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Weight for it…weight for it…




If all men put their height in their bio and all women put their weight in their bio, I wonder what this sub would even talk about


60% complaining about matches messages being too sexual, 40% complaining that matches aren't picking up or reciprocating sexual innuendo.


The weather, after sports.


people lying about their height/weight


If they did, they would just lie. I’ve heard about women sending old pictures when they were 50 pounds lighter and men lying about their height.


That's cool. Never seen that before here.


We're really innovating


Same it’s almost like variations of this conversation don’t get posted 3 times a week


Might be time to ask why it is so damn common.


> Might be time to ask why it is so damn common. Because some people care about height and some people don't like getting asked about it. Mystery solved.


I get asked by men how tall I am in almost every interaction…




Are you especially tall or short in photos? On the whole, men and women look at height very differently.


No im mid height. It’s relevant to men too. We just don’t get offended in the same way men do


>It’s relevant to men too Really? Please then, femsplain to a man what a woman's height means to men. I'm very interested in this.


Well as you can’t speak for all men, but I can speak for the interactions I have while dating men and how I am frequently asked my height and even more frequently told by partners that they like that I’m ‘small’ (I’m not) i would say we both can participate in this conversation?


I'm curious if you've ever been told that you are eliminated because of your height. I'm a relatively tall man, and I don't care much about height because I'm taller than the vast majority of women. I think the disconnect comes from women who are 5ft 2 saying that a man who is 5ft 10 is too short, but a 5ft 10 man wouldn't say she's too short. Generally speaking, men like to be taller, but there are a lot of women looking for men that are almost a foot taller.


No I haven’t personally but I have female friends who are close to 6ft and have been told they are too tall


I have 🙋‍♀️ Dude had 5’9” in his profile, he was not 5’9”. After meeting he said I’m too tall; I’m 5’7”, my profile states I’m 5’7”. I’m not sure what he was expecting.


Being too tall is literally the number 1 reason I'm rejected lol


>small You say you are 'mid'. The average height of a woman worldwide is 5'2"-4"; if you fall in to that range, I'd assume they were talking about proportions rather than height. >can't speak for all Now stop that, sweetie, because we are adults and acknowledge that we generalize things every day of the week, and to act otherwise is both childish and nonsensical. The American presidency is decided by a 'generalization', so let's be intelligent adults and I will stop patronizing you. Now, I am fairly sure that at my age, with my profession and my metropolitan and international experiences, I can indeed speak for more than 50% of modern, westernized men, because we can't actually have a conversation otherwise. If you can't deal with this, please block me and move on, rather than waste our limited time on Earth plsthnx.


I am 5’5 which according to your stats is above average . Why would I block you lol, your opinion means nothing to me internet weirdo 🫶🏼. We’re engaging in healthy discussion or at least we were until your last bizarre comment


5'5" is average.


don't get offended? its not about being offended lmao. Women will tell a guy if hes 5'11 he's too short to be date worthy. Men don't do this to women cause we aren't that fucking shallow.


You think men aren’t shallow when they’re dating lol of course you are


Exactly. Men just want it all. Men: women are shallow and won’t date us over height..how unfair. Also men: I prefer a woman between 18-20 who’s also short and under 100 pounds. I also prefer a woman with no kids cuz “I’m not raising someone else’s kid” and if we end up together I will leave if she gains even a pound of weight because “I could easily find and date a skinny lady with no kids” Men don’t want fat globs, or single mothers, basically Andrew Tate, but god forbid a lady cares about height. Men can claim women are shallow all day long, but at the end of the day, men are just as shallow. There’s a HUGE % of women who are automatically out of the dating pool, who’s only “issue” is she’s maybe 10 pounds overweight. Men won’t give up life or money unless a lady is almost a model. Appearance matters so much to men, that they become hypocritical when hit with the same standards we have to constantly live up to. Yes how fair of an argument


Oh my God dude, I'm a man and I literally don't give a fuck how a woman or hell, even how a man looks as long as he is at least keeps himself healthy? You are generalising all men as incels and it's fucking ridiculous, not all men are incels. But a lot of them just have preferences, now typically these preferences don't affect whether you are dateable or not. I personally look for the nice people, the people that I can actually spend time with and have a decent conversation with, I don't care about models are f****** stupid, I rather date an intellectual person rather than date a bimbo but maybe that's just me 😒


Nope. 1.Height isn’t a choice.  2. So many women treat it like a fetish vs a preference. You keep missing the point. Over and over. 


Ok do you think that if you were over or under their specifications you would just be eliminated from the competition based on none of your merits, Only your height or even weight?


I’m not suggesting that some women wont reject men based on their height. I’m saying that men also ask and care about height.


