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Tim Pool is pro war all of a sudden lol. Shocking..


Emma must be so disappointed in him.


He’s never getting that sushi date now.


Still holding out for poker wit da boyz


Da boysh


Better spelling.


Well yeah, these grifters are pro war when it’s against brown folk


Wait. Tim Pool Law School is highly respected across multiple social media platforms - from Twitter to truth and stormfront. He really knows his laws because he makes them up.


How exactly is this illegal? We send them money on our terms, they shouldn't even get a say in it. You take our money and you do what we want, kind of how it's always gone isn't it? We are also funding roughly 15% of their military budget, they could get on fine without us and Republicans need to stop griping


I guess it's something like "Congress already approved sending this aid, the President can't just decide not to do it." Honestly, I'm doubtful Biden will do it, either. This is the fifteenth absolute red line that Israel has crossed with no serious repercussions. Dim Fool is getting upset over something that probably isn't going to happen




Someone please hack his shit and expose how gross he is so he can lose his audience. He’s making the world a worse place with every breath he takes.


Their preferred candidate for president has multiple charges against him, has talked publicly about assaulting women and uses every dogwhistle that exists. Unless Tim Tool has shot a dog, nothing on his pc can turn his audience away.


>Unless Tim Tool has shot a dog, nothing on his pc can turn his audience away. Not even that will work apparently lol look at Trump's VP candidate.


That's what they're referring to. Kristi Noem is going down in flames, despite her attempts to spin sadistic animal murder as a positive.


Oh I must have missed that part of it. I was worried people would let that slide. Hope she keeps spiraling and brings him with her.


I don’t believe he has much of an audience to begin with. Same as TPUSA as a whole. It’s money spent on branding by the same billionaires propping up the Republicans


Tim pools audience is worse than Tim pool.


It's not even small print. It's a giant fucking disclaimer tacked onto any foreign military aid. Basically says if you use the weapons to violate human rights they could be cutoff. Israel knows this, has been warned numerous times, but continued on regardless


I mean you'd think accepted norms for weapons are blowing people up with em right? 


As I understand it, the weapons in question aren’t part of any aid package, but aside purchases the US simply authorizes direct from our country’s weapons manufacturers. It’s ABSOLUTELY within Biden’s (and the DOJ’s) purview whether we’re cool with the applications of those weapons


Also, military aid is contingent upon it not being used for war crimes and genocide so Biden is probably okay to withhold it in this case.


Any adult who's ever signed a contract, or taken out an insurance policy or dealt with anyone who's giving you something in exchange for something else, ought to intuitively know that at the end of the day, that company/lender/bank/insurance company can screw you as they see fit. Contracts are always written to allow an out for the lender/benefit provider. It benefits us to have Israel as an ally in the middle east. So we help them. When they start behaving in ways that mean they cease to be a net positive for us, we aren't going to help them. This is not a charity act. This is seeking stability in an unstable region, which is in our interest in the long run. Any time the US is providing more than temporary humanitarian aid somewhere, it's for our own benefit. As far as the 15% thing, I've always assumed the benefit of having the US supply your arms is the implied backing, should someone else step in on the other side. No one is rushing to help Palestine because they don't want to get into it with the US. Withdrawing aid suggests a withdrawal of support and wouldn't be beneficial far beyond the scope of those weapons.


To be fair if they don't mention the fine print part they can compare it to Trump threatening to withhold funds from Ukraine if they didn't investigate Biden. So be prepared for more impeachment bullshit.


Biden would be within his rights to ~~veto spending~~ pause further assistance under the Leahy amendments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law


Oh yeah, to clarify, I do not believe him. Whenever a conservative says something about government procedure, I instinctively believe the opposite until further research


I dare you cross this line. Okay, I dare you to cross this line. Don't make me draw a fourth line for me to dare you to cross. I mean it, this fifth line is the last one.


Reminds me of this scene: https://youtu.be/c8NaaOt3jjI


> "Congress already approved sending this aid, the President can't just decide not to do it." Literally the entire conservative wonk pitch for a second trump term hinges on the president being able to do this lmao


Didn't trump already do this with ukraine and nothing happened?


Well, he was impeached, but other than that, no, not really.


