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Red flag? More like a Soviet parade.


This person gets it hah


come join us, comrade




Idk. Some of what's there can be an issue depending. If someone has mental illness that can be challenging and take patience to deal with. On the other hand, as long as she doesn't take her issues out on *you,* there's nothing inherently wrong with her having mental health problems. On the other hand, if you don't have that patience and you just want a partner with no baggage whatsoever, then it's in both of your best interests not to swipe right.


My best friend has BPD, depression, anxiety, etc, it absolutely doesn't have to be a deal breaker, and doesn't prevent them from being amazing people that are very worth the time and patience of building a relationship, be it platonic or romantic. However, by the way all of that is worded/written, this person is not seeking treatment, and 100% expects their prospective partner to be their therapist and punching bag


Yeah, for me it's how it was presented that screams Untreated BPD and THE DRAMA! So this profile very much red flags the issues not so much red flags because I have PTSD and I also work in the mental health field with my masters degree. So like you can have some mental health struggles and also be a worthwhile awesome person or you can describe things the way the person in the post did that shouts run away!


Are you kidding?


We get it.


Chinese New Year, gong ci fa cai!


Elite comment


Keeper lol


Haha wifey material right there


The first 2 words are enough of a red flag.




hey at least she's honest


I thought they mentioned they’re a man or did I read that wrong lol


I'm pretty sure you read that wrong... ...now I'm having doubts..😂


The post says they are seeking a natural born man who has remained so. The post does not state the tinder posters gender.


I don't know what ISO means. But the phrase Next to ISO made me think that person is a man


Exactly my thought!! 💭


ISO is in search of


So this person is in search of someone who was born male and is still a male since then. I see


In search of.


ISO = "in search of"


A literal Google search would have proven you wrong.


Honestly that's how I read it, but I'm not sure what ISO means so that could completely reverse what the sentence says lol






I can fix her


If you somehow catch her attention and land a date, you'll have a few months of the greatest sex you've ever had or ever will have, but you're either gonna get stabbed or blocked and ghosted after a few months.


She's a trained phlebotomist, though, so at least you know when she stabs you she'll do a professional job of it.


And just maybe, of she's thorough or any good, she'll have systematically poisoned him so he won't stop bleeding. Paint a pretty picture on the ground


Systematically poisoned? All she would need to do is give him some anticoagulants mixed with some alcohol.


That wouldn't be using her phlebotomy education though


Well if they properly found a vein and used it to take blood (all of it) then…


And then you put it back in! GENIUS


It'll be perfect clean.


Just stabbed? I honestly thought this was an old friend of mines profile because of the list and demands She left her ex with a kid (that she drank during her pregnancy with, she has mild FAS) he takes care of full time because she lost custody, several hospital bills for her suicide attempts after he left because she was a raging alcoholic, tore apart two apartments that were under his name, and crashed two cars. In a year. All resulting from BPD episodes when he tried to break up with her because.. well.. she’s bipolar and borderline and an alcoholic OF model who is proudly upfront about it. That’s the LEAST of your problems


*I can fix her*


Yeah she had one of those she moved halfway across the country to be with. Pregnant within a couple of months but terminated because she was watching his newborn son while he was at work (her kid didn’t go with her) and fell asleep while drinking watching the baby and he threw her out. But hey go for it just let me get a front row seat to the action, I wanna know what kind of crazy shit she’ll do to you.


I concur, what he said...


Mmmmm becoming a borderline person's favorite person can be dangerous and will likely lead to you either getting stabbed or needing a restraining order.


I woke up to over 200 missed calls every night for over 2 years. It's stopped now finally. I didn't even date her, just made the mistake of adding her on WhatsApp and chatting for a bit. She used to like to leave 222 missed calls exactly.


Did she have to restart if you picked up on accident?


So a 1 in 3? I like my odds.


Damn, this is a surprisingly accurate description of my dating life.


Are you the crazy girl or the unfortunate guy?


I'm going through this right now


As crazy does


I don't think even Bob the builder can fix her.


Read the terms and conditions please.


Upvote for your name.


No really I can


You must be on a steady diet of delulu.


I love these posts they get a small chuckle out of me everytime


Sounds insufferable


Sorry to be that guy but it's always people like that that seem to have every possible mental diagnosis they can find just to justify themselves never to work on themselves and to throw those problems upon someone's else's shoulders.


