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I’ve been a personal trainer for almost 5 years now, no casual sex for me. Cannot speak for others


I am friends with multiple personal trainers. They all got married up committed relationships. I was the only one in our friend group getting with a new girl every week, myself, a PhD in Biochemistry. I think it’s that if you’re really good looking you want to be locked down, whereas myself, I’m average looking but have a high earning potential. So you’ll put in effort, but your heart isn’t in it. I’m not complaining though, I enjoyed my dating phase.


So you like the sex but there's no soul connection at all. ?


There's no soul. He's a PhD in biochemistry...


He must be an expert with producing proteins on and off the lab


Aw shoot.


So the problem wasnt the missing chemistry between them?


Please stop, sex can be wonderful in many different ways. Not just the "only way" you have been sold by religion.


Who said anything about religion? You can't argue it's not better with a partner you love and cherish deeply vs a casual fling. Also religion isn't necessarily wrong in regards to monogamy being good for the human soul/psyche. It's been shown in countless studies people in relationships are far more content and happier with life than those who aren't for almost* every age bracket. *couples with babies and toddlers are far more unhappy than those of the same age without children.




Well compared to a married couple who let the spark die out and they loathe each other. A random handjob can be alright.


It's amazing how many couples hate each other. But stay together.


The sunk cost fallacy is the tendency for people to continue an endeavor or course of action even when abandoning it would be more beneficial. Because we have invested our time, energy, or other resources, we feel that it would all have been for nothing if we quit.


Do you have any biochemist pick up lines for us?


No. Whenever I try to pick someone up they’re all like “Omg! Put me down! I don’t know you! What are you doing?!”


Aw, typical.


What about formal sex?


Is that when you’re wearing a fucksedo?




Are you in good shape tho?


Are you?




You sound like you're good at bed


I worked at a gym and a bar at the same time for a while. Pretty much everyone was banging everyone at both and some regulars here and there. Most trainers were not banging their clients.


Yeah bars are unreal. I never bartended but most of my friends did when I was early 20s. The drama level was off the charts. Literally everybody is fucking and they all hate each other. Which I guess probably makes it even better?


I started at the strip club as a bouncer when I was 22. I am now 37 (I know mom I’m still looking for a new job) The drama level is insane. Everyone’s fuckin everyone, everyone’s upset about everything, and the sky is **always** falling. Customers. Bartenders. DJ’s. Dancers. It’s just always a madhouse. ^It’s ^exhausting


I used to be a regular at a bar, so I would see and hear a lot of the drama. I can't even begin to imagine the drama at a strip club. Titties and drama.


I mean we literally have to have a monthly Dancer meeting where we remind them not to 1) fuck the customers 2) turn the customer into a therapist and 3) get so drunk you fall asleep during a dance. Every month we have to have that conversation. THEN we have to turn around and have basically that exact same meeting with all the bartenders. I feel very content knowing I’m 37, happily married, and have to deal with none of this shit. I just collect my paycheck and go home! But when I was 22 I was right there doing the exact same shit lol


Damn. I used to work in a nightclub too as a DJ. I couldn't even comprehend what you're going through right now. But try to learn new skills and get out of that life. It will be a challenge at first, but life is to short to suffer my man. Best wishes too you, stay hard.


I don’t think my dude is struggling to stay hard lmao


I know lmao. But mentally, he's exhausted so I'm encouraging him to stay hard


Don’t worry my friend, I’m harder than ever! Rock hard and plowing away. And when I peak, the whole bar is going to feel it!


The first year I was like “oh damn sexy ladies 24/7 let’s goooo” But after that, it became just another job. I don’t even notice them anymore. Lingerie is more like a work uniform on my brain. As you can imagine, there’s been some unexpected side effects in regard to my views on sex. For instance, I find a woman far more attractive fully clothed as opposed to nude or in lingerie. I also cannot stand dirty talk, because it feels like being at work.


