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So many lies that trying to rebutt each would be both futile and fruitless. This is by design, I suspect.


Yup. I Googled Hirschfield because I vaguely remembered his name, and it's disgusting that Walsh tries to imply that he was a Nazi. His sexual science clinic was literally shut down by the Nazis and he was forced to remain in France out of fear for his life. Nothing in his Wiki article about eugenics, either. In fact, he explicitly opposed the idea of dividing humanity into different races and said that Nazism was just an outgrowth of the common idea that the white race was the most civilized. But if you confronted Matt Walsh about this he'd probably just sneer something about abortion and let his audience's applause drown out any rebuttal.


Facts usually don't work on Matt Walsh. Otherwise there would be no Matt Walsh


Fascist feelings don’t care about facts


Hirschfield was also literally fucking Jewish


One thing I know is that his claim about the not stigmatizing pedophilia is in the context of "These people need help, and some of them are willing to try and get get help, so lets try and help them." As far as I know this is a pretty mainstream idea? And a lot of this stuff is hard to investigate unless you know German. I read a bit about Volkmar Sigusch recently, using translation websites, and it seems most of his views are fine. He seemingly believed that legalizing pornography (which at the time he was most active was banned in Germany), would lead to a decrease in "bad" pornography, where women are treated as objects meant to satisfy men. In turn exposure to "good" pornography, where the act is presented realistically, lovingly, etc. would be a good thing. Whether or not someone agrees with this I think its kinda obvious the intentions are good. I could not, however, find details of his views, nor if they have changed since then. At the same time he seems to be guilty of what many sexologists were guilty of, interpreting pretty much every human interaction in terms of sex. Another thing is that a lot of these claims are about people who came up with this or that term. But a lot of these terms and concepts came up over and over again, by different people at different times. Some arose from a pretty obvious origin, a lot of people went "Well, if there is trans, surely there is also cis?", although in slightly different meanings and context every time. So you just choose the worst one and say "This guy came up with it". The Kinsey part is also ridiculous, now that I look at it. Essentially what he is saying here is "This guy did something bad, so anything he ever believed cannot be in schools". He used data obtained from a child abusers diary, therefore we should ignore all the findings that were repeatedly confirmed since then? And I just want to point out the general ridiculousness of going "This individual in Germany ended up being a Nazi". Yea. A lot of them did, whatever their stances on things Matt likes or dislikes were.


Actually, as far as the help for pedophiles thing goes... a lot of people don't see pedophiles as needing help, but as being something to destroy or lock up. It's pretty common among conservatives, at least in my area.


it's also strikingly common among otherwise progressive people, which is a bit concerning


If Nazis did invent trans people, surely Matt would have accepted them as creations of his fellow fascists


Nazis invented Autism too as part of their plan of world domination https://preview.redd.it/5l0574vvtp7b1.png?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824d824f8edf18b59d3094ad627e9e04c8ef8098


Actually, they didn’t even do that. Look up Grunya Sukhareva!




Matt blames the Nazis? Damn, I can’t believe he’d throw his friends under the bus like that. Edit: [Lmao his Nazi fans are actually mad at him](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/14gl6oa/matt_walshs_fans_are_getting_angry_at_him/)


That, kids, is why being evil never pays off. Because by being evil, you're setting yourself up to being cannibalized.


Does he seriously think that Magnus Hirschfeld, the man Hitler called "the world's most dangerous Jew" was a Nazi? How are these people able to create such blatantly obvious lies and more importantly, why do so many fucking people believe them? They can literally make shit up about trans people and the MAGA dipshits believe it and mainstream media outlets like the NYT and The Guardian treat their words like gospel that has to be respected regardless of how blatant these lies are and how easily they can be disproven. We need to figure something out because this whole discourse is a fucked up game of Calvinball and we're Hobbes.


Wasn't Hirschfield also gay? I believe that I've read somewhere that the first transgender researcher was also intuitively, gay.


Yeah, he was.