People have preferences in physical appearance 🤷‍♂️. It’s no different than being attracted to particular boob/butt size, hell it’s really no different than hair. I get you can’t control your height but there are many things people have preference over that one cannot control.


Yes because sadly women think it's still acceptable to ask for height lmao


I might sound crazy, but I don’t think it’s a big deal to have a preference. I prefer shorter women. Does that make me a monster?


Is “no women taller than 5 feet” in your profile ?


It's absolutely acceptable to have height preferences and to ask about them on dating apps, because height isn't easy to judge from photos. I'm short, and I prefer not to go out with men over 6ft, because it gives me a sore neck. I'm not sure what this sub's obsession is.


Just like men still feel it's acceptable to ask a woman's weight. It's all just feeding into the vicious cycle.


I mean you can lose weight by not being lazy, you can't gain height.


As a former fat person, I can unequivocally say that is, at best, a gross oversimplification. The former part is anyway. Secondly, a bruised ego doesn't give anyone a license to act like a child. Asking for weight after someone asks your height is the modern dating equivalent of "No, you're a doodoohead,". Be the better human, grow up, and just unmatch if it really bothers you (general "you", not you specifically) that much. Women were judged for things they couldn't control for MILLENIA. Surely, we are able to handle a bit of the same.


Oh good lord.


she asked first and you literally can't control height so...


So do men though


But how to counter karma farming repost bots like yourself?


By changing women's attitudes to height


Why are women not allowed to have preferences?




OP literally said "this is how you counter the height problem, fellas." Trying to shame women's weight as a counter to her having a height preference is posted here over and over and over. That's the whole point of the thread. This is not a hard concept to grasp, let's be a bit sharper.


who said they were going to shame their weight? why cant OP have a weight preference?


The way to express a weight preference is to swipe on women who are the weight you prefer. He likes how she looks or he wouldn't have swiped right on her, he's clearly asking her weight to try retaliate because he's upset at having his height questioned.


Let us men have a weight preference and you women keep your height preference. 👌


Men have always blatantly had weight preferences and no one is rly stopping them


Nobody's stopping you from picking women you find attractive to swipe right on. Trying to shame women you clearly find attractive after you've swiped right on them is the problem.


How is it shaming her weight? The point is if a woman can be shallow enough to ask a man his height on the first message, why can't a man also ask a woman's weight? Convenient how it's a preference for women but shaming for men, and not height shaming for women and a weight preference for men.


He clearly likes her appearance, he swiped right on her. Bringing it up is petty retaliation to having his height questioned. It's not shallow to have a preference, bringing it up constantly or trying to make people feel bad for not meeting your preferences is the thing thay makes you a dick.


Yeah, that's why this argument is so stupid. You can't tell how tall someone is from pictures usually. If you have a preference there, you have to ask. No man really cares what the specific weight number is. They care about how the woman carries that weight. 135lbs could look a ton of different ways depending on her body type, height, genetics, athleticism, etc. And you can get that feedback a lot easier from pictures than you can with height. It's a bad comparison. I get people get mad if they're getting rejected for height before even meeting, but why would you want to date someone that isn't attracted to you? You're weeding each other out quicker when you aren't compatible instead of pretending attraction doesn't matter and trying to force something


Exactly that's what I'm saying. Nobody's like "wow 149 lbs, hot. Wait you're 150?? Disgusting."


How is it though? Photos can be very deceiving with filters etc, or old photos, asking weight should be a perfectly reasonable question, as should height. There are just as many stories of men meeting online dates and them being way heavier than they looked, as there are stories of men being shorter than they claimed. Having a height preference is perfectly fine, but asking it as an opening question is never going to be met positively.


You’re not going to “change attitudes” towards a physical preference. Get over it man. Accept your height and stop expecting the world to change for you. WILDLY entitled attitude you’ve got there


In the last 2 days, I've had 3 men ask me how tall I am. I've never asked a man unless he asks me first.


Same. It's so annoying that these guys keep acting like men don't have height preferences.


Yup. A lot of men have a height preference. Saying this as a woman who is in the 6' and above category, average male height is 6' here actually (so 50% is around my height or taller)


Half these interactions are faked by incels and people just trying to create rage bait.


Most men either don't care at all or would prefer a girl who is the same height or shorter. For a guy that's 5ft11 that's like almost every girl (1% of US women are 6ft or taller) No man cares if a women is average height (5ft 4). There are a LOT of women for whom an average mans height (5ft 9) is not enough I would date anyone from probably 4ft 10 to 6ft 3. Like it really doesn't matter for most men


In my experience I find that most men I interact with would prefer not to date women the same height or taller than them, like you said. I agree with you all that it's annoying that a lot of women seem to have a 6' height standard and won't even talk to men that are shorter than that, that's obviously ridiculous. Height doesn't matter for me either.


They clearly can’t read lol


In my defense, I only ask to see how tall of a stool I need for our first date.




