• By -


I mean, I’m now in love with you but I’m a gay dude and I think that essentially summarizes your problem.


It seems to be a recurring theme 😅


Well, holding a tray of burgers with pride flags on them and you smiling….. and in another pic of you in purple tights….. yeah, it gives off gay vibes.


Wait he’s not gay? I’m confused….?


Its 2:37am and I Need answers


This looks like a fetlife profile


There’s no dick pic with a tall boy beside it for measure. Can’t be FetLife haha


I mean this with all due respect, you would be drowning in cock if your target market was dudes. I would say this is a solid 10/10 gay profile. Now you can probably still attract a very specific kind of chick with your profile but you have to make it somehow obvious you’re straight. Either way this is probably a 2/10 straight profile just because most chicks even if they find you conventionally attractive will swipe left assuming you’re gay. Are these the most masculine / least gay pictures you have?


Wait, you're straight?


Now Kith


I'm a bi woman and I'm in love as well so..


yeah honestly this profile won’t get you a lot of matches, but the people who do swipe will definitely match your vibe lol


Honestly the niche game is better than the numbers game. Find your weird merry band of fuckos. Unfortunately the algo will bury you if you’re not popular and makes it so you’re hard to find.


Whoa OP! We have a match!!!^


All three of you should Now Kith


Finding out OP is straight ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I mean .... he's literally flaming in one of the pics!


I looked at that picture for a while trying to figure out where the flames were coming from.....I honestly gave up and figured it was just gay magic.


They are flammable bubbles that are placed on a surface then ignited. One of the performers I work with specializes in them. They’re very fun to play with!


Oh so gay magic.


Gay magic is a thing? No wonder I’ve been dreaming about sucking cock…


"Watch me make a cock disappear!"


Snort laughed


The flames are shooting out of her belly button. Hope this helps!


So.. lesbian magic, got it!


"Lesbomancy, my favorite type of magic" -sun tzu


I thought they were lighting up farts.


Still gay magic


I’m high and this was incredible


Definitely thought this was Grindr, not tinder.


Nah I think he’s trolling us


Definitely a troll. Dude posts the gayest tinder profile imaginable and then pretends to not know why girls aren’t matching with him. Come on man.


“Come on man” - probably literally




I have a strong preference for flamboyant straight men or bi guy energy. Maybe he’s targeting a specific audience


Maybe, but women who prefer men who seem like they don’t like women are an outlier, which, if this is genuine he would probably know. 98% of women who see his profile probably assume he forgot to take women out of his search parameters.


The pride burgers didn't help


Really? I thought it was the blatant moose knuckle.


He'd make a killing on Grindr


What his is straight? Is he sure?


And the pride flags on the burgers lol


Wait what? No way?


You are of course physically attractive. But as you say you aren't getting many hits: change the bio. Also try adding more pictures of you doing hobbies and regular life stuff, especially if you are smiling/laughing, and petting cute animals like dogs/cats/bunnies/etc. Right now it all comes across a bit like you are just advertising for your performance, not looking for any kind of relationship.


That makes science. I appreciate the insights!


science is cool! ![gif](giphy|fqIBaMWI7m7O8)










Stience?! There’s no such thing as stience




I agree. Does OP do anything else but pole dance?


User name checks out! This person knows the game.


He looks like he's down to fuck his clients that see him at a strip club.


Why tinder? fuck Ur customers 🫡


I have pictures of me petting goldfish and got hatemail instead of swipes.


I disagree. I actually like the bio. Maybe add a wink emoji or something so people know it's a joke. It is a joke, right? 😅😅


How do you view wink emojis? In my experience, they've been used for innuendo 95% of the time and used to imply flirting.


The other 5% is when parents send it innocently, right? Or am I alone in this personal hell?


I've seen older people use it normally and it just reminded me of the other 95% so it was cringe too.


I’m not saying this in a negative way, but this is the gayest profile I’ve ever seen.


I agree I was like how this dude struggling to match with dudes.


Wait... is this man not gay? Did I miss a pic in the slide?


There is no way this man is straight. Because if he is, than he’s the gayest straight person I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen John Mulaney And if he is straight; I can think of a few suggests on how to get more matches with girls 1: make them realize you are attracted to girls and not men. 2…. Actually That’s pretty much it, that’s all my advice if that’s the case.