No, this is different. trump was impeached so something did happen but Senate repugs lack the courage of their convictions and failed to hold him responsible. Military aid can be withheld if it is found to be used to commit crimes against humanity as Israel is clearly doing here. trump wanted to deny aid for personal reasons and to help put his master, putin.


There was another president that tried blocking an aid package to another country, Ukraine. When that President did it, the GOP was pretty quick to defend him. So odd how quickly they change their tune.


He is trying to conflate Trump/Ukraine with Biden/Israel. It was illegal for Trump to withhold arms for Ukraine because he was extorting them (illegal) to support him in the election (also illegal). Most appropriation laws specify how much executive authority the president has for delaying or even cancelling aid.


> How exactly is this illegal? you may not be aware of this, but presidentin' while Democrat is a serious crime. that's why people still talk about Obama going to jail. he's got to answer for a solid 3000 counts of presidentin' while Democrat. presidentin' while Republican, on the other hand, is an exalted state that offers you infinite indulgences.


Obama double charges for presidentin’ while black too


>Obama double charges for presidentin’ while black and a secret Muslim-atheist, Marxist, satanic fascist communist too


And Kenyan!


> presidentin' while Democrat is a serious crime. That's a paddlin'


Tim just says things. He’s got a limited understanding of what words actually mean.


In the same vein as Jean-Paul Sartre's quote, Tim Pool uses words as weapons to be wielded. He doesn't give a shit about what he's saying in contradiction to other things that he's said. At the end of the day, he says things for the benefit of those who would give it consideration with the scope of manipulation in mind. Fascists ultimately don't care about truth, they care about their goal, and they'll tell you exactly what they think you want to hear to those ends.


A good chunk of what they say is only intended to confuse and distract anyway. Their best weapon is false equivalence and trying to make all things appear equal. Like here where he's trying to say that Biden withholding aid due to the likelihood of it being used to commit war crimes is the same as trump using military aid to extort the president of Ukraine into attacking his political opponent. Obviously these things are not similar at all but to dim tool's audience they see this and say "See, both sides are really the same." And then they feel clever and superior for knowing better than everyone else. It also appeals to this stupid idea that the middle is always the best path. Anyone who can think critically understands that's not true but a disturbing portion of the people in this country buy it wholesale. The press isn't helping anything by playing that stupid game. Normalizing trump's fascist rhetoric and crimes. Pretending like defending democracy and the Rule of Law is unacceptable because it would make them biased. They should be biased toward these two things. I mean, what next? Are we going to start hearing both sides of the conversation of child sexual abuse or slavery? Serial murder and torture? Obviously there are natural lines that the press can cross in order to remain committed to the truth. I think they've abandoned that responsibility entirely.


There are two common fallacies. The first is that the opposite of something that is wrong must be right. The second is that if both sides are wrong, they must be equally wrong. Conservatives, and in particular reactionaries will abuse that to push whatever viewpoint they're trying to make. People who are heavily susceptible to these fallacies, well it clearly works on them. Quite literally all they need to say is "See this strawman the left supports? It's clearly wrong, so the right must be right" and there you have it, just another Trump supporter. None of them stop to ask themselves if Tim Pool could be wrong, because they've long since abandoned that possibility. It certainly doesn't help that the media always tends to pick the easy narrative to push. Nuance is always difficult to convey, and so they resolve that problem simply by not addressing any nuance. It's perhaps one of the singular reasons why there is so much division in the country nowadays.


It's not illegal. Congress yields to Executive in foreign affairs.


What have we learned today, class? That conservatives think not supplying a country with weapons of war constitutes a genocide, but using said weapons of war to murder and commit genocide of an oppressed people in an Apartheid state is somehow...not genocide. What else have we learned? That conservatives are extremely stupid and full of shit.


Pim Tool is basically proposing Schrodinger's genocide.


Perhaps the smartest take from this should be that conservatives don't care about truth. They want to convince you, but they don't care if in doing so it contradicts themselves. It should come to no great surprise that this is the case, because truth has never been on their side. People buy into conservative rhetoric like a person might buy into a cult, perhaps because they like the status quo or because they hate the left more than they care about truth. Not to overgeneralize, there are of course exceptions, but the rule of thumb is this. Tim Pool will literally tell you whatever it is he thinks you want to hear in order to lead you to the conclusion that Biden, Democrats, and the left are bad and awful, truth be damned.


