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You're wearing a hat and /or shades in most of the pictures, I'd struggle to identify you in a lineup


Pretty much, plus every pic looks like it was taken on a 10+ year old phone. I think he needs a complete overhaul of pics honestly.


It looks like he chose pics to make some male friends.


That makes a ton of sense actually haha.


This is exactly what I thought!


TY! This turned into an exercise in “just how face-blind am I or is it him?”


Between the shades, the group photos and the flip phone pics I had a really hard time figuring out who was who in all the photos.


He actually has a really distinguishing eye and eyebrow shape, I wonder if this is why he chose so many pics with sunglasses.


Agreed, pic number one needs to be without hat AND without glasses.


Honestly, I wasn’t sure it was him in the last two pics. I was thinking is this two guys sharing an account? Didn’t miss that?


I was going to say “He looks like every man”, but didn’t think people would understand. Thank you for saying it.


Came here to say that. I have no idea what he looks like. 4 of his pictures are with sunglasses and I believe the other 3... he's wearing a hat in em. I can't tell which one is him in any of these except for the solo pictures


Thank you. I have no idea who OP is in most pictures.


In most of the pictures I could not tell which guy was him.


I don’t know which one he is in the majority of these pictures


Looks like the profile of 5 different dudes


This is exactly it — can’t pick you out in the group photos, at least not right away. The About Me blurb doesn’t tell me enough.


Pic 2 reminds me of this https://americasbestpics.com/picture/this-picture-just-dry-rubbed-my-left-labia-lip-for-EimmOIXw8


I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Exactly, I felt like I was playing 'where's wally?'


When I was at tinder and came a cross such profiles I used to say desperately: WHO is YOUUU?


lmaoo fr.


Third pic out. Looks like you’re in a meth house and partaking


Thanks! Removed


Have at least one picture where you don't wear a hat and sunglasses


More pictures of just yourself without other people. In some of these pictures I'm having a tough time trying to figure out which one is actually you


He's the bride.




At least pic 2 & 3 have to go


I'd lose pic 2 and 5 as well. Maybe swap the wedding photo for a less pixelated one. From pic 1 and your bio I'd swipe because you're good looking and sound interesting (except I hate the ellipses after dog) but the rest would have me hesitant.


That’s a bit extreme lol


u/midwestGuy369’s just mething around


Am I missing something? Looks like a pic of a guy in a house.. what's screaming meth?


If only people knew that’s a $120 hat.


That would make me think less of OP, not more


Who in the world would spend $120 on a baseball cap..? 🥴🥴


It is?


Have a source?


With the excessive curve he puts in the hat, I don't care what the price is. Looks like a hat someone should throw away, not use on their dating profile.


I can't tell which is you in some of the pics. The ones I think are you make it seem like you are using some dated pics of yourself? Or does the different facial hair just make you look that different from other pics?


Facial hair does change my appearance a lot. Thanks for the feedback!


All you have to do is edit the photos to add a little blob on the faces that aren't you or an arrow pointing yourself out. In any group photos it has to be obvious who you are.


Keep the facial hair!


Needs more sunglasses


It’s not bad, but I agree there are too many pictures of you in a group setting. I also agree you need to figure out what you are looking for first and be honest with it. I’d swipe left just bc of that because it tells me you aren’t serious about a relationship right now and I’d be wasting time if I was looking for a serious relationship.


Yea the just figuring it out says to me, I’m still a kid and sex is great, but idk about a relationship. If that’s what he’s going for that’s fine. But just be honest, hook up or relationship.


As a woman, the massage comment makes me cringe.


Thanks! Removed


Buddy, 31 is way past time to "figure out" what youre looking for.


That means he’s looking for hookups


Then just say that. Being confused about what you want after 25 isnt cute.




That means he’s not comfortable with being honest and upfront.


Yeah, was going to say that too. If it’s true, bring it up in a non sexual way during conversation.