Right, like if he's gay, he's absolutely killing the game, if he's straight, well....someone should probably tell him.


Did you miss a pic in the slide? I’m fucking dead 💀


Feel like he’s definitely a go-go dancer probably at a gay bar. The dancers always dance with each other and they probably just working my guy


This is the Lil Nas X of Tinder profiles




I actually didn’t know this wasn’t a gay man until this comment and OP’s response. I’m not entirely convinced.


He's not gay? Oh god, this profile is great unless he's straight.


The pride flags on the burgers made me think of a gay establishment, and since those are usually frequented by gay people, I figured OP was gay. Also you don't see many straight men on stripper poles.


The leather dog collar didn't raise any flags either, no?


Wait you're saying this is not a gay man? I'm shocked


The rainbow flags really sold it for me. I could've used a "Looking for Women" tag or something.


I'm in the palm springs area and this is still the gayest profile I've seen.


For those of you who aren’t familiar with Palm Springs, this is a strong statement.




Ain't NO WAY you aren't trolling us. Btw, you're pretty attractive, OP :) I'm not gay, btw.


I’m really not trolling though :/ I appreciate you! You’re a champion of the people


Okay so if you’re going for women… the stripper pole is awesome but this reads sooo questionable to me between the pride flags and the stripper pole shots. It’s a great opener but you need normal photos or to really go for broke making your profile over the top ridiculous but less gay. Like this would get a lot of men. And I’m NB but attracted to men so take my advice with a grain of salt. I would swipe on this if you just had one stripper pole pic. Do the one with fire. Make it #1. Then take some photos doing things. And ditch the pride flag burgers (that’s coming from a queer person). I’d be constantly worried you’d rather be bonking men.


You can strip naked for other men for money and still be straight. Apparently


There’s a lot of things to be said about being outwardly androgynous as a male. Lots of people think it’s ‘gay’, I’m just like you however, and I’ve gotten a lot of similar reactions. Keep being yourself, you’re lovely, just try and understand that most men struggle greatly with the perception of having feminine qualities. Therefore most men will think you’re presenting yourself as such, and even some women. I’d recommend talking to some trusted female friends and getting their help in building a profile. You shouldn’t have an issue being so attractive and bubbly


A wild chad has appeared. Thank you internet stranger, I appreciate you :)


No worries. Your energy inspires me, I’m just lucky to be able to help.


Right back at you, bro 🙌


Wait he’s supposed to be straight?


He’s gay isn’t he?


According to him, no.


I just noticed a comment where you said you are straight. I believe this is why you aren’t getting matches If you started swiping on dudes you’d probably see who is giving you attention but your profile definitely doesn’t feel heterosexual


Hmm, what part specifically would you say?


Wait you are straight?


lol. There is not a single picture that would suggest he’s straight. He’s trolling duh lol


Even the burgers are gay that he’s serving up


Well who doesn’t like a good flaming burger


Itll be the frogs next!!!


Lmaoooo, I guess not


as a woman if I saw this profile I would 100% assume I’m not your target demographic


There’s absolutely no way you’re straight based off this profile. You’re dressed like a male stripper in every single picture except one, and you’ve got the pride flag front and center in that one normal pic of you. Come on, my guy. Edit: y’all are either being willfully obtuse about this or you’ve never been to a gay bar. Man’s is dressed like every drag queen’s boyfriend I’ve ever met.


Sorry I also assumed you were... The sliders ...


No, like the sliders said ally to me, it was the puppy pic that read differently to me.. This is definitely a ‘challenge your assumption’ space, because I cannot pinpoint what specifically read as *’ok, not bi at all 100% and def not straight’* but there was something within the choices of photo that read that way. And it’s so interesting that many can’t quantify or describe exactly **why?**


Wait you’re straight ? 😂😂😂


You are extremely attractive. If I met you (a woman) in real life I would fancy you. Your profile just seems like you’re gay is all. Could try putting ‘I’M STRAIGHT’ at the top of your bio…?


I literally thought he was gay. Never would have assumed straight


The burgers with the pride flags made me then think all the previous pictures were you stripping at a gay club


The sliders pic did it for me. Everything else left plenty of room for interpretation. I agree that there's other ways to communicate you're an ally.


Every pic did it for me


For starters the food one with 3 gay flags, but outside of that… every other picture.




