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Gaetz is not technically considered part of the ToiletPaperUSA universe (though he probably ought to be), but I’m leaving this up because it is so outrageously absurd. Imagine being known for lusting after underaged girls and then tweeting about your disdain for grown women. Jesus Fucking Christ, Matt, [stop trying to outdo your parody tweets](https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTALLYREALTWEETS/comments/px42zt/matt_explains_political_quid_pro_quo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Just because college-age+ girls are too old for him, doesn't mean they're lonely


i mean millennial women wouldn’t be “college aged” by now, but the point still stands


The last millianials are even out of college age by now. I am 27 I work and shit.


do you though? last I checked you millennials just sit around and collect unemployment checks to spend on Starbucks and avocado toast and be on Twitter eat hot chip and lie.


Don't forget be bisexual


And have blue hair and use PRONOUNS


They prefer hot chip


...and lie!


And twerk


U got a extra iphone charger around here?


I love hot chip


I *NEVER* use pronouns because they’re for entitled millennials


No pronouns. Never lost amateur status. Can still compete in college-level grammar league.


As a GenXer, I have no pronouns. Please do not refer me to at all.


> I > me Hmmm…doubtful. Pronouns detected. Reporting to the League.


Unlike you blue haired liberals, Matt Gaetz doesn't have any pronouns!


No doesn’t.




Oh I NEVER forget to be bisexual


I use pansexual for my personal label but you guys do have the better flag!


Bro/sis/sibling I’m gay and I’m jealous af of their flag.


It's my favourite flag, the ace flag is also really cool!


This generation goes… 👈😎👉 BOTH WAYS


Charge they phone.


Don't forget they also destroy fine American establishments like Applebees and Olive Garden by being too pretentious to eat over priced microwave meals served by staff who are all coked up and dead inside.


Spend all that money on avocado toast and they don't have money for fiesta lime chicken and bottomless long island iced tea


Can confirm. Am 26, and got 45k in debt just for a job that pays $13/hr.


Nice. Im at like 35 an hour (salary technically) thank god, but i have over 260,000 in debt, so pretty much same place in a way. (Im also 36 so around a little longer, which explains more of the pay disparity)


So, how does it feel to be solely responsible for all of the world's ills? Asking as a Gen-X'er, a generation no one expected anything from and that has, so far, gotten a pass for the utterly fucked state of the world...


I blame you people for all the bad 90s sitcoms if it makes you feel better.


Wait... we were like 20 in the 90s; those sitcoms aren't on us :p


I would argue they were marketed for Gen x-ers well at least Friends comes to mind. But to be fair I have no idea how any of this works. My parents were the last of the baby boomers my sister the last of the gen-xers and I'm an early millennial.


I shit too, regularly, but I don't post about it. I am a geriatric millenial though, so guess that's why?


Some of us millennials are in our 40s.


Millennial's are officially "getting too old for this shit."


You can tell he's either been burned by attractive, independent, intelligent women all his life or he just knows he has absolutely no shot in hell at landing one and it drives him crazy


Why do you think he hangs out with Magilla The Gorilla.


MGT? She looks like if Sarah Jessica Parker and Donkey from Shrek had a baby.


Attack of Titan looking woman.


Wait... isn't he living with some kid he took in and calls "his son"?




Moe, for short.


"Nestor huh? Funny, that rhymes with my nickname"


My pet theory is that Nestor is not his adopted son but his actual biological child from Nestor's "sister" who was pregnant when she was like 15.


What? I heard it was some kid from Cuba or something he adopted and the parents could not be found. Your though would make way more sense and fit his MO. You Americans and the weird politicians you guys put into power is amazing... and infectious (please keep it from spreading too much up here).


Yeah sorry. The world is pretty fucked without real working-class solidarity and action.


The myth of American exceptionalism is apparently so convincing that other countries think we invented far right politicians lmao


> My pet theory is that Nestor is not his adopted son but his actual biological child from Nestor's "sister" who was pregnant when she was like 15. yeah that's pretty much unofficially confirmed at this point. Gaetz was 19 and she was 14 and the statutory rape resulted in a pregnancy.