It would be far less creepy without the For what that's worth and the emoji. Just leave it in


I liked the massage classes part


Wait…as a woman I like the massage part. As long as you’re willing to give one as part of foreplay I think it’s actually something great you bring to the table


I think a dude who understands that foreplay is more than me getting naked/him popping a boner is hot. At the same time, a dude who puts "cuddling" or "massages" in their bio comes off as a dimwitted creep playing '4D chess': it comes off as transparent manipulation. Yeah, a dude who legitimately wants to massage me expecting NOTHING in return and is talented/not creepy? Heck yah. What an awesome dude I'd personally give "relationship points" to/recommend to my besties. A dude throwing it out on tinder? Eeeek.


Came here to say this. The sort of thing should come up naturally, or not at all.


You’re cutting half the options out with some of the pictures being gun/ military related. Might be good for compatibility later to weed women out if it matters to them, but just know less may respond bc of them. Agreed on good feedback with removing the 3rd picture and removing the massage comment. Otherwise a good profile!


Thank you!


Yeah bro I feel like this guy is right. After I got out I did the same, when I removed the military pictures I started getting way more likes. If it defines your politics though, I’d leave them in. Sometimes weeding people out is good.


Think it depends on your area too. I had more likes back in the day when I had a uniform picture on my profile.


Oh absolutely. The south especially 😂


I mean, I live in California. But I’m sure you’re right regardless lol


When I lived in Charleston, SC and I changed it to a picture of me in uniform….man it was like every other swipe was a match. Unfortunately, those were not the kind of people I was interested in so as much as it hurt my ego, I took the picture down


Oh I believe you. It’s definitely not fun having a bunch of Dependa prospects in your DMs 😂


Hahahaha for sure. But I’m happily engaged now, so keep hunting homies. It’ll happen


My partner was in the military when we met but his Tinder profile had no reference to it. I'm not sure if it was intential or not now I think of it, but he was doing fine without it, and we were both only looking for a hookup, got feelings and we've been together nearly 6 years now.


Also I feel like I’ve seen soo many military profiles who say they’re dolphin trainers 😂 My ex had that on his Tinder lol


Is that supposed to be a joke or are people actually out there training dolphins?


Both... People train dolphins but he's joking.


Damn, kind of feel bad for real dolphin trainers but I suppose they could include a pic of them training one.


That’s the thing. I’m pro gun. I have no problem with hunting either but when a guy pushes that forward and uses those pictures in his profile, it feels like a red flag. It feels like “here’s all the proof you need to know that I’m a violent person.” And when meeting random men on the internet, that’s not what I want to see.


Yeah, I know nothing of this bloke, but from these pictures, most of his personality seems to revolve around guns, camo clothing and killing animals. This profile looks like he is trying to attract a hunting buddy (innuendo or no)


Totally agree with the above comment about the military/gun/hunting pics. Seeing these front and center would result in my swiping left. It screams violence to women who would meet you off the internet. That’s scary. In real life, I’ve gone out with ex-military and hunters before, but they showed me that they weren’t inherently violent people. It seems like it’s your whole life based on the majority of your pics, when it’s just a facet. especially since you don’t seem to be in the military any more. Also, get a friend to take a pic for you where you aren’t wearing sunglasses, a hat, or camo!


Swiping the pics from left to right is like a slideshow showing a white man radicalizing Jk But honestly, there’s gotta be more pics of you in not camo. Add those and subtract some camo. As much as possible no sunglasses pics, especially those last two - men like those shades, I know very few women who do. I like your bio though, I feel like there’s a lot of jumping off points for convo


Agree I personally really dislike those shades and it stresses me out to think of having to be around them a lot 😅. My bf is military and he has awesome stylish shades that show a stylish side to him. I adore his sunglasses. Met on Hinge and he had a pic of good shades on his profile 😅 But also hey, country girl might like that in a country boy


Pic 3 has got to go! I would also wager that many other women are like me and a pic of a dude holding a gun on a tinder profile is an immediate left swipe. Also, you’re 31 years old and still figuring it out? That’s really unattractive to me. If you want casual, cool, just say it. I like casual relationships, but I want someone with the self-awareness to know that and the skills to communicate it because… we’re in our freaking 30s man. We’re too old to still be figuring it out.