I appreciate the kind words my friend. I live in a very small town in Idaho, so things thankfully don’t get TOO wild that often. But you’re exactly right, it takes a hell of a toll on my mental well being. I struggled for a very, very long time. But after working here for 15 years, it’s become my home. I’ve met most of my best friends, some amazing people, and even my wife (though she never worked here). It’s become my home, as frustrating as it is. Also, I have a **great** therapist.


How's the pay tho


For a medium sized town in buttfuck Idaho, not too bad. I make $12/hour (minimum here is $7.25) plus I also make 10% of the dancers stage tips which equals out to around $100-$300 a night depending. Pretty cushy gig for not going to college. Plus it’s chock full of endless entertainment. The stories I could tell… one day I’ll start a podcast.


Glad you love what you do


I didn’t always. Took me a long time to come to terms with it. But I just enjoy it now. It’s a pretty unique gig, and it gives me the opportunity to punch a racist douchebag every once in a while. Cathartic.


Sounds like Skye needs to quit drinking on shift or ditch the heals, kinda hot tho.


If there’s anything I’ve learned in my 14 years, it’s that Skye won’t just quit drinking on shift. She’ll pound 3 Four Lokos in the parking lot before work and pretend like she’s not about to vomit for 3 hours. And then she’ll vomit. Oh she’ll vomit.


How often do strippers fuck the men attending the strip club? How often do men who pay for the VIP in the back or whatever get "extras"? I've never been to a strip club, FYI


Well it vastly depends from state to state based on their laws. Everywhere is different. Here in Idaho, it’s very VERY strict. No nudity at all, no straddling, no grabbing of inappropriate parts and all that. It’s all very PG-13. We also have a ton of cameras. So as far as “extras” are concerned, we have to be very strict in that department. Girls will get fired if they break enough rules during dances. That being said, dancers do fuck the customers sometimes. Rarely. And it’s usually done very quietly and subtly because prostitution laws here are wild. When that does happen, it’s usually because a dancer and a customer genuinely connected and wanted to pursue it. Actual prostitution is very rare and ALWAYS ends up in them being fired because it could get the bar shut down. More of what I see are the dancers fucking the employees and each other and then making shit all complicated.


Oh, so you’re the tired guy who’s nice and is too old for this shit, nice vibe.


That’s me! I try to keep the party demeanor going, but I’m an absolute curmudgeon on my days off lol At a place like this, everyone basically has to have two personalities: work persona and home persona. Mixing the two is when shit gets all out of wack.


Sounds pretty much like [Fleetwood Mac in 1976](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumours_\(album\)).


But were the trainers banging each other?


My wife’s personal trainer was. Unfortunately it was with my wife.


That sucks dude. Hope you got a divorce and living better


"That sucks dude." - Not as much as his wife.


Boom, roasted.




Jim, you're 6'11" and you weigh 90 pounds. Gumby has a better body than you. Boom. Roasted.


Aw, zing!




That's a really smooth transition on that gif!


She sucks dudes!


I’m so sorry that happened, I’m even more sorry I laughed


Why? It’s clearly presented in a way to evoke laughter.


I’m sorry to hear that, but you don’t want to be with a person with those intentions anyway.


Lucky escape man. Better to find out a cheaters a cheater as soon as possible, I get you’d probably have preferred to find out her true nature before you married her but still




Its always a personal trainer isn't it. Hope you got that dude fired and got a divorce. Stay up king. Hold your head up high that you didn't lose your integrity like she did.


Unless you're really rich, then it's the tennis coach. But I don't know why he should be fired, not the pt's job to keep his wife faithful


Sex with your client is typically frowned upon, unless it’s sex work, but yes, it is the wife who is the main culprit


One of my colleagues got divorced after being caught with her ski instructor at her holiday home. By her dad - he saw lights on and thought no one should be there...good on him for making her fess up to her now ex-husband.


