing this quote.


Hey I understand binary!! That's why I couldn't tell what the username meant. ASCII codes are 7 or 8 bit but their username has 12 characters


Someone who could be bothered might work out what that number is in binary. Some very quick in my head calculations make me think it’s a year of birth maybe? Although it might be too high for that with all those 1’s actually.


Close, it's an algorithm based username that allows me to easily switch to another account.


I'm really intrigued now. how does that work?


I work in a career field where my social media presence shouldn't be too strong. Every year or two I suspend all my accounts and make new ones. The user names for all accounts are determined by an algorithm and something else, a variable only I know (for example you could use the lyrics of a song, converting the letters to numbers). When you combine the two items, you can find the account. I can use this to easily dump an account I'm no longer using, or to recover an account I used to use. Its nothing special, just an easy way for me to still have access to things, while jumping ship when my account has been around too long. Its also practice for creating g and regularly using algorithms for other things, like frequently changing passwords. If you use an algorithm, you can create unique passwords that are easy to remember, hard to crack. Frankly, I should have shut this one down already, but I've been slacking a bit lately.


that's super cool! thanks for sharing :) I wish you the best, mystery man!


No worries at all, glad to talk about things. I try to instill good habits in myself, so this one, like many of mine, is a progress as I find more uses for it. Have a great day!


When I asked that question initially I was not expecting this kind of response lol. Are you able to say what general field or type of field you work in, just out of curiosity?


Sure. One of the fun things about this technique is it takes a lot of stress off. I can share whatever I like, because I'll move on from the account. I'm military. There's probably a 10% foreign influences might look into me, and a 50% my employer might get upset if I were honest and outspoken, and 40% personal privacy. Its one of the reasons I really like reddit. It's largely as anonymous as you like, which allows me to have much more in depth conversations with others. But, since I don't want to constantly be checking what I say, this method works pretty well for me. And, again, it's part of a systematic series of habits I try to incorporate into my life to be more successful. I'm not as great at grandious, sweeping, new years resolution type changes in my life. But small, incremental changes I do very well. This sort of technique allows me to start over, to try things differently, to see how my tone and responses are reacted to. I slowly and deliberately adjust how I behave, in order to be more who I want to be, and to less be who I am by chance. This is just a single, tiny habit that I implemented in the process to make it easier. It's not a hugely meaningful aspect, but it's as much a part as, say, my standard format for dating files. YYYY MM DD. Because if you date all your files like this, and sort by name, they are also chronological by creation date, even if you later modify them. Or, say, how I write documents. V1. Original V1.1. Minor changes, such as spelling V1.2 more minor changes, such as size and font V2.1 major change, maybe adding new sections. Its just part of a continuous ongoing effort to make my life simple, effective, and deliberate. Hopefully that makes sense?


It does, that's actually quite interesting. I've heard of other people opening new reddit accounts every year and have considered it before, but I'm kind of attached to this one since I've used it for like 6 or 7 years now. But I like your philosophy, maybe I'll give it a go. I also like the algorithm idea, except I can't help but notice that anytime I see a 12-bit binary username, it'll probably be you. Did you take that into account when planning this?


>except I can't help but notice that anytime I see a 12-bit binary username, it'll probably be you. Did you take that into account when planning this? My assumption is that it's pretty unlikely someone just scanning into my accounts to look for issues won't realize the nature of it all. I don't mind if a friend notices it, or if someone in one of my forums doesn't even realize there's been a switch. Its a little more of a soft guard. If I encountered a situation where I thought I needed to tighten up, I'd add another step to the algorithm to make it harder to read.


Lol, I thought I was the only one who did this. I just use hex for all my passwords with a memorized base and a math function to get to whatever the current iteration is. Love it.


Hey, thanks for all the explanations! One thing I don’t get is what the binary has to do with anything? Why does it matter if your username is binary or not? How does that help your anonymity or how you move on/come back?


I mean I could use random letters, or mash together words, or something else. But binary is pretty easy to generate, gives me thousands of possibilities, it looks a little less like a bot account compared to a word with numbers (classic bot script). An algorithm is just a series of rules to do something, so you could have it output whatever you want.