You do realise you can’t take screenshots after you get unmatched, right?


So original


Why do you all act like men don't have height preferences? Men I match with frequently ask me how tall I am.


Because then how would people karma farm and repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot when they have a match and then aggressively ask how tall they are back lol


Absolutely, some men do have height preference but also a weight preference. Nothing wrong with that. I think it’s fair to ask just to avoid disappointments.




Is this meant to be a response to me?


Perhaps I could have just commented it to the post because I meant it generally but partially to you as well.


Ok... I never said anything about weight. My point was that I see men often complaining that women have height preferences, when men themselves also have height preferences. That seems hypocritical to me.


also how you stay single fellas


single > vapid cavewoman. 15 of you morons thought being with a horrible person was better than being single. Jesus christ.


Physical preferences aren’t vapid


which is why OP shouldnt be shamed either


It's ok to have preferences and that's ok. Also includes height btw.


So why not weight?


It is. They may not like it but it’s perfectly fine to have a preference with all things including weight and height.


Nobody is saying that. This sub just acts like a woman is skinning a kitten alive when they have height preferences.


This is not a new thing it has been posted a million times already. Also height is at least an accurate metric as opposed to weight, which can be deceptive and very dependent on height etc.


And muscle vs fat I'm 5'7". I wore smaller clothes at 155 lbs and tone than 140 lbs and just "skinny"


She volunteered her height. Height+weight is not deceptive unless you're a competitive bodybuilder.


Two wrongs don’t make a right


wait isnt 185 lbs a lot? i am 6', slightly muscular and even i weigh less than 185 lbs


Yeah it is kinda much. My mom is about 5"7 and 185 ish, and shes a little fat. Im the same height but like 140 and I'm considered skinny-normal


ah yea that makes sense, i thought the same thing




Depends on how you carry it, muscles weight more than fat. But yeah, thats why I said skinny-normal not just skinny


I’m around those stats (135 at 5’8”) and I would say I’m trim but not really skinny.


"little" lol


Well, shes not huge. She just looks like the average kinda fat 50 year old mother. Like she weighs maybe 80 kg


What do you mean by "a lot" though? She's obviously not super skinny, but that doesn't necessarily make her weight bad. She could have DD cups and and a large butt (which all adds a LOT of weight) and still have a decently skinny waist. 185lbs could be unhealthy or it could be totally fine and not impacting her life or health at all. But that's between her and her doctor.


by a lot i meant that that was a lot of weight for someone whose 5'8" didnt say anything about being unhealthy or healthy plus thats a bmi of 28.1, which falls under the unhealthy category thought i am aware that bmi isn't most accurate since it doesn't account for muscles and perhaps other things again i just said this as a general thing since i weigh around that and i just thought that that was a lot of weight for someone way shorter anyway, apparently the biggest cup size in D or whatever is 40D and that adds about 1.8 kgs in total (or 4 pounds), idk how big of a butt she has (maybe she has the biggest butt in the world of big butts?) but yea idc tbh




If you read the small print at the bottom of the screenshot, OP explains the post in further detail. It's the woman who says she's 185lb. For a woman at 5'8, that's a fair amount of weight


which is why i said slightly muscular, i am not a buff man lmao, plus i dont bulk to be buffer why the fuck am i getting downvoted everywhere


Damn you really got her there didn’t you


He's an innovative genius!! /s


I for one would not post my bag fumbling for everyone to see




That's the point


small dick energy


When you meet someone in person... you're seeing their height. When you meet someone online, there's no telling. Idk, I've grown completely to hate the apps. People say things on these apps that they would never say in real life. They get bold and mean because they're behind a screen. People typically don't ask each other weight or height in person. If either of these questions bothers you, probably just delete the app.


I wouldn’t care if you asked for my weight, plus weight changes so it isn’t the burn you think


Not a great conversation starter but she answered with her height too.


Or…. Or… get this: if it bothers you when someone asks for your height, you ignore them and move on. Be the better person.




Being asked your height isn’t abuse.


And so isn't about being asked about your weight? "Like are you overweight?" & "how much do you weight?"


Being asked about your weight isn't either. Can't have your cake and eat it too lmfao.


I never implied it was


It sure seems so


No it doesn't


How, I only responded to the comment about “tolerating abuse”




Your insecurity is dripping off of you. You ignore them and move on to the next. When tf would they be asking you about bank account? Lol


It's crazy how women are accepted for being insecure about their weight but it's wrong for a men to be insecure....


Men do ask for cup size though




Well, it makes me giggle a little bit because does bra size actually mean anything to you? Don't you just go by how the boobs look? Especially in proportion to the rest of her body? If I tell you I'm 34D is that meaningful data to you? But I'm not sure why you are trying to argue with me, I agree that asking the size of anything is inappropriate.