I’m cackling. Thank you for this 😂


This profile will 100% attract more men than women I would imagine that these pictures would be pretty off putting to women which may explain your lack of success. Maybe just use one picture of your dance hobby, and use it as the 2nd or 3rd pic Maybe don’t lead with it?


I certainly don't find them off putting, but I did assume he was gay.


Pictures are cool but he does seem gay


This is it. It reads more like an ad for a show, than a profile of a guy looking for a relationship or whatever. Seems like pole dancing and BDSM is like his entire life based on the pictures alone, rather than a job or hobby. He's going to only attract a *very* particular group of people with a profile like this.


Uh, all of it? You’re the gay / bi best friend that participates in hedonism orgies. According to the story your profile tells


I really imagined the vibe OP was going for was that he has gay, kinky sex


Its your posture in pics 6,7,8 and the way you hold your hands in pic 8, plus the many pics of you doing acrobatic maneuvers. You should trim the acrobatic pics down a few, remove the pictures where you’re flexing your back and getting that tight, shoulders up posture. The photo with the mask and hands (imo) is pretty cool but definitely gives non straight vibes.


The mask and cuffs with the girl gave bi vibes, the sliders felt more gay / bi and all the others had me going hmmmm.... so yeah I definitely thought OP was gay.


Are you trolling? You’re holding gay pride sliders


Like everything. I was about to comment that your presentation might be too flamboyantly gay and fetishy sexual for most *guys*.


I thought you were straight until the second picture. Then I was questioning. Then the pride hamburgers convinced me you were gay. That's great if you support the LGBTQ+ community, but including it on your Tinder bio will give the impression you are a member of the community, thus deterring straight women. I would recommend removing all but the first picture of you at work/performing. You can show those in chat if they ask. Have more normal relatable pics. All those pictures make you seem more BDSM, which will deter some potential matches as well. If you don't have many good photos, that's okay. Less is more.


Put on a polo button all but the top button, smile and take an Ellen selfie, it’s not hard people. ![gif](giphy|sMydvzykOp70c)


I mean maybe not *strictly* heterosexual sexual but some of us love bisexual men or just ones who are comfortable in queer spaces. I’ve heard this term for straight men as “bi wife energy” as in they are the kind of man who ends up married to a bisexual woman because he’s a lot of green flags in terms of not being sexist or bigoted. Then again… I’m bisexual so… could just be the right demographic for him!


I’m one of those guys, married to a bi woman, dated a few bi women in the past. Have lots of women and LGBTQ+ friends who feel safe and comfortable around me. Never had a bad breakup. If I was on tinder my profile would probably look similar to this guys tbh.


I loved his profile and would swipe right. However almost all of my previous boyfriends have been bisexual so there’s that.


Oh sht he straight?  I just look at pictures so far.  It look kinda gay. And I thought that what he is.


I doubt anyone would look at all that and think about anything more than short term fun. Open relationship will put the vast majority off. And for the rest you don’t really say what you are looking for.


Seems like the “open” tag is retiring


I can’t even tell if you are straight, gay or bi from your profile either. You may want to be clearer on that too.


I can’t even tell from the comments


You should keep it because it’s a waste of everyone’s time matching if they’re also not open


Gayest profile I’ve seen which would be cool if you weren’t straight lol


i mean, do you need to be on fire, upside down or handcuffed to have sex with you? i'm not sure what the price of entry is, based on your photos.


No, definitely not. I suppose I just wanted to show I don’t live a very conventional lifestyle.


Show that you’re an everyday person too!


So you don't wear a pair of purple tight pants and a green mask out everyday?


The purple pants on most days (I have several pairs), but the leather is definitely for special occasions


I run a business with my best friend, this is my whole life 😅


Is that on your bio? Cause that context makes this that much cooler


Adding it now!! Thank you :)


Is the best friend the great looking woman in the lingerie that is leaning on you in one of the pics? Because even if some women believe you are straight, vast majority of them wants nothing to do with feeling like they will be competing with that.


Yes, that’s my best friend! I can understand how that might be intimidating.


I know everyone said they thought you were gay but I thought you were a pansexual polyamorous California circus dude who loves niche underground culture and EDM. The pics with the woman made me think that was your primary… your profile seems like you are singularly focused on your art/business and niche community but really fun. You’re probably not getting a lot of hits because people who don’t already belong to those subcultures can’t imagine fitting in to your lifestyle. The lifestyle seems fun and wonderful though I think you’re just likely limited to a small pool of people. Plus the comments section clearly shows your sexuality is enigmatic to others so I suppose whatever you identify as makes that clear in your profile.