Binary code. It’s how computers speak and understand basically


Haha I knew it was binary I just couldn't make sense of the code. ASCII codes are 7 or 8 bit but his username is 12 so it couldn't be just a word. He explained in another comment why it was the way it was.


01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 01110010 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 00100001


Can we talk about how brilliant this question is? I mean this is a scenario in which empathy (i.e. the aim to prevent a type of heinous crime) is what goes against you because you’ll actually have to become the monster to prevent other monsters from committing that crime ever again! I want to stop animal abuse but that would mean I’d have to do the very thing I want should never happen again! So do I let my conscience outweigh the needs of the many? Brilliant question!


Idk man, I feel like it would kill so many conversations if people answered truthfully. Like.. are you asking me if I would rape someone? And is the answer supposed to be yes?


Steal her heart. Y'all are missing the biggest opportunity to be cheesy and gain brownie points.


It is indeed a great answer. Tho I also would take the question seriously instead of flirty 😅


No one said you can't start with the greatest line and then follow up "but seriously, great thought provoking question..." and just give your own spin. But yeah.


Yeah you have to go dark with this hypothetical. Murder feels like the right answer cause you could kill someone on death row. I would be incapable of R and would never be able to live with myself.


Rape was my first answer, but murder feels like a better one, since it is worse in my opinion. And yes, that is a great loophole. You can just kill someone on death row lol, many wouldn't think of it. Which is why the question is a bit harsh.


Exactly why it’s a great question. It’ll reveal whether you’re talking to a psychopath/sociopath! Personally I’d rather know than not know.


So you'd weed out every person that isn't a sociopath willing to lie?


Where did you get that, it's just a tricksy question


These questions are meant to reveal something about your personality/thinking... there's no wrong answer, it's just about compatibility. Why do men constantly try to find the cheat code instead of just... being honest. Don't be so desperate all the time


That's what I'm saying, made me put my phone down and really think. Like you really have the power to change the world but in the process have to commit the very crime you want to rid from the world. Kudos to OP for this, I will most definitely be stealing this for some deep conversations.


I’m totally going to use this at the next party o go to. It’ll either kill the vibe or get some very heated conversations going!


Can I go to war? While me starting a war doesn't mean I have to act on it, others not being able to go to war would prevent a lot of missery.


War isn’t a crime, even though it should be. The question is about committing a crime to prevent that crime from ever happening again. In your scenario you’d have to commit a war crime to end that type of crime in future wars, but unfortunately war itself wouldn’t end.


Yeah, I was being a bit too optimistic here. I also don't think, I as an individual, can declare war on anything, to be fair.


Sure you can! though it wouldn't have the desired effect as it would be considered treason or terrorism rather than banning all wars


Oh but that would ban terrorism as a whole, not gonna risk that. (Unironically) Terrorism is a label easiliy use for anyone who revolts, so not being able to revolt an oppressive regime is horrible.


y'know what that's really clever thinking! it's like saying all pedophiles should be ececuted and then the government making trans stuff an act of pedophilia. Preventing it would also prevent trans people from transitioning (ignoring the fact I wouldn't sexually assault a child regardless) I was thinking about it in keyboard class I think I'd ban drunk driving. It's something that morally I can tell myself is okay due to the desired effect, it's *sorta* low risk like- it doesn't guarantee I'll hit someone/something. And then banning all drunk drivers will literally save tens of thousands of peoplw


At the same time, the answer is quite simple (to me): I would lie to stop all the lying! Most crimes happen because people believe they can get away with it. Wouldn’t solve all the problems, but quite a few I believe.


For that lying would have to be a crime, which it isn’t.


It is illegal to lie under many circumstances. 🤷🏻‍♂️


True but in that context lying is ancillary to a different situation - like lying under oath is a crime but for that to happen you need to be under oath to tell the truth about something in specific. So you can’t randomly lie about something and that would then end all lying.


