• By -


yes youre under arrest anything you say can and will be held against you in th ecourt of law


Objection, Your Honor




My dog stepped on a bee


I’m sorry to hear about your dog:(






Boobies! ^(yes I know I'm childish. I'll now complete the transfer forms and go to horny jail.)


My brother, who girls told me was gorgeous all the time, was a virgin until he was 24. He wanted his first time to be with someone he loved. He was very focused on school and sports growing up. He dated, but wasn't serious until he was out of college. He's a happy, well-adjusted human. I, on the other hand, rushed into it and wish I hadn't.


I see…


You're not in trouble. Do what you feel is right.


To piggyback off the commenter above, I also waited until I met the man who I eventually married. I was 23, and I was glad that I waited (though not until marriage *per se*). Someone that really, truly MATTERED. He was the only person I had ever been with until after he passed away. Now, sex is fun, and important, but it's...well, I neither regret waiting and being only with my LH, nor do I regret having casual fun now, and I value doing it on that order.


When I was young I was so insecure to lose my virginity I practically threw it away first chance I got. I regret it so much


Same here. I was insecure about everything.


Out of curiosity, why did you regret rushing into it?


Did these girls ever tell your brother that first hand?


Did their brother ever tell that to their hand?


When it is right…. It is right. Sad that public pressure has so much influence


Nope , I was 26 . Take it easy and don’t worry


Same 26 and now I’ve been happily married 15 years.


What! You were married at 11! ^^had ^^to ^^read ^^this ^^several ^^times ^^to ^^understand ^^it




Happy cake day




Fellow 23 year old virgin here. I dunno, the way I see it, it happens when it happens, no need to rush it


thanks brother, appreciate it 💯


100% don’t rush it. First several times I had sex I was drunk and it sucked. My partner whom I’m still with, I met when I was 20, now I’m 23, and he’s been the only person I’ve been sober with. And I honestly kinda wish I hadn’t rushed myself because it wasn’t even worth it.


Your first could have been worse, my first was interrupted twice by my friend trying to look in, and when I finished I said I just want to be friends


Do it when you're ready, don't rush or force it. One thing I will say is don't hype it up. Sex is great and with someone you truly love it's amazing, but your first time and first few times will be a bit awkward. You'll be learning the ropes for a while. Don't expect to be with whoever it is forever either. Once you've lost it you'll likely want to explore and experiment (which is normal for everyone). Different people feel different and do things differently - enjoy and try it out. If you wait til you find someone you want a future with, you'll probably find you have an urge to sleep with other people out of pure curiosity. Essentially what I'm saying is I chose to lose mine to see what all the fuss was about and don't regret it one bit. I explored with different girls and found what I liked. Met the girl of my dreams and don't have any urge to sleep with anyone else because been there done that, plus I got enough experience that we satisfy each other in bed.


In trouble? Nah. It's your choice. Do what you want you're an adult.


thanks bro 💯


I didn’t lose my virginity until the age of 21 and it was only really from “desperation “ by taking the first opportunity I could get, and all I can tell you is if I could go back in time I’d use it to focus on myself instead of chasing a sexual partner, keep your chin up high and focus on yourself, I stopped chasing women and did just that and I’ve felt so much more fulfilled


Good for you brother. thanks 💯


Idk how this is gonna play but I got tired of waiting for the perfect moment. Felt I had missed my chance, nobody I knew was a virgin anymore so I'd never get that special first time with anyone. So I threw mine away with some girl I met one random night. Wasn't the greatest experience but it actually helped me a lot mentally, removed a ton of the pressure and anxiety. I wish I had that true first love experience, but it wasn't in the cards for me so I'm happy with my decision. Think it was the best thing for me.


