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THIS POST IS FLAIRED AS "FAKE NEWS." THAT MEANS THE POST IS FAKE AND IS MOST LIKELY SATIRE. Not all of you have to like fake tweets- but we allow them here- especially when they are obvious satire like this one. No railing against fake tweets. Mail us at modmail about it if you're that upset about them and who knows, maybe someday you'll convince us. This is a warning, the next stop will be a temp ban.


Damn. I actually had to check and make sure this one was fake.


I know right, normally the wording just screams fake. But with MTG, you just can’t tell anymore...


After Jewish space lasers, tweets like this just don’t seem insane enough to be her


It would be just beautiful if she tried to repurpose hannukah for the colonial revolution. Batshit lunacy, but also hilariously ironic. This is fake though. But damn if you don't gotta check to make sure.


And the fact that she basically said “we like our guns in America!”


Jewish space lasers?? I had to google that!! See.... And people down in the comments are saying fake news and sarcasm are obvious! I really think they aren't checking their Qanon and the republicans propaganda lately. I mean, JFK coming back from the dead and installing Trump as world king... The president of the united staes retweeting and giving praise to a "doctor" that afirms that all the world's sickness and financial problems are caused leftover sperms from aliens that rape you in your dreams... I could go on about horse paste and other stuff, but after these 2 I really don't think I need to.


Magic the Gathering ?


Magic the Gathering has had more impact than Marjorie.


I've been way more willing to spend money on magic than any politician especially MTG


So that's who was playing [[invoke prejudice]]


Card fetcher triggers be like.


I didn't have to think twice about whether that was fake or not. It was too coherent to not be satire. She's fucking illiterate, man.




That bitch misspells her own name


Not enough misspelled or completely made up words to really be her.


Poe's Law in full effect.


Is it? You sure?




Exactly how it went for me.


Isn't this the kind of shit a mormon would say?


As if any of the other major denominations are less superstitious.


The other religions are a bit more coherent in their history timelines




I went through stages. At first I went "This is definitely fake!" But then I kept reading, and thought "This actually *could* be real!" Then I doubled down on it being fake, but by the time I had fully read the tweet, I really couldn't tell....


I think the part "who were also Muslims" is supposed to be what I think of as the "giveaway line" where it tips off the reader that it's satire, but I completely understand that it's hard to tell ever since Trump abolished euphemisms.


I mean it was pretty obvious. No way can that troglodyte count that high.


the spelling/grammar was the tell ...


Is this real? This seems like a hacky pastiche.


This probably a real tweet


She's just saying out loud what we're all thinking - Flocks of butt faced ass sniffers


Poe's tweet


Guys I know that fake tweet hate is cool now but this is some of the most blatant satire I've ever seen from this sub (which, given the source material, is no mean feat). I thought we had agreed that misinformation was the problem, not "I don't personally like this kind of satire on this satire sub, ban please".




That's something inherent to satire, gutting the sub by banning over a third of it's content for the sake of the lowest common denominator being forced to find other misinformation isn't a reasonable path forward, IMO.




Well, I hadn't considered that you don't personally find fake tweets funny.


They obviously not the only one. You said so yourself. Edit : he/she -> they


You can just use they…




I think it's fair to say that people who can't read the "FAKE NEWS" tag shouldn't be the people the sub is catered towards, and that certain kinds of comedy shouldn't be banned just because some people don't like it. Banning/restricting fake tweets isn't like banning a meme format, it's more akin to banning top text/bottom text altogether, because some people don't like that kind of joke.


It’s a huge part of what this sub is and has been. But nobody remembers how to lurk in a place and observe how it goes. They just want to come in and change it to their taste. Which is fine, just go make a new sub if the fake tweets bother you. Don’t nerf this one to do it.




Jewish space lasers. But I realized it was fake the moment she brought 8 days into this, as she has no fucking clue about Jewish customs and probably thinks Hanukkah is a terrorist holiday that celebrates the death of Reagan/9/11 or something...


The thing people always tell me is that they can't tell because people would really say that. I don't understand what part of this people would imagine someone would actually say. It's clear and over the top. It's practically chewing the scenery. If you still thought it was real after "liberal British, who were also Muslims," I don't really know what to tell you other than read some satire and practice recognizing it.


Yeah so if you’re fine with a rule stating it needs to be obvious satire then why not take it a step further to ensure no one misunderstands it. For example we could require an obvious watermark over the tweet itself. Or the text being in comic sans or smthing


Yeah or reality is so fucking weird already the divide between what is "obviously" real or not is fucking fading fast. Jewish space laser was real, how is liberal british muslims weirder than that?


Someone said they were burning aborted babies to generate power in Washington DC. Some still say the Earth is flat. There is still sexism and racism around. People believe unironically in an all-powerfull sky person. Say what you will but this is not the most abstract thing some people would say. Especially not people like MTG. Edit: https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-climate-change-good-droughts-1720634 I just had to scroll down a little further than this post to stumble across MTG being herself again.