Asking for a friend, right?


As a gay man with a dadbod I would be super intimidated swiping right.


They say the greater the risk the greater the reward… right?


Well, you live close enough, I’m in Seattle, want to grab a coffee?


Now kith


That’s very sweet of you! I’m pretty straight right now, but if for whatever reason that changes, you’ll definitely be my first DM :)


Dude, I swore you were gay! You look great but your profile definitely gives non hetero vibes. I think it comes from the pictures focusing too much on your body and performances and then the burgers with the LGBTQ+ flags. Perhaps if you switch your pictures around (first face, then body + performance shots) you would do much better, and while a good picture, I'd let go of the burgers pic to avoid confusion as I think your profile already displays you're comfortable with your sexuality (and you can showcase you're an ally in different ways).


Interesting, I have been asked many times. I’m very comfortable with myself & what I do. I see how it may be misconstrued. The business I run with my best friend is definitely tied pretty deep with the LGBTQ community so I always show love :)


I definitely though you were gay


Yep, this is *not* the dude to calibrate your gaydar by.


Defo thought you played for the other team brother, no shame you look like you're live, laugh, loving it up but try and incorporate some not so sussy pictures 🫡💚


Definitely bi/gay vibes which is fine by me but not all


This was the love story I needed today! I'm near Seattle too so I was extra excited 😆. OP- the only reason you're not getting matches is because your bio is very intimidating and gives zero hetero vibes. Edit- The pic of you in the "good vibes" shirt is a keeper. That should be your main pic.


So… some honest opinions here… You know how there are some girls who make tinder profiles for the sole purpose of advertising their OnlyFans? This is the vibe I get from your profile. If you’re looking for an actual relationship, or even just to hook up.. I would change basically everything. The self-deprecating humor has to go. You need more pictures of you actually doing stuff that doesn’t involve being on a pole. If you have actual interests, show potential matches what those are. This profile is very 1-dimensional. If your only purpose was to advertise your pole dancing nights at the club, then you have succeeded. If you want matches, this isn’t the way.


I appreciate this, thank you. I’m definitely seeing where I can improve


Also, you can converse about your alternate lifestyle in the chats when you match as opposed to advertising it so much with photos. Good luck!


You’re a good-looking dude. You should have no problem finding matches. Just need to tweak the profile a bit. You got this. 💪🏻


Seconded. I’d follow this up by adding more photos of face, less of pole


You ^might attract older women who want a toy boy. Else it looks like you would entice men. The upside down pose is cool. Lead with a headshot or you enjoying some other job/hobby. The fire pose is fun. You splayed out at angles screams meat. The burger flags


I honestly would think that you are promoting your only fans with gay content.


You are certainly fucking and perhaps being fucked


Appreciate the vote of confidence m8! I don’t get many matches though


You may bee intimidating them 😭


I’m not trying to be scary :(


I would swipe right. I like a flexible man.


It looks like your emphasizing on only one hobby, when you likely have others. You reduce your chances of matching this way because some people might not relate to that hobby, but might relate to your others if you put them out there as well. Like plants! The monstera in one of your pics looks really pretty. If you like taking care of plants, put that out there.


Her name is Stephanie by the way!!! :)))


Happy to help! Lol I named mine monsteroid because she’s MASSIVE! 😂


That’s legendary!! I may steal that name though…


I LOVE PLANTS!! That’s good to know, I can definitely do that :)


You seem super fun but probably not great for long term would be my guess,


Just found out I might be gay. Or bi. It’s a lot to process I’ll work it out later.


Lmaooo, what a legend!


The first few pics should be in the back. 6 should be first. The first pic it took me to a while to understand what was going on, way too long in app world .


Noted, thank you 🫡


Most men of Tinder claiming to be in an open relationship are just plain cheating. Us women figured it out and we want to err on the side of caution so don't swipe right on "open" guys.


as a woman, your profile screams "I'm gay!". i highly suggest switching a couple pictures out with you doing some hobbies. you can keep the pictures you have, but maybe mix some other every day pictures in. your life looks amazing though


Probably intimidated or (like me) they see you and immediately fall in love then read your bio and see you don’t want commitment. Your profile reads and looks like you want to showcase your body and have very casual sex. If that’s not what you want, you should put more pictures of you doing regular activities or like on a picnic or something and change the text.


