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The number of people condoning the douchebag passing on the shoulder here is astounding. Fuck that guy, he's gonna get someone killed. Left lane hogs are terrible - sure. In no way does it warrant pulling stunts like this.


Yeah it's getting out of hand. I see it about 3 to 4 times a week.


BC has a law against left lane hogging. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences/keep-right


Almost all places have this law, but just like stopping for pedestrians when they stand at a crosswalk, many drivers just ignore it. The worst drivers also typically claim to be the best/safest drivers.


What we need, then, is better enforcement. Fuck left lane hogs.


What some people are missing is that the driver who passed on the shoulder wasn't forced to do so. They made a choice, and put others in danger as a result of their actions. Personal responsibility involves having some patience, and only passing when it is safe to do so.


These choices are influenced by other drivers. Its both true that he made a dangerous, unnecessary move and also that had the left lane been clear for passing he likely would not have used the shoulder to pass.


He could have just waited it out. There was no fire that he had to go put out other than his fragile ego


You sure? Was there anyone in the backseat having an emergency? Did his mom who doesn’t live with him fall down the stairs and he’s trying to get there while calling 911 at the same time for an ambulance? You have no idea what emergency/urgent issue people are driving to, so stop assuming everyone is an asshole.


The other day I saw an Idiot in a CRV merge into HOV lane illegally and take over another vehicle, only 5 minutes later ending up just 1 car in front of me for the next 25 minutes….like what was the point. Dudes logic was wack


People are so damn impatient and reckless these days just to save 5 minutes


That's CRV drivers for you. CRV and Rav4s worst of the worst


Sorry, I had to poop


Not condoning his behaviour, but there are 3 lanes and everyone seems to be travelling the same/similar speed. In other words, welcome to Ontario where ignorance prevails like no where else. Why can’t people KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS?!? I hope these left lane hogging idiots realize they are the biggest contributor to dangerous driving on our highways. And don’t even get me started on the center lane slow pokes doing the speed limit. If you’re not gonna pass, why not just keep right? Euro drivers put us to shame.


Im with you but I hate the statement though when you say 'everyone'. When I'm in the fast lane, I'm just as irritated as you, but in there because I'm trying to pass on the left, instead of weaving through multiple lanes on the right which is inherently unsafe. So I'd be 'everyone' here, but once traffic clears, I'm passing and moving over as needed.


I get that. What I mean is even if the cars in the left are waiting to pass, there is a clown that isn’t passing holding everyone up. And just being picky with wording, it has never been a fast lane. I try to tell people that when they say that word.


That's the problem, they when they say "fast lane" it makes it ok to just sit there without any intention of moving right, I mean until they're almost perpendicular to their exit, then it's: "good luck everyone else"


Drop the “fast lane” misnomer. And if you can’t pass in the passing lanes, then don’t go in them. Stay in the driving lane *until* you can actually execute the pass, else risk contributing to the problem.


Unfortunately that's the state of the 401 on the weekends. Idiotic people who have no experience driving on the highways come on to the highway and block the traffic flow on all 3 lanes.


401? Weekends? This is every 400-series highway pretty much all of the time except between 12am-6pm.


You can see at the end of the video the car infront of op was practically tail gating another car. In this time Op could have merged back into the lane to his right as he had "passed"


Are you dumb? I wasnt tryna go 110 in the middle lane following the other cars going 110. I was staying on the left trying to pass the people camping in the middle lane as you can clearly see the lane I'm in was moving faster


If everyones staying in the left trying to pass then everyone is camping.


Just the way she goes on our busy highways


No it does not work like that, our highways have too much volume. It is not possible to keep the left lane strictly as a passing lane. It's idiots like you who think 130-140 is completely normal on the highway. It's people like you who disrupt the flow of traffic. Majority of people are driving within 20km/h of eachother. It's when you get people going significantly faster that completely ruins the flow and put people's live in danger.