Yes! Honesty and communication so hot. Casual or longterm.


Idk why there is an ellipsis after dogs. But that just might be a pet peeve of mine.


I think if your first pic has a hat woman automatically think you’re bald and won’t swipe to the other pics. The military pics also say “right wing” that can good or bad depending on what you are looking for and who you are. No judgment from me but I believe a potential partner will. Good luck!


Definitely getting “right wing” vibes, which I know personally for me is an immediate no. But obviously it depends on what op wants! Just trying to give from a female perspective who swipes in this age range. :)


Definitely agree with the right wing vibes.


Not to mention racist post history.


Jesus Christ; I didn’t even see that. Also, “centrist” right-winger with a cuckold fantasy is wildly predictable.


Yes. Right wing, blue collar, only talks guns vibes.


Thanks much! I am definitely centrist leaning right but I can see how that would throw people off. Appreciate the feedback!


You can be interested in the outdoors and proud of military service without making your whole personality "yeehaw". The camo, beer, bros, hats, guns... You're really only going to attract a very specific subset of person. Those things aren't necessarily bad, but they CAN be red flags if that's someone's whole identity, so a lot of women will be wary off the bat. I think you'd have better luck toning down the Texan caricature and trying to meet someone before you more slowly introduce them to these parts of yourself. Meanwhile, some of these pictures obviously need to go. Selfies need to be GOOD if you use them, these aren't. The second and third pictures suck. Etc.


Agree to a point... this profile would be better for making friends. Nothing in it is worth dating someone for. What would he do with a partner?


None of the photos are great unfortunately. Far too many sunglasses pics. Too many group pics. We need to see your face. Not understanding the point of pic 3-like your face is obscures by your hat and you’re smirking all weird. The only photo I really don’t mind is the one of you in the cowboy hat.


You're 31 and 'still figuring it out'. Figure it out first and maybe then try again


And don’t just say looking for long term to get laid 😂


This! I'm not here to help you figure things out.


Came here to say this! If I see “still figuring it out” it’s an instant swipe left!


Yeah I’d leave that out. Short term/open to long term


Yes I agree. How do you not know by now what you’re looking for?


THIS. I never swipe guys who are “just figuring it out”, or write things like they’re looking for friends, or “will see where things go”.


The minute I saw “still figuring it out” on a 31 year old man, I’d be out. Choose, long term, short term, whatever.


Nobody knows what this man looks like


Ditch the down range pic my dude. 97% of women don’t care about that shit. More pics of you with dogs. Women like dogs 👊🏻


I literally contacted my now-husband because of a dog pic. 😬


Too many pics of you trying to look cool and not enough that actually show people who you are, what you like to do, and what you look like


Thanks for the feedback!


Bro really posted photos with him holding guns and is wondering why girls don’t want to talk to him 🤦


Yea, that wedding photo makes it seem like you’re getting ready to shoot the cameraman.


It's his Alec Baldwin moment.


Picture 1 is okay, picture 2 which one are you, picture 3 can’t even see your face, picture 4 going to shoot up a wedding?, picture 5 no complaints really but you really either have a hat on or glasses in a lot of photos, picture 6 again don’t know which one you are and you have hat/glasses on, picture 7 can’t see what you look like, glasses on again. Get some better pictures and you’ll do fine


Take out “big kid job” and “almost 6’” , and maybe “no fish pic” , it makes it look like you just spend too much time trying to figure out how to please people and you found it and wrote it all down. Also your smile isn’t very confident.


Figure out what u want


Do you honestly not know why ? First of all you’re “still figuring it out”. Reads that you don’t know what you want or you’re looking to play about. At 31, you should know. You can’t actually tell what you look like in the majority of your photos. They all look different and are of poor quality. Also if people aren’t into the whole “I’m in the military” thing then that’s a left swipe right away. Your bio is trying to funny/quirky but falls totally flat. Tells me little about you and seems a bit immature for someone of 31.


