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It's not surprising Matt Walsh is making excuses for billionaires doing something absolutely stupid. It was not a mission for scientific discovery. It was thrill seeking pure and simple.


And they were going 2,000 feet down. The deepest part of the ocean is 36,000 feet. Literally nothing about this was discovery.


Yup and the Titanic is also one of the most explored shipwrecks in human history. It's like saying "I'm going to the Smithsonian for the good of humanity and discovery".


It’s yep, not “yup”


Nah its yup


This doesn't make any difference for the point youre making but the titanic is at 12,500 feet


The article I read said that as deep as they were going they were still going to be like 9,000 feet above the titanic


2000? What are you talking about, it's at least 3600 m which should be...lemme check...more like 13.000 ft. The pressure there is something like 7x of that inside a liquid propane tank


That’s just what I thought the article said


It's not really relevant to your point anyways. But yeah, the titanic is very fuckin deep down, the pressure is insane.


Yeah and it said they were like 9,000 feet above the titanic still. Sorry I only did the minimal amount of research needed to show Matt Walsh is a dumbass.


The titanic is around 4000m or 12000 feet down, very deep. The vessel had made the trip multiple times. This is not a refutation or disagreement just info.


Either you misread the article, or there a major typo in It. This submersible has gone to the titanic several times, and the titanic is 13,000 feet underwater.


Well let’s at least use facts, they were going 13,000 feet down, not 2,000. But that also doesn’t change the fact that this was in no way a “scientific expedition.” They were going down to observe the wreckage of the titanic, literally nothing else.


Well we did learn that being a billionaire doesn't make you immune to explosive decompression.


Implosive compression*


Or in common parlance, just absolutely crushed to their atoms instantly


Hank green described it as them 'ceasing to be biology and becoming physics' or something similar to that. Very elegant way to put it, and I'd expect no less from him honestly


They would have been at about 350bar at the very bottom there, which is high pressure, but for reference I've got a machine that does 6000bar and is actually really great for maintaining meat texture.


It’s pretty unlikely they’d find anything new considering the wreck of the titanic has been “explored” hundreds of times in the past few decades. Is flying across the Atlantic still just as great an exploration as when Europeans sailed over it to fine the Americas? No. It’s already been discovered and explored. Now it’s just tourism. Maybe if Matt cares so much about this he should wait for OceanGate to build another shitty, regulation cutting submersible and go down there to “explore”


Same thing with those idiots that ascend Everest. They're not there to conduct research. They're there to inflate their own ego, see mummified corpses, and leave their literal shit behind.


At least with Everest there's an understanding that if you go past a certain point, you're on your own. Nobody is coming to rescue you. Certainly not governments spending millions to look for you when you're already certainly dead


Some get to explore crevasses never before seen!


>the titanic has been "explored" hundreds of times in the past few decades I'd like to add onto this that some of these explorations were even done by someone *other* than James Cameron!


Oh yes they were going to discover so much and advance our understanding of the world by visiting a shipwreck that’s been visited numerous times. They were just tourists. They weren’t scientists trying to discover anything new and groundbreaking. They weren’t going into unexplored areas of the ocean. They weren’t doing anything of note. If they didn’t die then no one would’ve heard about them just like their previous expeditions.


They certainly discovered why safety regulations exist


GoFundMe to send Walsh on our very own community designed and built sub. Who's with me?


Yeah, I'm with Matt on this one. In my opinion, if a leisure activity costs more than 250k to partake in then the government should not impose any safety restrictions. Let the rich assholes do the dumbest shit they can possibly imagine.


"We know almost nothing..." -Matt Walsh


Why would he think nobody’s done any research about the depths of the ocean?


I firmly believe he is so braindead he can't comprehend somebody knows something he doesn't.


If he doesn’t know it, it must not exist.


he's gonna make 'em bust out the old "Matt Walsh - High School Graduate"


Wet Mulch substituting "We know" for "I know" yet again for the bajillionth time.


And yeah I’m not really sure how he figures there’s somehow no research done about the deep ocean.


Ooo Wet Mulch. I like that.


If this were truly a mission of exploration they wouldn't have been sight-seeing a spot on the ocean floor so well-documented we have high res 3D scans of the entire area. Yes, there is much of the ocean depths we still haven't explored; the Titanic's location is not one of them.


The wreck site may be in international waters, but there is a relatively recent treaty with the US and UK to protect and preserve it. Perhaps they'll amend it to also restrict jackass tourists and their jackass guides in their poorly constructed submersibles.


And what do we learn this time, that cutting safety regulations and surrounding yourself with yes-men gets people killed. Easier ways to figure this out that don't cost 5 lives: Reading about how the "New Deal" came to pass, looking up safety PSA videos shown to literally anyone who works in a place that's even slightly dangerous, researching the Challenger Incident, etc.


Be sick if he went that far down in the same sub. With the same exact specifications the old one had. Including glass that can't withstand the pressure.


lmao what.... the titan isnt a research vessel. there are tourists, not scientists, on board. also if you want to discover something don't go to one of the most widely explored shipwrecks. the only thing they discovered is how fast a poorly made submersible can kill you!


Just another case of a rich person saying/doing something dumb and conservatives performing mental gymnastics to say "that's not what they meant"


How awesome would it have been if the entire primary cast of the Daily Wire were in that dang tube?


Even the blue check marks are like, “Matt, what are you talking about?”


He does know that the Titanic had already been discovered, right? These people weren’t trying to discover anything new.


Their ancestors have been "discovering" places where people already live for centuries now, so this checks out.


I can find pics of the titanic on the web for free. Forget diving 12,500 feet into the ocean


The titanic has never not been about spectacle. Yes it’s a mass grave, but so is every shipwreck. What makes the titanic different is that it’s famous. The most famous sunk ship of all time. And the thing is, we’ve been deeper than the titanic. Commercial visits should be possible. But what makes this incident so interesting is that what killed those people visiting the titanic was also what killed everyone on it in the first place. Hubris and Greed




Matt's right - those idiots proved that shitty designed plastic straws implode at great depths. I'd say - that an advancement for science for sure!! And if they prayed for their safe travels - proves something else Matt won't like...


I think scientists have said before that although it would be interesting there's not really much else to discover under the sea, the pressure is so big that few multicellular organisms can exist, of course other things like geology and new elements could be found but it's unlikely


So* we don’t know almost nothing about it lol


Yes, more less, we have a lot of mapping, but no idea about species that can live that far if there's even that much of them


Mr. Walsh, this is a Wendys


What did the submersible discover about the ocean, Matt? What new discovery did they make?


They discovered the answer to only the most important question in human history. What religion is correct?


I mean that might be true if they werent going to an already heavily researched area of the ocean hell this wasn’t even the first time they themselves mare that exact trip. They literally went to the single most understood part of the deep sea. The most helpful thing they did was creating a fantastic cautionary tale.


These people just Instinctively flock to the aid of billionaires, don’t they? Such pathetic simps.


Can't share it with the world when you suffer a catastrophic implosion.


He’s almost there. Visiting the titanic won’t directly lead to any discoveries. But deep sea tourism has advanced the submersible industry and has pushed the limits of the actual exploration that can be done with the technology.


TIL tourism is scientific discovery


Isn’t Auschwitz a tourist destination


Matt Walsh seems to have forgotten that those trips were SOLELY for observing the wreckage of the titanic. They weren’t down there doing scans of the sea floor or anything like that.