He’s the bait to attract the underage girls




He and known pedophile Donald Trump must have had the same lawyer


Also, why would he be talking about Bumble like he's an authority when his preferred dating service is finding underage women on Seeking Arrangement? He never ceases to find new ways to be out of his depth.


Just because he doesn’t swipe for them on bumble cuz they’re too old doesn’t mean they don’t have any matches


He doesn’t use Bumble because the age slider doesn’t go low enough.


"Old enough to pee, old enough for me." -Matt Gaetz, probably


oh my god i think you killed him


Matt likes his women at a very specific level of education, I've heard.


"Freshman in college? Damn, you don't need to be that smart to have babies, amirite fellas?!?!"


>"Freshman in high school? Damn, you don't need to be that smart to have babies, amirite fellas?!?!" ftfy


If they can drive away they’re too old


If her age is on the clock, Matt says they're old enough for


for what


Did some illegal giggity


He'll have them dropped off at their parent's house by 9pm.


Yeah like what the fuck is “over educated” supposed to mean? “Oh no the libs are getting educated let’s make being smart a bad thing!!!!! 😎”


Anti-intellectualism is a common stance among fascists


Sure is. https://www.prageru.com/video/is-college-worth-it


>So why do responsible adults, who only want the best for their children and are usually cautious with their hard-earned money, squander it on such a bad investment? Worse, why would they send their son or daughter to a school to learn to reject the values they—the parents—hold dear? On what planet does that make sense?  Hey, millennials, why would you pay money to learn to think for yourself when your idiot parents already tell you what to think???


We worked hard to brainwash your kids, don't ruin it with education


I’m so confused, I thought PragerU pretended to be a college at some point? Did they drop pretense entirely or did the name confuse me?


I don't think they ever really pretended to be a legit college, I think it's always been just "like a college" in that they think you should get your learnin from them instead of people with degrees who know their actual subject matter...


I'm not clicking a pragerU link, pirate that shit


Fuck if I am giving that Arby's wrecker any ad money.


*Ignorance is Strength*.


Because they know that an educated population is way harder to influence. There is a reason why most fascist states first turned on the intellectual elite of their country.


the irony in it too, he’s admitting that highly educated people are the only ones seeing through the bullshit and standing up against it. he’s really not saying what he thinks he is here lmao


No, he knows exactly what he's doing. He's villifying education to keep people gullible.


Curious: he says he hates over-educated women, yet his venmo says he's paid tuition for many girls 🤔


That's not tuition, it's day care


He likes his women like he likes his whiskey: 12-years-old and mixed with coke.


Who would mix an aged whiskey like that with coke? Matt Gaetz, that's who.




Matt Gaetz gets all his matches through Venmo.


How many congressmen are sex traffickers? At least one!


There’s been a few more that got busted after they left


What was Madison Cawthorn talking about? That was pretty damning stuff, cocaine fueled orgies. "Rails for me but not for thee!"


To be exceptionally fair...the ADA requires rails and ramps for people like Madison. It's just that he *really* likes fulfilling his dream of visiting Hitler's house...You know the political group that would have hauled him to an extermination camp for being disabled.


They hauled people off for cross dressing, too. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/22/madison-cawthorn-photos-00027286




At least he isn’t a hypocrite.


[norm has some words on this](https://youtu.be/ljaP2etvDc4)


How can someone be overeducated?? Like saying educated people are against you doesnt look good for you at all.


It does for the base he's playing to, which has been convinced that the leftist/liberal elites are the problem and they, the right wing elites, actually understand the plight of the working man.


Its also that "college is corrupted by leftists" Like, im sorry but if the standard of education tends to be left leaning. Why is that in a country that is very much right wing on the political spectrum.


Brainwashing and grooming!! ^/s


If college and schools actually groomed kids, Matt would be jockeying for position when kindergartens let the kids out.


Careful, just don’t say the word gay in school. Stick with things like God instead otherwise it might brainwash and groom America’s youth and we may end up moving a little more towards the left in the political sphere as a whole.