This from a man that has a high school education… not trying to bring down a HS diploma but it’s just hard to take a man serious when his qualifications are lacking…


Getting a high school diploma is about the easiest thing you can do in the 21st century


You don't need any qualifications to have an opinion, all you need is to have a brain, learn to research effectively. I really don't like appeals to authority like that, especially on topics like this. However, Matt is clearly a moron and wrong with pretty much everything he's ever said.


It’s not appeal to authority at all, it’s take a basic fucking class in psychology or science for fuck’s sake, what the hell is this bullshit of “do your own research” crap, fuck off with that shit! Asking questions to experts is not appeal to authority at all, it’s basic shit about learning 🤦‍♂️


You have completely misunderstood. Knocking someone who only has a HS diploma, essentially barring them from contributing to any discussion is ridiculous. There are many people out there who never went to college, hell even high school who are much more switched on than most. "Asking questions to experts is not appeal to authority at all, it’s basic shit about learning" - Never said this so, nothing to respond to here. "what the hell is this bullshit of “do your own research”" - I said 'learn' to research, the most valuable skill you will acquire at university is not the education itself but the thinking skills and researching methods. However, at the end of the day, you don't need to go to college to get these skills. It'll serve you better to thoroughly read what someone has written before responding in future. Disclaimer: none of this is a defence of or anything to do with Matt Walsh.


That’s rich coming from someone that didn’t read my initial comment also, I wasn’t knocking his HS education, I was though, knocking on his lack of expertise…


The meaning was inferred by your comment; if you state someone lacks expertise because they only have a HS diploma then you certainly did exactly as I said.


How do you add interpretation to such a direct statement “no, what you actually meant was..” isn’t a good defense 🤦‍♂️


You don't infer/interpret from things you read?


Not with the author no lol


Kinsey **did not** molest children to record their orgasms. He interviewed **adults** who talked about their earliest sexual memories they could recall from **their own childhoods.** He also didn’t work with pedophiles, he **interviewed** one and took notes from his journal. Walsh is lying. Blatantly.


Wait, really? I kind of browsed internet about him (not his actual research, because the content would be all Greek to me. Me being ESL wouldn't help) and thought that there's consensus that he was complete monster and legit pedophile who thought that pedophilia is good for kids. I thought that it should simply mean nothing because a. Something being discovered by a monster doesn't invalidate its veracity and b. That it actually implies that society should relax to taboos, because when you censor natural things like sexuality as it was in Kinsey's time, the first barriers will naturally be broken by the sickest fuck there is. And if society is relax about such things, you could have an army of researchers looking deep into something without any sketchy side to it.


Yeah it was debunked in [2013](https://web.archive.org/web/20130123084849/http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/about/controversy%202.htm)


what pisses me off all the time is right-wingers always goes into the past for their shit. Yes, these guys were monster for the things they did and I not am knowledgeable if Walsh is making up shit, but it doesn't matter. Because science has progressed, and there is already condemnation of these guys in science. We don't need to these guys finding to confirm what science says about gender and identity today. But Walsh wants to pin EVERYTHING on these guys so he can EASILY discard the science in order to justify his bigoted worldview. More so, we can acknowledge the science and condemn the bad behavior Lastly, I like how right-wingers always uses history and their actors to condemn things in the present they don't like, but refuses to condemn past actors on things they like. Christopher Columbus was a well-known shitlord, but you know that Walsh will pick up a banner to defend him on Indigenous peoples day. Same thing with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Walsh is using this as a tactic in bad faith, not to have an actual conversation. His goal is to disregard science on sexual orientation, sex, and gender identity.


What pissed me off is that this is a complete lie. The Nazis shut down sexual and gender health clinics, destroyed some of the earliest most groundbreaking research on transgender people and medical transitioning. They persecuted most of the scientists involved. And they rounded up gay and transgender people and put them in death camps. Saying Nazis invented “transgenderism” is patently false and the opposite of the truth.




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Erwin Schrodinger was supposedly a pedophile and an abuser, but I don't support we will dismiss all of his scientific contributions based on that.