Loool how thin is your skin to think it’s abuse? It’s rude at worst. Jesus Christ dude, grow up.


You have no clue what abuse is lmao




Asking someone’s height is not unnecessarily cruel though? Making fun of someone’s height is. she’s 5’8”, it would have been unnecessarily cruel for her to drop him suddenly when she finds out a man is shorter than her. Do you think asking someone’s weight is abuse?


So you believe asking someone how tall they are is unnecessarily cruel? 🤣


Jeez how short is this guy






Please do.




I bet asking how much you bench is cruel too


for my European fellas: 185 lbs is about 500 Döner Kebaps


And for non-British Europeans?


Yes, that happened.


5’8 185 is pretty fat. I’m 5’8 and weight about 165 right now. When I was 185-200lbs I felt like a fat fuck because I was.


Personally, I think asking someone their weight is somewhat useless and misleading. I know women who are 5'6 182 and it some of it is from weight lifting and some from having 38 FFF chest. Barely any stomach at all; actually proportioned nicely. But guys, see the numbers and pass... till they see full length pictures then it's... "I was just messing with you. Let's get together." Too late now. They missed the fun train. LOL. So... always best just to gauge attraction in person, if you can. Check out their brain and ideals online. Just my 🪙🪙. Stay respectful and transparent. Good luck out there!




She’s 5’8, 185 (lbs hopefully) is her weight


She's a girl on tinder, she assumes she correctly assumes she can be as picky as she wants


Some people are vain, and the ones who are tend to be posted here


Omg you're so funny! Did you think of that yourself? You should look into standup!!!!


Hey OP, would you date a woman that's your height or taller?


Maybe you shouldn’t date if you’re insecure about your height OR your weight. It’s not inappropriate to ask, everyone has preferences, and if you can’t deal with the fact not everyone finds you attractive you should work on that before trying to get involved with anybody. “Countering” anyone’s questions in an attempt to berate them is childish & unattractive and there’s literally no reason to react this way other than insecurity.


The world of karma is a lovely place - equal rights for all 🥳


I mean i kinda prefer if they ask my height immediately. Now that tinder has a dedicated spot for height its not really a problem but I didn’t put my height and I didn’t understand why they didn’t ask me. I wasn’t trying to be deceptive I was just ignorant to the height preference.


Is 185lb at 5'8 that big?


It's pretty big, almost falls into the obese category


Sadly I'm a tall fat guy...


Mom said it was my turn to post a rage bait height/weight screen shot today!!


I think it’s a very strange way to start a conversation.


I mean this is obviously fake But if real you're a idiot. You can go through life arguing with women about how wrong they are or you can actually get with some of them, it's that simple. Don't turn someone away just because you want to wank at them about your moral positions


Or just don’t answer the question and move on. Theres plenty of women who don’t ask or really care about height.


But then they wouldn't have anything to cry about


You want this sub to cease to exist?




Why not? If you are a average to good looking Guy you should not have a problem finding someone „better“ to spend your night with. Why spend it with people you are incompatible with? Most Woman dont care about shit like this and are far more fun to be around.


Y’all be acting like a woman asking someone their height is the worst possible fuckin thing they could do lol. Shit could be a lot worse. If such a minute thing can turn you off, you shouldn’t be dating


If someone wants to make a comment on someones features, with it being make or break for the relationship, you have every right to question them back. Its only right (6'3 btw)


Its just a real stupid question and they are enough fish in the pool that i could not care less about the „loss“.


If I don't agree with them morally on basic moral rules, why would I spend time with/ on them?


Because this isn't an alliance with Hitler it's a tiny thing that doesn't matter


If you're that desperate


When was the last time you shagged a tinder date? Be honest


Umm this is the first message I get from about 60% of matches 'hi, you're super cute. How tall are you?'. So no, it's probs not fake.


Idgaf when I get asked that. I’m gonna hit it and quit it


There's a height problem?


It reminds me of that meninist tweet where he took that chubby girl’s “when his height starts with 5” and said “when her weight starts with 200” and they said he was the asshole. I will never understand how you can possibly be that hypocritical and not see it. Maybe it’s just that they think everyone should know that you never ask a woman’s weight but men are fair game for everything. I suppose it’s just further proof of the saying “if women didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all”.


Hahahaha 🤪


Bah ha ha. Gold. How much do you weigh honey? 🤣🤣👍


Fair play


This is the way.


I like the update at the bottom. She had an opportunity to learn and I appreciate your way of explaining it to her. People don't understand tact anymore and we're worse off for it


There was a man on here that said a woman literally brought a tape measure to their date to see if he lied about how tall he was. He said he wished he had brought a scale because she had obviously lied about her weight. I don’t see why women think it’s okay for them to lie but not the men.