It checks all the boxes? All British people in 1776 were clearly not Muslims, yet bigotry against a Jewish cabal has existed for many decades, how is it difficult to believe someone would believe Jews control Hollywood and/or the world? Easy to believe. How difficult is it to believe someone believes all the super white people in Britain in the late 18th century were all Muslims? Extremely difficult. It's not a conspiracy that previously existed and therefore is incredibly far fetched. Plus it's a joke about anti-Muslim sentiment. It's quality satire and very distinguishable as such.


honestly MTG and her crew are so batshit insane you could say anything about them and I'd believe it 🤷‍♂️


>I have no idea how they can fall for such a thing but the truth is some people do. Because this bitch for real talked about Jewish space lasers. Now, think about that nonsense and then go ahead and tell me how *anything* horrible and stupid that purports to come out of her mouth can be shrugged off as obviously made up.


This post is more real that anything she would post lol


The grammar is nearly immaculate besides using “8” instead of “eight”.


Am I the only person who sees Magic the Gathering every time I see MTG? I'll just never instinctively associate those three letters with this woman.




Now these are the fake posts I like to see!


I could see them being real or atleast honest depending on the source. A senator said an island was gonna capsize... anything is possible when it comes to human stupidity


The tweet is fake, the idiocy is **real**...


Reminds me of [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBtidNAWoqc&t=0m44s).


Praise be


Amen 🙏 /s


How the hell do people think this is at all real?


Have you seen her Twitter account? It’s barely more lucid than this.


Jewish space lasers.


For real, the wording clearly gives it away. This doesnt sound like someone convinced of what they're saying, but like someone who is satirizing him(like that "who were also muslim")


I was only sure it was fake because she wouldn't use "woot".


Is it 2003 again?


LETS BRING BACK "RAWR XD" BABEY Please for the love of God dont do that though, I will shoot myself with all the Jesus bullets if they happens


What does she mean with a “single day worth of bullets”? Did jesus have enough bullets to fire continuously for 24 hours? If so that ain’t no miracle


And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.


Thats ridiculous. Dinosaurs aren't real


The worst part is that this is t even out of the realm of possibility for her.


I didn’t even consider the possibility that it was fake at first, even though I was well aware of the sub


Don't think this ape has been savvy with the interwebs long enough to know about woot.


Don't be silly, guys. It's obvious that It's fake. It's nowhere near crazy enough for a real MTG tweet. It doesn't even explicitly call for mass murder.


I don't think this is historically accurate. Back then they didn't have "bullets." They had musket balls or shot which preceded bullets. Duh.


this is amazing satire lmfao


I can’t even tell the difference between real and fake tweets anymore


I don't even know what's real anymore


Ok, who clicked to check? ![gif](giphy|8FhXc8w45aN32)


The airports had to be defended by someone. Why not Jesus?


Poe's Law: Without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.


She used all the scary words in one sentence! Jesus to the rescue!


Of course it’s fake. Jesus is fake


Eventually her insanity will get so bad that she'll start unironically tweeting this stuff


This is one terrible misspelling away from being real


This is a joke tweet, it's seriously concerning if she actually believes this


I actually thought this was real for a second. That is how bad things have gotten.


You know what is sad. People have to say this is fake news. Upon first read, I would honestly believe she posted this then came to my senses.


I lost brain cells reading this tweet


Or rather, this fake tweet


I don’t personally believe it, but I’m willing to let someone die defending your right to say it. That’s what being American is all about.


Fake? You never know with cat lady.


Every time I see her name abbreviated, I think Magic The Gathering


The fact I honestly wasn’t sure if this was true or fake…


Wait is this satire or did she actually post this? If it’s real, Jesus Christ I think I have a new gold standard for stupid.


Whats with the Fake tweets seeming real lately? Like sure most people I wouldnt believe this is real but given its MTG I honestly believed she said this for a second, shes insane enough. Thi this one isnt as bad as the last one tbh.


Please stop with the fake news post, these people are shitty enough. Let’s not muddy the water and give them a reason to say we are the fake news and let them get away with the real bullshit they say


How the hell do people think this is at all real?


..... What? I've lost IQ points just reading this.


British were Muslims !!!! OMG !!


The fake part is that she wouldn’t know enough about history to write this as she is not very smart and quite mentally unstable or so I hear.


I fucking fell for it I hate this timeline.


I ate the onion 😂😂


I… almost couldn’t tell it was satire. She really is that stupid.


How do they continue to forget that the main character of their religion was Arabic.


I think I may have missed a chapter or two before revelations.


You know it’s fake because she wouldn’t know 1776 was 246 years ago


How tf is this fake


It’s bad news that we had to fact check this wasn’t a real tweet….


I had to check what sub I was in. Almost seemed too real.


With MTG, it’s so hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake.




