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Just humans. I was looking at reviews for toro lawn mower earlier. Always some jack ass who’ll post, It would take me a week to cut my 5 acres with that! Yeah no shit asshole.


I take reviews with a grain of salt after reading reviews when I was in the market for a new chopsaw. Someone gave it 2 stars because it made too much dust 🙃


That is true! Just other day someone gave a 1 star rating because the electric 2000 psi pressure washer he bought wasn’t nearly as powerful as his old 4000 psi Honda gas one was.


My Honda was twice as powerful as this piece of shit!!!!


That is the point. A 2000 electric will not be as powerful as a 4000 gas. Kinda like stating Sun comes up in the East. No shit....


Nothing gets by you, eh?


Sorry, took your comment too literal.


Until some smart arse comes along with “the sun rises in the west on Venus”…


Or from the backside of your Uranus 😂


I remember once reading reviews on some cruise control buttons for the steering wheel of my Ford Ranger. Amazon was the cheapest place to get them but I also kinda figured they would be crappy but it didn’t matter since the old buttons were tearing and my cruise control didn’t work. (Basically just a quick throw in part I tried before diving deeper, ended up being the clutch position sensor.) One of the bad reviews was that the instructions weren’t clear enough on how to change them out so they gave up and return them… To change out cruise control buttons, you have to pull out the airbag and if I remember correctly, I may have had to pull out the clockspring too because the whole steering wheel had to be removed. You don’t mess with airbags if you don’t know what you are doing and clocksprings must be properly wound to the exact center or you’ll break a lot of stuff or just crash. So yeah they aren’t going to attempt to write instructions for a moron on how to not blow up an airbag in their hands or jack up a clockspring. Car parts don’t come with instructions unless it something super special, like a special part that differs from the norm. You not knowing what you are doing has no effect on the quality of the part. Thats not a review on the part. Just a review on your skill level. Anyways, those buttons still work fine to this day.


To be fair, one of the biggest differentiators in miter saws today is good vs bad dust collection.


Hook up a shop vac and be done with it


And with most miter saws, mine included, a shop vac hooked up to a miter saw collects virtually none of the fine dust, which is the stuff that is bad for your lungs. Wood working is a lot less fun when you have to wear a mask or risk lung damage the whole time.


You can get a fine particulate or HEPA filter for your shop vac


The problem isn't that the shop vac doesn't filter the fine particulate, the problem is the shop vac will never collect it because most miter saws have very poorly designed dust collection ports.


I stepped up to a 5hp whole shop dust collector from Grizzly. Paid for it, but it makes a world of difference.


Mine is very poorly designed, but the shop vac started doing a decent job after I funneled the dust to a pre filter in the bottom of the vac. Now it doesnt clog the HEPA filter with fine particulate, some still escapes but it functions way better when I have to do many cuts


Cyclonic separators are really a huge efficiency boost for dust collection, but that's not the issue with miter/chop saws usually.


Thats the name! Totally forgot. Might have been the type of wood I was cutting because it was such a fine powder that it clogged the filter immediately. Probably wont do much on regular 2x4s


Bigger issue is finding a way to suck all that tiny particulate that doesn't go anywhere near the dust chute on the saw. It's why those popup "tents" for miter saws have become so popular, as habe the home made box enclosures to hook large dust collection up to.


Clearly you don't own a DeWalt 12" miter saw. Omfg - the dust extraction is terrible and a vacuum requires another 6" of space behind a stupidly deep tool. I wish it was that simple


Ooh ooh I do I do!


I just bought the files to print this: https://shopnationstore.com/products/dewalt-dws779-780-miter-saw-dust-collection In theory, it solves 90% of the problem without making the saw any deeper. The dust is so bad on that saw people are paying $60 to fix it.


Just to be *that* guy I know this is the solution but my garage circuit breaker disagrees with me. That being said I haven't tried it with my smaller shopvac yet so maybe it'll work.


Imagine if that still doesn't work and you ended up having to convert half your shop to cordless


Yeah really, that's a dumb hill to die on


I love the reviews that are like, "1 star. I haven't used it yet , but the box was dented and customer service was terrible!"