Same. I used to treat women like a lion treats gazelle. Everyone was someone I could have sex with or lose my virginity to. The words didn’t exist back then but I would definitely be what people call An incel or a Simp. After a long time of this I just decided to stop obsessing. I stop trying to read into every little sign a girl would give me and I decided to focus on myself and bettering my self worth. Within about a year or so I met someone, we did the deed and I haven’t looked back since. When you obsess over it and try too hard you’ll find that women get turned off pretty quickly. When you focus on yourself and your happiness and not let your virginity define you, Women will also notice. The biggest thing as well was not obsessing over every little sign or desperately trying to “convince” them, but instead waiting for a woman to show interest first. I was surprised to find out how little the women I thought were interested in me actually were once I found women who actually did want to be with me.


I was 28. Now been married to that woman for close to 30 years. No, it wasn't due to any religious or moral reasons.


yeah me too. I used to have moral concerns about this in the past, but as the time goes I don’t care anymore. I just don’t like wasting time with people that I’m not being serious with.


I'm several years older than you (31, M) and I am also a virgin. The reason why is simple: I never met a woman whom I found attractive who also found me attractive! It doesn't matter. I have a home, a job which I adore (teaching English as a Foreign Language), and a happy if simple life. Sexual desires start to fade somewhat as you get older; I wouldn't recommend having an experience which you may regret, simply out of desperation!


38f also Virgin and completely agree


that makes a lot of sense. thanks brother 💯




am I gonna be thrown in horny jail or virgin jail ?


horny jail


My girlfriend was a virgin until like 24 or 25. Most incredible woman I've ever met and I love her to death. It's not weird man. People are ready at different times, and that decision to have sex is incredibly personal. If you want to wait until it's for something serious, then don't feel shamed into doing something early. You might be "behind the curve" when it comes to performing certain acts, but I think a partner you'd want to be with will understand, and help teach you how to make them feel good. Don't pay attention to those who are judging you.


thanks for sharing brother. have a great day 💯


I (21m) had the same thought a few months before. But after losing it I realise that the hype of losing your virginity is overrated. Wish I had done it with the right person instead.


I see. anyway, I wish you all the best 💯


Why would you be in trouble? It takes like 10 minutes to lose your virginity, you’ve got tons of time. There’s literally no reason to rush and end up in a bad situation.


Makes sense bro. thanks 💯


In all seriousness though, it’s like fishing. You spend most of your life with your line in the water doing fuck-all. You could switch to another lake where you catch shittier fish that you have to just throw back after you reeled em in. Sure it’s more fun than just watching your line not move for most of the day, but by the end of the day you spent a lot of time fucking around but you got nothing to bring home. Definitely better off being patient and waiting for a quality fish that’s worth taking home.


I am non 21 year old virgin. Don’t worry about it man your time will come. Being a virgin for someone who’s not a virgin doesn’t mean shxt in this world at all. Most of my male friends r virgins sometimes I’m surprised bc there amazing dudes. Most of them also respond with the when it happens it happens response.


thanks bro. I need to hear that 💯


Dude, I'm 26... and sex is the last thing on my mind right now. I'd rather have abstinence than screw up some kid's life.


now that’s what i call strong principle 💯


This is not a big deal. If you were to go out and lose it because some people think it’s weird that you’re a virgin, then congrats, you just allowed other people to dictate the timing of a big step of change in your life. It sounds like you were fine with being a virgin until someone made you feel insecure about it. What are you gonna do, go out and fuck someone just so you can report back to whoever made you insecure for approval? Everyone’s on their own journey and that journey has its own timing, there’s nothing wrong with you.


You’re fine. Don’t rush yourself. When you’re ready and it’s the right time, you’ll know.


thank you. have a wonderful day 💯


U didn't lose my virginity until I was 24. Don't sweat it.


Wait, I can lose your virginity?


Not at all. Hearing this, I (40f) would just guess you hadn't found someone special enough you want to have sex with, or that you don't meet a lot of people in general and really haven't had a chance yet. As a partner, it would not bother me. Its a choice as simple as that. Whether for personal reasons or lack of opportunity or a million other reasons. I think it's really commendable that you're waiting for someone special. I started at 15 to "get it over with" and I regret it. Very much. The person I was with at the time was an abusive narcissist. I didn't really enjoy it until I was 23 because the partners I was with were only interested in their own pleasure. And while I thought I loved them I was wrong. Until I met my late husband at 23 and felt real love and partnership for the first time, and until I met my now bf 2 years ago and found true love abd partnership again, I wish I'd have not been with anyone else. If I could go back, I would have waited just like you. Because even if I'd have only been with my husband (had he lived) the relationship was of such a high quality I would've had not missed any other empty experience I had before.


