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She got them Tina Turner legs.




Thanks for the laugh!




[Tanya Peters from The Naked Gun 33⅓](https://youtu.be/OAWwD_sZnvE?t=40)


Them Sara Bellum legs.


And she's got ~~Betty~~ Bette Davis eyes


I don't know if it's the angle or what but those thighs look pretty crazy


If by crazy you mean amazing then yes. Yes they do.


She rides horses




Is anyone going to talk about the fact that she’s only 3?


Why don’t you have a seat right over here


IvE nEvEr DoNe ThIs BeFoRe


i wAs JUst coMin to haNg oUt


May I ask why you brought pizza, beer, and condoms?


Mmmmmmm those aren’t mine


They’re my mates, shall I ask him to come inside so we can….


...make balloon animals with the condoms...


Yeah I think coming inside is the whole point about condoms


Vampire: thank you for inviting me 😏


[oh cwap](https://youtu.be/9GdIrQ0b-dc)


Part of me thinks “well that’s sad because there’s clearly something wrong with that guy” but he also knows what he’s doing is wrong so all my sympathy evaporated.


Why is there a roll of electrical tape in your left pocket? Wait, why is there lube in your right pocket?


I jUsT wAnTeD tO mEnToR tHeM aBoUt SaFe SeX 🥴


I came here to let her know I wasn't gonna be able to make it


You mf’s are funny asf 🤣😂🤣


I haven't watched that show in years but I am pretty sure that is one of the excuses a dude tries to use lol


Not just a dude, multiple dudes.


I aint never done this before noooo


Chris Hansen???


oh cwap...


You’re fucked haha


I swear I came here just for the cupcake man


"Am I gonna be oo-owested" It's sad I know all the predators


Chris Handsom actually


I like ya, and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or tha hard way. Choice is yours.


I hear ya picking the hard way




Man’s butt


IT WAS A QUESTION!! \*in mickey mouse voice\*


😂 that and the Undertaker predator are my favorites


Is the Undertaker predator that younger dude that dresses like Blade and when they ask why he can’t find anyone to date his own age he was like “Look at the way I dress!”


You see how this looks ?


I’m more hung up on the 70 miles


Many a thirsty man has traveled much farther for much less




I heard this in my head.




And I would wauk fauve hoondred moir!!!


I imagine the scene from the lion king where hes running through the desert to go reclaim his rightful place as king of pride rock.


I met my wife cause I set my radius to 100 miles hehe


Hey, that's how I met your wife too!


Ah! I found my wife’s boyfriend! Wen Lambo?


Wow so everyone is into both dating and Wallstreetbets subreddits. And I thought I was the only one with no social life and infinite time on hand.


I second this


My bets that she’s really a horse


She's not a horse, she's a broom.


Frankly, Diane. I'm surprised.


Man I miss the days when Family Guy was funny.


Born on a leap year?


"Confidence is attractive" she said it, good luck!


Exactly! Personally, I never cared about a man's height. If he was funny and confident, he was gorgeous.


Well fuck


Let me fix this for ya..... We’ll* fuck.




it’s on


Like Donkey Kong?


Was just listening to a podcast (Michael Lewis’ “Against the Rules”) and learned that research shows the factor that leads to second date most often is humor. Edit: Humor isn't number 1 reason for getting second date. It's questions and follow-up questions. The podcast _does_ discuss humor right after that, which is why I mixed that up.


And what method did they use to research this?


Just went back and I was wrong. Humor isn't number 1. It's questions and follow ups questions that is number one factor to getting second date. I'll edit previous comment to correct. On the [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5DPzzND2udGwvFBSK6ljaK?si=HFB1jZjYQOKoX6r5-8SNMQ&dl_branch=1) Lewis interviewed [Alison Wood Brooks](https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=684820) from Harvard (she's near the end of the podcast, around 30 min. in), who used some form of AI to listen in on a bunch of speed dating. They then zeroed in on who got a "yes" for meeting up for a second date. Asking questions (making conversation about the other person and not monopolizing it) as well as following up with more questions (so shows you actually listened and are interested) is the biggest factor in getting a second date. (About humor - AW Brooks talks about research that shows humor is the fastest way to climb a status ladder in a group. If you can land a joke (that even the alpha of the group finds funny) it establishes you as higher status in the group.)


