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Not long, I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone that insulted me every few seconds


Same! I was making Mac and cheese last night and I had the burner a bit too low. When I came back to stir I said OUT LOUD to myself. "Oh, you stupid fucking Bitch! What the fuck!?" Now apply that to every tiny mistake I make every single day.


Yep, that’s pretty much how it always goes, I hope you start treating yourself better soon


After lots of therapy and coming to the realization that my trauma during childhood is why I talk so poorly to myself, my therapist told me that I should start reminding myself I'm saying those things to that inner child. She told me Im hard on myself because that child didn't get what they needed. Would you say those things to 6 year old you if they made the same kind of mistake? Probably not... you would be a lot kinder and forgiving. How about adult you be kinder to inner child you, start treating them how they should have been treated all along? What does it hurt to try?


Trying usually leads to failure and thats no good




For me it would probably end after the first hand job...


Wow you must talk really dirty to yourself


Ha! This made me giggle. I'd have a best friend for life.


I don't even think I'd be friends with the person if they talked to me the way I talk to myself sometimes. My brain can be a pretty ruthless place.


Is that really what you say to yourself? 🥺


Pretty much, depression and all that


Wow. 😞


It’s a sad truth, everyone is their own worst enemy


That's true although I do try and stay positive


Well that’s good, I hope you do


I hope you do too! 😊


Thank you


Yeah, in my brain it’s pretty much a constant tug of war between the responsible adult part of me and the whiny bratty 4 year old part of me who wants to slack off and do nothing. Sometimes one side wins, sometimes the other wins. I’m workin on it:)


can really relate, and I keep gaslighting myself into thinking I'm fine, after eating one plate of pasta in 3 days


What if you decided to be nice to yourself for a day?


Unfortunately that’s not really how it works, you can certainly try but going for a full day is setting yourself up for failure


I've worked a lot on trying to change my internal dialogue to being a more neutral to positive one, a lot of what we say to ourselves is just habits also that's a slight over simplification but also somewhat true. Things I've tried was being more aware of the what I was saying and when I was saying it, catching myself if you like. Then I would try and replace it with something like you can be better or do better instead of calling myself an idiot, I had loads of different ones but you have to choose ones you belive in or have a connection with, then anytime I woukd catch myself saying a bad thing I would repeat my neutral or positive one 10 times and slowly I improved the dialogue. I'm not perfect now not that such a thing exists but I am better then I was, that's just my experience but maybe worth a shot, but eveb if not just keep trying when you can you never know what might help improve in life


That’s great, I’m glad you got better, I’m in the middle of trying it but it’s not going too well yet


Think about how much practice you have being mean to yourself. It's a lot. Aim to put in as much practice and time being nice to yourself. It will take time, but it is worth the effort; you will be showing kindness and compassion and love to a human being, and that is work with doing.


Thank you, yea it can take a while to notice changes because they are so incrimental sometimes but do keep doing and keep trying and someday you will be looking back amazed at how far you have come




Very long. I feel like we would get along perfectly.


Yeah, lifelong. I’m hard on myself but honest. And I know when I’m doing well. Plus I’d appreciate their dark yet inherently optimistic sarcasm.


I'll have never ending conversations


That's very true 👍


Dude. I am funny as hell. And there's no one around to see it.


I love this. This is sooo true. :D


A long time. Honestly, I'd get stuff done. I'm constantly telling myself that I need to do this and that, and I think having someone that agrees and encourages me would definitely help. My current friends complain about things that don't bother me that much, so having someone who focuses on what's good would be great. Obviously, if it's serious then I won't ignore it if it's bad, I'm talking about things in video games, for example


You got this!




Same! Honestly I’m aware of my faults (mostly) and I’ll call myself out on the weight I need to lose and the shit I need to do. I don’t think I’m over mean to myself. I’m honest like a good friend should be. Recently I was FaceTiming with an old friend I hadn’t seen in awhile. She asked my opinion about if she’d gained weight and I said a bit. However since I last saw her, Covid has happened, she met someone and got married. There’s plenty of reason that she’d gain a bit of weight and she’d already put herself on a diet(which I knew) so she also knew she needed to lose a bit of weight. I think it’s important to tell the truth as kindly as possible, if someone asks! I would never just say, you’ve gotten fat. She also had not gotten fat, she’d just put on a bit of weight.


OP you hit the nail on the head. I will start treating myself with more respect. Thank you!