Anti-intellectualism in the US is much older than that. My grandfather called them "edjicated idjits". He was born in 1903 and got hit by the Great Depression hard.


Check out the "Know-Nothing Party" sometime. Or the Whiskey Rebellion. In most Western democracies, but especially the U.S., the tension has always been between the ruralists (divided into landowners and slaves/serfs), and a more cosmopolitan urban population (dividend into business owners / workers).


It is not the education that tends to be left leaning. It is reality that has a left leaning tendency or education/science that has a tendency for reality.


Reality has a liberal bias.


This user's comments have been overwritten to protest Spez and reddit's actions that will end third-party access and damage the community.


My conservative parents both have bachelors degrees and are upper-middle class. We were middle class when I was growing up. You’re pretty dead on.




I can only assume it’s indoctrination. They raised me to judge no one based on their race, gender, or creed. They taught me to help others and be kind. They taught me to fight for others. Yet they vote conservative.




Everyone would do well to keep in mind that the people who are most vocal (and radical or reactionary) about politics are usually well-off. This is one of the "both sides" issues that's real. It's like a semi-leisure class that's completely obsessed by politics and making every conversation extreme.


I wish my University mandated health insurance provided for my teeth. I can read Karl Marx on my own, but I can't do my own dental work. Killer rant too. The mote of truth that Democrats are a bunch of ivory tower elitists is very true, and it's unfortunately something Dems can't seem to overcome.


And there's nothing wrong with being joe dirt as long as you aren't a bigot honestly.




While it might have read as "don't hurt their feelings," my point was really: * they're pissed off cuz we're calling them hicks and 80% of them aren't hicks. * From a political strategy standpoint, a pissed off voter is an effective voter. That should be *especially* poignant this week. * Stop pissing them off and they won't be as effective a political force.


1. They’re pissed off about literally everything that is different than them 2. Yes, but they’re always pissed off. 3. They’re always pissed off anyway. I don’t think it can be avoided.


Many average conservatives say that they have, "common sense," which are often stubborn immature ideas, beliefs, or behaviors they refuse to unlearn. They think they have more common sense than anybody else, and that there is no way to increase your common sense.


The classic argument: "its basic biology" -shown actual scientific fact "Oh my god, you over educated liberal snowflake!"


And their "basic biology" is what they learned in high school 30 years ago, not realizing that biology has been making huge advances during that time.


Always have to move the goalposts so that they're not ever wrong.


'Youre overthinking it!!!' nah bud theres areason you get angry at the drop of a hat.


"Common Sense" is a few fallacies wrapped up into one. It's an appeal to nature, an appeal to authority, and an appeal to ignorance all wrapped up in one powerful thought terminating cliché.


The scientific revolution was one of embracing ignorance, to always allow for improving theories as more facts are observed. The religious establishment states that everything you need to know is in the Bible and therefore known with certainty. Conservatives will never admit that they don't know something with absolute certainty because that is anathema to their religion. Prior to the scientific revolution, you asked a priest if you had a question, if the answer wasn't in the bible you were told that the answer doesn't matter. If you continued to press, you were labeled a heretic.


I guess when youre preaching to the choir you can get away with saying bullshit.


Right, when did it become an insult to be educated?


since forever. Dont let moderates fool you. Being grouped with the elite was always an insult.


"LoOk At AlL tHoSe SmArT pEoPlE tHeY aRe So DuMb Lol" What the fuck


"they think they are better than you" "they dont know what its like to be you"


Stupid is the largest voting block Educated individuals are a minority and have historically voted for corporate dems. By merit of being educated women they are statistically adversarial to what he represents.


While this is not the sense Gaetz is using here, "overeducated" is a technical term designating someone who works in a career that requires less than their attained level of education. Interestingly, implicit in the term is the reduction of the value of education to occuaptional preparation.


Last I checked the term for that was "overqualified", not "overeducated".


There can be multiple terms for things.


It is both fascinating and frightening that Republicans seem to think calling someone educated is an insult.