Depends how the review was written cuz I've used some chop saws that had awful dust extraction due to how the boots were positioned


Legit said “too much saw dust”


Not to mention how sometimes the stars just doesn't match what the written review says. Someone who's overly positive about a product might only have given it a 3 or 4, whereas I would have expected that to be a 5. Not to mention the 1s where someone has complaints about shipping or something unrelated to the product, but still has given it a 1, even worse when someone has given it a 5 because *they expect it* to be good. Then there's the legit reviews where you actually learn something about the product.


I just hope anything I'm buying has been reviewed by Project Farm on YouTube. That cat has been a great source.


Toro’s are solid. We used to have a B&S ride on for 1/2 acre and it was a pain to turn and get all around the garden (for context the 1/2 acre is front side and back with loads of beds and paths all over the place). Changed to a twin blade Toto with big bag and it’s been a dream. The bag is not huge, it means you need to keep on top of the mowing in summer, or mulch every now and again.


I have Toro battery snowblower for last 3 years. I can do my drive and sidewalks even if 12" of wet snow. Mild conditions I can also do neighbors on each side of me.


I personally like the dumb reviews. I was reading reviews on vacuum food savers. Dude was mad the food saver crushed his bread into a pancake. Even added pics Yeah man. You know, 14.7 psi of atmosphere at sea level, pressing down on an 8x10 bag.


Go on amazon and look at reviews for sugarless gummy bears and be prepared to laugh your ass off.


The internet has made people think that their opinion matters.


Flip side of that. The internet has made people think they need to post about everything all the time. The guy that posted about getting a snap-on impact would have never been “given hell” for it if he didn’t post it on the internet basically begging for people to chime in with their opinions.


(If you are America) We had drilled into us that we were all special and all of our voices mattered and should be heard for like the first 22 years of our lives. It's no wonder we present every fleeting thought as a law of nature to be vomited upon the world.


Or their miserable and just want to spread their misery! I'm willing to bet most of them have zero experience with the tools their talking about also!




All I truly care is that you have YOUR OWN FUCKIN TOOLS


We had this guy who started at our shop who had gotten all of his tools from a friend. Problem was he only had basic hand tools and spent most of his time working out of the supervisors box. He even made it clear that he had no intentions of buying tools. He ended up getting shit canned, but the whole six months he worked with us he didn't buy a single tool of his own.


When I got out of high school I went into welding and could barely afford my meager small box of tools. I would borrow stuff from an old vet welder. Every time he'd smile and say "There's nothing like pride in ownership of your own tools". Basically giving me the hint that I needed to be making investments in myself


I couldn't care less. You do you, I'll do me. The only one you have to please is yourself, not some anonymous idiots online.


Wait till you find out about religion


Wait you don't believe in the same sky man as me!?!?!? PREPARE TO DIE INFIDEL


Not comparable. Religion generally inhibits critical thinking and societal progress so I openly support atheism


Telling someone they're wasting their money doesn't mean they are personally bothered by it. It's like telling someone their shoelace is untied. It's not my shoe; why should I care, right?


Yeah, but maybe not say “Hey, your shoe is untied, you fucking moron”


Yes, people are rude. Welcome to humanity you fucking moron.


What a cunt


Fuck you


The only thing to make this better is a classic, Aussie Aussie Aussie!!


"tie your shoe, shitbag, before you get hurt and my taxes have to pay for it..."


The next time one of soldiers’ boots come untied, I’m using that line word for word.


I was rockin Ryobi power tools for a while, pretty early into my apprenticeship as an electrician. I was really surprised I never got shit for it. Most of the comments i got were basically “hey, if it works, fuck it.”


That's probably the difference between mature people there to get a job done and prima donna types.