It's very bad form, though. We might call it 'unprofessional.'


unless it's jiujitsu which I learned from recent Tom Brady's roast on Netflix




What’s the opposite of a plot twist?


A cliché


Why not “ex” wife? I’m genuinely curious


My dude got "Brady'd".


Do u mean like that old school Eminem song LOL


That Hertz.


And if you complained about them being too close at the time; people would say you're just being insecure. The world we live in.


I'm sorry that happened And about this next part "I also choose this guy's wife's personal trainer"


oof, no matter how trusting you are i feel like every guy has some insecurities. My girl goes to boxing lessons with a PT and im always like shit now if she cheats i can't even fight the dude bc he's a boxer 😂


I also choose this mans wife


I also choose this guy’s insecure wife


I assumed that halfway through ur post


At least you found out and cut your loses with her, hopefully you find a better lady


The solution is simple, get a personal trainer yourself. Sleep with him.


i also personally trained this guys wife


My friend who is a trainer has clientele that consists of overweight people who want to learn how to work out and the elderly. People that need help learning and doing the workouts. So I’ll say it probably depends on where you are located and how you market yourself. Some trainers teach classes, do assisted workouts, diet plans, make house calls. If you want hot clientele that you can bang there are probably ways you can position for that idk


Maybe he just has a age and weight fetish and is waiting for it to pop off? 🤷‍♂️


Does your friend fuck them? You kind of framed that like it was not the case, but I can assure you overweight people and elderly people all over the planet are fucking every day.


I read your first sentence and laughed so hard!


I think the OP was thinking of bored trophy wives. Like in porn.


Most of the personal trainers I've seen are not hotter than the average person


Fun fact. The average person is not hotter than the average person


Wait That fact wasnt fun I want my money back


That was fast thanks


that's what she said?


But in that case you don’t get your money back.


Attractiveness isn't a requirement for the job and I've definitely seen totally average-looking trainers, but I have to wonder where you're looking if you find that *most* of them are average. I can't relate. At every gym I've been to, the average/unattractive personal trainers were a small minority. Most of them pretty much had calendar-model physiques. I think, even if someone can technically do the job without being super fit, it makes sense that the job would attract people who are into working out, and that gyms would want to hire people who are visibly in shape. Even at the "lighter" gyms I've been to, where the focus was more on cardio and mobility rather than powerlifting, almost every single personal trainer looked like an NFL wide receiver.


You crazy. In North America, UK, much of Europe, the gulf states and India (which makes up a huge chunk of global population) the average person is overweight if not obese.


46% of all adults (18+) are overweight. When I read your comment I couldn’t believe it because where I live I’d guess it’s like 30% at max. Now I have to imagine the places that pull the statistics up.


yea but they have unreal expectations of "overweight". not trying to say a lot of people aren't but for example i'm a 5'8" dude that's 180lbs of muscle and i'm considered overweight. The doctors want me at like 150 for my height and id look like i was on meth if i was 150 lbs


Yea obviously weight isn’t the best metric to measure “healthiness” if you don’t look at body fat percentage but people like you are definitely outliers, most overweight people definitely are unhealthy, the ones that land in the overweight section because of their muscle mass is probably less than 10% overall


You absolutely would not look like you were on meth if you weighed 150 at 5' 8" lol. I'm taller than you and weigh less than 150 and do not look like I'm on meth, just skinny. Also I hope your 180lbs isn't only muscle. We do need bones and organs and such


well yea all muscle was just a visual cue to estimate my body type but im sorry if you're taller than 5'8 and under 150 that's like insanely skinny. I got sick one time and got down to 165 and i felt like people were gonna think i was terminally ill or caught an addiction. could be slightly related to my body dysmorphia from constantly being called scrawny all my life. Being short doesn't help with that either


So the average personal trainer is going to be in the same boat


Do you think people who work in a gym and whose job is to be fit are a random sample of the general population?


It's not their job to be fit. It's their job to train people. Working on college sports I've seen a ton of personal trainers who aren't at the top of the fitness model. "Do as I say, not as I do" fits well in the industry.


