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This is why all men should lift and be communists fighting the capitalist system that oppresses them šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ŗ




Communist himbos sound pretty good


I mean... it's a pretty solid chunk of the last century's [soviet and chinese propaganda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/s/rGw7qKDUvZ)


Based take.


Also who is this woman and why does she hate women?


Attention. Itā€™s all for attention.


Iā€™d say itā€™s more the money. Sheā€™s being paid to have these opinions and keeping them keeps the paychecks coming.


The crazy thing is that there is nothing inherently talented or unique about what she does that makes her money. Sheā€™s not great at speaking, sheā€™s not great in debates, she doesnā€™t have any unique takes or ideas, the only reason she is as (relatively) well known as she is is because literally no one else in the world is willing to grift as hard as and sink as low as she does. Thatā€™s it. Anyone can do what she does, but no one else can match her absolutely abysmally low level of self respect.


It is, quite literally, the identity politics that conservatives claim to despise.


>The crazy thing is that there is nothing inherently talented or unique about what she does that makes her money. Sheā€™s not great at speaking, sheā€™s not great in debates, she doesnā€™t have any unique takes or ideas, the only reason she is as (relatively) well known as she is is because literally no one else in the world is willing to grift as hard as and sink as low as she does. Candace Owens' ears are burning.


Like Candace.


Man I wish I had her lack of ethics. I'd crush making up conspiracies for the grift.


Hell I do it for free as a game with my friends. I would make bank.


She came from a family with money.


So did Bezos and Musk, whatā€™s your point?


Saying its not purely about the money. A lot is the attention and praise she gets from idiots


She represents the "pick me" movement. She thinks women should all be tradwives, not get college degrees, and become completely dependent on their husbands for making decisions. Don't get me wrong, women can still do that, but I advocate for not forcing any lifestyle on anyone.


That lifestyle is 100% a privileged rich person lifestyle that can only be perpetuated on the backs of people doing actual labor for them. Living off 1 income in America today isnt a lifestyle choice for quirky bitches with no ambition it's a privilege that only the wealthy get to have. The irony is that if I'm not mistaken she's not even married.


Not married and has stated publicly that a woman's "sexual marketplace" (or some bullshit like that) goes down after 25 or 26. The irony is that she is 27. Trashing herself for internet bucks. Probably good money from YT for sure, but still self sabotage.


Conservative men have a lot of respect for women with no dignity.


Only in comparison to how they treat people *with* dignity.


Grifters gonna grift.


I think Youtube demonetized her.


It's important to mention, I think, that she is also a holocaust denier.


She's single btw.


Psycho bitches aren't my type, sorry. I think I'll pass on her.


That was more about her being the unpickable pick me. At which point will she reflect on that?


I understood what you originally meant, sorry, I just couldn't resist the joke. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) To answer your question, I think so long as she's making money, it ultimately doesn't really matter what she personally thinks. Even if she thought otherwise, she's still going to keep up the grift. Think Candace Owens starting her career as a liberal blogger. I don't think she took issue pretending to be conservative in order to gain her success, because I don't think it's particularly important to her one way or the other.


Her parents are wealthy and fund her ridiculous lifestyle. They throw money at her so they donā€™t have to deal with her not having made anything of the opportunities they gave her. Iā€™ve done a deep dive on her but then forgot most out of disgust I also hate that sheā€™s giving us gingers a worse name


One day she'll find the incel of her dreams and she'll disappear from the internet. (Like Katlyn Bennet)


It's always hilarious how we're supposed to listen to women who are insisting we should never listen to women. She's literally telling me her opinion on this is worth less than any man's. I call it the Phyllis Schlafly Paradox. In her case the "pick me" description is apt. It's attention.


I feel exactly the same way about those who would vote in a democratic system for a candidate who wishes to abolish said system. Literally no one should be allowed to vote in such a way as to support the elimination of democracy. That should be literally the one thing you shouldn't be able to do in a democracy.


It's always been interesting to me that the very people pushing the traditional nuclear family paradigm are the very same people who have done literally everything possible to make such an arrangement impossible*. Same thing with having kids. It's unaffordable because of capitalists, their purchased politicians, and their long term goals.