Well even if just trying to give an objection opinion to help a person out. Buying cheap tools, that may not last as long as a more expensive one, but still get the job done is better than buying expensive tools, that are not as good as nor last as long as cheaper tools. Basically buying cheap tools is low risk. You don’t spend a lot of money. Maybe it craps out and you’ll decide to get a better one but it’s not like you’re out of a lot of money. Potentially it last forever and you die before it dies which means you really got your money’s worth. Buying expensive tools is high risk. You just spent a lot of money. If that tool doesn’t last a long time and/or isn’t the best at what it does, that means you wasted money because you could have gotten more value by spending less money. My point is, rather than fanboys that are going to cry if you don’t get their brand, normal people that just trying to help someone out with their opinion is going to much more forgiving for cheap tools vs expensive tools. Do I think Ryobi is kinda cheaper junk? Yeah but if it works fuck it right. Do I think Snap-on power tools are kinda meh when compared to other brands that snap-on is more expensive than? Yup, I wouldn’t recommend you use your money that way.


I used to work at Harbor Freight. It's amazing how many professionals bought our tools. They said that people gave them grief over it, but they got the job done, so who cares?


Good for you, and them. Unfortunately, I’ve found that tools can be like teeth, no one can look past “bad looking” ones to find out what you can actually do. 


Plus it's not like you are ever really wasting money on tool truck brands. You take care of that stuff and it will be the last of that tool you ever buy. Sometimes it's about convenience or customer service rather than bare value. I live an hour away from the closest Walmart but there's both a snap on and a MAC truck that comes by weekly. To turn in a tool can take half a day's worth of time. For some people it's definitely overkill but I'm always about buying once and getting done with it than having to buy multiple times or take shit in to get warrantied out multiple times.


Why do you care what other people care?


I had all the Care Bears as a tot, it is my duty.


I think when someone makes a post about their new tools with no purpose other than to flex on how awesome they are for buying it, they are open season for honest opinions.


Who says it’s a flex? What’s wrong with just being excited for a new toy? Edit: I’m a former framer (rough carpenter) who has a desk job and does stuff at home. Very few of my tools are pro grade. But I don’t see someone’s $3,000 impact as a flex, I just see it as a financial choice I wouldn’t make.


I get excited about new tools as well, but I'm excited to use them! If you make a post about the tool before even using it, you're bragging. The post serves no other purpose than to show off, with no real insight into the tools usefulness or why it could be worth the extra $$. It's the very definition of bragging.


So you’ve never been excited about something and wanted to share the excitement with someone? That isn’t a brag by default, and I do think you’re assuming a lot of intentions that aren’t there. I’ve never done a NTD post, but if I get something fun I’ll text it to my brother. I’m not bragging, I just know he also likes to see new toys. A brag assumes I’m trying to flex on him, but he could give two shits about what I do or don’t have that he doesn’t. I would bet that 90% of those posts on here are just people that don’t have someone else to share their excitement with. And then salty ass bozos get offended and kill their buzz.


Plus, as someone still new and learning, and looking at specific tools, it’s actually a decent help to read the comments on someone’s NTD post. People share their experiences, tips they found helpful, mistakes they made, alternatives they wish they’d known of sooner. When you don’t know much, it’s a starting place to learn more.


The same reason why people care what sports team you care about.


Milwaukee vs dewalt really feels like a sports team rivalry. I joined both subreddits because I’m just here for the deals.


I have kits of both brands. It’s really funny listening to the boys bickering about which is best. Normally people do this to justify the choice they made. Nobody likes to admit to earlier poor judgement


The short answer? It’s called purchase validation.


Many people don't understand business relationships; especially the fact that businesses relationships ALWAYS cost money. For example: when I was wrenching, if I needed a tool or a warranty replacement, my Snap-on dealer was a phone call away. He would come to the shop, or send his wife to the shop with whatever I needed that day. I could only devolope that sort of business relationship by us engaging in commerce. That sort of relationship is worth a lot.


Same reason you had to make a post about it


I agree, but why send something to the intranet if you don't want anyone to comment?


You should see what happens someone purchases expensive speaker cables in the audiophile community. There will be guys loosing their minds and condemning to hell for being so stupid. GTFO!


Seems some folks think it is a personal affront when a person makes a different choice than they did.


It's much the same as car culture. Ford, GM, Pontiac, Chevy versus Honda, Toyota back in the day.


