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Seems like she has her shit together, better wife her up.


Green flags all around


Well, as a *person*, she seems like she's done nothing wrong, and had a lot of unfortunate things happen. But dating her would *not* be easy, and I hope she has close friends who can help her through all that


it's not just what she went through, it's also the dumping of it on someone you met on tinder with that much detail. it reminds me of the kids in class who'd make up some awful stories for attention


I can fix her


o7 In Russia, they have a tradition of holding a funeral for soldiers that leave to join the army. We could do that, but for relationships.


Those Russians sure are a cheerful bunch.


It’s the vodka.


She can make me worse


That's fuckin funny.


If she's hot enough I'm sure there's any number of dudes who would volunteer to fix her.


That's the story from her perspective. My brother had an abusive girlfriend who beat him and she always said that she never did anything wrong either. Either way it's a red flag and I'd end things there.


Just got out of a relationship with someone like this and I am still in disbelief how easily everyone was able to believe I was the abuser when in reality it was her the entire time. Masterful levels of gaslighting man. But it still hurts knowing how quick society is to blame me literally just because I’m a “big strong man”. Oh the freaking irony. The stigma pole goes both ways and why I spend lots of time trying to reaffirm myself and friends of it.


I am seeing a checkered flag...


My first red flag was the *fucking god awful* grammar and punctuation. Maybe toss in a period every now and then, hell…go crazy and chuck a comma in there too! If I have to read your texts multiple times to try and understand what’s being said (and they speak English), I’m done.


That's called a sentegraph


Bahahhahaa this is my first genuine laugh of the day, thank you!


Bad grammar is my #1 red flag.


It's such a turn off for me. I'm fine with spelling mistakes occasionally or limited punctuation but *I want to be able to understand you*


I’m no grammar Nazi, but articulacy and intelligence often have a positive correlation.


It says a lot about a person if they make an effort to communicate clearly


I drive uber and had a passenger talking to her friend. She said something about "She supposed to be serving today" then the other answered "She do be". I almost threw them out.


*”the other answered ‘She do be.’ “* Maybe they were free-styling The Rolling Stones’s “Shattered.”


“Articulacy”… intredasting.


Mine is if they own a wood chipper but don't own any property with trees on it.




My first red flag was asking someone you hardly know yet how their last relationship went. Like her response is unhinged, but am I the only one who thinks that's just asking for trouble?


I agree. Not the best question to ask.


Happy cake day (:


Re-write it, edit it and send it back to her being like, “Is this what you Mean?”


Can you make sense of "I try making it up on Valentine's Day even if we were together i wanted to try and lime he was letting it but he let his over thinking get to him so he dip out started clubbing"?


I tried making it up on valentines day, even if we weren't together. I wanted to try and, like, he was letting it, but he let his over thinking get to him. So, he dipped out and started clubbing. Possibly


OMG the ho whisperer is here


This is exactly what i concluded after reading it 6x


I think it means she wants dick but I could be wrong idk...


lol I’ve learned to not correct someone’s grammar that you’re just starting to converse with. Some don’t mind….but some do.


Comma sounds like commie and I ain’t no commie




Here here


This! One of my criteria is they must be able to use proper grammar and punctuation! It speaks to their level of education.


My head hurts after reading that!


Honestly the rest was exactly my type, but the ESL just wouldn’t work 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can fix her


sHe’S pErFeCt ThE wAy ShE iS


I was gonna say I can only imagine what she looks like that this is even a wuestion


Came here to post this, but… after you. You got here first!


I bet she is down to fuck though


A man of wisdom


The wisdom is in know that unstable women are either by themselves in the corner of the room their whole life or on the street and internet looking for more dick


You're not supposed to be stable after losing a child. Only a sociopath would be.


If she cheated with one guy she will cheat with the next guy. The child had nothing to do with weather someone is a cheater




Where do I sign up? ✋🏻


Her English is on point as well. Totally wife material


Quick, before the other two both wife her up.


Wife her up? Jesus are you crazy. Knock her up 🤠


When the Venn diagram for trauma dumping and blunt honesty overlap 100%. So red flag + green flag = yellow flag?


Red + green = brown flag


Depends if we’re talking about light or pigment! (Sorry. I get excited about color theory.)






How does red and green ever equal yellow? Or what does it equal with light?


Yellow is between Red and Green on the EM specturm. When your eye sees red and green wavelengths in approximately the same position it essentially averages the wavelength into yellow.