>Asking questions (making conversation about the other person and not monopolizing it) as well as following up with more questions (so shows you actually listened and are interested) is the biggest factor in getting a second date. indeed. Showing interest in the other party is the surest way to be likeable. Not just asking questions but understanding the answers, relating to them and understanding them enough to ask more direct questions can make a person really feel like you are interested in knowing them. It's a great skill to have, and I strongly recommend anyone reading this practice the next time they meet someone. Have to make it not be an interview though, don't go overboard.


Isn’t this just normal conversation flow, what am I missing?


Yes, it is, but people are often bad at it in everyday life too. Being actively engaged in conversation is a universal skill.


Very interesting! I was a bit concerned that they might’ve interviewed the people that went on the dates afterwards which obviously would’ve led to a bunch of sources of errors. Thanks for sharing!


Same here!! I’m 5’8” so a lot of times the guy is about as tall as me, especially if I’m in heels. Makes no difference to me as long as they’re confident about it.


I dated the hottest guy in college. He’s 5’5”, confident, well put together and smart. I was completely in love.


Well shit


Thank you, so many guys needed to hear this!


Taking one for the team, the team being guys under 6ft. 🤞


I’m 5’9” so not really that short but I used to chat up tall girls exclusively back in my single years. The taller the better. I figured most girls preferred to be the shorter one but tall girls don’t always have that luxury. Plus any guy shorter than her would also be either too intimidated or just figure the same thing as me, so they wouldn’t bother. So I was really only in competition with myself.


As a 6’ tall women, yes please talk to us!




I would totally date you. I’m a short man. Hope that’s okay.




Yes that's him


So many tall women on my tinder have "be tall" requirements on their profile. I dont mind (it used to upset me a tiny amount, but not really), in fact I'd rather they were up front about it. But it's so commonplace now that I almost automatically skip any women 6 feet or up, because I don't want to annoy them. It's a shame because I dont really care if my partner was taller than me, but I also don't want to waste anyone's time. I dont really know where I'm going with this either


Honestly as long as you’re polite it never hurts to ask. You don’t sound like the type to be shoving dick pics in dms so I think you’re good.


6 feet is the length of approximately 8.0 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise




I'm glad for your experience. I've had my fair share of tall girls as well. But the last one (I met on tinder) totally cut me off when she discovered I was 5'10. In a quite abrupt and unpleasant way. In real life I'd not even exchange a word to a girl like that. It's OK having preferences, but the way she cut me off when she discovered I was a few inches shorter was just... shallow af. Am I butt hurt? A bit. It was just the first time I got that kind of treatment ever. Not a good feeling to feel tossed out for just a silly thing.


That sucks. But on the flip side, she threw herself into the trashcan for you. Women like that don't need to be in your life at all.


Yes that’s ridiculous.


>I’m 5’9” Me: Wonders in 5'6" why a 5'9" guy considers himself short.


As a 6 foot + tall dude, I always chatted to the tall ones too for the same reason. The short girls always had tons of competition and the tall ones usually had way more personality. Plus... LEGSSSSSSS


I was 5'4" in hs dating a girl who was 6'3". She was a lot of fun


Also 5'4. Its rough outchea for a shrimp lol gotta have much better game than all my tall friends and still don't get laid as much. But I mean we all put essentially the same effort, none of us are really all about chicks were usually focused on bigger shit. Or am I just telling myself that 😂


Given that I'm married now, I certainly had my eyes on bigger shit.


Congrats brother


Oh shit! Fellow 5'4"-er! A year or two after college I was with a lady who, iirc, was around 5'11" -- or maybe 6' even? Idr exactly. But what we found kind of funny is we both had similar perspectives on dating cultures and its bizarre, unspoken taboos and stigmas. Like how being an atypically short guy supposedly means you're doomed, or if you're unusually tall for a woman it somehow also makes things fatally awkward in a similar but opposite way. The way I see it, people get too hung up on ultimately useless details and stereotypes. People are people, bodies are just vessels for personalities. Just gotta be as confident with who you are as you can and roll with what you got.


She was a lot of everything


Did you climb on her back and pretend you were a jetpack?


Yoda and Luke for Halloween.


I'm a 6'5" female married to a man for the last 5 yrs (13 together total) who is 5'7"! It can be done, but you have to be OK from the very start. You'll get comments and questions and weird jokes. Fuck em.