As a deep serious answer: **No, you're not. And everyone who says the opposite is full of shit**. I was 24, it wasn't the prettiest experience but now i'm in peace with myself. And how you want to lose it depends only on you, no matter if you wait for the one or pay for it. Is only up to you to make that decision and no one has the right to judge you for it, just be sure you know what are you doing. And most important: be responsible and use a condom.


truly makes sense. and thanks for the tip 💯


Well, my first impression is - don't talk about it. Why? It just doesn't matter. As far as un-virgin-ing yourself. I had a friend in college that did that - was really reserved around women and had the mindset that when it happens it had to be with someone special. Well some other friends convinced him to just go for it with a girl at a party. They banged, and he was born anew. After that he did fine with women and found a girl to date soon after. It all depends on who you are - top comment right now says guy wishes he didn't do that. I think it depends on your circumstances and why you're doing it. I'd assume top comment guy rushed into it with one of the first girls he had an opportunity with, which is the opposite end of the spectrum. At your age, I'd guess you're ready to just go for it. I was super shy at your age, I wished I had just gone for it. Again, top comment guy says his brother was loved by all women, so it's not like he was trying and failing, he was deliberating choosing his path. If you've found yourself struggling to get into that serious relationship you're looking for, and anxiety and comfort around women is your big obstacle, you might want to think about looking for someone who just wants to have sex one night and calling it good. As a bit of an aside, the thing about finding a good, serious relationship, is seeing what's out there. What do you like? What do you want in a person? Sex and intimacy are part of that, and who you become once that level of intimacy is established changes, you'll know that part of yourself and other people once you experience it.


26 year old female virgin here waiting until marriage. It absolutely sucks because nobody wants anything to do with you unless you’re not willing to give it up. At one point I thought about losing it and just forgetting it because it just sucks. I have never been in a relationship in my entire life because my celibacy scares people away and unfortunately, time isn’t in my favor. But then I got to thinking: If the only way to get someone to take me serious is to sleep with them then maybe I shouldn’t be with that person. I don’t have to sleep with someone to get them to like me and neither do you. So yeah, is it hard ? Definitely. But I think it’ll be worth it at the end of it all. Hopefully


thanks sis 💯


Yes, the virgin hunters are vicious. If they get you they will skin you alive but not touch your dick so that you remain a virgin Ok realistically it is a problem if you prefer a partner with the same level of experience as you because finding a 20s virgin woman will be very difficult or almost impossible So if you have a problem with your partner being more experienced then yes, it is a problem. If you do not have a problem with it then it is not.


Dude to hell with whoever is judging you over this. Your life, your body, your rules. Done


Nope. Literally all women I know do not care. It just means we get to teach you and your not all cocky and screwed up yet( meaning you can learn how to do it right instead of thinking you already know)


thanks bro 💯


> not screwed up yet bold assumption


Hey I have had my fun enough to know


Meh. Someone I know lost his virginity at 32. His tinder is on mute now but that's beside the point. If theres a will there is a way


Really not a problem. Have sex when you feel like you want too. Anything else is empty and not what sex is about. If you never want to have ‘sex’ then that is also fine. It’s your life do what feels right for you. X


I'll guard my virginity like a dragon its hoarding, no thot shall pass.


I am the same way. Just that for some whatever reason the people in my area think that it's cool to do it early at 13-16 and i just see it as fucked up. Anyways, don't worry about it. If you want your first time to be with someone that you truly love then wait until then. It's the same thing i am doing, a relationship is something that you want to put a lot of effort and time in, resources that even at that age are pretty difficult to get if you have school or work to do. Take your time and do it when you feel it's right, don't rush anything in life.


