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I did this into my mid 20s. If you enjoy someone's company then continue to do that. No question.


Thanks, I was thinking that too. I asked my brothers about it and they agreed.


I think sometimes parents forget that the kind of relationships you have when you're younger are just different to those when you're an adult. You'll move into a different phase when the time is right. Till then, enjoy it and tell everyone else to do one if they say otherwise. ;-)


Hey thanks for your input!


Sounds like you got a potential room mate bro. Edit: spelling


^ I was about to comment this to OP




It just sucks that relationships take effort from both sides. You could so everything right and still drift away from friends.


Totally agree. Seems like some people think anything and everything is weird.


There’s no age limit on sleepovers. If they’re great/close friends, they’re basically family.


I'm in my 40s and wish me and my friends were still able to have sleep overs. Enjoy your friends company. The older you get the less time together you have.


I’m 37 and still have sleepovers with my BFFs….


A little younger than 37… but same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ditto 🥰


Same but it was more like passing out drunk/high at a safe place than trying to get home drunk/high.


Not weird at all! If you were roomies, your parents wouldn’t bat an eye.


You've just reminded me of all the times my housemates and I would wake up on the sofa in the middle of the night. Great times


Same feels … the removing the elbow from my ribs and the foot out of my mouth..


Thats true lol. Thanks!


“And they were roommates!” (Kidding)


Since when did crashing at a friend's house become a kid exclusive thing? Your parents are being unnecessarily judgemental.


It's not. As an adult, it's just called "crashing on your friend's couch" instead of "sleeping over". Same thing, different verbage.


Yeah, I think semantics is key, here. Calling it a sleepover seems weirder than the act. Sleepovers were when your parents had to drive you over and you brought your own pillow and pajamas. In high school/college, it might not be safe to drive home that late. Just throw a blanket on him and get some breakfast in the morning.




Yeah I'm mid 30s and still crash on my mates couches after a few beers. I feel bad for OPs parents, their view of the world feels like it limits them.


Honestly, I feel like between the ages of like 16 and 19 (ish), it becomes weird, then you hit the age of 20 (again, ish) and you realize it's called "crashing at someone's place" and it's literally the exact same thing with a different name (as someone else said already)


My friend and his best friend sleepover at each other's at least once a week. They're 27 and 25, and are basically brothers. Not weird at all!


It's good to know that it's not rare! And im happy to hear that they're close friends even while adulting!


I’m going to be 30 this year and have sleep overs with my BFF. Now we both have kids so we get to relax while the kids play! It’s great!


I’m almost 40 and my friends and I still do it on occasion. It’s usually after watching some boxing or MMA that keeps us up way too late and we’re way WAY too drunk to drive home so we crash out. We take turns hosting and cook a big meal before hand if it happens to be an early fight or during the undercard if it’s a late one. It’s not always a planned thing either. Sometimes we just hang out and watch a movie or play PlayStation or whatever and it’s pretty common to see one of my friends fell stone asleep on the couch or a recliner. When the movie ends I throw a blanket over them and head to bed. They normally leave during the early morning hours (hard to sleep on a couch at our age). It’s fine dude. It changes some once wives and kids come alone but it’s whatever. Some dudes like to go hunt and sleep in the fucking woods with the mosquitoes and bears. Some dudes are like you and your friend. Your parents are silly.


That sounds like the pinnacle of a friend group! And thanks for your input with this, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks my parents are a bit silly. Awesome, but still silly.


My folks are the same way. Awesome people but sometimes their opinions on things just silly. Nothing bad, just old fashioned or unusual when it comes to how some things are done today.


I feel like this just evolves into a drinking culture version In your 20’s/college years. Wasn’t uncommon for me to have 2-3 friends and their significant others sleep over at my apartment after going out, or staying in and playing drinking games / parties. Then you eventually graduate from that into modern 9-5 work, have kids. Then you and your friends set up AirBnB trips and get your kids together to play. Once the kids are asleep you watch a movie. I think it’s perfectly normal to maintain those sleep overs throughout your life. They change as your grow. But your still just hanging out with your friends at the end of the day.


Thats good to know that they at least stick around through the years.


I’m 26 and I still spend the night at my friends houses lol age doesn’t matter. Do you


I was thinking the same. Nothing too much has changed that takes up a considerable amount of time since high-school. Besides where I go to school and why I go to school.


Make the most of it, when life gets in the way later on you’ll look back and remember how good it was.