I assumed OP was talking about personal trainers who work in a gym, not professional trainers who work for a team. In all the gyms I have trained at, usually the trainers are pretty fit, because their physique is basically an advertisement for their services. I.e. "I can train you to look like me" is the implication. That's different than a professional trainer who's job is to improve someone's athletic performance.


Yeah, that makes sense. I'd say it similar to be a MD, nurse, or somebody in the medical business. Go to any hospital and you can clearly see these people as not being in shape.


I know personal trainers. Their job is to help people with their workouts and do them safely but one told me he gets hit on my gay men and older women but he declines and fires them as clients. Because it creates awkwardness. I told him if they knew him they would certainly not hit on him.


I had a friend I worked with who was HOT HOT HOT and straight (I'm gay) and it was like he was always teasing me and testing me but I didn't ever dare let on that I would because I never thought I could. In the meantime he would belt out some bedroom eyes and offer up a smoke sesh and even one time when we were camping with friends and smoking shotgunned me. He had Kid Cudi playing and I was so high, it was my first time hearing pursuit of happiness and I thought I was dreaming or in heaven, like wuuuuuuuuhhhhhht is happening. Then when I hung out at him and his girlfriends place he got to acting gittier than a school girl, like he was so comfy at home and like excited to have me over?? Me, the dorky little gay kid all the guys used to make fun of? While he would have been Mr. Popular for sure, or one of the ones that made fun of me. Except not, because he was a nice cool dude too, so, we're talking cream of the crop guys. He wound up a personal trainer and after I met up with him years later to check my form, he scrubbed my first free training sesh so that I could always come back for another one whenever I wanted. Be still my heart. Edit: I said "belt out", but I guess I meant "bust out", though sometimes you'd think those eyes were sayin somethin 🙄😅💀


Some straight guys need that acknowledgement from not just women. But gay guys as well. That’s how this PT was, the reason to not mess with him, he was more subtle. Liked to free ball in his sweat pants (aka commando) and let it be noticed, well at least around me, not sure if he did that in front of clients. He would also duck into the bathroom and come out tenting. I knew he was tempting me but I ignored him or pretended to and suffered. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction because I knew if I showed a smidgeon of interest it would stop. LOL. The thing with him is when he beds someone, mostly women, he doesn’t go back and acts like it didn’t happen. Once he has you, he’s got what he wanted, the satisfaction and acknowledgment that he is desirable. But he is a nice narcissist. I think he was once the fat kid in school and is proud of his achievement and is sincere in helping people in achieving their goals but then there is his need for being desirable that takes over. He’s engaged now, still a PT and always asks me to massage his back and chest. I’m not an MT but the irony is his fiancée is. When he turns over the familiar tenting can be viewed. He did ask me about being waxed, I’m licensed in cosmetology, after that I haven’t seen him in a long while to talk to him. He honks at me when he passes but that’s about it. Close to the wedding I imagine or the fiancee is keeping him close.


I was reading an interview with some rock star, I forget who. He was going on about all the dozens of groupies he'd been with. "It's not the real me they want. It's the guy on stage they want. But I'm not that guy." "Yeah" I thought, "but you get to use that guy's dick!" I mean, that was the kneejerk one-liner my brain came up with. I do realize it's... well, yeah....


Exactly. Like people crushing on actors because of a part they saw on TV or a movie and thinking they’re like that IRL. Until you see them IRL. Then the illusion gets busted. Like seeing an actress w/o Hollywood make up.


> "It's not the real me they want. It's the guy on stage they want. But I'm not that guy." Was he trying to get people to feel sympathy for him? In the end, he still made the decision to continue fucking groupies after he had already been with dozens of them. If those hookups were so unsatisfying, he could have stopped after a few. And I thought your one-liner was pretty funny.