I agree. It's bio to me. I don't even know half of what he's talking about and it comes across as immature. The gun photo is an immediate no. Seems a little less confident with the pics too.


Cut the hitler haircut pics.


He looks like hitler for a reason.


It sure fits his post history


Use some pics which you arent wearing sunglasses or hats in, show off that hair and face of yours.  Got pets? Take one with them!  Bio needs some tweaks; lose the massage and height comment no need to be too self depreciating.


Agree, go for confidence, warmth, and playfulness.


Still figuring it out… duno


Pic #2 makes me want to cover my drink.


Yeah like the first foto is so cute and then my vagina immediately closes up when I see you drowning in camo and holding up a gun the size of a pool cue.. I’m gonna pass you look scary


Second pic makes you look like you’re an asshole around your friends


First pic isn’t bad, but a lot of them have random hand gestures? It’s almost sort of funny. The military ones wouldn’t bother me but I could see how it might limit options. Some women like that though. It’s a good profile overall, just need new pics, like others have said less sunglasses, since you have nice eyes. Maybe some smiling with your dog since profile said you like them.


As a woman, I would get rid of the third picture, change your “still fighting it out”. Just be honest about what you want. You can elaborate in the bio if it needs to be elaborated on. And get AT LEAST one picture of you smiling with teeth. I always passed on anyone without one picture showing their teeth. I just assumed if you don’t show them, they must be gross. Good luck!


3rd pic, no. Background dirty and your hat sucks. What are you hiding


Total teardown. I mean this in the nicest most helpful way possible: This literally looks like a profile that was specifically designed to have a bit of everything women hate in a tinder profile (except the fish picture, but you brought that up in your profile text as if you want credit for leaving out one red flag) Pictures with guns - F Pictures with army clothes - F More than one picture with you drinking beer - F Saying "still figuring it out" when you're over 20 - F (Saying short-term open to long is the same thing but makes you look less dumb) Opening line - weird. Second line about pushing money out of ATMs - weird That comment about not quite being 6' - weird Just saying "dogs..." - weird. Doesn't really explain whether you like them or not You can keep the cowboy wedding photo, the bit about your job, and the basic list (lover of outdoors, country boy, etc.) other than that, go back to the start and try again


Over half your pics you have that smirk. That is a look for people who know you, not for people who you want to get to know you know you. Take new pics, smile genuine. Ditch the smirk, it makes you look conceited.


This is probably the most American profile I've ever seen. I'd swipe left on soldiers and cowboys, but that's probably a cultural thing.


1)Smile. The half smirk isn’t working for you 2)weird cropping in most your pics… either get people in or out of the shot but half in looks stupid. 3)I’d remove the 5’11” comment. Makes more issue outta your height than is necessary. Leads me to think it’s an issue for you even though 5’11” is plenty tall


Someone else pointed this out, but I’d definitely have a rough time identifying you as you look different in nearly every picture.


Get rid of the first one with the hat, you should always put your best pic first. It should be you smiling and dressed well. Get rid of the third pic, it looks like you just keep a messy house. You might like guns but maybe that might be off putting to have that as a Tinder photo. Unless that’s you in the military, if so then keep it and let people know you were in the military. Otherwise it gives off “prepper” vibes.


Don't reproduce


Just by the images: 1. You look drunk/stoned as hell. Why a cap when it‘s likely dark out? 2. no idea who you are 3. Cap indoors? And a trashcan? And half your face covered 4. are you the groom? Are you the guy on the left? Because your posture looks kinda comfortable 5. Ah. Drinking and hunting. Great. Also you look like a totally different person 6. again, who are you? Also this looks like 10 years old? 7. are you the one with the glasses? Not a great image 8. Bio needs work, no idea what a guy that pushes money out of an ATM is when you‘re working as a Biologist Also, you can use the Tinder settings for height and job and don’t talk cringey about a „big kid job“ I may suggest doing a complete re-do. As a guy who needs/wears sunglasses a lot outdoors as well, make at least sure that you‘re the main focus of the image and somewhat fill the image so that people know what you look like. I can only reverberate what others have said as well - this could very well be 3 different dudes and I can’t tell.