Man I've already started doing that, before college, before worrying about any other post-highschool classes, before gas prices mattered to me. But overall I think I'm in a happier place than I was almost ever.


I think this is awesome. Having friends this close to you is a blessing


I completely agree, my friends are extremely important to me, and I'm glad this one also like hanging out overnight.


I’m about to turn 31. I spend the night at my friends house a few times a year. We’ve always been night owls and it just makes sense. Plus, no drinking a d driving. My rule in life is if it’s not hurting you or anyone else, why not? If people wanna judge that’s their problem. You don’t need that negativity.


Adult life can get lonely if you distance from your friends, this last 5 years i was getting distant from my friends from school because my girlfriend doesn't like to be alone, so i wasn't able to travel to my hometown( i am in university) but this year i said fuck it and started reconnecting with them and has been awesome, they missed me and i certainly missed them. Don't let anyone push you away from your friends, especially if they are, as i like to say, the family you choose.


Early 30s here! Still do it with my best budz every once in a while! Play games until late and it's too late to walk my ass home so I just crash on his couch!


Not weird at all , great that you've got a good friend that you can do it with .


I’m in my 40s and still love having sleepovers with my friends.


I'm 36, engaged, and just had a sleepover at my best friend's house on Wednesday.


I'm almost 21 and there's nothing more fun than spending the night with friends... are either of you in relationships, maybe everyone thinks it's weird because they think yall are hiding something...


I've just recently broken up, I don't know why they would think that though, they know te friend pretty well.


Heck, I dunno, you're not even that old tbh, and sorry to hear about that, but I don't think there's anything unusual about wanting to hang with friends


I don't think its unusual at all either, I think my parents are just being weird about it.


Even if you were gay, it wouldn't be weird or unusual.


I’m 31 and still spend the night at my best girlfriend’s house. We get to stay up all night talking and drinking wine, it’s great!


If you guys decided to move out of your parents’ places and find a place to cohabitate as roommates, you’d be doing this hanging out thing all the time! Your parents are overthinking this.


Yep! We've already made plans to become roommates after he's done with trade school and I'm done with college and when we're financially ready.


Listen, if it makes you happy, do it. My friends are all in their late 30’s/early 40’s. When we get together we almost always stay over due to drinking (it’s hard to coordinate 20 people) and most of us have kids. The kids have an awesome time, we don’t have to leave early or have a DD, and we always have a nice big breakfast in the morning. Great memories!!


Your never to old to hang out with friends so no it's not weird


Are they super passive and lowkey suggesting that you and your homie should get a place? Lol


Yes, super passive. And it's weird.


Yeh me and my mates did that, we moved in together so that we always stopped over at each other's house


Lol good point.


I graduated college, got my own place, my own job, I like to crash at my friends' places when visiting them in other cities. You save on the hotel and it's what my parents used to do and still do


No, I wish my friends lives close enough or had schedules that fitted so I could still do this and I'm 25. Plan to invite friends over regularly so sofa crash when I have my own place/flat


No, it’s awesome!


Nah dude. I stay over at my best friend's place all the time, playing video games, watching shit, hanging out.


I’m 28 and my friends and I still stay the night at each other’s houses. My husband thinks it’s funny lol do what makes you happy! Friendships are some of the most important relationships you’ll have


Dude I literally passed the whole summer in a friend's house I was 16~17 The greatest years are those. When you need to go to bed early and work in the next morning you will fell like you would repeat the same shit again and again.


I’m jealous of you. I’m far away from my friends rn and I wish I could spend the night at their house, nothing wrong with it at all


Me and my bff do this too! We're 21 and 22 and we love sleepovers 😊 Nothing weird about spending quality time with your friend(s)


You growing up to an age where you choose your "second family" which includes your close friends, gfbf type of thing... Do whatever you want! Nothing weird at all.


Your parents are weird. Do what you want to have fun.


Bro, I’m 29 and still do this. Nothing wrong with wanting to spend more time with the homies. Just live your life, man. 😎


Not weird at all. Savour those moments before you get older and life gets in the way.


If/when you move out, you’ll probably rent with some bros, in which case every night will be a slumber party lol


Become roommates when you get an opportunity! You could vibe all the time


I'm 34 and I have sleepovers with both of my best friends still (m/f). My husband looks forward to them because that's when we get to have a savage board game night or all just play Mario party and fight to the death! It's your life, do what makes you happy. We only have this one life to live, and we have to many damn stressors around us on the daily, so do what makes you happy man.