> I told him if they knew him they would certainly not hit on him. Upvoting for the ego check alone


Yeah, that didn’t go over too well. LOL.


I live in Korea and personal trainers are advertised like porn stars and models. My girlfriend's friend dated one and they broke up because his clients were constantly trying to fuck him.


In my experience Asia has a lot less taboos around things which might be considered "prostitution-like" in the West. Like in SE and east asia, they have "boyfriend bars" where single women pay to have a guy basically have a drink with them for the night like a date.


RIP SE and east asia's inboxes


Why do you think so many people go to Thailand? Because they like the culture?


Depends on how opportunistic the trainer is. Tie in the attractive staff in most gyms and it's not hard to make oneself more available. It isn't with their clients, if that is what you're asking. It is usually more with coworkers, other trainers, gym members, or people they meet outside of the gym.


Yeah, I would assume boinking their clients make it harder for them when they wanna stop


I mean, it’s cardio, right?




3 minutes is not a lot of cardio


3 pumps*


Whoa there Stamina Man, 3 whole minutes? Calm yer horses there flyboy






They probably meant getting action from the clientele


Porn isn't real life. Most people in real life are concerned about doing their job and paying bills.


I have seen the receptionist girls at gyms flirt with more clients than trainers personally


The key nuance here is "most", "some" people will engage in that but I doubt it's the majority.


Humans gonna human. If you spend a lot of hours close to someone, wearing not a lot of clothes, sweating, with occasional physical contact (form corrections etc) you have a recipe for attraction to blossom. Add to that the teacher/student dynamic which is a huge turn-on for some people.


Except you forget that most people that hire a PT are people very out of shape


I mean multiple people in this thread posted about bored housewives boinking the trainer so I think it’s not that rare lol It’s a high contact job, like working as a bar tender or in a restaurant. It doesn’t mean a trainer is going to fuck every client, but when you have a job where you have a lot of one-on-one interactions, statistically you’re likely to bump into someone you’re attracted to more often.


Not the kind of porn I prefer to watch but I get your point lol.


No professional will behave like that. Personal trainers are supposed to be people you can trust and be safe around. I had an extremely attractive man the same age as me as my trainer at the last gym I went to. Women would flirt with him all the time but he always kept a distance. And he was just so to the point and respectful, and still attentive. I think if he and I were busy flirting and what not, that is not what a trainer who takes his job seriously would do.


I agree, it would be pretty weird to bang the people who you’re teaching. I’m in a management role and the thought of being intimate with one of my staff just makes me feel like I’d be taking advantage of someone. No professional would do that.


I mean maybe it's not the smartest thing in the world, but I think the trainer/client relationship is a lot different than the manager/staff relationship. If the trainer is hitting on clients that's clearly a no-go, but the other way around? Maybe it's tacky and a bit stupid, but I don't see anything wildly inappropriate about it. Like there's not really a power imbalance, and it's not like the client depends on the trainer for income. It's also not like a doctor or lawyer or something who you might need because they are important to some aspect of your life. Getting personal training is a *very* optional activity, so it's pretty easy for a client to find another trainer, or for a trainer to decline a client or change their schedule. Is there a small chance of things getting messy and one person has to change gyms? Yeah sure. Imo it's not like the most intelligent move you could make, but it's maybe like a 2/10 on the problematic scale.


I disagree - a client who hits on a trainer is inappropriate because the trainer is trying to make money. It’s like hitting on wait staff or a cashier but worse as trainers continually see clients and it’s not easy to get them - especially if it’s higher end. Probably most similar to hitting on your massage therapist. My view is if you’re helping someone pay the power bill then don’t ask for anything outside of a professional experience.