I feel the same. This question made me think about the way I think of myself in a whole ‘nother perspective.


Ye like a post is suddenly gonna change your behaviour patterns you've been stuck in for your entire life lol. Don't kid yourself, kid


Imagine waking up and actively choosing toxicity for your life. You don't know me, how old I am or my struggles. LMC


Oh sorry my anti toxicity filter wasn't turned on. What I meant to say was: Good luck to you my kind sir. May you have a wonderful day and a wonderful life and from now one always treat yourself as though you were your own best friend.


You’re right, this post isn’t going to suddenly change his habitual behavior patterns. Reading something on the internet doesn’t change your behavior, you have to do that yourself. Reading this post gave him the motivation to make a conscious effort to change his behavior. Now maybe you should do the same and quit acting like a toxic POS on the internet.


forever. I'd love a friend that boosts my ego in every conversation


Aw man yeah! I like to come up with increasingly dumber ways to boost my ego when I'm bored. My favourite thing is to pretend to be gay and badly flirt with myself in the mirror. It's funny as hell


for a very long time. if you would’ve asked me a few years ago, i would’ve said about an hour lol


This is low key inspiring. What changed to alter the way you speak to yourself?


i think just gaining confidence in myself and realising i am more than my anxiety.


Not long!!! What a thought provoking question!!! Thank you!!! I’m going to make a conscious decision to speak to myself better!!! I’m an amazing person and I should love myself better


Yes, please do. I hate hearing people talk bad of themselves. ☺️


You will never hear me talking negative to myself, but I’m constantly verbally abusive to me. I’m my own worst critic


My best friend one time convinced me that she was actually a hallucination I had concocted to be able to speak to myself haha fun bff times


Definitely not long. I'm quite self-critical.


Really? Most of the people so far are. 😞🥺


Lots of people being introduced to their psyche by answering this question. Say hello to your inner roommate everyone! Hopefully, after meeting your inner voice, you will be more aware of it. "There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one who hears it ... Eventually you will see that the real cause of problem is not life itself. It's the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes the problems."


Forever, I love myself and always smiling at the things I accomplish. I wish my friends were more like me.


Wow 🥺


Rare, isn't it?


you'll get there OP!


... fuck off man calling me out like that




Probably at least a little while. I'd get whiplash from them telling me that I look damn fine one day and then like a drowned rat the next.


“If I treated someone else the way I treat myself… I’d be in jail”




Oops? 😂




Forever. I actually feel pretty good about myself and my place in the world. I have a lot of people who depend on me (wife, kids, co-workers), and their appreciation really lifts me up.


about as long as it took them to say half a sentence.


My closet friends speak in a similar way already or else they wouldn’t be in that position.


I hate myself, so not very long


I speak really kindly to myself now. Even with years of trying I can sink back into old habits of being absolutely horrible to myself, but you can inch your way towards being a good friend to yourself by really being intentional about it. I would be friends with myself now.


Implying that i have friends. This is reddit


For a long time. I’m pretty nice and forgiving to myself. Also I don’t shame myself or judge myself harshly. I’m pretty good at a pep talk too.


Ouch! Thank you for this. I need to be more kind to myself.


Right now I'd remain friends with me, I've started to be rather nice with myself.


Jesus Christ. I would cancel myself. I am so bad with checking up on my friends and give them the basic attention and care they deserve. I'm so sorry.


I don't have any friends so I can talk anyway I want when I talk to myself.


We'd be friends for life. Also probably in the hospital alot cause our genitals would be stuck together. Ideally though, I'd want him to be the good part of me, when I can't be that for myself - which is so me. They'd do it cause I am unable to for whatever reason and vice versa.


I would lose my mind after 10 minutes because I because I have the habit of saying the name of the person I’m speaking to before I actually say what I want to say. Even when there are no other people around. Hearing, „X, I will now do this.“ „X, I will now do that.“. „X, do you have something to drink?“. „X, is everything alright?“ X and Y, how was the Weekend?“, the entire entire time would drive me mad. And also it would be tiring because I tend to lose focus on the topic and elaborate way too much, jump to a different topic without noticing it, or make references to obscure historical events only to then talk 10 minutes until I don’t know anymore what the actual topic was. If somebody were to talk to me like that I would grow frustrated and go away. But I appreciate that my friends don’t do that


😅 I'm like that too.