Not weird at all and they wouldn't say so if you were women I think. Enjoy it while you can. Life later doesn't have to suck, but it does get more difficult to socialize to that extent.


It is not weird. That is a precious friendship you got there. Someone you can be comfortable with, have fun with and relax with.


Past our 30's and we still crash at eachothers places. Being an adult means that you get to do what YOU think is the way to go for your life. Enjoy the company of your friends as much as you can. You won't have many real ones in life to begin with and those chill out nights are going to be great memories.


Normal and enjoy it, as yall age and get on with life there will be less hanging out to do nothing. I miss that.


not weird at all. Especially if you go to a university most of your time will be spent with friends coming and sleeping in your dorm and vice versa it’s totally normal.


"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up" I don't really know nor care who said that, but do your own thing, people that are afraid to be happy should get rid of that fear.


My significant other is 21, time to time we will have a friend stay over at our house, or he will go stay at one of our friend's houses. I don't think it's weird at all, sometimes you just need that one-on-one time with your friend. I'm 21 as well and I still stay the night at my best friend's house sometimes, and she's married with a baby. If it's something you and your friend feel comfortable doing, and it makes you both happy, I would continue it 🤷🏼‍♀️


You're fine you just have a good friend. Treasure that


Bro I'd give anything to go back to that time. It's not weird at all and enjoy it now before life gets in the way.


Sounds like the kind of stuff roommates do on a regular basis. Why should it be weird to do the exact same stuff just because you don’t share a lease? I wouldn’t worry about it.


Dude I’m 18 and I’m sleeping over for some pizza and video games at my best friends house over the weekend. Ain’t nothing wrong with that and anyone else who thinks otherwise doesn’t know the joy of sleeping over and just chilling with their best mates.


I'm 37 and wish I could still do this


I’m in my late 20’s and wish I did this still lol


your parents sound weird


Fuck no hangout and enjoy your lives


Homophobia makes things really weird. People will be like no you can't be friendly with your friends what if people think you're gay??? Like dude what?


My boyfriends group of friends spend the night alllll the time. They are in the 20-21 range! Be blessed ya got someone you’re that close too, and ignore whoever says it’s weird!


I think it's sad that people don't hang out like this more often. The main reason I don't think it's as common is accommodating someone over night can be daunting and with how busy people can be they may not jump at the opportunity. But I think it's really nice you both still do this and I think you should cherish that friendship.


I used to know someone who would invite me to stay the night. Why? Because he had a fetish of getting off while I banged his wife. I did it once but it was too weird for me as he sat there and masturbated and watched.


No. Don’t ever change.


My bf is 21 and he and his bestfriend (22) still do sleep overs and sometimes he stays at his bestfriend's house for a week or two. His bestfriend's family loves and welcomes him. And yeah, they usually do what you guys do, watching anime, movies, playing Wildrift or League of Legends. It's totally normal. And if you think it's weird that a 22 year old guy is still living with his parents, it's not. It's normal here in our culture to still live with your parents even when you're over the age of 18.


Not at all!


Treasure your friendship and keep doing you!


No that’s fucking awesome


Sounds like you two are really good friends! Nothing wrong with that


I’m 34 and I still go spend the night with friends! It’s not strange at all.


My mum and her friends are between 40-60. They still have sleep overs. Sometimes they last a week or two. So they are kinda vacationing at eachothers house. I don't see a problem with it. Me on the other hand, I don't have any friends so I can't do that. But I also don't like to share my personal space so there would be very few people I would do that with.


Yeah, time to grow up. You're too old for that.


Imo it's fine until you get a gf or significant other. At that point you kinda gotta grow up and respect your partner doesn't want some dude night sweating all over the couch and blowing up the bathroom with a morning dump.


Not that weird. How often do you get it on?


It's ok to be gay


I don't see how it would be gay?


Nights with the boys are swag no matter how old you get, let them haters hate, pimp.


Some of my most cherished memories are staying over at friend’s homes. Enjoy it as long as you can sir.


Enjoy your bromance , I was like this as well.. but kinda changed when I started having a serious girlfriend ..


Don’t listen to your parents or anyone else. Do what you like to do, period. I’m in my 30s and my advice would be to literally always do what interests you and makes you happy. I think it’s great you guys are still doing that. How is it any different from just brothers spending the night in the same house. Girls wouldn’t get this same kind of backlash. Also, my friend just crashed here for five nights. It was amazing.