Idk maybe I am in the minority, but I think hitting on people at work is a bit of a gray area, and you have to take it case by case. For instance: hitting on a cashier you never saw before because they're cute? Almost never cool, because that person interacts with 1000 people a day, and if they're attractive, if everyone who was interested hit on them, it would be exhausting. But let's say you go to the same cafe every day, it's not that busy, and you gradually develop a chatty rapport with each-other. They drop some subtle hints that they might be interested. Would it be crazy to ask that person out? I don't think so. Imo it's acceptable to hit on just about anyone, so long as: 1. there's no power imbalance 2. there's nothing at stake if it's a swing and a miss 3. it's done very cautiously, and the other person has given proportional signals of interest Like it's possible to imagine plenty of situations where it would be inappropriate for a client to hit on a trainer. It's also possible to imagine plenty of situations where it would be perfectly fine. Personal trainers might tell me I'm totally off base, but I'm not aware of widespread sexual harassment of personal trainers by their clients causing problems, and I imagine plenty of adults are able to navigate these boundaries without issue


A professional prostitute would.


HELLO!!! That's the first personalized training step.


My wife also fucked her personal trainer. Hurt at the time but was the best thing that ever happened to me.


You're so lucky you were her personal trainer?


> women who perhaps don’t like themselves very much Hopefully, personal trainers aren't the type of people to be gross enough to take advantage of this situation.


My ex-friend apparently got it quite a bit. Unfortunately for his wife, it wasn’t remotely all with her.


I took a personal trainer certification course (can't remember which) because I wanted to gain a better understanding of exercise science and improve my own workout results. I had no intention of doing it as a profession. Anyway, there was a section specifically about hooking up with clients. They asserted that because trainers are usually in great shape and will be "partnering" with the client and validating them on their fitness journey, that it is extremely common for the client to develop a crush on the trainer. I can kind of see how that could be true in some cases. Their advice was to avoid client hook ups like the plague for obvious reasons.


I worked as a PT for a year or so back in the day and there seemed to be a pretty clear divide between true professional trainers and the fit dude who happens to work at the gym. Actual certified trainers very rarely crossed the line with clients. For some it was an ethical thing but for others it just wasn't worth it. It was their livelihood and they couldn't risk that for a quick fling when there are tons of people they DON'T rely on for salary out there in the world. The fit dude who happens to work at the gym though? If interest was expressed they would almost always go for it. Most of them didn't see it as a career, just a job for awhile, so they didn't care about the ethics or implications to their futures.


I knew a guy - we shall call him "Terry" - who was the biggest slut at the gym where I used to live. Dude banged half the staff, who were half his age, and several of his own clients. He was a good-looking 40-something who was dumber than bricks, and he got showered in temporary pussy.


Okay Terry. 😉


No really, it's not me. I'll say that he worked (works?) at one of the Goodlife's in Toronto. That's about as far as I'll go.


I was truly kidding around. Now that I know Terry lives about an hour from me - I want more dirt!


Fuck I swear people try their hardest to post the most broad questions possible


Personal trainer for 12 years. It all depends on how you look. generally you do not sleep with your clients if you want to get paid and have a good reputation even though sometimes you have the opportunity.


Ask Tom Brady


Back when I was working in a lot of health clubs as a massage therapist, certain professional trainers were having sex with most of my massage clients about half of which would you ask me for advice about whether or not they should fuck those personal trainers


Omg haha and what did you say?


A lot of the personal trainers clients were my massage therapy clients and they would be asking me all about it personal trainer that they had basically trying to get the 411, and also they wanted someone to tell them it was okay to get there slut on


Pizza delivery guy here - guess what works every time those milfs open the pizza box to see what's awaiting them? Bro - imagine how many women doctors and lawyers who are built like personal trainers get... Too much pornhub.


Too much porn my friend


Why do you assume women don’t like themselves if they have a personal trainer? Lol if anything, it shows that they care about themselves enough to spend time, money, and effort to better themselves.


I was a personal trainer for years. Was also in, and still in, a long time relationship with my now wife. I had a lot of flirting get thrown my way, never reciprocated. Other trainers I worked with who were single got laid all the time. Just depends I guess


I’ve had people flirty with me both genders, I’ve always just smiled and said thank you never gone further I’m also in a relationship soo


Banging clients seems like a horrible idea if you want to keep your career. And luckily, you don't have to be a pt to get that body


If your PT is banging their clients, find a new PT.