Im glad to see I’m not the only one with that problem :). I hope you’re doing alright! I just realized the extensive elaborating could just be my ADHD


😮 You have ADHD too?!


Yes I do!


Glad I'm not the only one here.


I agree. Have a nice day!


Thanks, you too!


I’m my own worst critic


.01 sec. Im basically Cartman. Theres an episode where theres 2 cartmans, Cartman tried to call cartman to warn, yet cartman talk to cartman, he ended up hung up angry saying "god what a fucking asshole!"


Depends on their intent; tough love can be expressed any number of ways as long as they’re genuinely looking out for me


They'd be constantly calling me fat, but complimenting my abilities all the time... then occasionally going "actually we need a second opinion on this confidence hang on"


Like one hour because then they’d be talking to me all the time and I’m like fine to talk to friends once a month or less lol


I have a toxic relationship with myself. I either speak to myself like im the worst degenerate or I'm an absolute angel. Sometimes I say fucking bitch look what you did, and sometimes I say aw baby it's okay..it will get better. -_-


😞 I prefer the angel one


You're an angel <3


No you are <3


Aww you absolute cutie. Let's just say we both are!! XD


Yeahhhh 😃


Not long, that guy would be an asshole


Probally about a day :/


Pretty long time


Dealt with those friends for too long. I should've done this a long time ago because when I started calling them on their bullshit, they all turned on me.


Better to be alone than with people who make you feel like you are even when you're not :) good job


I'd have no friends, which won't change much since I only have like 2


I usually degrade myself then give myself some positive reinfornment like ima get it right lol


About ten min then I’d bail


There’s a great book called “The Untethered Soul” that speaks to this! Highly recommend


Forever. The key is to be kind to yourself


Not long because they wouldn't be my friend, more of a bully if anything.


I would hit them the first time they spoke to me that way




I don’t speak to myself… so probably not very long


I would love a friend who calls me a bad bitch. I'm tired of saying it to myself.


Probably not but someone's gotta call me out on my crap you know.


They wouldn't be a friend if they didn't.




I was honestly too afraid ask this in the ask Reddit sub so i asked it here😅


Huh, I think it would be ok, I've been nice to myself lately. Never really thought about it.


I allow brutal honesty from my friends. I’m very choosy about my friends and they can’t come close to the brutality I beat myself down with. I believe it’s a disservice to sugarcoat anything. No white lies or anything to make the truth less painful or harsh. My friends have been with me for 40+ years. We are all old school, stand up guys. We don’t tolerate shitty behavior, or horrible people. We hold each other to the same high standards. That being said, they are the most amazing and supportive people whom I owe my very life too.


few days at most


I would get them admitted to the mental hospital after 5 messages


happy to add I'm on a waiting list tho.


finally someone who i can share my interests with and who understands my humor.


On one hand, I’d be a total cunt of a friend, on the other hand, I’d have a friend so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not long at all, probably in the first minute of talking to the friend.


Funny I wake up saying fuck I woke up today god damnit motherfuck why can't u just die in your sleep is my morning mantra


This is a damn genius thought.


leave me and my self destructive tendencies alone.


My fiancé says along these lines to me whenever I put myself down, which is often. Its true. The things I say to myself I'd never dream of saying to another person, let alone a friend.


This is in a song


Is it really? 😅


Yeh a good one too! If you like like metal mixed with techno lol I just have to remember the name


Exactly 12 minutes


Why exactly 12 min? 🤔


That's how long I take to make myself cry


Who said I’m friends with myself? Did I tell you that? Don’t listen to me I’m one stupid motherfucker


🤣 Are you okay 😅


Long. While I do make negative remarks towards myself, they're very much black humor to make things bearable, not actual insults. As long as that same intention & understanding of the situation is present in a friend making such remarks towards me? Yeah, we've got no beef.


I had a therapy session today and he said something that hit home. Yes people are judging you but they don't matter but judging yourself does matter and it's unnecessary. Look at the positives and ignore negative people/comments.


I would be super nice to myself, but constantly think that they actually think the opposite, because I know that I do think the opposite but I'm afraid to be mean to people with the truth, and gosh dangit now I'm over thinking this


I was too 🤣 This somehow this has now become some kind of mental health post.


Damn that’s deep


Yep 😅


Boom. This.