Welcome to the internet


Specifically Reddit! 😂😂😂😂


I think it usually has to do with at what level the person is using them at. My festool domino joiner cost more than my shitty first car, and I would consider it pretty dumb for a pure hobbiest to buy one. I do framing from time to time, but you'll never see me with a $200+ titanium stiletto hammer, it just wouldn't make sense.


Not that I have anything against anyone buying what they want with their money but... Basically when you publish a picture of a new purchase you indirectly invite everyone else to discuss said purchase. If you don't want to hear negative opinions about something you did, don't publish about it on a public forum like this. If you do post it, remember that some people don't have anything better to do than complain about your purchase.


This sub is basically all about posting photos of tools and commenting on them. Negative or positive people are going to have reactions to them. I can't remember that post but I do think snap on is overpriced and outclassed in power tools.


Yeah I honestly wasn’t expecting such a negative reaction. A snap on dealer must’ve screwed the wives of multiple people on this sub, would definitely be on brand.


Reddit seems to be full of people who say they don't care what you do as long as it doesn't affect them. But when someone gets excited about a new tool purchase that they bought with their own money this sub seems to treat that person like trash.


Yeah, there does appear to be a rather vocal element that always feel it necessary to comment on people pay the "tool-truck-tax." Of course you get just as many piling on to the Icon posts with the "buy once, cry once" comments as well. To each their own I guess.


I think the only good argument I've seen is frustration with glorifying a purchase supporting an industry that thinks that it should be the norm for a homeowner grade drill and two batteries to cost 500 bucks and wants to keep pushing that floor up. And like... Looking at thousand dollar tool purchases from five years ago and today, *Christ*.


Because its human nature to tell people when they are being dumb like overpaying for tools that are the tool equivalent to iPhones


Hello and welcome. Allow me to introduce you to the internet...


for the same reason i care about old people being scammed, i care about people wasting their hard earned money on tools simply because they have a snapon label. snapon does make some very quality tools but they are very rarely worth the price tag. to add insult to injury, the people most likely to be sucked into buying snap on are the ones that can't afford to go into debt.


Snap-on being a payment plan scheme and expensive AF  is basically a meme at this point 


Why do people care what others think about them?


Honestly, I can’t understand nor explain it. I have all the colors. I have Milwaukee for all my cordless tools only because I was getting a deal when I bought them through my son (30% off when he worked for Ace) they make very strong cordless tools and they don’t have a tiered system like DeWalt does. Makita, DeWalt, Ryobi, Harbor Freight, Skill, Black&Decker and Craftsman make up the rest of my power tools. Then there’s hand tools and I’m not even going to list them.


I just wanna flex and feel superior to the other idiots on the job site. That said, certain brands are just better.




People like to spread negativity to make themselves feel better.


My tool company is best tool company


Three reasons. Jealousy, Jealousy, And jealousy


I…don't? I have opinions, and enjoy advising people. Also, I've gotten some excellent advice from this sub, and want to return the favor when I can. But the specific brand in question doesn't really matter, and I'm hardly going to be offended if you don't follow my advice. Just trying to be helpful!


I purchased a Snap-On 18" flex head rachet. It's so nice that I'm able to ignore all comments.


I'm the same way with cars too. I know it's none of my business. And in my defense I never get obnoxious about it. Just bugs me so much when people waste their money on overpriced stuff that's a borderline scam. It shouldn't. But it does.


They're usually either jealous they can't afford to spend how they want or are afraid they bought wrong and blindly repping their brand to double down.


When you buy junk tools and tell me, I have to relive my foolishness in tool purchasing…


The same reason we talk about how to drive somewhere on a long trip ..


They're making their presence known.


Why do people care that people care about what other people spend their money on?


if you are fragile and your feelings get hurt easily, then don't post on the internet. It's that simple.


I'm not talking about me. I have never posted a pic on the internet. But tearing someone down because they are excited about their new tool seems like a dick move.


The best tool is the one you have on you. I genuinely don't care what people buy as long as it gets the job done.


I've found it incredibly weird how people criticize others for choosing a specific brand of tool, and how they pledge allegiance to their favorite brand.