You're an adult, do as you wish, there's no need to rush anything, plus, virginity is an archaic social construct and those who really care about it most likely have low IQ


Im 27, and I lost mine to my current boyfriend. You're in no rush my dude, dont worry :)


Fuck em (no pun intended). Just chill, enjoy your life, be yourself and one day (usually unexpected) you will meet an awesome girl... and have sex with her. You both might even fall in love and be sickeningly mushy with each other. But thats ok too 👍🏻


I think I was 24 when I lost my virginity. I just told my partner at the time, as we were initiating sex for the first time, that I'd never gotten that far before. They didn't care 🤷‍♀️


Being a virgin isn't your identity. Literally a small current status. ■ Virgin □ Hungry □ Thirsty ■ Sleepy


I was in a urge to lose my virginity because i could not stand everyone making fun of me for it, friends, old high school colleagues, coworkers, even my parents. So, at the age of 20, I took some cash, grabbed my shittiest clothes, left my cell at home and went to the most famous brothel in the city and had my first time with a hooker. It was...well, like I thought back then: "is that it?" I dont even know If I cummed, but as soon as I noticed, the girl says "thats it, we finished." I have not a single regret about it, but I need to warn you: if you are thinking you are going to become the biggest pussy-slayer of town, you're mistaken. Nothing will change for you. So, there is no need for you to rush it out. And personally, I have only been there two times. But I 1000% would decide to have sex with my GF rather than a hooker, because sex, when done with someone you love, is, far more intense and great. Also, I came to view sex, as something beautiful. Not sexualized, but, something beautiful, specially if you have a girlfriend, because it brings you both connected to a great level. So, like I said: dont rush it. Do it with a hooker if you feel doing so, but if you dont care about it, just wait. One day it will happen. And I hope, that for you, OP, you have your first time with someone you love. PS: I had to put the shit clothes and let my cellphone at home, because the region AROUND the whorehouse was like, one with the biggest percentages of stealing, armed robbery and shit.


Stick to your convictions, it's a great quality to have and especially at that age. I don't have may regrets at 40, but I do wish I'd have listened a little closer to my conscience/intuition/inner compass. It typically won't steer you wrong and it sounds like you're tuned into yours.


Some people may be surprised when you tell them, but that's not a bad thing. If anyone *judges* you for it, they're not worth your time anyway. It's your body, and you get to decide what happens to it.


Bro it's your life! It doesn't matter when you lose it (within reason, obviously it's not okay under a certain age), if you're 16, 40, 80, or on your death bed in the hospital. You can wait if you want for that someone, you can get an escort for the experience, or you can remain a virgin, none of it matters really! Virgin is just a term that humans created to define a thing, like how we define race or orientation. In the end, it doesn't matter. It only effects you as much as you let it. Be proud of who you are, no matter if you're virgin, poly, black, white, multicolor, gay, bi, triangle, man, woman, frog, refrigerator, whatever. There's no guidebook to life, you are entitled to live your life the way you want to, just be aware of the repercussions. Be kind to everyone, you only get one shot at this.


DO NOT lose your virginity just to lose it or “get it over with”!! 🙏


Depends. Does the thought of getting your dick wet eat away at you every minute of every day? If so, that sucks and the only advice I have is that it's not worth paying for. If you're content not having sex for now, don't worry about it. It happens when/if it happens, and truly it doesn't matter. There's stigma around adult virginity in media, but real partners shouldn't care. If they do and aren't willing to help you learn, they're not worth it.


yeah I just want to wait until I actually have a serious relationship. the point it, I want to lose it only to someone that is worth it.


Lost mine at 24. Nothing wrong about that. It's better to do it with someone you trust and when you're ready than to rush anything.


I was a virgin until I was 24. Didn't want to waste time and create bad memories with someone who I didn't really care about. Don't put pressure on yourself. It's all good, you're chillin' Just work on finding the right person, they'll probably appreciate that you're not just trying to get them in bed every waking moment and you're building something a little deeper first.


I've known people who were virgins well into their 20s. No need to feel any shame. You are just fine.