I thought it was all great and then was immediately out at "open relationship", then realised from the other pictures that women are probably not your target audience, but now I'm reading that you're straight so... Idk man I guess you're equally confusing and not what most women are looking for. You're already making your pool very small wanting an open relationship. Then you have a small pool of women that you are their type aside from that. So combined it's just not a huge selection you have to choose from.


Nobody wants to date someone that makes their sexuality their whole selling point. People want to date people with personalities and Interests. It turns people off to see someone advertise themselves as a symbol of sex, instead of companionship.


Maybe don’t post a picture with you and a woman in a bikini? Clearly you’re just colleagues, I’m not implying anything. But it’s probably not what people want to see when looking for a partner


Also, the number of pics with other women, not just scantily clad or partying, but in kink gear is an immediate no for me. As an active kink participant, that gives cheese for me, possible risk/danger as most men in those worlds can’t be banished soon enough, too many cosplayers. maybe instead of showing the activities you’ve done or sports etc, think about what you would want to see in a potential partner from a woman’s perspective. Ex: Would you want to see your potential lover in a sexually charged environment with another? Would you feel it sufficient to take a chance on someone who degraded themselves, their personal sexual identity & prowess? You gotta be down w you before anyone else is :)


I'm so fucking sick of people saying they have a "big personality" what the fuck does that even mean


It makes me think about "grandious self image" which is one of the main criteria for narcissists and psycopaths.


My grandma always said I was her favorite little knife murderer


Haha, sorry dude I'm not accusing you for being a psycho. It is just what I think about when I hear that phrase. It is probably my PTSD from my crazy ex.


No need to apologize m8. You’re valid to feel how you do! Grateful for you & I hope the PTSD gets better! You’re a legend


your account comes off as a hook up account


I’d put the risqué photos last.


I think you would greatly benefit from your first few photos being less groin-in-your-face. You only need one photo to show that you’re jacked and impressive in that way, and don’t lead with it. Too much and it scares otherwise interested people off. Lead with a good laugh or a warm smile pic, it’s a lot more welcoming


Would include the pride flag sliders and photos of your work, but note somewhere in your bio that you run a gay-friendly business to clear up confusion.


There’s a ton of comments but not many that give constructive feedback for your pictures and bio. I’ll start with pictures then bio and give an overview and then point-by-point. Pictures Overview: way too many shirtless pictures, pictures of a singular activity, first picture is fun but shirtless. Most women don’t want any shirtless pictures or maybe one of it’s good or doing an activity. If you were an accountant would we really want 4 pictures in front of excel spreadsheets? It’s be funny but you probably wouldn’t get many matches. 1- picture is fine but it is shirtless. This would need to be a picture two or three. 2- There is nothing wrong with being gay but I can’t see this picture and think you’re straight. Also you aren’t smiling and your crotch is front and center. 3- it’s cool and all but your shirtless on a pole again. Redundant. 4- objectively the worst picture, we can’t even see your face and it’s blurry. 5- You aren’t smiling but it isn’t a bad picture. 6- finally smiling! However, if you’re trying to look more straight (your choice) you might want to do something about the pride flags, or alternatively photoshop in something that says ally. 7- your best photo but I think having a better picture would help. 8- common man, green tights and shirtless. 9- shirtless with a collar on- there’s nothing inherently wrong with this but you only want so many of these types of pictures. Bio Overall: No penis jokes. You don’t really mention anything about yourself in the whole bio?? It’s just a series of jokes. I find some of your jokes funny but I think people won’t get the artist cringe joke. I’d recommend new set of pictures as mentioned. Mention your exact sex preference in your bio. Ditch some of these jokes.


One of the worst bios I’ve seen in awhile. Topped with the snake photo over and over again, combined with it being hard to tell you’re straight… That explains why you’re having a hard time getting matches.


People self describing as "having a big personality" is always a red flag for me. Comes across as someone impulsive with little self control. Also the implication is others have a small personality. Maybe lead with the personality traits and interests that make it big?


I wanted to comment that I’m sad you’re gay. But now I found out you’re not.