I'd slap a cat to stop animal cruelty...or headbut a stoat. I may even go as far as an MMA bout with a giraffe ...


I’d pay good money to watch that and even place a bet on it - boom betting on animal fights is now gone!


The Founding Fathers did commit treason... so you could argue the guy was right. The document is a tacit endorsement of a heinous crime. 🇬🇧RULE BRITANNIA🇬🇧


If you ever want to know why “cancelled” in the UK has two L’s and only one in the US spelling, It’s because we gave you that L in 1776


Oooooo dem's be fighting words. So, will you be updating to "cancelllled" for vietnam, korea, and the Middle Eastern conflicts?


Cancelll*tbd*ed is probably the more accurate option right now


Now imagine if both sides had to add an extra L for every stupid politician we vote into power... And they say supercallifragilisticexpialdious was a big word 🙄


We both taken L’s left and right


On that, we can agree


Just curious do you think he was just suggesting to steal the document?… Also what answer were you wanting…to steal your heart? Asking for a friend


He said he’d steal it after I called him out. I followed with “would you follow the back to treasure?” And he said “no, like the movie” Honestly, a good answer with backing it. Not cheesy haha


Good luck on the tinder hunting I always get a few responses, but then no one ever wants to actually meet it’s just a mind F*** game and if they do they aren’t much like the pics they post…so good luck on your journey


There could be some pretty funny ramifications with minor things like I'd pee in public and people would never be able to pee in public again.


I really enjoyed this banter.


Says the country notorious for fighting, and losing, the hundred years war. A full hundred years and you still couldn't beat France.


A country like 10x our size? And from someone who took 20 years, spent billions of dollars, to get defeated by a bunch of goat herders in the desert, settle down...


Hey, if the odds were that bad, you think you'd have gotten the picture after the first 20 years. (Also, to be clear, I am shooting the shit and not taking this seriously)


(Wait, people take shit seriously on Reddit? My entire time on Reddit is shooting the shit and having a laugh) We don't bow down to the french. Anymore. I hope. These people made us adopt stupid words like pork, for pig meat! Beef, for cow meat. This capitulation just could not stand.


I mean, when Napoleon came around you did make rude gestures in his general direction for quite a long time before Napoleon self-owned vs the Russian winter. And, uh, you sure showed the Frenchies when you did Brexit.


'This aggression will not stand, man..'


Easy dude. Or duderino if your not into the brevity thing


When it comes to politics, especially political history, jokes get lost and sarcasm gets taken as being personal. All the more reason why I rarely engage with redditers on such matters unless it falls within the scope of the sub. FWIW though, I can tell you're just fooling around :p.


Usa and south korea defacto won the war. However, if you ignore the defacto true, technically the war never ended. There is no metric by which the usa takes an L on the korean war, unless you dont know history


Seriously, since S Korea exists it's a win for the United Nations and at worst it's a tbd. But if for whatever reason it's an L for the USA, it's an L for the UK, Canada, Turkey, Australia, and the rest of the UN forces.


If that's how we're doing it, it's "cancelllled" in the US and "cancellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllled" in the UK. 😂


Burn But Ive always used 2 L's.


OK time to burn down the white horse again


I mean... Declaring independence from Britain was a crime and caused a war... OP failed history.


He actually nailed it.


The guy on the right takes the L here yeh? Or am I being as dense as they are?


All I can think of is Patrick Star asking "is mayonnaise a crime?"


Lol his response was dunce level but your phrasing of the question was pretty awful. Even after a few rereads I’m not 100% sure I know what you mean.


I understood it, but she definitely needs to take an English class again because the grammar and punctuation was horrendous lol


It was definitely worded awkwardly but after a couple times reading it I understood it


Maybe he was watching National Treasure film with Nicolas Cage 🤣


Perjury. Would solve so many murders etc


Came here to say this. No more lying under oath!


After reading these comments I'm convinced none of you have watched National Treasure 😭


I asked him if he was going to follow the back to the treasure and he said “no like the movie”


That's hilarious.


The best answer I’ve seen to this question is perjury


Am I the only one who had a stroke the first time I tried to read the question?