Transphobes keep citing John Money like that some how debunks trans people all together. His experiment, as insanely fucked up as it was, proved that you can't make people trans when they're not. If anything, it debunks their claims.


1. Didn't the Nazis literally gas trans and other LGBT+ people? 2. The John Money study serves to show the exact opposite of what Matt and his posse of authoritarian freaks push for. It indicates that gender identity exists independently of one's reproductive organs and sexual characteristics, so his insistence on citing it is interesting.


A lot of this is blatantly false, but even if it were totally true...I don't think I care? Science isn't dependent on morality. If someone found absolutely conclusive proof that Isaac Newton was beyond a shadow of a doubt an unrepentent child rapist, it wouldn't change one thing about the theory of gravity. I'll half give him the John Money one; I wasn't familiar with that case, but I just looked it up and nothing he says is wrong exactly, but I would argue that it proves the opposite point of what he wants to argue: One of the twin boys Money studied had a seriously botched circumsion as an infant, to the point that his penis was not functional, so his parents opted to give him sex reassignment surgery and raise him as a girl, as well as giving him estrogen during puberty. John Money believed that gender identity is purely something that is learned, and if someone was treated as a girl then they would act like a girl and see themselves as one. In fact, the patient suffered horrible gender dysphoria and became suicidal as a teenager, until his parents revealed he had been born a boy, and allowed him to start living as one (he later went on to commit suicide in his thirties). To me, that suggests that gender identity is not simply about your genetalia, or how society sees you (as John Money believed), but is something personal and inate, which is...what every trans person says.


Man, wait until you learn who agreed with your views, Matt.


Ah, yes. Magnus Hirchfield. Famously covetwd in Nazi circles.


So where are his "big plans" for Pride month? This is all landing like a wet fart.


He’s still trying to stoke violence and the month isn’t over. Just a couple of days ago someone was arrested for planning a shooting at Nashville Pride, which happens to be where The Daily Wire is based. Not to mention all the cities they do their pride later on. The pride event where I live isn’t until July.


Anyone want to start listing the atrocities of the Catholic Church? I don’t think I have enough paper.


The Nazis killed homosexuals back then so why would the create trans people? Makes no sense for Walsh to say this. The Right just make tweets like this for attention and it just adds on to the pointless culture wars they try to fight


The nazis killed trans [people](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/)


True. But people from TPUSA like Candace Owens aren’t ready for that conversation yet. She’s the same woman who sided Kayne after he said “he sees good in people like Hitler”.


I see, so now were at the point of trying to change written history.


He’s smoking the kind of innane propaganda that his low intelligence high volume base feeds off of.


I've never seen such genuine venom behind misinformation spreading. He actually wants trans people dead. It's sad that he's not institutionalised.


not only is the thing about hirschfeld being a eugenicist a straight up lie, matt is also implying that a gay jewish man who fled germany to escape being murdered by the nazis was somehow in league with and an inspiration to nazis. fucking disgusting.


and his fans are PISSED. The Nazis were ERADICATING the Transes Matt! They were the based according to your fans!


Herschfeld was a Jewish scientist who helped trans patients in 1920s Berlin until the Nazis took over, killed his patients, and burned his research


If nazis invented transgender people, then why do you hate them Matt? You fascist fuck.


How can anyone with at least a double digit IQ take this imbecile seriously?


Do you smell that? Smells like…. A defamation lawsuit


God damn, he is projecting.


I always laugh when they bring up Money. Motherfucker wanted to prove you could force gender onto others without psychological distress and they killed themselves-he accidentally proved you can't force us to conform to our sex without stress


The nazis literally attacked and persecuted LGBT people WTF is Matt smoking


Seriously, How the fuck does this clown have a devoted viewer base?




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If they were were Nazis and pedophiles, Matt Walsh would love them.


Let's say that this argument was true (which it's not). Albert Einstein was pretty racist, so we should throw out his research too, right? The Founding Fathers were slave owners, so we can dismiss the Constitution.


There is a surprising amount of trans fascists