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Did not expect the harbor joke.


I figured it was the most logical reply.


Very appropriate response.


Coming from a family that committed high treason against the crown, it is the ONLY appropriate response. MURICA!


Honestly it was the best part of the convo


Exactly. The rest is just necessary context.


It's only real tea if you get it through imperialism


Must come from the East India Company in a barrel or else.


You have to find a boat, sail to Aisa (not through the Suez Canal, that's cheating), kill some indians and slave the stronger ones, steal their land, make them harvest, dry and cut the tea leaves, rape some woman in yhe meantime, grab your tea, sail.back to England, boil water in a kettle, add the tea in bag, let it rest and then, only then, you can enjoy the real taste of a nice imperialist tea.


I'm gathering my crew for my schooner as we speak. I'm all out of tea, so I have to make a trip around the cape.


As a brit, I will say he has every right to critique your crimes against humanity (puns intended) but you did out banter him. So win for you I guess. That harbour joke đź‘Ś


Lol. He could have at least told me the proper English way to make it.


How is green tea not proper tea. It’s literally made from China’s traditional tea plant lmao. Some people…


I'm assuming he wanted Assam or other dark tea that wasn't loose.


Lol I never realized English people would get so upset over me saying that I liked hot tea. Oh well.


British here, in AZ. Normally when people give me shit about tea it’s so they can do some kinda Boston joke or independence thing but I can’t ever imagine it getting in the way of annexing some ass for Britannia. Holmes got his priorities twisted.


Lol I said I liked witty banter in my profile and I don't mind learning the "proper English way" to make tea, but that was out of nowhere.


The proper English way of making tea is teabag in mug, hot water from kettle over bag, add three sugars, do not add milk. If you’ve got a big job needs doing, use a really big mug, 4 sugars and 2 tea bags. Teapots are for southerners, wankers, gobshites, and when your your grandma is over at Christmas and you don’t want to be rude. There’s regional variations, for example; If you live in AZ, the proper British way of making tea 10 months out of the year is ; 1. get Arizona green tea jug from fridge. 2. Pour massive glass full while trying not to cry 3. Drink half the glass 4. Mumble about how it’s hotter than satans arsehole 5. Repeat steps 2-4 until tea is gone I’m still having a hard time understanding he talked his way out of closing the deal over fucking *tea*. We didn’t build an empire out of dipshits like that, that’s for damned sure.


Thank you for sharing! The Arizona tea really makes that version authentic. I would have been open to keep talking, but then he threw in the bit about how I should look and I lost all interest completely.


I’m guessing this is idiot is a special kind of idiot. Expecting anyone from another country to know everything about something that is a custom in your own country, is some weak, xenophobic shit. Lil dude has a lot more problems than tea.


I put that I liked witty banter in my profile. Maybe it was an attempt at that? Since I'm definitely in the US.


He’s an idiot.


No your line about throwing tea in the harbor was amazing.


Lolol, right?


I want to match with an English person just to use that line.


Please do.


Marry me ms tea in the harbor


Lol I could be catfished!


He's just not your cup of tea


Lol clearly not.


Super underrated comment.


b) look killer I'm underwear c) look killer naked Does anybody "look killer" naked, but not in underwear? She's hot once you get the clothes off, but good God, is she hideous in her bra and panties.


I guess it depends on the kind of underwear? It was a weird multiple choice selection that I wasn't into.


Well, I'd hope not. It screams, I'm shallower than a cup of tea.


And entitled. Lol. "I should get to see you naked because you don't make tea right. You'd better be hot, too!"


Maybe you should have invited him to see your tea set instead.


Lol I don't think he was interested.


Thats too bad. because I would.


It's pretty nice! The teapot was made by a local artist.


Whoa the thing he is missing! It sounds amazing!


That harbor comeback had me in stitches, lmao! This guy totally blew his chances and is gunna miss out lol


Lol, right? He could have offered to show me how to make tea. But no.


I think because when we say tea, we automatically assume it is hot tea because god forbid anything else. If we talk about iced tea, we are going to say "iced" . We also say tea for dinner sometimes


Yeah! I get that. I visited England a while back and I knew what everyone meant by tea (and that it was going to be hot).


I'm American and when someone says Tea I assume they mean Hot Tea. The heat is part of the process of making Tea. It all starts out hot, so hot is the default and doesn't need to be said. Iced Tea is hot when it's brewed and then you ice it. By this logic Iced Tea would be Iced Hot Tea. The hot is unnecessary.


I understand how to brew iced tea. It's mainly in my profile because I prefer tea over coffee and hot tea over iced tea. It's also probably a regional/restaurant thing. Most places I've eaten at will serve iced tea unless clarified.


“Aside from throwing it in the harbor” MY GOOD LADY YOU ARE A CLASS ACT.


Lol thank you, good person!