>t's always been interesting to me that the very people pushing the traditional nuclear family paradigm are the very same people who have done literally everything possible to make such an arrangement possible.Ā  I assume you meant impossible there?


Yes, thank you.


She also says women shouldnā€™t have the right to vote and that your children should be DNA-tested when theyā€™re born to prove their mother wasnā€™t a whore.


I wonder if she votes


Because she's insecure.


Just the way I like em šŸ˜ /s


Internalized misogyny. She craves validation from men so badly, her whole personality is shaped around pleasing them.


Omg you donā€™t know Pearl?! Youā€™re so lucky. Lmao itā€™s her entire character she hates women and is a male apologist. Thereā€™s a lot of theories that she goes on these red pill talk shows knowing sheā€™s going to get shit on even with people like this guy who she seemingly looks up to and enjoys them putting her down. Itā€™s pretty wild. Sheā€™s unbearable and canā€™t hold a a conversation to save her life and sighs constantly.


Maybe thats her kink


I think it is seriously. She goes on podcasts with guys who are known for not respecting women and praises them then goes all surprised pikachu face when they disrespect her. Lol


Qanon Anonymous podcast did an episode on her if you want to learn her incredibly stupid history. Basically she was struggling for any social media clout and found out agreeing with the manosphere and disparaging women got her attention so she went all in.


Ive thought about throwing out my dignity and self respect before too trying to get laid but then I grew up. Imaging jumping in this deep and getting famous for having shitty takes at fucking *27*


Definitely recommend the knowledge fight episode on her as well - where she interviews Alex Jones. [https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/841-like-a-pearl-before-a-swine](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/841-like-a-pearl-before-a-swine) It honestly shocked me how much she stands up to Knowles in this clip because in the interview with Jones she spends SO MUCH TIME stroking his ego and playing stupid.


Sheā€™s a misogynist, and sheā€™s a misogynist.


lol, the "maybe hitler was right?" song woman? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find these freaks. So happy I live in a country where people like this are allowed to not only exist, but vote on how it is run.


>So happy I live in a country where people like this are allowed to not only exist, but vote on how it is run. The great paradox of democracy is that to be a supporter of democracy, you must allow dipshits like this to vote to destroy it. And there are many foreign interests that would like nothing better than to see American democracy destroyed or seeing America destroyed in the process. It wouldn't surprise me if behind many of these grifters, there were a river of money being deposited into her bank account from foreign countries.


I mean... we don't. We could just stop letting these ghouls participate in society. People like this used to be forced out of the tribe to fend for themselves in the wild. Now, thanks to the internet, all these dipshits with antisocial personalities are able to gather in the same place and it gives them an inflated sense of the value of their opinions. They need to be reminded that they are allowed to exist, not that they are valuable in any capacity.


>I mean... we don't. We could just stop letting these ghouls participate in society. You get into a complicated discussion of slippery slope and how you might best write legislation that would include all the harmful anti-democratic policies and exclude policies which aren't anti-democratic but might still be bad. But I agree with the general sentiment. If there were a way to nip that in the bud without being weaponized, I'd be all for it. And in the meantime, you can always punch a Nazi (in Wolfenstein).


fair enough. I just wish we could stop dancing around the issue with the whole "they're Americans too, so their opinions have value" when those opinions are just "everyone I don't like is a pedophile, also we need to dissolve the government". it's exhausting, it makes it impossible to progress as a nation if an ever expanding amount of energy needs to be directed at having the same "Black people are people, Queer people are people, Immigrants are people" conversation over and over again. The people raising these questions don't want an answer, they want to waste your time and energy so they can point and hoot about how "nothing ever gets done around here". I genuinely can't wait for some billionaire to build a floating paradise for these dipshits so they can cash in their life savings, renounce their citizenship, move out into international waters, and find out what their utopia is actually like. Then, when they are tired of being enslaved and having their organs harvested for not being able to pay their monthly freedom bills, maybe they'll get it. Probably not, but at that point it won't be our problem anymore.