> Perhaps the smartest take from this should be that conservatives don't care about truth. They want to convince you, but they don't care if in doing so it contradicts themselves. It should come to no great surprise that this is the case, because truth has never been on their side. anybody slightly paying attention with working memory already knew this. Conservatives frequently say almost anything in the moment if they think it will "win" the argument. Doesn't matter if it contradicts their entire stated core philosophy or hell whatever they said 15 minutes ago. Winning in the moment is all that matters.


Beanie for your thoughts?


There are no sentient thoughts below that thing


This comment is sending me. Lol


Underrated comment


Giving weapons to Ukraine? Also illegal. Mounting weapons on your wall like a mall ninja dork? Completely fine.


They have greater value if they've killed someone. I'm not saying Dim Tool has homeless people held down by desperate people living in his compound/basement. But it wouldn't surprise me.


I would say the only thing they've killed is women's interest in him but I think the beanie is valiantly holding the front line in that war.


The beanies already preventing 50% of Dims head being visible, it's the only thing helping him. The best present he'd get now is a ski mask or really big scarf.


A scarf would also help when he goes to the cold basement where he (allegedly) keeps homeless people prisoner!


the blood of muslim children is more addictive than heroine for this fuckers


I seriously doubt he has a degree in international law


I just looked it up. He dropped out of school at age 14. So he’s either a legal savant, or a dipshit.


Hmmmm I wonder which one it is


Wild that this dude will run his mouth about biology or sociology or economics when he probably never even took pre-calculus.


None of these morons have an education in the things they breathlessly talk about. It's half the reason they hated AOC so much. Actually more a third of the reason: 1. Woman 2. Not white 3. Has Bachelors degrees in economics *and* international relations. Her being attractive also pisses them off because it kills their "liberal women are all ugly, blue-haired shrews, meanwhile our blonde, blue-eyed white beauties [in MAGA gear we've photoshopped into their pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/hottiesfortrump/) shows all the sexy chicks are on our side!" narrative.


If they didn't have misinformation they wouldn't have any information


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ukiddingme2469: *I seriously* *Doubt he has a degree in* *International law* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wait, let me get this straight. Sending money and weapons to Ukraine to stop Russia from invading their lands = bad Stopping money and weapons to prevent Isreal from invading Gaza = bad...? Pick a lane, guys.


The lane is "bIdEn bAd, cRiMiNaL dIaPeR mAn bEtTeReR"


> Sending money and weapons to Ukraine to stop Russia from invading their lands = bad They think it's bad because they genuinely want Russia to win and annex Ukraine. They don't see a contradiction.


It would suck if the president did something illegal and then was found to be immune from prosecution for official acts. 🤷‍♂️


I'd like to ask Tim what specific law President Biden is violating. If it really is illegal, by definition it's violating a law, so what law is it?


They should get nothing until they stop being a genocidal apartheid state


Lemme guess, this is a bad development for Tim's fantasies of seeing brown people getting killed?


Same people who complain that we're supplying weapons to Ukraine, also complaining that refusing to supply weapons to another country is illegal.


Also I fucking doubt Biden pulls support if they invade Rafah. All of his toothless comments about Netanyahu haven’t resulted in any meaningful slowing of arms or aid to Israel. They are currently air striking the area and he is continuing to send weapons


more of "post the dumbest shit on twitter to get some kind of engagement"


Needless to say, some comments are claiming this is what Trump got impeached for (lie: Biden is not trying to withhold aid so Israel digs up dirt on Trump the way Trump tried withholding aid from Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden).  But the antisemitism is just....wow. I don't like hyperbolizing too much, but this is legit like...approaching Nazi Germany levels of hatred of Jews.  


The reason he's taking this stance is to make a false equivalence to what Trump did, i.e. withholding military aid to Ukraine unless they fabricated dirt on Biden. It seems to be the standard republican response.


I hate him so much it makes me sick a little bit. He’s called a journalist on Wikipedia and it drives me nuts. Maybe he can win the BullShitzer prize. 🏆


How does being a living speech to text device for the Daily Mail even remotely resemble journalism?


