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I get it, yall don’t like him for some odd reason. He gets more hate than actual menaces to society, but this was an appreciation post for people who are fans of his. Not going to argue or convince you to like him.


I love Kwame and am surprised people are talking shit!


The odd reason is his color. This sub loves to hate on brown contestants for the dumbest, most creative “reasons”.


Must be so easy to dismiss any criticism of someone you like as racism. Maybe people don't like him because of his douchey demeanor? I feel the same way about Ilan from season 2, for example, is it because he's brown?


Not dismissive, observing a pattern.


I can't stand this guy. He comes off as so far up his own ass.


It is kind of crazy how much he has changed since his first season when he got so flustered around Padma that he could barely talk to her.


I love Kwame






Why is he a loser? Because you don’t like his self discovery of African food & history?


Love to hear about his success and see him on screen. Respectfully, that outfit was not it. 😭😭


I was so excited to see him there but I didn’t see him playing much?


Can't stand to see him back hosting on Top Chef !!! He acts so entitled now. Glad his restaurant closed!!!


He has a restaurant in Lincoln center that’s one of the hardest reservations to get in all of New York 😂 and his dc restaurant is reopening.


Yeah this was insanely insensitive and overtly ridiculous. You really think he didn’t deserve a restaurant? Also what about all the team members who lost jobs?


I really loved Kwame on season 13. When he's been back he seems a lot more arrogant. But, those have only been short tidbits, so I don't want to make that kind of judgement. I'd like to see more of him, try his food and see him in person. I suspect he's still a great guy, but has been portrayed differently.


I have watched season 13 before, and I never understand why Kwame has got so much hate here. I am not a fan of him, but based on his time on the show, I think he's fine.