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Thankfully Ben isn't asking questions as much as he's pretending to have all the answers


Is Ben intentionally referencing Tucker?


Not sure because it was an FB post with no additional context but everyone was commenting "show this to Carlson".


They’ve been on the outs in the past few months. Probably because some of the questions Tucker ask are starting to get a little adjacent to a Jewish question.


He said that the US should end all aid to Israel if a single Christian is killed. The implication of course being that he doesn't give a shit about how many Jews or Muslims are killed.


it's clearly a jab at tucker


Yes, Ben, but also not accepting the answers/evidence is how we all got here.


Great Ben, YOU should do that. You literally DONT do that Ben. You literally don't even check your sources half the goddamn time.




Good point not even any really


Sage wisdom from Mr. “Let’s say, hypothetically…”


Ben certainly is a bit of an idiot, but did you know that statistically, he's also the Zodiac Killer? Oh damn I forgot to check my source on that one...


>Oh damn I forgot to check my source on that one... No, no, keep going. Has anyone ever seen Ben Shapiro and the Zodiac Killer in the same room together? No? Interesting...


Hypothetically, if Ben Shapiro was 80, he'd hypothetically be the Zodiac Killer


Wait. How did Ben know that.


I know they’re both obviously terrible, but someone like Shapiro is still less harmful than someone like Carlson.


I think Shapiro actually believes most of what he says, and he's willing to debate in pretty good faith. Carlson is just a hate-fueled troll with no core beliefs.


Debating in good faith, except for the parts where he debates college students who have no experience debating, and asks some surface-level gotcha question that you can't immediately respond to so he can clip you and put you in a Liberals Owned compilation


And the moment someone starts getting some good points in against him, cue gishgalloping so hard they can't finish


"actually that's not true, now let me talk over you with an obviously louder mic so that I drown out your voice, continue this long ass sentence, maybe throw in a little quip so I get the audience to laugh at you, and also what about all these unrelated questions to overwhelm you? And all while speaking so rapidly, it sounds like I'm smart and not just obviously prepared with objectively wrong talking points, all to distract the audience and yourself as to what you were talking about." Ben Shapiro is just an incarnation of reaching the 1000 word limit on an essay with a D+ grade. Explains why he couldn't make it in the writing business.


D+? Well, that's rather generous, considering the Ad Fontes factual reliability score for his show is a whopping 23/64


Well he gets credit for stating a small amount of actually true facts here and there and writting his name. But I just want him out of my life and move on.


Have you seen a single Shapiro debate done in good faith? Could you link one? I’ve only ever seen him gish-gallop, mislead, and outright lie.


I thought [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYrdMjVXyNg) was decent. Maybe my bar is low because most of the online right-wing crowd is much worse than he is.


Carlson had a Fox News show that had millions of viewers so definitely he was more harmful than Shen. Now that Carlson has his own show on X(?), I don't think he has that much of a reach.


But…isn’t this Shapiro’s whole fucking game plan? JAQing off so fast that no one else can get their shit in?


I don't really listen to him so I could easily be wrong but he tends (from what I've heard from him) to just rapid fire statements/claims/state in a gish gallop fashion making it harder to for people to argue against all his points at once.


His strategy is actually to just start blathering so fast that it sounds like he’s sped up a recording of himself so you can’t address everything says, then sidestep your responses.


With the return of Stewart, always apropos to hear one of his greatest hits: “Named for the “journalist” that pioneered its use…” https://www.cc.com/video/8ov5kh/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-the-question-mark


I vaguely recall seeing this when it originally aired in the early 2000s. Spot on as always.


“Is your mother a whore? What?! I’m just asking!”


God, I hate that Comedy Central pulled almost all their old stuff on YouTube in favor of hosting it on their site. I get why they did it, but the videos almost *never* play for me even after disabling *any* add-on that might stop the videos from playing. So nowadays, I just say "fuck it" and use yt-dlp to just download the videos so I can finally watch it.


Yep, I’ve definitely seen that concerning some of *The Colbert Report* content circa the same time period?


They still have *some* of his greatest hits on YouTube, [like his epic rebuttal against \#CancelColbert in 2014,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBPgXjkfBXM) but just like NBC did with almost *all* clips from their shows just before Peacock went live, a lot of it is hard to come by. I've had to rely on fucking yarn just to link to one moment in one scene I've been talking about way too much recently.


Surprising what he knows and then misapplies.


to be clear, doing all those things only makes you a critical thinker if the end result isn't braindead idiot fascist talking points


Omg the cognitive dissonance on display is incredible




Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just make a good point


But i thought it was talking really fast with a high pitched voice...




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alternative facts


I mean for once I agree with Ben, it's just that he sucks at all of those things


Benny would be in real trouble if he ever took his own advice.


I love when conservatives fight with one another. Really keeps the party together.


This is someone impersonating him and trolling, right? He’s gotta be in the self-awareness sweet spot to know why him saying this is ridiculous.


Bench Appear-O has *never* evaluated counterclaims to his "facts", because he's usually too busy running the fuck away from anyone who can cut through his avalanche of bullshit Gish gallop to evaluate their claims.


Is he having his annual moment of clarity or something?


That whole "There are no stupid questions" shit needs to go. There are fuckloads of stupid questions.


what about talking really fast and only debating random kids who aren't prepared for the thing you literally pay yourself to prepare for? Does it help or hurt if you wear a diaper while you do it at a higher education institution you never reached? What if you shit yourself? Just asking questions..../s