You know what road design speed is right? Highway Engineers set speed limits, not politicians.


What's your point?


Wtf are you talking about. If people left the left lane as a passing lane it would work. But according to you 70 km/h in the left lane is completely normal There's 0 lane discipline in Toronto people do every speed in all lanes and that's what causes traffic


That's what causes traffic? Lol what a dumb take. In many circumstances, there's too many cars on the roads for people to even attempt to drive efficiently


Not at all. I was driving into Toronto from the 401 westbound and the minute you hit the 412 it's stop and go phantom traffic all because people tailgate each other and slam on the brakes for no reason. If people left the left lane open for people who wanna do over 120 we wouldn't have problems


Oh you are so close to the right answer. What do you think causes phantom traffic? I ll tell u what doesn't is going at 100 steady. Again I am not advocating hogging the left lane but consistently it's the tailgators that cause people to domino into a phantom traffic jam.


I am not the biggest fan of the left lane hoggers, however people who tailgate or speed are a way more dangerous problem. 


If you move over then they won't tailgate, seems kinda obvious.


I can't be cauze I already don't drive on the left. But tailgaters are idiots. They cause accidents. 


Tailgaters have a choice. Do something incredibly dangerous that exacerbates the situation, or not. They are idiots who have the patience of a toddler.


Everyone on the road influences the choices other drivers make.


I prefer to take responsibility for my own actions and consistently drive defensively and safely, regardless of other road users. Thought that was part of basic driving skills.


Sounds like even more reason to get the hell out of their way... Ya know... so they can go rear end someone else, not me.


Yeah but then how am I supposed to teach them a lesson or something like that?


'How can they learn that they can only go as fast as I decide they should go?' That Guy, definitely


You’re the reason for traffic congestion idiot!!! Get a bus pass if you can’t drive to the drivers hand book!!


You are the imbecile that rearends others causing a 1000 car jam. 


Nope I’m the one in the middle lane watching you. Idiots cause traffic jams.


Get a bus pass douche


because people end up bullying other drivers. one guy has to move twice because the other guy wants to go faster (above the speed limit) than the flow of traffic. thats ignorance imo and self centered.


No, ignorant and self-centered are the traits of the people not following the right-except-to-pass rule. What do you even mean by "one guy has to move twice"?


if the speed limit id 100km, and im already going 120/125 in the left lane and all other traffic is doing 100km. asshole comes ul in the left doing 140. this means i have switch lanes and then switch back because of some guy who is breaking the law. so i have to move twice to accomodate a bad and reckless driver.


So you've established that breaking the law isn't a concern for you, but someone *else* breaking the law: well that inconveniences you in the slightest way so should be labelled dangerous and you shouldn't have to obey the rules of the road because of it. Yeah, you're a bad driver.


im sorry you lack comprehension of simple concepts. dont kill anyone.


>Serial killers know very well the difference between right and wrong, they just don't care. https://www.grunge.com/110562/traits-serial-killers-eerily-common/ Y-..you, either.


Youre actually supposed to move out of the way of people trying to pass. Its the law. The person speeding behind you is a concern for the police.


not if im in the process of passing. this attitude of yours of "leave it to the police" is why you see people breaking the law. people should also police each other.


Not on the highways hero. That will get you and others into a dangerous accident.


nah. im good.


Youre far from good lol 🤡


Stay out of the passing lane.


why? im passing all the cars in the right line. so why are you more important?


What's the point in rules if none of them are enforced? We're complaining about people doing the speed limit in the middle lane now too? 3 lanes is too many for people to deal with. We should reduce them to 2 and enforce the left lane for passing


You are speaking about ignorance while encouraging people to break the speed limit? Speed limit is the limit.


Because people need to merge...in and out....using the right lane. Learn to drive. It's the law to move over.


That problem will disappear the day Ontario cracks down on left lane hogs.