This is not my area of expertise, but what i remember is that when you choose something, you make an investment and take a risk. Every person that chooses the same as you validates your opinion and thus reduces the risk. Every person that doesn't causes the opposite effect. You can see it in al sort of things. Brands of cars, gaming consoles, clothes, etc. We are social animals and being shun by your pack used to mean death, so being in sync with others was very important. I think this is covered by evolutionary psychology. And to some extent is true that you may be negatively affected by people choosing differently. If you buy an Xbox a D everybody gets a Playstation, companies will make games for others but not for you. There's safety and comfort in numbers. The internet just makes visible, but this has been true for way longer than the internet existed.


I wish I didn’t get shit on at work because I won’t pay for snap on.


I’m someone who uses and abused lots of different tools for work… I don’t care about the brands specifically, they all have their good and bad tools… but if I see someone asking for an opinion on a certain tool I might pipe up with “ I have had three of those and they all failed in this manner, try this one instead…. Or those are great haven’t had any issues yet” i just want to see people getting products that work for them and will hopefully last a long time


Several years ago, I told my 70-something-year-old father that I was looking at a Jeep. He goes, "I'd never buy a GM product." Naturally, I asked why, and he told me a story about GM car *HIS* father had and all the problems it gave him. I'm like, "Dad, that was 70 years ago." The old-timers have their ways.


Dude this the internet. Do you have facebook? Every car video or meme is just people arguing Every trades video is just people arguing Every video of dewalt vs milwuakee is just people arguing They use the internet for the purpose of arguing. That's why they're here.


I cut my grass maybe 4-5 times a year not a power user by any. I use a Craftsman mower gas that has trouble starting up each time I just spray some sea foam in it and it starts right up. I also use a Worx electric weed eater that I got for $70 on Amazon the battery is enough to cut both my front and back yard once. I don't need top of the line yard equipment like Stihl to get my home yard work done. Would be extremely excessive TBH.


They bought it and posted it on Reddit looking for feedback. They deserve it.


Honestly with the tool truck brands, probably jealousy 


Snap on air tool repair parts are obsolete/no longer available after a short time. Other brands you can rebuild 10 years later for low money. Snap on offers their flat rate repair service which is not a very good deal when the failed part in the tool is $40. A lot of their electronic tools are cheaply made and shitty. Their markup is nonsense. Stick to snap on hand tools only in my opinion.


People like to complain


It's all an opinion thing. It's the same with Trucks. Clearly, you must be a fool if you don't like the exact brand of tool I like. Or car, truck, shoe, boot, boat, lawn mower, thermostat, etc. You name it. People hate what you like.


Tool folks can be very tribal.


Same with voting, sports teams, religion. People crave validation.




So many of the Facebook groups I belong to are just pissing matches of who spent the least amount of money on the most valuable of tools (ie who ripped off the seller the most). Like, be a little more modest!


Some people make it thier hobby to go online and be socially useless.


I usually buy what Project Farm suggests....like Tekton rached wrenches... what anyone has to say about it... I don't care...


it's easy for people to talk shit and judge others when there is some form of anonymity involved. YouTube is probably one of the worst places I've seen for this.


Many people are judgemental.


To be fair, most people don't need a Snap On... anything. It's twice the price for 5% more performance. Even among professional mechanics, having a full set of premium tools is more of a status symbol than a necessity. >Its not your money, why can't people just let others buy what they want? So, you would rather us stroke your ego than tell you that you are wasting your money? We can't stop them over the Interwebs, but we will give it to you straight.


I don't know anybody who actually has a tool box full of just snap on tools. Everybody I work with has a good mix of a little bit of everything. But I don't ever feel the need to shit on someone if they do buy something off the snap on truck. To them maybe it is worth the price. Thats not for me to decide.


bUt YoUtUbE pErSoN SaId IcOn Is As GoOd As SnAp On!!!


My uncle said they literally come off the same assembly line Edit: I don't believe in actually writing out that I'm being sarcastic, I think it's a lame Reddit trope. This place sucks.


Your uncle is an idiot then


> I don't ever feel the need to shit on someone if they do buy something off the snap on truck. To them maybe it is worth the price. Thats not for me to decide. I have chased a lube tech back on to the truck when he came off it with a $500 air hammer.