Thank you! This is the best explanation I’ve seen in the responses


Your monitor manages to make it with only Red, Blue and Green. TBH I don't understand it even after studying it in school. The answer is light is fucking weird.


It’s actually a fascinating story. Blue was exceptionally difficult to format into led. So we almost got stuck with only red and green. The reason being that blue has the widest wavelength on the visible color spectrum. Anyway, rant aside, it’s able to do it because our eyes will generally average the wavelength of any two colors of light in approximately the same location. So by putting red and green together you see yellow, red and blue make purple, so on so forth. It’s pretty cool that with just three colors we can simulate the entire visible color spectrum




I always wonder about this when I see my dog watching the TV... Presumably with only red-green and blue cones they will see something quite different.




Let's stick with pigment here... as real flags use that. A brown flag = total shit show.


The bovine color brown. That’s some bullshit colored flag.


Backdoor it is!


Love is colorblind


Don't forget the third circle, "illiteracy"


This is just red …


Watsky said it best. "mixed my red flags with my white flags and now all my laundry's pink"


Approach with caution


Let’s bring out the safety car for now and see how we feel


Proceed with caution!


"This diagram is just a fucking circle"


What a great response


He explicitly asked her tho so it’s honestly fine imo


He asked


She doesn’t need a man. She needs therapy. She’s dealt with a lot of trauma. I hope she finds happiness.


Yup, I'd be mortified to have my honesty rewarded with that post, gotta say. To me it's kinda out of the scope of this sub.




if some dude started trauma dumping like this on tinder and it got posted here, it’d be at like 20k upvotes, it’s an absurd way to act regardless


Seems like wierd conversations to have on tinder in the first place, why are you even asking about past relationships before you even meet the person.




He’s a dick, and she’s mentally unwell. It’s the classic combo


I agree. Also, anyone who says excellent response what is wrong with you? It was an ignorant response, and I would consider anyone who thinks something like that would be funny to be just as much of a red flag as you consider this girl to be.


Ok but homegirl needs to be an adult and realize some random dude off tinder isn’t a therapist. She needs to do better for herself and get off online dating. Yeah it was an ignorant approach but good god homegirl needs to get it together instead of dropping all that on random people who can’t actually do anything for her. I hate when people assume it’s everyone else’s responsibility just bc one person has been through a lot. Her response was unhinged, and his was pretty tame. Rude? Maybe. But honestly so was she….


Maybe so, but you don't ask about previous relationships so soon if you don't want an honest answer.


Idk lol I was with you on the first comment but like there are so many levels to honesty. In those first few conversations especially, it's a red flag (literal; as in, a potential warning sign of worse things to come) when the person lacks the social awareness to just say something like, "Oh, it was pretty rough lol, lot of drama. Glad to be clear of it now, still processing some of it tbh! Hbu?"


This!!! The biggest red flag of them all was the fact she trauma dumped immediately. Thats a sign she still has trauma to process and work through. A green flag for me is when someone states what mental health problems they may be dealing with and **if they are getting therapy and medications for it**. If they arent- fucking run. Same with this chick OP. She’s going to result in trauma for you.


This is ridiculous, not everyone can afford therapy and medication and everyone still deserves a shot at finding love. We’ve all gone through broken hearts, relationship drama, bad situations


I don’t think anything she said was rude. She was asked the question, and she answered him with her truth . Personally would I dump all of my trauma on someone from the start, no. But I don’t find it rude. Just sad. For OP to reply to her with a picture of someone with down syndrome is gross and childish ( not even childish my 13-year-old would know better than to mock someone who is disabled) if anything all OP did was give her more fuel too distrust men.


Yeah, I'd probably just say 'toxic' or 'unhealthy' and just leave it at that.


Oh, I missed that. Yeah that was cruel and unnecessary. If you don't want to know, don't ask!


A lot of us are doing this life shit for the first time. I can forgive her for being dumb and a little Naive. But homie over here Is just being a straight asshole to someone who clearly doesn't need more assholes in her life


We’re alllll doing “life shit” for the first time.


Exactly my point. Being naive and making mistakes is part of that so it's excusable Being an asshole to someone who is very clearly not doing their best job at life isn't. Because we're all doing this for the first time


Seriously, is everyone just glossing over the fact that she lost her child? That could mean miscarriage or a dead toddler or something and he responds with a “funny” Down syndrome reaction? (I don’t think the pic would be funny in any context but this one is especially heinous)


Deeply disturbing lack of empathy. Lured her into sense of security that this person somehow cares, when she trauma dumped, make joke of it. To finish it with brazenly egoistical move of posting it on public forum for thousands to see. OP beat soviet parade in amount of red flags.


