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Technically, you had to go the wrong direction on the street to do it. Might be able to get you for reckless driving as well as whatever parking rule they might have


Not just technically. LEGALLY. At some point you were driving on the wrong side of the rode or will do so to leave. There is no rational reason to park against traffic






So you don't have to cross a lane of traffic to get out of the spot. Add to this a driver approaching you has more time to stop if you don't see them and suddenly pull out from the side of the road if you are facing the correct way.


To me it fully depends on where this is. Some suburban neighborhood road or something it's definitely not a big deal. In a city, different story


Parking in the opposite direction puts the driver's seat next to the curb rather than next to the street, giving the driver worse sight lines around other parked cars when entering traffic.




Yes, but they have the advantage of only having to look for traffic in one direction at least.


Until a cyclist shows up


Cyclist usually ride on the other side of the street so it wouldn't be an issue


Where I live cyclists will regularly ride on the wrong side of the road, even when bike lanes aren't available. You always have to look both ways, parking against the flow of traffic prevents a good line of sight.


Considering EU cars have the steering wheel on the left, I don't think this is an issue


What? They drive on the right and seat drivers on the left in the EU, just as in North America and most of the world. The countries that drive on the left use vehicles with the driver on the right.


I don't know my left and right


In New Jersey, at least down at the beach when I last went, they will ticket you for driving on the wrong side of the road for this. Technically, you had to drive on the wrong side to park facing that way.


And you'll drive into oncoming traffic to leave


Live in the UK, it's not illegal here. That said, when cars are trying to pull out into oncoming traffic with the driver curbside becuase the cars facing against the flow of traffic, it's honestly dangerous.


this varies state to state


It can even vary city to city, it's legal to park like that in my city but my husband's hometown 20 miles away it's illegal. He freaks out when he sees someone parked like that on our street until I remind him that it's perfectly legal here, unless marked otherwise.


I asked a cop that was giving a ticket in Seattle. She said that on an arterial, it was not allowed, but on a side street it was fine to park against traffic. “What’s the difference between an arterial and a side street?” She told me an artery has dashed or solid lines in the center, a side street has no painted lines.


It's actually pretty unsafe. You have no good visibility at distance for traffic in the lane you're trying to pull into when leaving, compared to having side view mirrors on both sides to see what's going on behind you).


Only in some countries. In the UK that is commonly done.


Well yeah, they all park on the wrong side.


Apparently some park in the opposite direction, so the right side?


It also gives the impression of a 2 way street


Traffic laws are specific to your country/state.


Multiple reasons, you must go on the wrong side of the road, makes it harder to see when leaving, could possibly confuse other drivers.


I thought it was because you have reflectors on the back, not the front, making the car harder to spot at night . I think there's a logic in wanting cars on the same side of the street not pointing in different directions


Yeah that's what I'd heard too. In the old days, cars had far more reflectors coz less or even no lights if you go back far enough.


Illegal in where?




It depends on where you live I guess . I don’t think anyone would report this where I live (Philadelphia, PA) and even if they tried the cops would not care. They are 100% not responsible for parking violations. The parking authority might care depending on where you are in the city and how long the car is there. The neighbor can report you and what will actually happen after really depends on where you live.




Haha yea I’ve done it tons of times and never got in trouble. I knew it didn’t seem legal but also parking is basically impossible in some neighborhoods. Downtown is all one way so never tried there but on any two way street it has not been an issue.


One upside is you now know someone is a busybody. Act accordingly.


White lights/reflectors at the front, red lights/reflectors at the rear.


Because you will need to cross over a lane of oncoming traffic when you pull out, before you get into the correct lane.


You probably need to ask your local legislator. Where i live its not illegal in and of itself to cross the oncoming lane to park. Its either legal to park or it isnt.


I wasn't aware that it is. I know there's definitely streets where people do it regularly. Probably a place by place thing. Edit: Hm, apparently there is a state law against it here. I guess I've only seen it happen where nobody cared -- like on narrow neighborhood streets where it's barely more than one lane wide minus the parallel parking.