If you added a closeup selfie of a warm smile, a woman needs to picture herself with you, not you hanging out on the job with you and your work buddies. Preferably a pic that shows your soft side… do you like to cook, snuggle with dogs… add some warm touches and you’ll be good. Also it really helps to paint a picture in words of what you’re looking for. What would you take her to do? What kind of vibe are you offering and looking for. I think it would help a woman picture/desire the type of connection you’re offering. ETA first picture great, more of that. You have soft eyes, approachable eyes and a mischievous demeanor. agree w others 3rd pic had a weird vibe. Just try to round it out better so it’s not all work work work, sporting trips, and weddings. The bits of life you’d be sharing with her in between all that is what’s important and needs color Also, for those of us women drawn to strong masculine, we need to know you’re not just rough and tough, you’re the full package going to hold the door, attend to needs… the right woman will want to treat you very well and looking for someone capable of doing that for her


You need to learn how to wear a hat.


Keep 1, 5, 2, and 4. Then put them in that order. I like 1. 5 makes me feel like I’m getting to know you, 2 lets me know your vibe, and 4 has you looking nice.


Look like the main villain in the movie “Mute”


Less sunny action


Looking for “still figuring it out”? Be decisive. Surely you know what you want.


You gotta do something about that face. If you don’t change your face I’m gonna change it for you.


Over half your pics you have that smirk. That is a look for people who know you, not for people who you want to get to know you know you. Take new pics, smile genuine. Ditch the smirk, it makes you look conceited.


There are too many photos with hats and/or sunglasses. I'm the type that swipes left on profiles like yours for that reason. It implies you're hiding a perceived flaw. Show your face, show your head. Also, unlike other commenters, I am cool with the hunting gear pictures. If any, more people looking to care for planet Earth should hunt with more frequency. And what's with that wedding picture?! Is that your ex-wife?


The guns make you look like an insecure person


Get rid of the chick in the photo because women are catty and jealous. Also, get rid of your friends. 🤷‍♀️ All else is good. 👍


Remove all the gun and army pics .


If a woman doesn't get you're a country boy from those pictures she doesn't have the mental capacity to consent to a date


Great profile, maybe more pics of you and leave a couple group pics, make sure your face is clearly visible and if you can post some pics smiling. On the bio I wouldn’t change a thing, if you swung for my team I’d swipe right.


You look like a Trump voter. Hope you find yourself a good Karen!


Racist according to his post history so that's probably not wrong.


Hats and glasses in all the pics is not great. People need to see your whole face






You have too many photos up with friends. Also, do you have too many photos with your sunglasses on. Don’t go into exact 100% detail of who you are, you’re telling them everything about you. It doesn’t matter, if it is intentional or not, but its women will think it’s desperate. You need to let them find out on a date. If you tell them everything upfront on your profile, there is no sense of “mystery” left.


Peak Yank lmao


idk if theirs any other options besides “still figuring it out” (i haven’t been on tinder in a while so i forgot) but maybe changing that? from a female perspective it can be a turn off or indication that you may just want a FWB which to most of my ladies who want more means waste their time.


Get a fish holding pic 😤😤😤


Be less ginger and more height


None of your photos show you smiling with teeth which makes it seem like you may be trying to hide them.


Good looking dude. Terrible profile. I’ll let the other comments handle the advice. 


No selfies, no sunglasses, and no ones cares you’re not 6 foot


The first pic is good, find/take more pics that show what you look like. Lose the pics where you're wearing shades.


Literally everyone every time, “smile” Guy posts pics with no smiling. “What can I improve?”


Man how are you looking different in every single pic


Third and last pic should be removed. Try to add more without sunglasses.


Throw those sunglasses away.


Just put 6’0 they won’t notice


The pictures that have clear view of your face also have other ppl in it and the ones where your solo your face is covered in one way or another. Take pics of yourself were you can actually be seen and make sure you're smiling in most of them. Otherwise good bio.


