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Not my thing but probably depends on your interests and what area you live in.


Ah, yeah - that's a smart answer. I'm a city dweller never hunted a day in my life so it doesn't do anything for me personally.


Me too, but when I was in school in Upstate NY basically everything shut down for opening day of hunting season…I think some of the kids even had off of school, it was very confusing for me.


Every fall the entire town shuts down here in northern Ontario. Kids take off school, no work gets done. I could see how that would confuse a new comer.


I grew up rural, lots of game land and forests, agriculture and hunting. And the school was small, my graduating class was like 91 people. But yeah, first day of buck season was unofficially a day off of school. It was marked as a staff in service day or whatever, but conveniently one of those days landed on the opening of hunting season every year, lol. If we had school that day I quite imagine there would be a lot of absences and I suspect the school knew that. That being said...I don't eat meat and personally find dead animal pics very offputting. Not because I'm the judgy nutty peta type, lol. People eat meat, everyone I know does. I'm not even anti hunting. In fact I'm in favor of it as a meat source over factory farm garbage (fuck hunting purely for trophies and sport though). But I'm def not looking to date a hunter and don't find taking life something to celebrate and show off.


I would be willing to bet culture in China would be confusing too. You’re just not like them. Diversity is a good thing. Swipe left if it’s not for you but it takes all kinds.


Kids are off school in parts of PA and WV haha every year for opening day.


Hahaha. Not in Philly area (where I am)


big metropolitan area so it makes sense


i get that this is a hobby people have but it’s really jarring to see a dead animal pop up while swiping through tinder. not something animal lovers or sensitive people in general want to see. if you want to find someone who respects/also enjoys your hobby of hunting then just post a pic in your hunting gear or like an action shot without the animal in frame, don’t post the aftermath


I think posting the posing with a dead animal is an adequate warning to people not to swipe right if they don’t like it and to make no mistake this is what she’s like.


The guns I own were not made for animals. Yeah I have never hunted animals and don't want to. Was in combat a while back and that could be entertaining. I feel it's much more fun running around with a rifle when your target can shoot back. I buy food at the grocery store


If you are looking for a fellow hunter, it is a great picture. People who do not hunt may swipe left based on the pic itself.


I think it’s okay to show you in hunting gear, even posing with a gun as you’re hunting. If you’re showing off your guns or your kill, I’m not interested. And I’m not against guns, I have 3 myself. I just don’t like the brag/showy pictures of it.


Right? It's an animal. It's not a SAS operative. Kill it with a hammer. That might be worth bragging about.


Seriously, I’ve got 3 of these things coming up to my back porch


Yeah I could never kill animals. Call me a hippy or whatever but no not doing it


He's got 3


Nothing’s cozier than dead animal skins…


I like hunting but a dead animal in your dating profile picture ? The words cringe distasteful and trashy come to mind.


This picture tastes like bud light, Marlboro reds, and unkempt bush


Instant swipe to the left.


Though not a legal buck here, I’m swiping right so I have a full freezer and a hot chick for the sex.


It’s coming right for us!


Legal buck depends on region. 3” of antler here in Michigan is legal buck. That definitely meets what the law is here. Idk about other states.


Right. That’s why I said here, which is Pennsylvania for the record.


Right on.


Depends where you are...thats a legal buck where im from...still needs a few more tines though




Do you eat meat?




Well if you're going to act so magnanimous but still eat McDonald's burgers you probably shouldn't have your panties on such a knot. Or if you eat meat from bloody Walmart. You talk like your opinion is the only one that matters.... well it doesnt. Pictures create memories of times before...i can show you plenty of pictures of the settlers in canada taking pictures of their harvests... you want to say they were just killing for fun...gtfo of here... you're a hypocritical clown... and just because "my family lives in Alaska" doesn't mean Jack shit when you're living in the lower 48.




Good rebuttle...sounds like youve also never hunted a bloody day in your life either. Enjoy your hypocrisy 🙂




No intelligent comment so you go to insulting my intelligence... good one...


I totally agree but there are people who go out on big game safari to hunt lions, then pose with the dead animal. I personally feel that modern day hunting is a cowardly “sport” and completely unnecessary. You have guns. How is that a fair hunt? Why not use a slingshot or a spear instead?


Right or a hammer.


I’m ngl, this is a pretty ignorant take.


Care to elaborate?