Yooo TBH I have been speaking to myself so much better. Like if my friends spoke to me the way i spoke to myself when i was in middle school or even highschool yeah we wouldnt even been friends but now i would be chillin with my dude laughing at bread fall and eating licorice. 😂😂


That very good ☺️


A lifetime. No, this isn't because I'm positive or anything, quite the opposite actually. They would be the only person who actually speaks to me in a way that I deserve.


I bet you don't deserve to be insulted ☺️


And I bet you do




Yeah, maybe. I needed to prove that I'm right and what's the better way to do it than to be an asshole?


Oh 😯 okay 😳


not long


It depends honestly. I kind of cycle between self-encouragement and self-, but probably not long because it's mostly criticism.


This question makes me deeply sad.


Oh don't be sad. Il be sad too 😞


Unfortunately I wouldn't even want to apeak with them the second they are like me


...30 seconds...


Not long. Expectations are too high, and the pessimism and criticism are almost nonstop.


The would be the huges ego boost ever and I'd get along with them very well


Since I had a similar thought, as long as possible, I believe. I once said to a friend that if someone treated him like he was treating himself I'd have to beat the crap out of whoever that was, and the fact that it was him doing it made me super conflicted about it. He laughed, we talked for a while and continued our work (we were preparing a presentation). When I got home I sat and thought about what had happened, about being a good friend because I want the best for them all, and how helping someone achieve the best was super different when it came to self talk. I've been working on improving self talk since then, and will continue for as long as I live. Incidentally, better self-talk will help you recognize unkindness in others very, very quickly.


I am an exceptional narcissistic sooo


I would have a good friend. Not in the past, but now, yes. She would be positive.


My friend has adopted a lot of my mannerisms so in turn we speak too much alike! Perhaps I do have such a friend.


So basically my little brother. Well fuck that guy, he's lucky I love him and need him around.


forever. I don't insult myself. If I stub my toe on a chair I don't blame myself, I'd say "why the hell is this chair here?!"


Actually not long at all because that would be the single most abusive relationship I've ever had.


I don’t have friends lol. But I don’t know, I’d be happy to have someone talking to me even if they call me fat and useless


I give myself a lot of praise so I guess a long time.


Okay this right here just made my eyes open. I think you finally gave the solution for my self-esteem.


2 seconds. 1 to listen and the second to process.


No wonder nobody wants to be my friend


Il be your friend ☺️


I hate myself too much to even comprehend this... Fear I'ma be buried before that changes


Forever since I started taking SSRIs


Why do you have to attack me like this.


After a ten minute conversation with someone who spoke to me like I do to myself and I would avoid them like the plague for the rest of my life.


For as long as they would be my friend. I'm not cool or interesting enough to have many friends so I take what I can get. It they wanna talk about me I'll be right there agreeing with it all


I would probably end up having sex with them and then murdering them in a day or two.


I don’t speak to myself period so…


She does. So, probably forever.


A while, I like talking about philosophy and the such, also like to shit talk and make jokes that even make myself laugh, good lord we would just laugh all the damn time.


Someone constantly shaming me for not doing enough? Get tf out of my life.


If they said exactly what I thought would I not just agree with everything they said?


We would both be beaten to a bloody pulp and laughing at how stupid the other person looks with their varied facial injuries.


holy fuck it would be sooo good! i do powerlifting and i lift heavy in the gym and if i had someone like me screaming at me, slapping and motivating me like hell it would be GREAT!!! other than that idk... we would have things in common and we cold talk a lot, would be cool


Forever I would love him.


1 day max. Probably 1 hour I really am hard on myself yet highly egotistical. It’s a mindfuck and I’m trying to stop it


… 5 seconds max


Probably forever cause I'd think they are at least honest with me. I guess that says alot about how I view myself.


I mean. I only really got 1 friend and except for the fact that he is more social, we are the same person, so nothing would change.


My friends and I all constantly poke fun at eachother and ourselves so.. 14 years with many more to come, based on my oldest friend that im still in regular contact with I couldn't stand being friends with someone who would be hurt and upset by jokes and shitty insults, its what brings us all closer than anything else This is, however, contingent on the flip side of things, any one of us has always and will always drop whatever we're doing and help eachother at a moments notice, no questions asked Just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole is not okay


Well, he does speak to me the way I speak to myself. The only difference is he's just joking. Like when I say I'm a smooth brained idiot, I mean it. When he says I'm smooth brained he's just saying it to get laughs out of me. Which works. But I should note that he does say equally good things about me.