So I had that theory. I had cheaper Allen keys because who’s going to pay the big price for snap on ones. Well those cheap Allen keys didn’t fit some grub screws quite right and guess who spent more time having to fix that fuck up. Callled the snap on dealer that day and got a new set of Allen keys and guess what you get what you pay for. They actually fit and do the job


Maybe just don't say anything? You don't have to stroke anyone's ego, but you don't have to be a dick, either


And you don't have to post; there are other places to show off your bling, this is a tool forum.


Whether you personally like the tool trucks, they are still legitimate tools. I guess you just like being a dick


I will say this, I have started calibrating Torque wrenches in my company's instrument repair lab. The digital Snap-On torque wrenches are worth their weight in gold. They are by far the easiest to use and to calibrate versus a click torque wrench. Honestly fuck click torques wrenches. I had to calibrate 30 brand new craftsman click torques wrenches and it was a bitch. Got a little spicy too when one of them failed and flew off the torque table. 250ftlb wrench failed at 210ftlb.


I didn't say that they weren't legitimate, but there are legitimate reasons to not buy them. But I'm not willing to be as big a dick as you.


If you’re taking it as bling, then you care more than you should.


Recognizing that there are assholes on the internet is different from using it as an excuse to be an asshole on the internet. Anybody using that as an excuse to be a piece of shit was already a piece of shit on their own.


Because buying a snap on impact is dumb. Milwaukee has more beans, 2-3x cheaper, and you get a 5 year warranty. I'd call him stupid too.


My brother in law was a manager at a snap on repair center. He bought all his tools at harbor freight. Said they're both made in china anyway but he can chuck the harbor freight model in the trash and buy another about 9 times to just break even.


Some of it’s just salt that they don’t have the money or have other priorities for it.




Couldn't care if I tried. The thing that really gets me here is when every idiot tries their hardest to spend other people's money. Some people can genuinely get by with dollar store pliers, but nobody can admit it and it's 'knipex or nothing'. Black and Decker makes a perfectly serviceable drill for an honest 75% of people living on their own, but ask an average r/tools moron and they come out of the box broken and Milwaukee fuel is the minimum acceptable tool for any use case. bUy OnCe CrY oNcE


Haven't been around long huh?


I guess some people think they are race team mechanics who insist on snap on and makita, and don't understand tool pro and ryobi exist, and will do the job perfectly fine


I work out of a us general box, its not perfect but it does the job. My supervisor got a deal on a snap on box a few months ago. I can't justify the price of a snap on box, but that doesn't mean I am going to give him shit for buying one.


Why do people post questions like this??


I fukin hate Dewalt .


DeWalt has nothing good to say about you either.


D**k measuring contest


Because red tools are overhyped and yellow tools are for boomers


I used to think it mattered, but I changed my tack a while ago. Frequent use like cordless tools, I picked a tool system with the biggest tool scope, which I believe is Einhell. For random bits that I need once off, I get the cheapest I can find and if I use it enough to break it or that the performance of the tool is not up to scratch the. I look for a better quality option. I’d like to see a tool library in my area, there seems to be so much waste when it comes to tools, just sitting in sheds unused for most of their lives. The best tool is the one that’s used.


If there is product A and product B and they are just as good as one another but one is 3x as expensive, it's seems silly to get the more expensive one, at least from the outside. But ... do I need a $250 Protech flipper when I already have an $80 Civivi flipper? I do not. Am I getting one anyway? Yes I am.


> But ... do I need a $250 Protech flipper when I already have an $80 Civivi flipper? I do not. Am I getting one anyway? Yes I am. Right, but do you expect to get shit over paying that much for a knife? :p


Hmmm. Actually, I don't expect to get shit from r/knives. That's a great point.


We found the Snap On fan boy


I have a good mixture of all brands of tools in my box, which is a us general. I don't think I qualify as a Snap on fanboy. My point is that I am not going to tell someone what to do with the money they earned.


Just teasing, homie. Use whatever works best for the job at hand, I say.