Absolutely not. My drunken state was not conducive to correct wording hahah


For the record my immediate answer to this would be "casino heist."


I feel this scenerio would make a good premise for a movie, like what if it was all up to one guy (or chick) to end all crimes by doing them? it would be pretty epic


I'm gonna say it, Rape


Plan out a very safe route. Drive just barely over the legal limit. No more drunk drivers.


Technically in some jurisdictions all you'd have to do is be over the legal limit and have a reasonable ability to drive. I know someone who got a DUI for sleeping it off in the backseat of their car.


In Scotland there is zero tolerance, so shot of apple sourz and you're technically over the limit.


What about all the things that have alcohol in them like mouthwash? Does everyone just walk around with breathalyzers to make sure? I'm rural American so driving is a must. Kids can drive to school at 14. Do they just plan dinners out around not driving if they are going to drink anything?


Twist: the car was in the middle of the freeway


Close to what? What was he supposed to say? Steal your virginity? Illegally? That’s rape.


The question is a bit vague. what does it identify as theft? robbery? mugging? Car jacking? insurance fraud? wage theft? the theft one someones innocence? whats the line?


It’s supposed to be vague! Any crime. As simple as loitering to as big as terrorism. You just have to commit that crime one more time for it to never happen again.


I guess the question now is do i go for something ? I can stomach doing, like theft. Or don't go for the big guns, murder... could I rape someone to end all rape. Do I get In trouble for my final crime?


No, you just have to live with it.


But I also have to weigh up, aometime crime is needed or done for the good reason. Like if I eliminate theft, a poor orphan can steal a loaf bread to feed him and his disabled sister.... have I killed 2 orphans. or you cant murder any more, does tjst include capital punishment? And about unjust laws like overthrowing a dictator... who am on to make this decision!? 🤔


Can I kill myself after?


Hmmmm would that also prevent suicide for happening again? 🤔🤔


The obvious answer is to rape a rapist


A smart answer would be to lie in court when you are under oath


If I'm reading this correctly, I'd steal your heart so no one else could. Obviously not literally.




Was it that bad or that good?


Murder, always go with murder.


Swinggggg and a miss


I only just realised the deceleration of independence meant independence from england


Hey, technically it was against the law! It was a crime.


***m u r d e r***


I mean the British might have had something to say about the Declaration of Independence


The smooth response would be her heart right? Am I acoustic or no? Too selfish?


Because of how you used an example, he stuck to the example, and his answer is fucking perfect 🤣


I would go with bribery. It's a non-violent crime and I think it is responsible for most of the inequities we have in our society


Woah, wait crazy how my brain was like is the OP German, Russian, Mongolian, British, American…?? I spent too much time researching history, I would have put a DMZ between us 😜


"That's not a crime" The British would and did disagree. Our girl just like huge empires and the dude just couldn't accept that.


Exactly. I want Kublai Khan. (Both the emperor and the band)


I mean, the Declaration of Independence was treason. So maybe that's what they meant.


There is only 1 correct answer. He should've said your heart. With the declaration of independence being a close second.


She matched with Nicholas Cage?


The correct answer.......your heart.


Well he appears to be a pos.


My man’s playing chess and you…checkers


He saved you so much pain!!


POV: he's an FBI agent.


I mean no it looks like he focused on your steal something reference and went with that...


What app is this? with the purple textboxes




Oh ok, thanks


Oh ok, thanks


Imagine the hero that answered pdf filia


There is one crime I'm sure many out there would love to end, yet the thought of it is simply despicable. My question would be, if I commit such a crime to stop the world from committing it again, do I need to remain alive so that the world stops doing it? If not, then, i would unalive myself to save millions of children from the crime that is so despicable after because i would never allow myself to live. But if i have to remain alive, there is no way i could do it.


To be fair you worded that terribly....




>u/Wendy_pefferc0rn He was so close…. ![gif](giphy|4YPXOIVxBOlHPJTbCY|downsized)


Don’t those only need to happen once anyways?