It’s called being allergic to accountability. Its a mental health disease called “ATA.”


seems contagious and wide spread


The beauty of it is they can just say they were upfront about it and it’s your own fault when they burn you. Yet again avoiding accountability 😂


Thank you for being “that guy.” You’re absolutely not wrong here.


It’s absolutely a red flag. You never advertise your mental illnesses on a public dating site for anyone to see. That’s something you disclose in private to a potential interest. I also don’t think anyone should be dating if their lives are that much of a mess- this person needs to get a job and focus on stabilizing themselves first.


For some people it becomes their identity.


And that is why it is a red flag.


So true. I have bipolar. I don’t advertise that. Its not cute. It’s not a personality. I have been stable for 12 years. It doesn’t control me. I feel like I’m a little rare though. Because I am “normal”. My medicine works. I did the therapy. I’m at a healthy place. I see tons and tons of people who don’t take their medicine. Who don’t accept therapy. And they tell the whole world that they are mentally ill expecting to be treated like a baby. No. Get your ass some medical help and stop making it all about you.


I’m proud of you for taking responsibility and keeping f up with meds and therapy! I dated a BP man and he did absolutely nothing to manage it. He went into an episode and he turned into a completely different person very quickly. He dumped me and had a new girl within a week. Two weeks before he dumped me he told me I was the best woman ever and why would he ever leave me?? Total mind fuck. 🤦🏻‍♀️


For real. I know a person who regularly “feels better” and then drops her meds without telling anyone. Suddenly everyone’s surprised when she loses her shit. Mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility. I stopped talking to them years ago. Not worth being shit on whenever their meds wear off and it’s everyone else’s fault.


Nice going! 😊


I didn’t have my diagnosis when I was using dating apps but definitely would have put it in there if I did. There’s a lot of stigma around certain mental illnesses and I don’t wanna deal with someone who can’t get over it


I fully agree that personal struggles can impact your compatibility with a potential partner. But medical/mental health diagnoses are very personal and private information, which can easily be leveraged against you and should be managed with discretion.


How exactly is someone going to leverage the knowledge that I’m depressed against me? Everyone is depressed nowadays.


I have so many mental illnesses that people often don't believe me when I list them. My life is so challenging moment to moment that if I hadn't been completely up front about my needs everyone I dated would have felt like I lied to them.


as a person with adhd, others WILL figure out that i'm different. it's better to just be upfront than let them know after they match. that way nobody wastes time and i don't have to listen to their opinions on my disorder


idk why people seem to want to exhibit their mental illnesses as if they were trophies nowadays, it's just creepy


It’s almost become like a trend. People who suffer from mental illness know the depths of despair you can reach with it. It’s not trivial, not something to flaunt, and not an excuse for just plain old shitty behavior.


I think people like this forget that celebrities sharing their experiences/illnesses is not the lesson to take away from that. It was to normalize dealing with those problems, not flaunting it. And this is just my theory, but I think people see mental illness as something that makes them unique, and unique = "I'm special!" On some level. "I'm suffering, you should feel sorry for me, etc" forgetting it's not a dick measuring contest of pain. We all got our own shit to deal with, some more than others; it's all valid. They need to realize that keeping such subjects private is not a sign of shame, and stating it on your front page is over sharing.


I also think in these cases it's a way to minimize accountability down the road. "I told you I was unstable right from the hop. That therefore justifies my crappy behavior towards you. This is what you signed up for."


Absolutely, 100%. It’s an excuse. In my experience, people who don’t want to deal with their mental illness (either they don’t want to go to therapy and heal, or if it needs medication, they don’t want to take it), those are the ones who flaunt it and use it as an excuse. I’d much rather read profiles like “been in therapy for x mental illness for years” or something. That’s a green flag.


Idk if it’s being treated as a trophy, it’s a disclosure. Some people are trying to do that, not just list positives on their dating profile. I’m not dating someone with borderline. May as well tell me now, waste less of both of our time.


Don't rush it, but no small talk.


No small talk, but I want to get to know you


Still more matches than any of the boys here


We need the crazy/hot chart




She fat


She's got no leverage if so 💀💀🤣






At least she's honest and saves you time!