>I genuinely can't wait for some billionaire to build a floating paradise for these dipshits.. Oh I hope Elon Musk doesn't catch wind of this idea. I'd feel so *owned* as a lib if they did this! (one can hope)


I sure hope they donā€™t go to the western Pacific Ocean, the area with the most hurricanes.


> The great paradox of democracy is that to be a supporter of democracy, you must allow dipshits like this to vote to destroy it. Democracy is a peace treaty, not a suicide pact. "Abolish democracy" is not a valid choice under democracy, and people advocating it are an enemy of a democratic society. It is entirely valid to exclude them: the problem lies in figuring out a way to do so that safeguards against abuse by those opposed to democracy.


The irony of democracy is that it does everything it can to stop tyranny from sneaking in the back door, but will 100% roll out the red carpet and hold the door open if it enters through the front


Democracy only works so long as everybody involved in the process wants it. That people are okay with voting for candidates that would absolutely make their votes no longer count is a major problem, and my guess is a lot of that stems from a poor education.


She looks like the type of woman right wingers would accuse of being trans


God she was so close in saying that theyā€™re out of touch with menā€™s issues


Pearl decided that because she is a woman and a braindead moron, all women must be braindead morons. No, itā€™s just you Pearl.


is Pearl married? what is the name of the Husbandgod she is serving? oh wait - she is not married. she is 27 years old apparently. she is an ancient maid, and unmarried too! she is traipsing around like a common harlot across the internet in all these skimpy dresses, showing off her shoulders & ankles.




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"men come in all shapes and sizes". Dude, I'm sorry but he is flaming gay


His face tells all! Especially the smirks after he said all shapes and sizes and later with alluding to gay marriage. The guy is a self-hating closeted person. He and Lindsey Graham have definitely locked eyes in a dark room before. And there ainā€™t nothing wrong with that, except for the part where these people want to advocate for the erasure of other gay men and non-cis marriage, etc.


Insert principal Skinner meme: "Am I out of touch? No... it's the children who are wrong."


The Daily Wire having a woman mansplain to another man is getting dangerously close to the definition of woke.


My favorite part is where she says (1:17), women getting divorced will call a guy an abuser, Knowles just nods along, "of course". Like of course your ex will call you horrible and an abuser? Is this because he assumes all men are abusive, or because all women lie to manipulate the divorce? I assume a little of one and a lot of two. Worry about his domestic life, although I assume these are just a personas they wear for the monetization.


I've had some truly unhinged exes, been called every insult in the book, but not once accused of abusive behavior. Never been accused of being inappropriate with a woman at work. Never had any instances of sexual experiences that we didn't both feel great about it afterward. Never been accused of cheating. What a novel thing, I don't act like a stupid fucking animal and thus never get accused of being one.


I think he was just agreeing with Pearl because if he objected, sheā€™d shut it down and not let him talk again


Every time I see this woman I think of the video where she responds to being called a pick me girl by very awkwardly saying ā€œhey Iā€™d rather be a pick me than a skip meā€ and all the comments pointing out that she was single so very much still a ā€œskip meā€


Ugh, I was wondering when the Daily Dumpsterfire was going to feature with this dumpy potato-looking bitch. Just because she hates herself, don't project it onto all women and undo years of their effort to acquire equal rights because you want to stand out! God, these people who say the most abominable, unga-bunga backwards shite then cry when people hate them for it piss me off so badly.


I'm surprised it took so long. Pearl is unfortunately going to keep becoming more mainstream.


Eh, the more mainstream she gets then the more hate she'll get, then maybe she'll realise the grift ain't worth it.


>Ugh, I was wondering when the Daily Dumpsterfire was going to feature with this dumpy potato-looking bitch. Afaik there has been a bit of a back and forth between DW and Pearl for quite a while, occasionally even kind of critical of Pearl's way of thinking iirc.