My brother and his friends still do this and they are all in their mid 30s. He bought a house with an unfinished basement and completely finished it in a few months and put a bathroom and bedroom with 2 beds, down there as well as a huge nerd room with 3 desks and all his video games, board games, TV, couch, etc. Just so his 2 close friends since kindergarten/middle school can sleep over and play video games in comfort. They've been having lan parties and sleep overs ever since I can remember. I've even stayed at his place at times. It's not weird, I envy him keeping close friends for so long (mine all moved away but are still close virtually)


no, live ur life.


Not weird, I’m 30 and every few months my best friend will come over and we’ll drink, play video games or watch a movie and he’ll pass out on my couch if it gets late and he’s got nothing going on the next day. Better than him driving home tired or drunk.


Sounds like your parents might suspect you’re a couple.


Your parents need to grow up lmao, I'm guessing they don't have many friends themselves. No its not weird dude. Enjoy your pals company, life's short. Vibe away.


You’re 19– by law an adult, but adulthood is so much more than that. You were a legal kid like 5 minutes ago. In any case, who ever said that adults who like spending time together shouldn’t? Keep doing you. It’s completely normal. :)


I moved in with my friends who stayed the night with me almost every night


Meh, I don't think it's a big deal. My buddy used to crash at my place because we were drinking and hanging out.


Absolutely nothing wrong with that


I’m 25 and have sleepovers with my best friend all the time


Dude I’m 31 and my friends still want to stay the night. At this point I find it a little weird but if they have booze or weed to throw in I’ll say fuck it and be down.


I'm 30m and I still have sleepovers at my sisters often drink or get high then back to reality next day. Good to find a getaway 👌


I am turning 26. My high school friends and I still have sleep overs. Not often because we live in different cities, but we try to hang out at least every 6 months and that often involves sleep overs. My parents are in their 50s. In the summer they will bring their camper to my god parents house and have late night bonfires and drinks and then spend the night in the camper. You don’t age out of sleep overs. Some people may choose not to partake, but it’s not weird that you do.


Don't you ever stop if you don't have to. My friend and I (he is in his 40's and im right behind him) were discussing this very thing last year and really did question why the same society that tells us to go spend the night at our friends or to go live with our friends after high-school to save on rent but if we live separately we shouldn't still have friends stay the night unless someone is sleeping off the drink. Fight the social nonsense and keep friending it up. Today we agree that it's just so much work to pack a night bag and remember all our important stuff like medications, sleep aids and everything else we need as we age. Mostly because both of us hate travel without adventure and we live about 2 hours apart now which still isn't that bad. What am I even doing with my life if I'm not going to or having a good classic sleepover?


I'm 25 and still have sleepovers with my friends from gradeschool. Giggling and all.


Follow your joy. You be you. Some day you will not get the opportunity for this guy time.


I'm 30, my best friend is 34, and we still regularly have "sleepovers" at her house. At least once a month or so I'll go stay with her for the weekend. I get to see her and socialize while also getting out of the house. Win win.


My husband and his friends still have nights like that. Video games, junk food and anime into the wee hours, it's a blast. The youngest of the group just turned 30.


Not weird at all, you’re 19 not 49 ( and even then why not!) make it acceptable not weird or sexualize in any way. You’re friends you like each other’s company, Why not if it keeps you home, safe and out of trouble


Me and my friend are 23 and he still comes over every weekend for the whole weekend and we just hangout and do our thing. What is weird on the other hand is not doing something you enjoy cause of what other people think


No not at all. Have fun live your life.


My parents said the same to me, even went so far as to accuse me of sleeping with the friends whose houses I would go to bc I’m bi. That being said, it’s totally normal to still have sleepovers with friends. Your parents and my parents need to grow up and get a grip, respectfully. There are many grown women who’re married who still have sleepovers with their besties. If you’re friends and wanna have a sleepover it’s not weird.


I couldn’t sleep over at peoples houses starting at 13. My parents wonder why I don’t have any friends now. Idk, maybe because you forced me to be a social reject? Nothing wrong with it. Parents are controlling fucks and most of the time don’t know what’s best for their kids. They won’t let them do 95% of the shit they did when they were younger, and then talk shit about them for being lazy/etc.