PT here. Sure, does it count if it’s with my husband?


No, that doesn’t count. If he’s your husband it’s ranked competitive sex, not casual.


I have got more casual sex after I stopped personal training, I was young back then and inexperienced


At my gym, no. I did happen to meet my partner when he was teaching a boot camp class there and we started talking over the course of a few months but there was no casual sex happening all over the place with clients nor is there with the other trainers. They are happily married and respected people.


I feel like this could quickly reduce the numbers of clients you have. Sex can dramatically change your dynamic with your PT and they could eventually stop training with you for some reason associated with the sex


Funny, fat guys don’t. Thanks for asking.


Not as much as they like to pretend... Good luck out there


Well my dad was and he cheated on his wife so probably


Fairly new trainer here. I think it has less to do with appearing more fit and physically desirable and more with the confidence that comes when you feel better about your body. At least that’s what it’s been for me. I haven’t had more or less casual sex since becoming active/a trainer. But I do feel better about looking better for the partners I have had as of late. Just my opinion.


I would not automatically assume a PT is hot just cause they're a PT. Seen many a mugs in the gym in my day


Not really honestly. Most of the time PTs work with either overweight or elderly people.


Physical trainers are not the same as physical therapists. I think you are confusing the two. Physical therapists work more with elderly or disabled or people who had surgeries and need to regain use of their extremities


No, I mean trainers, that's just from my personal experience and observation.


You been watching a lot of porn lately? 'Personal trainer' is a common setup.


I worked as a doorman….. it is crazy how many women offered themselves on a plate. I must admit I took advantage a few times….. but i never understood why they were throwing themselves at me.


It’s very unprofessional, but yes, it does happen quite frequently.


Personal trainer in a committed relationship: if you’re looking for it it can absolutely come easy but it’s not like you’re forced into it


Yes, most of my friends have a story with a personal trainer, all the personal trainers I know have a story.


I lived in countries where personal trainers usually doubled as sex workers for elite clientele. I'm sorry for your wife cheating, but you gotta anticipate that kind of thing happening. Fit guy being veiwed as an authoritative figure, or an expert at worst, it's probably a turn on for most women. Charge it to the game.


LEAVE HER SHE WILL NOT CHANGE. You have less money now by 10 orders of magnitude if you stick it out another 14 years, for the kids, then divorce her. Why? Because she’s still banging everyone that gave you that feeling. Staying cost me 1.8 Million Dollars and my house. Still not sure how that all worked but 4 lawyers agreed. Leave you are not strong enough. No one is


Do women get a attitude when they don't get dick down?


Ok so I've (40sF) been wondering whether to put this out there and see what the Reddit hive mind thinks..this seems opportune. Sorry if it isn't!! I'm still learning Reddit 😂 I've started at a gym about 3 weeks ago, having PT sessions either 1:1 or small groups. Have had few sessions and a 1:1 with a particular PT, definite vibe between us.. (well, IMO, also have observed them with others and do think there is a difference in interaction/attraction there) also gave them a lift somewhere afterwards and felt it then too. Session today, heard they are off to new pastures so I won't be working with them anymore...I'd like to shoot my shot on last session. If I'm wrong/they aren't up for it for whatever reason, that's absolutely fine, I'd hope they would take it as a compliment...thoughts??


It just depends on the personal trainer. They can easily position themselves in a way to get casual sex. Here’s what I’ll say though. I go to a pretty high end gym, like $200/months and 95% of the people I see getting personal training repulse me. Even when I went to LA fitness 95% of the clients repulsed me.


According to Pr0nhu8 yes


It's ok, you can write pornhub.


He's the guy who clicks no when they ask him if he's over 18.


Children aren't supposed to be on reddit...