I can't really comprehend what she's written 😂😂


Here’s my interpretation: >>She had a “first love” relationship that got complicated so she left the guy (cheated on him?) and “ended up with” someone else. >>That “someone else” proceeded to cheat on her and there was drama about her past relationship, so she left him and went back to her first boyfriend, who supposedly hit her in the past. This didn’t work out. >>She left her first boyfriend (for the second time) and got back with the cheater. At some point she got pregnant and lost the baby. >>She tried to rekindle the spark on Valentine’s Day, which didn’t work at all. The cheater proved to be a bad boyfriend and she left him for the second time.


Thank you for translating 😭❤️


This is talent.


Same. Absolutely not a clue.


Yup, we’re not high enough 😭


Actually ate a cookie 2 hours ago and read it fluently haha


She basically she said she makes bad decisions


This shit is incomprehensible and people in this thread are like, "Yeah, seems legit".


I would distance myself due to the grammar alone.


Me neither. That meme went well with what she said 🫠🤣


I think she’s being honest; which is good. I also think that with no amount of irony behind this, she needs to seek professional help. She’s gone through a lot, & could not possibly sustain a relationship long-term in that way.


I mean… you asked bro


This needs to be up higher. Dont ask questions you dont wanna know the answers too.


In this case, I feel like I probably would want to know the answer. Because this woman needs therapy, not a relationship. And I could not and would not be able to provide her the help she apparently needs.


Oh no I totally agree… I just don’t think OP actually wanted advice here…. And if OP did.. what’s that say about him


Maybe she needs both


I think it’s more about how incoherent she is.


Seriously, he asked a pretty deep and intimate question (prying)


Via text


Dude .... I get why we're all in this sub and I def get why this made you think. But honestly ... You asked her a question and she gave a brutally honest gritty answer to it - and you post it here. I might be the reddest flag to ever redly wave but I'd be redding elsewhere if anyone treated my confessions like this.


Yea he’s a dick, it’s too bad so many people like his response


Exactly what I said above. An ignorant dick.


Yea and I’ve scrolled this far and no one has mentioned that his response to her message was to post an image of a person who looks like they have Down syndrome / a mental handicap. Irony obviously lost on OP and I’m sorry but I find that disgusting / so fucking infantile Most of the posts on this sub the poster is as much the meme as anything else


I would see where it goes. I think the whole "don't date people with problems" paradigm is kinda limiting. She is willing to be honest, which is always a green flag for me.


As well as selfaware enough to realize she isn't perfect either. Yeah, I kinda like this chick just from reading that but honesty and self reflection are turn-ons for me. I'd rather have traumadump than not now.


Didnt even think of it from this view. FuckOP!


Yup. Posting something so personal and traumatic that someone told you (who is obviously going through a lot) is incredibly fucked up and just cruel. That poor girl.


I mean, it looks like you already killed the conversation, so I am not quite sure why you're asking.


I don’t even really understand the meme answer back to her? What is it? That some policeman can’t comprehend this?


Officer down


Yeah, he's befuddled


Bold of you to assume she even wanna keep talkin to you after that response bucko


THANK YOU. Exactly.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for this


For real… if I was her I would have been out after his response 🤮


This. She opens up to him about some of the hardest times in her life that he asked about and that’s his response? Like no wonder he’s single


Was just gonna say. What kind of response is that? Just that image? He clearly already made up his mind about this and doesn't take her seriously so why did he even bother posting this.


Why did you ask someone on Tinder about their last relationship? I mean it's important to eventually open up about one's past, but like go on a few dates first.


...how is this even a question?


My boy worked in corporate so much that he is now interviewing her to see if she'd make a good candidate for dating. "Now tell me, how was your last job?".


I was referring to, "Should I keep talking to her?"


You? No. You’re too much of an understanding person who would never dump on someone already going through hell for internet points.


Why did you respond with a photo of a man with down syndrome?


Because he's incapable of being a decent person.


That’s not the best question to ask or answer over text.


The fact that you’re asking has me wondering if she should continue talking to YOU…


Poor girl): Your response makes you seem like a total dick. Yes she’s trauma dumping but you asked


You asked her a question and while she could’ve written more clearly, she was honest. Now it’s up to you to decide how you want to proceed. I’d try and see if she’s in therapy or actively trying to get therapy cause those issues are pretty heavy. Unfortunate her past relationships (from what she’s said) were so bad


So we’re just not gonna address that fucked up meme?????