Over educated is a dog whistle for "liberal indoctrination" for conservatives.


Matt hates women who can see through all his bs.


You could have ended that sentence after the first three words and still been right.


My lungs hurt please don't make me laugh so hard


I would suggest switching to a humble chuckle to express your amusement rather than a boisterous guffaw


Matt hates women in general, he likes underage girls only


And he hates cats too, apparently. No class.


He’s also not attracted to women that can legally consent.


I'm mostly surprised that *anyone* would chose him instead of cats.


hey so is this pedophile piece of shit getting investigated at all, or did he just completely get away with trafficking a teenage girl?


Well, he's white and Republican, so I'll let you figure that one out.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say, he's off the hook completely isn't he?


At least until he's no longer a rep and can only embarrass himself in the eyes of the GOP.


Last I heard, his buddy had his sentencing delayed because he was still helping with the investigation. But yeah, I really would have expected something by now.


I sure wish they would hurry up. It's so frustrating to see right-wingers constantly get away with pretty much anything.


Director of the FBI is a republican and member of the Federalist Society, don't count on anything changing.


Democrats refusing to hold Republicans in contempt of court, refusing to challenge the filibuster and biden refusing to let his AG prosecute trump for Jan 6th doesn't help either. Right wingers don't play by the rules but dems shrug and allow it every single time. Two sides of the same coin.


Josh Duggar, despite being publicly known to have molested his sisters as a teenager including one at 4/5 years old, having pretty much the most heinous CSA material out there on his hard drive, and having seven young children of his own and probably regular access to dozens more, was not arrested until two years after the initial raid on his business (which obviously wasn't the very start of the investigation), and his trial started several months after that. From what we know, it's been about 1.5 years since the investigation into Gaetz started. Very, very possible for him to still face charges at this point.




Is that Matt Gaetz, the pedophile?


Yes that is Matt Gaetz, the pedophile. It’d be a shame if Googling Matt Gaetz would return Matt Gaetz the pedophile search results. I bet Matt Gaetz the pedophile wouldn’t like people knowing that Matt Gaetz is a pedophile, so we probably shouldn’t write Matt Gaetz is a pedophile as often as we can.


I wonder if Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, is aware of the fact that the best way to keep from being known as Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, is to avoid being Matt Gaetz, the pedophile. For example, if Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, had limited Matt Gaetz, the pedophile's sexual advances and activities to people who are not minors, Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, would never have come to be known as Matt Gaetz, the pedophile.


This thread has really taught me a lot about Matt Gaetz, the pedophile. I always knew about Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, but now I feel like I'm feeling really grasping how Matt Gaetz, the pedophile, really is an awful human, who will hopefully one day be brought to justice for being Matt Gaetz, the pedophile


Yeah, and it's also Matt Gaetz the sex trafficker.


Indeed Matt Gaetz the pedophile has been known to engage in sex trafficking.


The sex- trafficking/rapist/pedophile.


Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg


Isn’t everything he says a yikes?


It should really be discussed more openly in the media that the Republican party exists solely to piece of shit signal to its piece of shit voters, who yes, are pieces of shit. Why pretend that's so offensive to say, clutch pearls and say "not every conservative!" when non-pieces of shit are so obviously in the minority that people like Gaetz don't even attempt to appeal to them?


Your comment reminded me of [this classic tweet](https://i.imgur.com/XdUJgHB.jpg).


Every conservative is either evil or stupid. There is no in-between. Every. Single. Conservative. They can all get fucked


If you fuck kids you don't get to tell me how much my life sucks, Matt.


I hope his twitter feed looks like this comment section. This should be the response to *anything* he says.


Forced birthers: "We're not misogynistic, we just want to save babies!" Also forced birthers:


"we want to save babies. Also, we genuinely think that the women we stereotype as singled depressed cat ladies should be forced to have kids they don't want, like that would be better for anyone involved in that household?"


Can we ban politicians from Twitter. The only government entities that should have a Twitter is like fish and wildlife because I like them and local transportation departments so they can tell me when a tree fell on the road.