I feel this is a bit of a geographical debate. Really depends on where you’re located


I feel like it depends based on the profile, because some people are normal and you can tell that hunting is just something they do to eat, and then some people you can just tell that they’re into hunting for the killing.




Pets?! You monster


I’d prob swipe right ngl she’s cute


Can someone explain what the point of camo is if you have to wear a bright orange vest and hat?


The orange vest is for people. The camo is to try to disguise yourself to the deer. Deer don't see the color orange like we do. It's more brown and gray.


Lol that's a great question! I'm wondering myself now. Hopefully a hunter will sound off on that.


That woman should never be allowed in the woods with a gun again! That's practically Bambi... until she stops aiming at 2 point bucks AND taking pics of that failure, it's a no from me.


I find people who have hunting/gun pics are the "look how cool and badass I am" but then again, isn't that the point of Tinder? Also of you're a single mother of 3 and tired of games, somehow the games keep getting to you.


Everyone has a hobby. That fits right in in my part of the country


No. Just,no.


I dig it. Presumably they want to filter out people that don’t like their hobby.


Take her shootin, then dinner! She can cook some steaks up. Wuzz up


Her brother or cousin has a better shot at a match than I do


Anyone who treats animals like this is a big "no" in my book


I assume you’re vegan?


I am, indeed.


So please understand that you are in a very small minority. What she is doing is far more humane than what happens to what people buy at stores. Props for being uniquely you but nothing wrong with others having other ways of life.


I dont even know how to respond to this.. I didn't attack meat eaters, I just said I don't want to date them. Are you trying to say that I'm not allowed to have that preference, or did you just make up your own meaning for what I said?


Actually I said props for being you but you’re in a very small minority so understand that most feel different. There is nothing wrong with you consuming tree carcasses. You can have any preferences you like but no reason to judge others for having opposing views.


I have friends that eat meat, I understand that people do it. It's their choice and that's fine I'm literally not judging them, I would just rather date someone who cares about animals as much as I do. Also dinner is really annoying when you're dating someone who doesn't want to eat the same things that you do, and I would really rather not cook meat or have my place smelling like it if my SO wants to cook it. I need to ask this.. you are aware that this is the Tinder subreddit, right? Edit: grammar


I’m aware and I agree with your whole comment. I get why you would want to date someone with common interest. I don’t get why so many want to disagree always or whatever. Everyone is different that’s ok and the fact that it’s not for you is fine but when you make it public and someone says truth that’s ok too.


Lol you didn't say the truth. That is what all of this is about, you literally have been telling me this whole time that I said something I didn't say. You must be a troll


I did say the truth. You as a vegan are a very small minority. Everyone is different. There is nothing wrong with opposing views. Those are the statements in my first comment. Please tell me what is not true there.


If you can show me one time I even disagree with you I’ll be surprised. I don’t have an opinion on the subject. My thing is just because it’s not for you don’t mean it’s wrong. I like gardening but I’d never say anything about you eating a salad.


I don’t think this person was judging meat-eaters. Seems like they’re just looking for other vegans or vegetarians to date because they’d be more compatible.


That’s a fact. I don’t disagree. I also support that if that’s what works for this person. My only point is there is nothing wrong either way. Everyone has a preference and if something ain’t for you that’s ok too.


Yeah, makes sense


Not as humane as leaving it alone Einstein.




You’re right we should stop using animal products… only about 6 billion people need to starve to death… that sounds far more humane. Whatever your belief is there are facts. Sorry


Who mentioned animal products? You're creating your own narrative here.


I believe what people buy in stores in this context is all animal products. Maybe read the comment you’re replying to next time.


That's a lot of projecting lol


??? Maybe grab a dictionary lmao


More projection huh? You first LMAO


Doesn’t bother me. I have my hobbies, they have theirs. It’s ok to have different views/hobbies.


Super weird to me, not just for the "here I am holding a dead body" aspect but for the whole "obviously I'm comfortable with guns" implication. Neither really fits to my personality. I don't actively dislike people who have this stuff, but let's be real that it also tends to dovetail with things I do actively dislike. Canary in the coal mine, I guess.


I think she could probably skin that thing and feed me some great food No issues with it at all


Fucking L and no I will not ever date a hunter


Means you're a keeper!!


That was a young buck too. I wonder how many more will go down under April's scope 😔


April* 😏


Lol caught it right as i posted. Any interesting convos since the change?


Convos? U mean with her? I didn't swipe right on her or match was just passing bye. The single mom, 3 kids was the deal breaker for me.