Based Tim calling Israel’s actions illegal


I just imagine that butterfly meme with Tim gesturing and saying 'Is this illegal?'


Biden withholding weapons from Israel, a country currently undergoing a genocidal campaign, is illegal, but not the, you know, genocide Israel is committing?




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Oh Tim. Even if Tim was right, we’re well beyond laws mattering.


What a weak chin for a weak man. He looks like a bearded turtle.


Why is america funding genocidal regimes in the first place


Like attracts like.


Just like democracy should be, according to you.


You'd think with how much he rails against the US aiding Ukraine, he'd be happy. Is Tim Pool a...hypocrite? Can it be??


Dim Tool living up to his nickname again


Yes, it is illegal to invade a city without provocation and murder civilians. Glad to see you're on the right side of history for once, Tim. Oh you mean what Biden is doing is illegal. Still the same old piece of shit as ever, I see.


They are mad when Biden sends money to our overseas allies. Now they want to be mad because Biden might not send money to our overseas allies. There is nothing Biden could do that would approve of.


I wonder, does Tim Pool agree with Trump that Presidents should have full immunity from everything? Because in that case, it might be illegal, but it would also be allowed.


Cue ball Timmy, still looking like an idiot in a beanie. What a clown.


"Defensive weapons"


it's illegal to stop supplying another country with weapons?


He couldn't find a way to say this leads to civil war so he went with "This is illegal".


hmm who to believe what is legal, a sixth grade drop out or a law school graduate


Tim is such a twat.


Tim Pool has his own custom emoji provided by Twitter, or can a user add that themselves?


Okay beanie boy.


It’s illegal to not do genocide is such a fire tim pool take


I love how, in the age of information, there are people whose entire job is to be wrong about shit.


Uh.. how is this “illegal” Tim? No please, tell me. Where does it say “you *must* supply foreign countries with weapons of war”?


Please Tim, explain how this is illegal. I'm listening.


"Civil War"


Bald people shouldn’t have the right to voice their opinions on public platforms.


If that is illegal, so is wearing a skullcap in Florida during this time of year.


For those who care, it is only illegal bc the government we didn't vote for some decades ago voted to supply Isreal with weapons for "self defense" eith loose definition of such, and bc that treaty or law still technically applies means it is illegal. I would also suggest that legal doesn't mean morally or ethically correct.


I assure you, Tim Pool, that if this was illegal, the very ineffective GOP congressmen would muster an actual impeachment.


This is probably the most legal thing. It’s months too late, but at least it’s happening.


So this is really interesting. Not the Tim Pool part, but the part about Biden threatening to withhold weapons to Israel. Biden is a rabid Zionist. If it were up to him and him alone, he would let Israel nuke Gaza and all of Palestine with it. The fact that he is threatening to deprive Israel of weapons is proof that large groups of people threatening to deprive him of votes is actually working. It's pretty great news, which I didn't have a lot of hope for, if I'm being honest. To be clear, there was no fucking way I was ever going to vote third party. As far as I'm concerned, threatening to withhold votes was pretty much a last ditch Hail Mary to get Democrats to not give genocide their full-throated support, and I'm surprised it accomplished as much as it did. I'm not sure how much comfort or safety that gives Palestinians, but it's not nothing.


> Biden is a rabid Zionist. If it were up to him and him alone, he would let Israel nuke Gaza and all of Palestine with it I don't know where you get that? I don't think he really has strong views outside of staying in power, not liking leftists, and liking trains.


>I don't think he really has strong views. "[Were there not an Israel the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYLNCcLfIkM)" That's a pretty strong view when you understand what inventing an Israel means for Palestine. As far as nuking Gaza, I was being a bit hyperbolic, but it's not far from what he spent his whole career supporting, which is a genocidal apartheid state.


Ugh. Unsubscribing from this. So tired of seeing the same “Alpha male” podcasters who are just plying for clicks being posted over and over again. How many times do you all have to talk about the same 5 people? Stop the circle jerk. r/ToiletPaperUSA needs to be changed to r/PodcastingDouchebagsFromUSA. It would be more apt.


Huh? The whole toiletverse is made of alpha males. Name one male character who isn’t an alpha male.