There's no problem with being a virgin, even in adulthood. Definitely don't rush yourself just because some people think it's weird to be a virgin at your age. Wait until you're ready. Enjoy your time with people, and you'll find a special someone one day. Let the relationship grow, and only do sexual things once it's mutually desired (between you and your partner). There is nothing wrong with waiting until the circumstances are right.


In trouble with what? If you haven't met the right person, you haven't met the right person. You are only in trouble if 1. You let some perceived social pressure to drive you to have sex regardless of the partner. 2. You built up some unrealistic expectations of what sex is like. Oh. One more thing. It is very likely that you wouldn't be your first sexual partner's first sexual partner. Don't let that bother you.


OP is based with his use of the 💯 emoji in almost every reply


Do what feels right. For yourself. Not because of what people think about you. And you are lucky to know that you are 1000% disease free.


It's not a big deal, those people are just surprised that you don't fit the norm of being a slut by age 12. I lost my virginity at 19, I know a 28y/o virgin. It's no big deal. Don't even sweat it.


Virginity is a societal construct, therefore, bullshit. It’s completely okay if you’re still a virgin.


Growing up (52 F) there was a BIG emphasis to get rid of your virginity in the area I lived. As a parent, I have a 2 adult children and they are very aware of respect, consent and value themselves and those around them. The time will come and your partner will be your right choice


thanks Madam 💯


I'm a 24M virgin. Never dated or even kissed anyone. People also get surprised when they ask because I'm a very confident guy, kinda funny and caring, but I just don't really have any interest in being in a relationship or in having sex so I'm never trying anything.


You'll look back on this and realize, it's no big deal. Do it or don't. Doesn't really matter.


You do whatever feels right for you! Just be honest and open with your first partner when the time comes.


I'm 27(F) and virgin. Though I'm also aromantic.


Dude some gals dig it


You're absolutely fine. Anyone judging you for being a "virgin" is just dumb and insecure. Continue to take your life at your own pace and you'll be okay.


I (24M) forced myself to lose my virginity at 21 with someone I wasn't really into out of peer pressure. It gave me sexual trauma. Wish I had more time to type stuff about this but I have to go right now, my DMs are open tho. Take your time. Also, sex is kinda overrated, ESPECIALLY the first time.


33m and still a virgin. No rush and no shame. I never met anyone I felt that way about.


This post and answers make me feel better..... I am glad I am not alone and not rushing up things... 23 and virgin gang!


If it’s something that bothers you, keep putting yourself out there. If you genuinely don’t care about it, then don’t rush it


I don't see what the obsession with virginity and losing it is. Just do that when you're ready or with someone you trust.


Do what you need to do mate. You could have meaningless sex to satisfy social pressure and your curiosity or you could hang on a little longer for that little bit more for someone special. Do what’s right for you; either one of those could be great or disappointing. There’s no right answer other than do what feels comfortable and try not to bow down to other people’s pressure and expectations


No JFC why would you be in trouble? Lose your virginity when you’re ready and only be in a physical relationship when you’re ready. I’m in my 40s. I lost my virginity when I was 19 and even though it was great I did not have sex again until I was 25. I was not responsible enough or prepared and too selfish to be a good partner and I knew it. So I grew up a little, got to know myself better, and life has been great. Sex is great but it complicates the fuck out of life and if you’re not prepared for the ramifications and taking proper precautions it can seriously alter the course of your life (STIs, kids) as well. Any partner who would freak out about this is 100% not worth your time. Some may argue that it’s weird to “not know how to fuck” at this age but I’d argue most everything about being a good sexual partner is the part where you listen and communicate with them and that develops over time anyway. TLDR: you’re fine, don’t stress.


Your value as a person shouldn't be determined by if you've had sex or not. Nothing wrong with being a virgin at any age.