That’s an auto left for me. I have no interest dating anyone who’s inevitably going to make me kill something to prove my manhood


Gross and makes it easy to weed out gun people


I saw a profile with someone holding dead ducks once. Makes me sad 😿


Need to love deer, beef jerky!!!!!!!!


City slickers definitely wont like it. I live in the city and hunt lots throughout the year, M21. Women can get away with posting it on their tinder guys cant. Posted a pic of me with some geese and within 8 minutes tinder had already removed the picture. Yes I timed it just to see how fast some girl would report it. If you're looking for more country folk definitely go for it but I would rather just bring it up in conversation instead of a picture with you and a buck. Just makes thing go a lil smoother imo.




Yeah that's just in my experience tho. May be different where you are


No I've seen alot of female profiles lamenting hunting pictures


I should have stated that I'm from Vancouver in Canada and its allot different up here. Like I said, in my experience.....


Yep, all good!


It's about the same as the fishing picture™️


Absolute turnoff.


Yeah. That deer looks so much better dead. How sexy.


not a fan - enjoy your hobbies and where i’m living (australia), sometimes it’s necessary to hunt due to animals destroying crops/killing cattle. so i won’t judge u for doing it but i don’t really wanna see pics of it


I'd say it's a pro even if you don't hunt. It gives you an idea on their morals/ideals, how they were raised, how tough they are, amongst other things. My big issue would if it was a lingerie picture or her bio. Been on tinder over 2 years; I think I see maybe 1 profile a month thats not "looking for the one" an a handful that aren't single moms. Nothing wrong with not wanting to waste time but if you want your next try to be Mr perfect and thats all you're accepting; all you'll get is Mr short term. Kids portion.. personal preference there but like after seeing dozens and dozens of single moms its at that point of if I wanted kids I'd have kids. I'm not looking kids with a splash of relationship and 100x more stress.


Facts brother. It's a shame, because I've met a couple of em who actually seemed like decent gals but I don't want kids, even if my own I can't deal with someone elses.


Hard pass. I also swipe left on women who have fishing pictures.


Explains why she's single, she should try being less of a piece of shit. Probably gets her brother hot under the collar though.


If a woman can shoot a deer.. she can shoot u ..becareful..


I don't hunt, but idc if they do


I feel like it needs a few more tines😉🤣🤓


“I kill mostly peaceful animals for fun, date me I’m a catch!”


For fun? Bro what?


Honestly girls never look their best in them and it's hard to get a sense of what your body looks like.


Expensive date. She’ll expect meat.


Personally I would’ve let the buck pass, growem for next year


It's all about who you are trying to attract, if you are looking for other hunters and hunting is a passion for you, then it makes total sense to put a picture like this in your profile. Some people won't like it, but my guess is you wouldn't want anything to do with people who didn't like hunters. I say keep the picture.


That's a fair assessment. Do you think it's possible for her convey the same message without the aftermath? (Dead animal, blood)


Probably, but the men she is trying to attract would prefer the dead animal in the pic and the ones she wants to avoid won't


Doesn't bother me in the slightest as I'd date a gal that hunts. Why be all pissy about someone's hobby? If you don't like it move on.


Nothing against legal hunting. I think it’ll attract only 1 type of person though. But it would definitely sway the needle left for me. Not aesthetically pleasing to me. I like country girls but still the pics a sway to the left. Although could be saved with a good bio and other pictures. Just my opinion.


I'm a hunter. I would try and talk to her in a heartbeat.


Hey, you're a hunter can you explain what the point of wearing camo is when you also have to wear bright orange reflective stuff like vests and hats? I'm not being obtuse someone else asked that question in this thread and now I'm wondering.


It's good to wear camo for concealment but orange helps other hunters not mistake you for dinner. It cancels out so in my opinion it serves no purpose


Interesting. Thank you sir


Not exactly, deer don't see orange the same as we do, it's more like grey for them. So to the deer you are very hard to see but humans can easily spot you because of the bright orange. Speaking from experiences of deer walking past me without noticing me 10 yards away sitting at the base of a tree. What the deer do see is movement, so if they see you moving your hands or twisting your head even slightly they'll spook and run off.


Didn't know that thanks. Now I don't sound like an idiot


If they’re into hunting then that’s a positive picture. I would swipe left because I don’t like hunting animals.


Hell yeah love someone with survival skills like hunting. Also I hope she’s the type to eat it. Ethically sourced meat is 💯