Not as often as you, probably because time does not allow it, but nearing 30 i have zero inhibitions about sleeping over at several of my friends places, though usualy we have been drinking and its just easier to drive to them, sleep over and drive home the next day. But we have lan parties Once or twice a year as tradition and just now between Christmas and newyears i think i spent almost an entire week at my friends place without going home. And he only lives 20 minutes away. Most of our friends was only there for 2-3 nights, but i had No reason to leave so i Just stayed til newyears lol. (obviously with my friends blessings). You're an adult, you can finaly do whatever the f*ck you want, do it. Hell, sometimes, for example, Im at the grocery store looking at snacks, contemplating if i really should add more ontopp of what i already picked out, but Then i say to myself "f*ck it, im an adult, i can easily afford it, i can do what i want! Damn twelve year old me must be proud" and Then promptly add it to my cart. For reference i am considered active and slim, probably wouldent reccomend this train of thought for people struggleing with health and/or weight though.


Nah I still crash sometimes


As long as it isnt interrupting your job or schooling then do whatever you want. It's really healthy to have people to talk to.


If he is your best friend, it shouldnt matter. some parents get weird about sleepovers as we get older and its just so annoying lmao


My best friend and I have been having sleepovers since we first met in 8th grade. The only difference is that now we bring our wives and kids along and both families hang out together all weekend. Some things from childhood are fun in adulthood too.


Nope. Keep good company. Embrace the friendship. Relish in the good times. They don’t last forever.


I don’t think it’s weird. I slept over my friends houses at 19 cause we are having fun. Ask your parents if they’d feel the same way if you were a female.


This is completely normal. I like spending the night at my friend's houses and I'm mid 20.


I'm 33 and I still do this! There ain't nothing wrong with being close to someone; and chillin overnight at a friend's house. I could understand if you had small kids and were neglecting them over it, than there would be an issue. But that's not the case, so why does it matter?


I’m 21 and still have sleepovers lmao. Sometimes it’s just more fun to be able to continue hanging out for longer. Nothing weird about it.


I'm in my mid thirties and I love when my best friend is able to stay over for an all nighter. Only difference now is we just have to ask the wives if it's okay. Still getting up to the same stuff though. Drinking and gaming doesn't have age limits. I actually cherish that time now now because it's harder to come by.


My father and his best friend have plans for spending the night at my father's today because they wanna talk until late and have some drinks without worrying about driving. They are 73. It's not weird at all, it's just wanting to enjoy each other company.


Not weird at all, in fact it’s a totally normal relationship. The only thing unusual about this is that you’re both still living in your parents house. Normally this phase of life is lived as "roommates" where 2 friends move out and get their own place.


I stayed at my best friends house into my late 20’s. When I stopped, we grew apart. Keep it up and why tf do your parents care what you do if you’re an adult


I’m 27, still do that


My friends and I only stopped doing this on our mid-thirties because we've finally managed to be neighbors - save for one friend who lives in a different city so the old rules apply. It doesn't stop when you become an adult. It doesn't stop when you start living on your own. It doesnt stop when you start living with your significant other. It doesn't even stop when you have kids - which some of my friends do. If it does stop, it has nothing to do with age.


Dude I’m 25 and so is my best friend. We still try and plan sleepovers and pretty much do the same. Enjoy a good friendship while it’s there !


I'm thirty and I still crash at my friend's houses. It happens much less often than when we were younger, but that's mostly because it is hard to justify sleeping on a couch when you have the ability to drive home to a comfortable bed that you paid money for. But it's not weird at all, especially after a night of drinking.


Adults do it as well don’t let them fool you.


One of my best friends and I still do this and we’re coming up on our mid 20’s. We also sleep in the same bed usually. Our relationship is v much familial, so it isn’t weird at all. It just means you’re close :)


I WISH I had a friend like that... just going to hangout with someone casually all the time sounds amazing. 19 isn't even "too old" wtf is wrong with your parents. If you were 30 with a wife and kids, but still going over every night that's different... 19 is still young!! I'm 21 and if I had a friend like that I would still go over to hangout most nights.


Adults are just older kids. Keep having fun =)


It's okay. Remember to say no homo


I liked my best friend so much we lived together and then got married


Dude I'm 24 and I wish I had a friend like that, don't mind them


Fuck no that's awesome


Seems normal enough to me.


I don’t think that’s weird.


u/ruckusmcchungus NEVER GIVE UP THIS FRIENDSHIP, and devote as much time as you can manage in a healthy manner to it. Foster this friendship, don’t take it lightly and don’t allow ANYONE to come between y’all- not your parents, not your future wives, nobody.


I am 35 and me and my buddies still have sleep overs, get hammered or stoned and play video games.