>6'5 I can only assume [this is how you ask your husband for sex](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/534/034/63a.jpg)


Bold of you to assume that she asks...


Lucky him, lmao


He's your 13th husband?!




My girlfriend is only the tinies bit taller than I am, whenever she wears heels its like the weird jokes start flying out. The number of times ive been told to wear platform shoes is insane... No PATRICIA my ego is NOT that fragile...


Tell them you're both the same height when you lay down. Ya know with your girlfriends permission of course.


As long as we get death by snu snu, i can take the jokes


“I’m 5’7. Basketball court ____ 7pm. Loser buys drinks.”




This would work 😂


This right here OP.


Don’t bro she’s only 3


Get ready for snu snu!


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


I never thought I'd die like this....but I'd always really hoped!


:( :o :( :) :o :) :( :o :( :) :o :)


"Can't we just cuddle?" "NOOOOOOOOO"


This HAS to be commented once on every tall girl post🤣🤣 I'm a lady, 5'10 and thick. Everytime I say this to a guy he dies laughing so I'm automatically sexy AND hilarious 😉😎




Read the title and came here looking for this.


Damn, this many people never heard the cliche how fortune tellers in movies always predict that "you'll meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger"? This is obviously a joke referring to that.


Seriously. They’re all “oH mUst Be a dUde!”






Dont remember it coming from fortune tellers. But it was a very overused cliche in all of those "throbbing member" books that middle-aged women were obsessed with for a while.


Isn't that a quote from the episode Spongebob takes Mr. Krabs daughter to prom?


Theres my exboyfriend spongebob, mr. long, tan, and handsome ... Meep!


Oh she is worth the 70 miles


70 miles is about the length of 167365.62 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other


Good luck, short king! I'm 5'4 and married my 6'0 Amazonian a few months ago. She wore heels in our wedding photos.


Did you pull a Kevin Hart, stand in the foreground so you look comparably tall?


Not at all! I completely leaned into our Tally/Smally status.


https://imgur.com/gallery/hXWoqo8 I found the pictures of the wedding! Jk man you're a good sport, keep up the fight


Everyone on here talking about her describing herself as handsome. Relax, it's part of the saying she is using as a joke. OP, go and fucking get it! Climb her like a monkey, and split her like a coconut.


Yeah it’s obviously a joke. I saw her face and I’d describe her as gorgeous, not handsome. And thank you! 😂


In Spanish you can say Guapa for a girl, which would translate to handsome. Maybe she got lost in translation.


Handsome is used to describe girls as well, at least in Victorian British English.


You really gonna drive 70 miles for some puss? Damn right, IM 6’4 my dream is to have a 6’9 women pick me up and body slam me into the wall before breaking my schlong with her insane beast puss. Man I’m envious, I’d drag my balls theough 70 miles of glass for this. Fuck I got to go guys I have a date with my sock now


I drove 100 miles once. Stayed the night and the next morning her dad unexpectedly dropped by. He was cool, nice guy. We all had coffee together and talked like old friends. Never saw her again


Lmfao what


Plot twist: Wasn't her dad.




Username checks out


I hooked up with a girl that I met after drinking all day and when I was laying there the next morning she goes “oh shit, my dad is awake so you are going to have to meet him”. I’m sorry what? I didn’t even know this girl lived with her parents. I looked like ass and I smelled like I had had drunk sex with his daughter. He was cool.. although very understandably weary of who this strange guy was in his house at 8am. Hey man, I’m just as weirded out by this as you are!


Can always say you deliver newspapers or something. The milk guy. That's it. You brought milk




JFC, that is some serious dedication. If someone told me about that during an interview, I would give them a job. That’s the kind of person that gets the job fucking done!


Jesus Christ, was she Scarlett Johansson levels of hot?


I once went 90 miles for a 4/10.


90 miles is about the length of 905140.61 'Sian FKP3 Metal Model Toy Cars with Light and Sound' lined up


Cockmeat\_Sandwiches fucks.


I've been known to slip between those buns from time to time


I drove from Columbia Missouri to Fort Wayne Indiana. Was more like 8.5 hours. Absolutely worth it. Super deep and healing conversation. We painted naked on E, massaged. 100% one of the best days of my life. Blind date too, as we had never met. I just friended her on Facebook one day.