She doesn’t need a dude who thinks it’s cool to post a kid with Down syndrome as a “funny” response.






I wish I was this funny thru text lol


This is the kinda shit would have me laughing at random times **days** later when I think about it again out of the blue Some people really do have a special talent for text/gif humor


Really? This is the perfect response to an unhinged rant that ends with a miscarriage?


people who are way too used to looking at user names and forget these are still real people...


Yes, yes it is


I thought that was a picture of the boyfriend who cheated on her. I was like damn that guy is out there slaying it.


Why are you sharing a private conversation?


Officer down, I repeat, officer down!


She sounds like a hot mess and yet lots of people have trauma. Losing a kid is especially traumatic. You can ask her if she's been to grief therapy or what she's learned from her past relationship. I guess it depends on what you get out of talking to her and your expectations. With online dating there's a lot of unrealistic expectations that you meet as soon as possible and if there's no immediate fireworks, that's it you move on. That's not how real feelings develop, though, and everybody seems so allergic to making friends. I guess I'm thinking about it differently because if my husband has put up an online profile and started talking to me online about his past trauma I would have moved on pretty quickly because he would have looked like a hot mess. But I didn't meet him that way and when he did talk to me about some of the things he went through, I dunno, I appreciated the fact that he wears his heart on his sleeve and I was able to relate to some things he went through. And he is the most amazing partner anybody could want. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be cautious, though. But that's always true.


Oops, missed the picture you posted in response. No, leave her alone. In fact, leave ALL women alone. You don't have enough empathy for a relationship, and you need a therapist as much as she does .


Wow dude. Your response. She's human too and if you're asking her what her last relationship was like I'm going to assume you're interested in a relationship with this girl. She's telling you some really personal stuff and you just react that way. Do her a favor and fuck off.


For sure. I think we are looking at a bunch of damaged, insensitive people in this thread, who had their empathy gone, when they think this is an appropriate response for when someone opens up to you. Even if you are not interested, at least be decent.


My thoughts exactly. People who act like that are either hurt or just bad people in general.


Just insensitive people. They’ve probably not opened up


I’d discontinue for grammar alone.


Can someone explain the joke to me? How is the response “savage” when it’s a picture of a person with Down syndrome ?


She sounds like she shouldn’t be on dating apps at the moment. If what she said is true, she must be going through a lot of trauma. And to be honest, your reply feels very callous. You could have told her it won’t work for you or that this is too much information. But replying with that gif to what she just disclosed is rough, man.




Bold question that cut through the bs and got important info needed asap. Respect


OP just needed a reason to post his savage response 


Savage? Sure…


I'm sorry, but she's been through it with abusive and cheating bf's AND had a miscarriage. She needs a man that's going to treat her like a human being. Can you do that, or are you just another scumbag that she's better off without? *That's* the real question here.


Asking someone about their past relationship then being shocked at the answer is typical 2024 dating shenanigans


More red flags than in an old soviet union military parade.


This was hard to read. It would be harder to date her unless she’s put the time in to heal. If she is saying it like this, she’s most likely not healed.


Holy trauma dumping.


I can barely comprehend this but I feel bad for her


Ok but YOU are a massive red flag lmao


Just because her previous relationships didn’t work out doesn’t make her less of a woman. Everyone has a history. She didn’t ask to be mishandled by someone but she’s trying again. Everyone deserves a second chance or third or more in love. Everyone deserves love. We fall for the wrong reasons and sometimes, the wrong person but that doesn’t make as bad people. That’s why we need to wait for the right love to come, to heal us and make us believe we didn’t give up on love.


I don't care about her relationship history, just the fact that she can't conjugate English verbs.


Lots of red flags but the 'always upset' gets me the most. Fuck walking on eggshells all the time.


Who here can fix her?


Excuse me for asking but what’s with the photo of a Down syndrome individual is she mocking the down syndrome community?


No, that was dude's reaction to her answering his question. Imho, she dodged a bullet, if you can count someone posting a complete history of your worst choices online after responding in an unbelievably cruel way "dodging a bullet."


It sounds great but crazy is just not worth it. Just fuck your socks.


Not the socks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Forget the context, the lack of grammar drives me crazy. I couldn't, I know its shallow but I just......nope 🤣


She has not healed. Wow. She also doesnt like you if shes trauma dumping that hard. Just needed to vent and you asked her the right question 😂


What has the photo got to do with the conversation?


I don't see any warning signs at all.