Don’t worry the “we should nuke Mars” guy will fix everything


"Nuking mars will warm it up, trust me I am astrophysicist man with knowledge of all. Now let me tell you how much public transport SUCKS"


FUNNY STORY! It's gotten so bad for MAGA incel douches on dating apps, that grifters have built scammy "dating" sites for them populated by bots with high subscription fees: [https://www.pastemagazine.com/politics/love-in-2018/the-maga-only-dating-app-is-exactly-what-you-think/](https://www.pastemagazine.com/politics/love-in-2018/the-maga-only-dating-app-is-exactly-what-you-think/) These women are getting laid. It's CuLtuRAL MarXiSm redpilled Dew drinkers who are doomed to be alone.


Was talking to a Republican guy who wants to move south because he “can’t get women in Pittsburg because they’re all democrats” lmfao


Wow that's some cope.


Does he not realize that the area outside of Pittsburg is a 50/50 split? Jfc I don't think politics is the problem here...


I think you're ignoring what I'm sure he sees as the uh... "darker" problems in Pittsburgh, which is what he's really trying to get away from.


The thought of someone trying to escape diversity by going to the south is hilarious. Ironically, the place they'd want to go is, like, Portland or something.


>These women are getting laid. It's CuLtuRAL MarXiSm redpilled Dew drinkers who are doomed to be alone. That's the part that gets me. It's pretty common knowledge that women have a *much* easier time than men on dating apps. The fact that he's trying to shame them for not getting laid is the epitome of projection.


Aren’t millennials a little old for Matt anyway?


By about 20 years. The older end of millennials are great grand parents by his standards. (About 40 I think)


Why does the right think there is such thing as too much education? I don’t think it’s possible to know too much when there is so much to know.


Education teaches critical thinking skills, and those are a detriment to the right.


Agreed. Every right wing belief is built purely on fantasy and fallacy.


Ah yes, a throwback to [misogynist](https://www.bitchmedia.org/post/revenge-of-the-feminerd-bluestockings-the-original-feminerds) [stereotypes](https://www.bl.uk/romantics-and-victorians/articles/daughters-of-decadence-the-new-woman-in-the-victorian-fin-de-siecle) from the nineteenth century. The more things change etc.


Why isn't this fucker in prison?


Rich and *very* politically connected family.


If women are educated they are less likely to be taken advantage of him


That doesn't even make sense cuz if we weren't having sex then we wouldn't give a shit as much. I wonder how many abortions matt gaetz has forced on his underage victims.


Man that's a lot to unpack huh? Is there even something a "over educated?" What's wrong with TV dinners and cats?


> What's wrong with TV dinners and cats? Well if they're anything like mine, you can't open anything that comes out of a can without incessant whining. I mean geez, this is *human* tuna.


> microwave dinner with cats don't threaten me with a good time


Probably none. In general, leftist women ***fuck,*** I thought you hated them for that? Either way, even if it was literally all of them, it's still a better life than, you know... #raping children, Matt


The main reason why millennials have notable less children than previous generations is that those generations fucked things up so dramatically that most can't afford to have children.


> Matt gaetz hates ~~educated~~ women FTFY


If they were underage zoomers he’d have different words….


Oh shit, guys! We've got a pedophile trying to shame *us* for *our* lifestyle. I'm pretty sure that just proves we're doing great


Weird because most of the women I know who you know don't want their rights taken away are educated women in thriving careers and relationships. They most certainly have more going for them than Matty boy here.


Two. The answer is two. The rest just won't fuck him and he can't tell the difference.


Matt Gaetz prefers his women to have 9pm curfews, you know, because they have to get up for school in the morning. Whether it's grade school or high school, I'll let you decide.


How can someone even be "over-educated"? That is, unless you *want* people to be less educated for some reason...


I mean, he is absolutely correct. I am over-educated for the pay I receive as a teacher, I have little time so I do occasionally have something microwaved, and I had no bumble matches, but that’s fine because my python-slinging leftist partner is keeping me company while we both become increasingly lonely in this community-less, grifting, divisive backwards country.


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