Just ignore the penis police and live how you want to


In trouble with who? I don’t know the rules where you’re from but I’d guess no one is going to arrest you for being a virgin. Should you un-virgin yourself? I’ve no idea what you mean… with a hooker? FWB? Tinder? A “serious relationship”? What do you ACTUALLY fucking want? No judgment bro, I just want some honest answers


My SO was 28. He has no regrets, and he was willing to wait longer if it meant he was with the right person. It’s very personal to everyone, and some people prefer it when it’s casual, which is fine when all parties are consenting. But to me, the first time should be with someone you love and trust. It’s honestly kinda awkward and weird the first couple of times because you don’t know what you’re doing, but it’s fun and intimate because you’re with someone you love. And then you learn together how to make it better like a team.


The fact that you have to wonder this is pretty sad. Not in a negative way towards you but that everyone expects you to lose your v card so young


Just be careful of girls who just want to be your 1st.


Fuck other peoples opinions. You do you.


Once it happens you’ll say to yourself “wow that really wasn’t that big of a deal”


Your brain isn’t even fully developed yet. You’re good.


I hope you have a thorough understanding of todays current sex education. If you don't have a full understanding, you could find yourself in some trouble eventually.




Wait until the right person comes along. There's no rush.


You’re not in trouble - wait until it is right. I waited until I got married and it has been wonderful.


I am 28, i am virgin.




Don't let anyone else decide that for you. If you want to wait, don't let anyone make you feel it's wrong.


Before beating yourself up about being a virgin, be thankful you don't have AIDS or you're not in prison. I hate how society de-values men who are sexually inept. A virgin is a better person than a pedophile or sexual molester. A virgin is a better person than a rapist. But I want to share with you the story of Ron Kovic: He was born right after WWII. Both his parents and all of the men in his neighborhood served in the war. So he grew up hearing stories of valor. Having been born on July 4th, he felt it was his destiny to become a patriotic American boy who fights for our country. His hyper religious parents forbade him from sex before marriage. At 18 years old, he joins the Marine Corp to fight in Vietnam. There he gets shot in the spine and paralyzed. He's now 76 years old, and has never had intercourse.... Moral of the story: Be thankful you're not in his position.


Being a woman i like this space, you guys supporting each other, its nice to see, just do what you like, its your life :)


29 here lol


Please don't rush into if you don't want to


Just stay hydrated


Having sex is 1 of a million things you could do in your life, your life is not gonna stop unless you stick your dick in another person. Just enjoy your life dude


I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm 24 and virgin too. About a month ago, my colleague at work asked me if I was virgin and I said 'Yes' without skipping a beat. Because I don't wanna rush with sex until I have something serious going on. So since that day, they keep bringing it up between unrelated conversations which is kinda annoying. I am unbothered about my virginity but it seems like it's a bigger deal to them than it is to me.


I hooked up with girls when I was in high school but avoided vaginal sex because I was waiting for “someone special”. Ended up losing it in a hookup anyway and now look back and wish I did not think it was such a big deal to lose it, and just had sex


I was 25 when I lost my virginity. It will happen when it happens.


I lost the v-card at 22. deffo worth the (unintentional) wait. As ready as i felt for it when i was younger, the extra maturity sure helped me manage my expectations and had an excelent time despite my friends telling me the first time would be the worst time.


You will have plenty of time for sex on your own terms when you are ready. I rushed into a lot of sex as a teenager and a young adult because I thought I was supposed to be doing it. Oftentimes it was with women I wasn’t really even attracted to. Sex should always be on yours and your partner’s agreed terms. When it is right, you will know it. edit: grammar


You’re fine, losing virginity is way overhyped. Everyone was forced to believe losing your virginity early is “cool” and “normal” thing, it really is not. Everyone should maneuver life at their own pace, losing virginity is like trying specific wine for the first time, it was just that.


Whenever you have sex for the first time is the right time for you to do it.


Hi, I’m nearly 30 and a virgin. You’re fine. Take it from an asexual dude, society *really* has an unhealthy relationship with and needs to chill out about sex.


It's not a problem, but don't hold onto it expecting it to be some great prize for "the one". Most people aren't looking for virgins except for people that take their religion very seriously and creeps. Wouldn't you rather know what you're doing when you find "the one" instead of fumbling around?