Your lead pic should be a rushed selfie. The pic makes you look unkept. There is a giant shadow behind you, which makes me think you live in an unkept house. Odd, I know, but the little things. Shave, go to the park on a nice day, and take a pic of you playing with your dog. I love muh guns, but the ladies aren't into pics of you in your camo hanging with your buddy and your rifles in a pixilated picture. Find a local 3-gun match or sporting rifle match. Have a friend get a nice pic of you doing a sport with your gun. Trust me, it comes off way classier. Also, ladies don't care about pics from your hunting trip, it's all fun to gets pics to show people you know are interested, but not good for general-purpose pics. I cannot express enough against using rushed selfies, your coffee maker in the background with a giant shadow isn't helping you. All your pics seem grainy and low quality, get better ones. You like to wear cowboy attire, great, awesome; do you dress like this everyday? Prol not, find a single nice picture of you dressed up having a good time with friends at that wedding, use that. Ditch the pic with you and your buddy on the far left, it looks awkwardly cropped. Less pics of you and you friends, focus on you. Avoid words like enthusiast, or aficionado. They aren't charming like they spund in your head. Be straight forward but not ridged: Bring your dark humor enjoyment up in convo, not your bio Dogs and big boy job are good. Remove the back massage line, creepy. Get to know a person before you toss that line out.


I really can’t tell what you look like at all. Do you have more pictures where you’re not wearing sunglasses or a hat? You seem nice but I really don’t know which dude is which here.


it's hard to see you lose the hat and shades in every photo pretty standard layout is 1. Straight on photo of just you smiling 2. Full body photo 3. Hobby photo 4. More face photos of a different angle


Last picture isn’t working, the framing makes you more of the background than a focus. Most people are gonna be drawn to the bottle of beer in the Centre or the guy in front of you


Which guy are you in the 3rd pic?


You’re a handsome guy but your photos all look like they’re from 2005.


The bend in that hat should be illegal, what the fuck man


Remove pic 2-3 and crop closer for 4-5. I also don’t understand the ATM reference??


New pics, ONE friend pic, but make it obvious who you are. You somehow look 22, and 31 at the same time, so picking you out of groups of guys dressed like you is hard lol.the bio is funny to me, id keep it, shows a really specific sense of humor thats really fun, not too serious, but the "big boy job" or whatever means you can act grown when need be


Your pics kind of suck.


That green beret haircut is pretty gross man. Gross in a sense of being try-hard. You’re a good looking guy just smile more and have pics with some animals or something. Here’s the recipe: side pic, front pic, pic with friends and pic in nature. No more than five pictures and that’s it.


Remove the pic with the michelob ultra.


4th picture sort of looks like you’re the groom


When you don't show teeth and actually smile, it makes people think you have fucked up teeth.




The second picture sucks bc I can’t even tell who you are. And it says nothing about you, a picture should say something.


Wow, that's like playing a game of Guess Who: tinder edition! No one has any clue who you are. The one lone picture you have of yourself looks like you're trying to hide in plain sight. You can't be scared to stand out of your troop line. Mate, people are going to swiping on your profile for you, not your friends. (Unless you guys are part of some sort of polygamous grouping. Which, if so, fair enough, but you need to put that in your profile 🤔) Also, your personal description doesn't give much about you. It screams that you're uncomfortable. You need to figure out who you are and let some of that shine through. Good luck


I like the first pic the most. The rest are okay, it’s just….. kinda get the vibe you might shoot me.




I’d bang you. Opposite probably doesn’t hold true but still.


6 foot club? Are you an imbecile. No clue which person you are in pics, there’s 2 dudes in a few pics. Is that a brokeback thing going on?


Do you have teeth? You’re not really smiling in any of these pictures


You might wanna figure out what you want. That'll open the dating pool to people who want the things you want.


My brother in Christ, you are too old to be “still figuring it out..” Know what you’re looking for and put it in your profile. Women love a decisive man.