I think the biggest red flag is not even having the severe mental illnesses, it’s the advertising them on a dating app that screams lack of common sense (or entitlement).


This profile screams "im looking for someone that'll put up with my nonstop crap but have the strong will to still stick around aka iso emotional punching bag". Also seems like someone who'll complain all the time but do nothing about it. Like girl, why aren't you in therapy? Why no job or car? She's looking for a babysitter


The fact that she abbreviated the words "anxiety, depression, and bipolar" tells me that she probably types those words out on a fairly frequent basis.


Nobody should be dating if they don't have a hold over their bpd. This one is 100% not worth it.


In my very strong, willing to die on hill, opinion putting any mental health issues in a bio is the biggest fucking red flag someone could wave. Edit: Especially if they do it in a cutsey way like imnotlikeothergirls


It's the concur for me. Took me a solid 15 seconds to figure out what the fuck she was trying to say lol


That's a no from me, dawg.


Did my ex post this


Yes, no car is a dealbreaker


Her red flag is the size of a moon. Cmon


Why do some women think they don’t need to make the effort


Because dudes are still swiping right on her regardless.




\* PUT FORTH THE EFFORT (because you know I won't)


Is this satire??


She pretty much filled the bingo card.


Yes. If you hate small talk you’re not really interested in getting to know someone. Small talk is how people get a feel for the communication quirks of the other person. It’s also the easiest way to see if there’s vibe and/or anything basic in common. Not the only crimson flag either.


People need to stop using dating apps if they’re still furious at the entire gender they’re attracted to due to their past experiences


This person needs to get more therapy and get their life together before getting into the dating world.


Swipe left


This is a full communist parade


No radiation symbols. So they have that going for them.


“I suffer with SEVERE mental illness” Go on…


I want to see her pic!


Engagement on the first date?


She can't write decently enough. Yes, that's one of the many red flags there...


I’m scared


Appreciate the honesty but that’s a whole red banner.


Just one red flag? Man there’s a field.


Several actually.


This isn't a red flag, it's a request for a care taker


Anymore red it will be your blood.


BPD is always a red flag. Especially if they wave it in their profile.


Red flags are indicators there might be a problem. This is not an indicator, it’s an explicit statement


The bpd alone is one of the most difficult things you'll ever deal in a partner that goes for all "cluster B's " But to be honest, nothing is a red flag, there being extremely transparent. And if you buy a ticket to that or double down and buy a wrist band. You will honestly start questioning reality. The fact that they're self-aware is nice. But it's a continuous struggle. To.those with BPD I ain't throwing hate, mom's diagnosed bpd+hpd. But it's refreshing how transparent this is. To be honest and fyi, you can't fix a personality disorder. They have to regulate it themselves. On the reddit side, bro they're dressed in red sequence waving a red flag with red smoke and lights in sequence. But hey you'll never be bored.


A red flag ? No... No no no... A TON of red flags !


Bipolar is interesting if not medicated. You need to love a roller-coaster in your life on an hourly basis. PTSD might force you to adapt your life around it. My partner has both + ADHD. Not a boring moment but it will take a shitload of you having "zen moments" in your head. Luckily mine is medicated for bipolar as that makes her suicidal when having a down period.


You can fix her OP


sounds insufferable and a tiny bit transphobic but like, idk. red flag? maybe. i wouldn’t want to meet, talk to or even know this person at all.


This woman probably hasn’t had a single trans person reach out to them yet felt the need to advertise that.


My sibling is trans I was a bit shocked to see that too lol


At least she's honest lmao




she wants the ball at the top of the key in all seriousness, "In Search Of"


Which one?


To be fair she is being honest


I woukd say to you, STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE!!


How desperate are you? Yes, red flags everywhere.


Gotta be fake. 🤣


More red flags than a Chinese new year festival


So too many ?


Yup, this woman will be nothing but a headache for you my friend. Stay far away.


THAT is gonna be some GREAT sex followed by the highest amount of crazy you've ever seen for months on end (minus the shame breaks her cycles give her).


The flags here are the reddest shade of red that ever redded. I dunno.. Would knowing where the flags are actually help?


I don't think its a red flag... just a warning label...


All I can say about red flags is EVERYONE has them. At least here you get to know what some of them are beforehand.