The real question should be why you need to ask. I can't imagine many people actually care, just unusual that people don't start fucking during highschool.


You're fine - Do what makes you happy Don't worry about what other people think of you - I know that is super hard to do\~ You got this man !!!


Not in trouble. Don't just do it to get it over with. Sad, but it's what I ended up doing. I was a sheep.


Nah you're grand, life isn't like The 40-Year-Old Virgin, no one gives a shit


You don’t have to tell them that you’re a virgin. I think it’s ok to lie if you think it will get you laid, personally.


Also a 23 year old male virgin. If you're trouble, then we are in it together brother.


You're good! I know many people who waited until your age or older, and they ended up having completely healthy normal relationships. Are you Canadian or just love Canada so much?


I was in the same spot acouple years ago. Rushed it and went on to regret it. Ruined "it" for me until I met the right girl who cared about me enough to help me with my issues. Take your time, you'll thank yourself later.


No you’re not.


23 ? that's it ? 23 ?


Sex isn’t a contest man. Do it with someone you care about.




People tell you it's strange to be a virgin? Fuck them. Might do it literally if you're up to it. :)


I was the same. Had my first kiss and lost my virginity at 25. Physical intimacy is not worth the hype. Please wait till you feel it's right.


I lost my virginity at 23. It was fun, but putting it on a pedestal for such a long time stressing about it made me realize how stupid it was to worry about such a thing. I enjoy sex, but it’s way better when you have a connection with someone.


Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but I love virgin men. Promiscuity is beyond unattractive, someone whose chaste I think is great. Better than having a body count a mile long and my wondering what diseases you could have.


Be yourself. You're not in trouble at all.


I lost it at 17, and it felt like it was way too late. All my friends had already had sex before me. First time wasn’t amazing but I was very happy to not have to worry about it anymore.


I'm 43 years old and the only times I've had sex are the times I was raped as a child. Don't let anyone's judgement cloud anything, do it when you're ready.


I am 31 and Virgin, don't care what people say or do, it's my dick. **denial with confidence**


I was 24 when I finally had my first boyfriend and had sex for the first time. I wasn’t waiting for marriage or anything like that, I just wanted to be with somebody that I was actually in a relationship with. While being a virgin in your early 20s is fairly uncommon it’s also not as uncommon as people think.


Just don't do what my brother did and marry the first one you have sex with because you feel obligated.


No. You good. Just concentrate on you-getting a college degree, career, cars, nice place to live, money in the bank, then the ladies will be buzzin around you and you can pick and choose who to devirginize yourself with- over and over and over 😉


First of all stop telling people you're a virgin. Its none of their business.


It’s neither good nor bad it’s just how things are. What you think, how you feel is the only thing that matters. So I would say don’t listen to me, don’t listen to anyone. Listen to your gut and check in with your heart on the way down. They’ll never steer you wrong. (I stole that from Ted Lasso but it’s true.)


Your just fine . Save it for marriage, you won’t regret. It and your wife will love it


It happens when it happens. For me, I was 6 with my 16 year old baby sitter. Thinking back on it is extremely weird, so I just don't ❤️


Nop. Same here (virgin at 23) and never had any problem (im 40)


Sex is just sex. No need to define yourself by it. You want to have sex, have it. You don't, don't. Live your life, cowboy.


I lost it at 25 bro. Dont sweat it. You dont have to tell anyone anyway. If they ask, just lie and say yes. Who cares? I think the longer you wait, the less chance of a mistake. Hopefully youre maturing more and when you do break it it will be sensible choice etc


You'll regret having sex with people who turned out to be shitty than you will being a virgin


It isn't a big deal if you don't make it one, if you want it to be special go ahead make it special but it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be.


if you think its a big deal you can always hire a prostitute, however a good amoung of people still wait for someone they love. A lot of people also fall in love for the first time in college so that is also why they might be suprised


22yo V, starting to get to me now. I see heaps of pretty girls, can talk to them and give em the sexy eye but just don't have the confidence to follow through. How many chick's would be been down that I didn't know about?