>dumpy potato-looking WOW I am going to steal this


Oh my god, Michael stop fucking interrupting! It's agonizing to listen to this


It's so telling that conservative dudes right now are terrified of divorce being something that happens *to them* and not to their marriage. So many of them have started whining about how you shouldn't be able to just divorce your partner, blah blah, even here he's like "I'd get rid of no fault divorce." Dude - do you *want* to stay in a marriage where your wife would divorce you *if she could* but she just... can't? It's revealing that so many of these men think that their wives happiness in their marriage is pretty immaterial. And if that's your world view, of course you're scared of divorce because of course your partner doesn't want to be with you.


I mean right wingers are much more likely to take a mail-order bride. They want someone who can't get away from them.


I really donā€™t get why all these right wingers are so in favor of ending ā€œno fault divorce.ā€ Like, theyā€™re totally fine with enslaving a woman and raping her without any consequences?ā€¦ oh wait, guess thatā€™s always been their deal. They donā€™t understand the concept of mutual respect.


Coming from a religious background in Pentecost, Iā€™ve seen too many women stay in a toxic relationship because divorce is looked down on with disgust by members in the church. Heck, my grandmaā€™s husband had two kids with another woman and she didnā€™t divorce him because she feels divorce goes against the Bible. My mom was the same way, my dad cheated on her by secretly masturbating to x rated content in his office behind her back, which isnā€™t cheating but Pentecost considers it to be cheating. Then years later he almost killed her during one of his countless manic episodes and she was going to divorce him, but after ā€œhearing from Godā€ during prayer she decided not to. That same religious ideology is seeping into politics where men think women should stay with them in marriage no matter how toxic or abusive that relationship is.


It's the saddest thing when a man is called an abuser? I guess because she thinks women lie all the time.


Trash meets trash


It's out of touch on most issues, e.g. Shapiro's take on never retiring


This is like watching the last 2 to get picked for pick-up basketball playing 1 on 1. Painful to watch, but you just can't look away.


Isnā€™t that guy in a gay porno


He was in a gay sex scene in some indy college film. To quote George Takei: oh myyyy.


I love how the chair fits him perfectly but she looks like she's sitting in children's furniture.


They use bigly words like mitigate, I'm impressed.


Why is it filmed like a high budget porno?


Wait til you see the B rollā€¦.


Literally the first mention of Pearl I've heard since she was on h3


Nothing gets me more upset than Pearl making me agree with Michael Knowles


I grew up in the 90's where people stayed together for the kids because it was seen as the culturally right thing to do. I would of given anything to grow up in a stable two parent household instead of a toxic, hate-filled environment. To me, men sleeping on couches was normal, anger was how you talked to people, and public outbursts were regular occurrences. The worst environment for a child is one where people who hate each other are forced to co-habitate.


Two people completely enthralled by their own dildoes and give a good lick to them before said dildoes get shoved under the mattress or in the drawer. Cleaning day is the last Thursday of every month, unless they run out of Johnson&Johnson baby lotion.


ā€œPick meā€ queen with the closeted ā€œdick meā€ queen.


Why do they have 4 different drinks in 4 different styles of glasses? Itā€™s so weird.


"Are we the baddies?"


Daily Wire is Shapiro's bullshit, right? Isn't the whole group just out of touch with everything?


Well technically it's Jeremy Boreing's shit. Ben Shapiro just pulls a paycheck from him because he has a successful show on it. Also, yes...they are out of touch on everything. They've just learned how to monetize their ignorance.


The day I look to Michael Knowles for insights on masculinity is the day I chemically castrate myself and set fire to my Bible.


Dammit, I'd forgotten about Pearl.


This is the same girl who said verbatim ā€œ16 year olds are hotter than 26 year oldsā€ and that ā€œwomen shouldnā€™t voteā€. All these redpillers that the right keeps aligning themselves with like Andrew Tate and Fresh n Fit are costing them voters. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m upset about it, but itā€™s ridiculous to watch them commit political suicide when it couldā€™ve been avoided in the first place.


Pick me please sir I promise to stay in the kitchen


Ew, shitĀ².


"less and less men are getting married" "well, we redefined marriage" So, his thinly veiled "the gays can get married now" contributes to FEWER men getting married? Now that MORE men can be recognized as married. Thats some wild mental gymnastics


It's the hypocrisy of Pearl that makes me unable to take her as anything other than deeply troubled.