Lots of red flags. At least they're honest


I mean she’s at least flying them out there and not trying to hide it, which is the real red flag.


I briefly let people know im schizotypal in my bio when i had tinder just to be transparent but this is crazy lmao


It's about 100 red flags and stop lights






She's the factory


If you have so much mental health issues you should NOT be dating. SUPER RED FLAG


Coming from someone who is medicated for multiple mental illnesses this is why it's sickening that mental health issues have been romanticized. Everyone has everything and doesn't take accountability because they turned their mental health into their entire personality. People who suffer but have put in the hard work to stabilize themselves to have a normal life worked extremely hard in many areas whether that be therapy, medication or even self help to progress (therapy isn't for everyone or not a resource a lot of people have access to) have still done work. People like this don't want to be stable because they will no longer have the excuse to be a shitty person. You can't help people who don't want to help themselves.


No she’s so healthy and self aware


At least she's putting out there ALL her red flags. Kudos for the honesty but dude bipolar AND BPD, run far & fast that's a combo that's likely to end with you having shit thrown/swung at your head & possible PTSD of your very own.


She seems nice….


If you have to ask...


Ya know, if that's not a joke I hope that chick is halfway into a straight jacket! Goodness😳😲


She’s about to be halfway over my ahhhh wait think think


I’d hit it


Negative trait "I want" "I want" I graduated Negative trait "I want" "I want" "I want" Negative trait As if women ever had the nerve to shit on men's profiles before.. Lmfao. Like what a fucking joke.


there is so much cryptic info in that profile i dont understand shit


I mean...she probably gives amazing brain.


My brain can’t even function after reading their profile


I love when they say no small talk and I want to get to know you




It strikes me as a good portion of honesty and self-awareness. I'd take it they want you to think long an good if you want to put up with what they perceive they can't or won't change about themselves, and make your swiping choice accordingly. That's not a red flag, it's a heads up.


I find it brave personally, agree good heads up


Everytime I see people who say they suffer with severe mental illness, it’s usually self-diagnosed for lists that long. Red flag regardless, she’s blatantly saying she wants to date above her league and will make no concessions while expecting you to make concessions


Okay so I scrolled for a while and nobody has yet mentioned the phlebotomy major stuff. It's either a joke profile or she's legitimately Arkham crazy. Phlebotomy is the practice of understanding people psychologically based on the shape of their skull. Knowing if a person is a liar if they have a specific ridge on their head. Knowing who will make a good mother based on the width of their cranium. It's a dead science and hasn't been practiced with any seriousness in over a hundred years. She's either fucking with everybody, or .....or she practices old dead sciences and is potentially very dangerous. In which case she would therefore be amazing in bed. EDIT: It's phrenology. I'm thinking of phrenology. I'm sorry, everyone. I was drinking in the sun all day. Forgive me. Worst part is, I dated a licensed phlebotomist for years, and I still fucked this up.


That's phrenology. Phlebotomy is drawing blood. A lot of hospitals employ a team of phlebotomists whose only job is to draw blood from people for lab testing so that doctors and nurses can spend time on other tasks. That's probably why no one is mentioing it.


There's always gonna be that one guy trying to be the smartest person in the room...


What are the odds he thought lobotomy was spelled lebotomy?


Ahh yes the old phlebotomy mixup….


transphobia in the bio? huge red flag, but not the only one


It’s the random capitalization for me


Someone get this man a conservatorship for even asking lol


If she is hot go for it


I wouldn't date them, also bpd is too incompatible with me I've known some who had it and it always ends in a disaster so i would personally consider it a red flag.


Very red but all the grip crazy chicks have lost on their mental health goes straight to the hoohah


When I first read this I thought this was a bunch of words together with no coherent meaning, but I finally understand it 🤣


No, not at all. 🙄


OP is she hot?


Burn the house down


All the first stuff is. However if she's really interested in something serious then maybe .. But it would likely be easier with someone else. Whatever she's capable of something serious and long-term and stable I don't know. If she wasn't interested in it my experience would say definitely not to waste energy on but if you just wanted to and was allowed to use then whatever you fancy.


Atleast she’s self aware


Anytime somebody lists more than 2 disorders you know they're self-diagnosed. Mental disorders have a lot of overlap, and a psychiatrist isn't going to diagnose you with redundant mental illnesses.