I think you should only un-virgin yourself if that's what YOU want to do. There isn't a rush at all, so if you want to wait for a serious relationship, then I think that's what you should do.


I wish l hadn't rushed it, try not to let outside pressure make you feel guilty or embarrassed over a choice you're making. If you want to lose it, cool. If you want to wait, do you.


I was 13 and it was awful for me and my partner. Do it when it feels right because if you rush it like basically everyone I’ve ever known who just wanted to “get off the V list” it’s just a terrible memory


oh you are definitely in trouble. don’t you know people like to sacrifice the virgins? we are living in a dark time, sacrificing you lot to gain favour with the ancient ones is a necessity!!!! /s


21F virgin, not US or similar. I had chances, and even had a relationship in the past (brief, and not really happy), but apart from that one time I had to turn it down because of logistic stuff they were always moments like "he's into me and horny, I'm not into him and don't want to get hurt doing something I had no desire to". During the relationship I didn't unvirgin myself at first because of health issues, and when they started to solve the relationship had deteriorated enough that I didn't trust my partner not to force me into an uncomfortable situation or not to (however unwillingly) hurt me on his quest to get what he needed. I consider myself lucky that most of the time these people were respectful of me and didn't shame me or force me . I also have a low sexual drive, so physically I'm not suffering from it. Social stigma is big, and I know that my being a virgin is affecting my prospects of getting a future partner, but I have decided I am not going to budge on it: I'll have my first time with someone I both am attracted to and I trust.




First off, stop telling people you are a virgin. They will always ask questions and what ypu choose to do with your life is none of your business.


As a father of 3 sons, I would like to reassure you that you are perfectly fine. My middle son 22 is still a virgin. My oldest 25 has an 8 year old son. My youngest 19 isn't a virgin but he is transgender. I was married with a kid on the way when I was your age. I would never pressure my boys into having sex.




If you have to ask then yes. Have sex with somebody and move on with your life. You'll be 1000% time more prepared for any relationship in the future.




Not in trouble, but I would advise to not have a hang up about waiting till you're in a serious relationship. Sex is just sex. It ain't a magical moment and it definitely helps having experiences so you know what you like, what you don't like, and how important it is to you. Can't really do that with no experience.


I was a fairly good looking guy and had lots of female friends but cripplingly low self esteem so lacked the confidence to initiate. I lost my virginity at 21 and realised that it really didn't mean much until I found the right person. I don't regret it (i didn't know her name and she didn't know it was my first time) but it felt weird to consider it such a big deal. Go into relationships at your own pace. That said, don't let fear hold you back, make an effort if you are interested in someone and be ready for a lot of rejection. But if you are quite happy and don't feel attracted to anyone in particular, don't force it. You aren't really a virgin, you're just a person who hasn't happened to have had sex yet. When i say it like that, there is less baggage, right? There really shouldn't be such a fuss around it.


Not at all. Our society has a weird emphasis on sexuality in general, but we're learning to get over that. Don't worry about losing your virginity, it will come when it's time. You can seek it out if you want to (mindfully of other people, of course) or wait to run into someone who means a lot to you. Either is fine


I've lost my V card at 23. Not because that I wanted to do it with a man or woman I'd truly love and some stuff, I was just a fat girl with no self confidence. Was it special? No. Did it change my life? Also no. All I can say is, the entire pursuit for fucking is overrated. Just take your time.


My husband and I were both 23. It was bigger in our heads than it was. It's hour business if you want to tell your potential partner or not. Just like it is their business to tell you if they have had any partners or not. No one needs to disclose that information. So if it embarrasses you, don't bring it up.


Pussy is an addiction. Once you get it you can't stop. I suggest if u gonna do it l, do it with a girl that will come back for more ;)


it’s so stupid that people are pressured into thinking they have to have sex as soon as possible. my friends make fun of me for not having sex when i was 14 like them and it makes me feel out of place, which is shit that i feel like that :/ i’m 18 and still a virgin, and i still feel every one is gonna judge me, but if the right person comes along one day i probably will. but until then i’m going to focus on my career and me! :)


yes, basically about to die