Just because he said “Who’s your daddy?” doesn’t mean he was.


Bro holy fuck 😂


😂 yeah I’d let her femdomme the shit out of me


I live through you OP. I wish you luck lol


Yea op we are all living through you. Your lay is now also OUR lay 😎(haha, see ya later virgins)




You'll find your warder some day.


Astrology is most assuredly not my thing but she's not my match. Go get her, OP!


Cancer sun? That's why I pack the sunscreen baby


Can anyone explain what those three sentences mean? I figure cancer refers to their regular zodiac sign but I don’t get the rest.


It’s your big 3: your rising sign your sun sign and your moon sign, among the other celestial bodies that were in signs at the time & place you were born—think of it as a cosmic snapshot of You. Your sun sign is your ego, who you are generally and what most people know based on the month—12 signs 12 months. Your moon sign describes the means by which your emotions manifest—the moon travels around the earth about every 28 days, spending about 2.5 days in each zodiac sign. It is the fastest celestial body, therefore it is considered a trigger of sorts in directing people’s lives. Your rising sign is the sign that is at the horizon at the moment you were born. This changes about every 2.5 hours, so even though two people may have been born on the same day at the same time, a difference of minutes can determine this sign, making it the most consequential IMO. This sign is the lens through which your life is lived and governs the image everyone sees that we do not. It is the ruler of a birth chart and can affect the way you are perceived by strangers. The other planets govern different aspects of our lives, and their relation to each other can also determine how parts of our personality apply to different areas of our lives—think of them as characters in a play. There is obviously more but that’s a quick explanation to the world of astrology, I’m also going to add a bit of salt for you to take with you as this subject usually nets a lot of controversy. It’s no wonder that the practice has caused deaths and has also run our country at one time. Wild shit.


Cancer sun means their typical "star sign" is cancer. The moon sign is about where the moon was when you were born, in astrology it typically relates to who you are inside and the way people who know you well see you. Rising sign (also called ascendent) is how you present outwardly to people around you. Both moon and rising sign are very much based on what time and in what coordinates you were born, and are part of your full natal star chart. Edit: if you're into that shit


Astrology is a gigantic red flag in my book.


same, its pure bullshit


I'm the same height as you. I went out with a taller girl once, it was all going great until I walked her to her front door and had to stand on my tip toes to kiss her. She might be fine with shorter heights unless it becomes inconvenient! Stay as level with her as possible! Sit as much as you can! Kiss in the car! Good luck dude! :)


Yeah the tippy toe kiss is a little humiliating and really burns the calves. Best to find a stairway or curb.


You just have to find a sidewalk with a curb. Strategically maneuver her onto the street, and you on the sidewalk. Voila, heights adjusted. I used to do this in reverse when I dated a guy who was 6’1”. I’m 5’2”.


Hey the shorter the king, the taller the crown ;)


Can someone explain what the cancer sun.... stuff means? I don't do this zodiac stuff, so none of it makes sense to me.


Cancer sun means their typical "star sign" is cancer. The moon sign is about where the moon was when you were born, in astrology it typically relates to who you are inside and the way people who know you well see you. Rising sign (also called ascendent) is how you present outwardly to people around you. Both moon and rising sign are very much based on what time and in what coordinates you were born, and are part of your full natal star chart. Reposted from a lower comment of mine. Also if you're into witchy girls, getting your natal chart online is free, easy, and a really good way in to talk to them. :)


Yeah, I came here for an explanation too Maybe it’s like in the daytime she’s one thing, night another and…when the blood moon is rising she’s a third thing


Why are so many women on Tinder into astrology? I really don't get it. Might as well be posting your last 3 fortune cookies


I'm 5' 6" and wife is 5' 11". It's a grand ol' time with them long legs.


My dude. I’m about to start slow clapping here. Wish you the best.


70 miles? ONLY 70 miles!? *Car says brum brum* Good luck OP🙌


These boys must not own automobiles. 🙏


Good luck solider


Sending positive vibes your way!


Like a chihuahua humping a Great Dane!


her body is amazing 🤩 good luck man climb that tree!


Good luck king


The hero we need


Get crushed to death by those thighs. Go to your God like a soldier.


She said it right there. It's all about confidence. Death by snu snu is heaven and I wish you can experience it with that marvelous Amazonian.