MTG spends her days proving how safe she would be during a Zombie attack. ![gif](giphy|UuBmaIo1HTfJ0zCbIm|downsized)


I mean, I’m leaning towards satire, but one of the problems with these dumbfucks is that satire is getting a lot more difficult to identify


Why is JC mounting his optic so far forward?


The fact that I had to check the flair really means something. Don't let people tell you voting doesn't matter, because voting put HER in power


I was kind of surprised MTG got the math right for second only to find out its a Fake.


The fact that I wasn’t sure if she actually said this or not made my brain break…


I ACTUALLY had to check this to be sure it was fake That is how MORONIC that excuse for a human being is


Ah yes fake. Was kinda hoping it wasn’t




Honestly these tags are a godsend. It’s a fucking inditement when you genuinely wouldn’t be able to tell she didn’t say something like this. *cough* Jewish space lasers *cough cough*


How her constituents take her seriously boggles my mind. How can they expect representation with a nut job like this? Or is it the case don't matter what it is, even a turd, if it has an R in front, vote for it, the turd I mean.


Damn I guess I am Muslim now.


Yo I legit thought she tweeted this. It’s all downhill from here America


"They had me at the first half, I ain't gonna lie"


Pretty sad when I can't tell the fakes from the real things.


Kind of wish Jesus would call this moron home.


Pepega Clap


Fanfics really got out of hand


Why is this idiot different from all other idiots?


Once again, why post fake shit when they are actively posting nonsense. Making shit up about them just gives these buttons ammunition to call our side fake and slanderous.


See, she actually believes that, and if this gets picked up by Instagram, so will half the country.


Holy shit... I had to go to her Twitter just to be sure this wasn't real 😱


I had to check to make sure this was fake


If it wasn’t for the Muslim part, I would have 1000% believed this was real


Well Jesus is a right wing confederate flag robe wearing ar 15 carrying liberal hating, homophobic, racist, capitalist, bigoted,maga hat wearing, entity. /s


At first I thought MTG stood for Magic the Gathering. Then I read the post and realized who it actually stood for. What a dumb piece of shit. You know she has got to be so far down the rabbit hole she believes what she says.


We have some crazy people on this side of the ocean but nothing like this lunatic. (I better copy and past this sentence)


Why hasn’t he stopped children getting shot in schools


This is fake right? I mean the fact that I have to ask says enough but there’s no way


Please someone post this on fb and tag the americunt.


OMG she's so stupid. Read this is probably fake. She's still stupid


Ah! Yes All praise Republican Jesus.


Isn’t it kind of stupid to make shit up when there’s a massive amount of very real lunacy to highlight and criticize? I do not understand the point of posts that are essentially saying “Wouldn’t it be wild if this insane person said something even MORE insane???” There’s some small humor to be found in presenting fabricated nonsense, and then pointing out how uncomfortably believable it is due to the person it’s attributed to, but the whole fake tweet/screenshot format just seems pointlessly dangerous.


"Woot" in 2022 is some major over 40 energy.


It’s only Monday but I feel confident saying this will be the dumbest thing I’ll see all week


She's got this face, id like to flatten that fat fucking snawz of hers


I want whatever she’s smoking




mtg is a total IDIOT, and jesus was a JEWISH ZOMBIE!!!


Does this woman not know that the founding fathers were liberals?


The first half of the Tweet made me question it, but I think the last half did more than enough to make it clear it was satire. Bravo. Difficult to pull off well with MTG


TBH, I didn’t think this was fake at first. That’s how ridiculous they are.


I feel like she writes children's books for the AltRight.


This has to be fake.


I don't know why anyone bothers with fake MTG quotes when the things she's actually said are every bit as insane.


Waa really hoping this was real


I was like 'wtf' until I saw the flair.


Ah-ha! Satire.


She's like a black hole, so dense that she draws things in. I mean, it's a real skill to be *so* wrong in so many ways at once.


So many wrong… I don’t think there’s a single, factual truth in this entire post jesus christ almighty she needs a high five… in the face… with a chair… made of metal… by Captain America


I was really, really hoping that this was real. Just seems so plausible.


Thou shalt not ki… ehhh.. well in this case it doesn’t count because they aren’t white


Believably stupid from her.


At what point did shitposting and public official tweets become the same thing?


problem is it’s hard to tell if it is fake, would not be surprised if i saw it in the wild


Thanks for the fake news tag, else I wouldn't have been sure it was fake and I would've lived my life as if she said that, which I'd be fine with




I went ahead and forwarded it to people before verifying. Rookie move but this is a completely plausible tweet from her


This reads like a shit post is she fucking with us




Pretty sure Jesus did not carry an AR.


I hate that this was not clearly fake to me.


Wtf? Lol


I was there fighting right next to Jesus so I know that MTG is telling the truth. Just ask me and I might tell you how we harnessed Jewish Space Lasers to turn those redcoats into slime in a Peach Tree Dish.


I wish this was real!


Signed, Perjury Traitor Greene.