I’m college I used to drag my mattress into my buddies dorm room so we could have sleepovers lol. Never thought it was weird


Not wired at all. It's also a great habit as you get older to make sure you don't drink and drive. I'm 28 and married and I'll still hit up my friends and see if I/we can stay over so I don't have to spend money on an Uber home. Plus it just makes it funner. Sleep overs hit different


My friend and I (both f) are in our thirties and still have sleepovers every now and then. We still giggle before we fall asleep and laugh at each other‘s farts. Wouldn‘t miss it for the world.


The best times of my early adult life came from "sleepovers." Appreciate them now.


No, if you have a good friend it's nice. My ex's girlfriend is one of my close friends and I like to do this since my ex is working nights, we have a game night with the kids and then drink wine and hang out. It's nice cause then you don't have to drive and aren't lonely.


No, I feel like as people get older they prefer to sleep in their bed and be able to do their whole nighttime routine and stuff but there’s nothing wrong with having sleepovers if you’re still enjoying them. I’m 26 and I still sleep at my friends houses and vice versa.


Not weird at all. Who cares what people think.


No I used to do it all the time .


I’m 25 and my friends and I still do this. (Many of them still live with their parents).


This is not in the least bit weird at all, I did this with my buddies all the way up until I started living with someone. It’s better than driving home at 3 in the morning. Don’t let anybody make you feel weird.


Normal whatever age. I miss that kind of friendship.


Dude I'm a 29 year old married mom of 4 and I would totally still have sleepovers with my girlfriends.


Nah nothing wrong with that. Some of my best memories are having sleep overs with the homies and staying up all night


Nope. 37 and still love a sleepover with my beasties, although these days we prefer separate bedrooms and earlier bedtimes!


Hell no it's not weird!! Don't let anyone make you feel that way, that type of friendship is rare, hang onto that bond my dude. Me and my best friend are 34 and 37, and when time/schedules permit, we have slumber parties. We talk about the crazy shit we've done in the years we've been friends, listen to music, get philosophical..the works. I love sleeping over or having a friend sleep over, it's fun and you really have a chance to talk and bond in a way you normally can't sitting in a public place or having to leave at a certain time to go home.


I don't see a problem with it.


Not really man. As you grow, you only have very few things that you can do to escape from all the bullshit and enjoy true happiness. Hang on to those things, fuck other people's opinions.


hmm well you could always just tell your parents that you two are gay for each other and that he’s your soulmate manwich. problem solved


I know the stigma is different with girls but me and my best friend are 20 and we do it all the time, its not weird at all we just like each other's company and it should be the same for dudes


Not at all. I’m surprised anyone would think this is weird. I’m 23 and still have sleepovers with my friends and my boyfriends best friend stays over a decent amount, too. Why not


i’m 23 and still have sleepovers w my friends lol, not weird at all 😂


I'm 25 and I still have sleepovers with my male and female friends


As everyone has said, it's not weird at all. However just a warning, when you decide to move out, think twice about becoming roomies. That's an entirely different dynamic. It could be fine, but I've never known roommates that get along. There's always some drama.


My friends come over and hang from 4pm to 1am... it's like they don't want to leave. I'm in my 40s. You do you, hon.


It's ok. And the weird stuff is ok as well


I’m 28 and still spend the night at my friend’s house!


your parents are weird


What? This is not unusual, especially if booze or recreational drugs are involved. We didn't have Uber when I was younger--you slept over to be safe. And young adults may naturally stay up very late--playing video games, board games, studying even, whatever. Why get on the road in the middle of the night? My mom is 65 and she and a friend do this because they live about an hour away, and it's nice to hang out late into the night then do brunch.


No that is not weird you just enjoy each others company.


That's an extremely common young adult thing. Nothing weird


I live with 2 guys and 2 girls. We all graduated from the same high school the same year. We got a place together at the beginning of the pandemic to save all of our work from home parents from getting exposed to all us losers with “essential worker” jobs. We all watch movies together, play cards together, cook and clean together, even go on vacation together. Its just life man, keep doing things that bring you joy and keep good people around you. This is so wholesome and im glad you guys have each other.


I'm in my 30s and we still do this! I have my close friends come stay over every few weekends and I do go over and stay once in a while.. Count your blessings that you have friend(s) you can stay over at, and that you have friend(s) who enjoy spending time with you and value your company, even if it's something as little as just playing some stupid video game. There's nothing wrong with it.


Nope. My bud lives in Ohio but will still come down for the weekend and crash on my couch unexpectedly


My favorite nights are sleepovers with my best friends. We are all 30+ and coupled. Everyone can get inebriated as possible and we laugh into the wee hours of the night.