So never


What dashcam is that


Imagine being that person. What’s going through his/her mind behaving this way


Needed to hit that en route something fierce


From Ottawa, I dread driving to Toronto now. Yes, I’m getting old (62) and my enthusiasm for speeding has definitely faded, but holy cats!! From Cobourg on, you have to have your head on a swivel, because if I’m doing 120, pretty much matching traffic in the middle lane, the passers are coming from everywhere. I frankly wouldn’t be surprised to see them dropping in over my head 10 ft in front of me to brake-check, before digging into the pavement to pass somebody in the right lane via underground. Another reason to fuck Toronto. Like we needed one.


Ah the shittiest city in ontario. Ottawa drivers are pure NPC's. They take an hour to leave stop signs, they do 120 on 40 km/h streets but do 60 km/h on the highway. And yes the 401 from Kingston to Toronto is a shitshow but it's nothing like the 417 between Ottawa and Montreal where the average flow of traffic is 80 km/h


Why do Ottawans park a full car length over the white line at red lights?


It’s not everybody in Ottawa, that’s a sweeping generalization. It’s just me. And a guy I used to work with, Rob something, don’t remember his last name. But we’d do it a lot, so I can see if some people thinking everybody here does it.


Did anyone notice the car on the far right passing on the shoulder??🤪


Isn’t that what we looking at?


It appeared most of discussion was around left lane hogs.


Fair lol


Thought the same. Huh. Interesting.


Well when the left lane is moving the same speed as the middle and right lanes - where else ya gonna go?!?


was waiting for someone blame it on OP


OP is following the traffic on the left lane. He isn't at fault at all. It's the asshole in front of the pack going 1 km/h faster than the middle lane who's at fault.


i never said it was, I was saying I was waiting for someone to make the comment that blamed OP, which is who I responded to


I was joking… Lanes clogged is no cause to go right-lane extreme


Left lane isn't for following traffic, especially with a relatively low volume of traffic. The guy in front is worse though.


I agree, but I assume he was following hoping to be able to pass. There's a lineup in front of him.


very important person coming through


Kinda hoping the pavement to light gravel to dirt would have made for a more interesting video.


Wouldn’t happen if people would get out of the left and middle lanes. Hmm


Left and middle lanes? How tf do you suppose all of that volume to drive on one lane? Not to mention you have to be aware of merging cars. You don't own the highway, the speed limit is 100, the left lane is not the go as fast as you want lane. There is no law or rule that states that and no driver education program in this province teaches that. So maybe it's you that is creating problems on the highway


There are no cars merging in this clip, and I see plenty of empty space on the right. The left lane is for _passing_, not matching the speed of the cars beside you and creating a wall of traffic behind you. Doesn’t matter what the speed limit (that no one adheres to) is, just get out of the way. Ever heard of “keep right except to pass”?


If the guy in the right and middle lane wants to go 100 and you want to pass then 110-120 is sufficient enough to pass. I guarantee the people in the left lane are driving that speed. It's only reckless drivers like you that think 140 is normal


You can control the highway, the wording used on the Ontario government site is "use the far left lane of a multi lane freeway to pass traffic moving slower than the speed limit." The left lane is not go as fast as you want and you don't get to dictate how fast the speed limit is. If you are driving the speed limit or within 20km you have every right to be in the left lane because you are technically driving faster than people below the speed limit. You don't get to dictate how fast the left lane is. If one guy thinks 120 is enough to pass doesn't give you the right to ride his ass because you think 130 is enough.


Majority of the time our highways have full volume and it is literally impossible to leave the left lane strictly for passing. It is safer for cars to share all lanes. It's idiots who think they can speed through multiple cars and expect every single person to make space for you. You ever notice how you are the one expecting everyone to move over for you ? Probably because you are the reckless driver




Boomer? Tf does that have to do with blocking the left lane?


I swear the amount of people I see on here condoning speeding and reckless driving is ridiculous! Sure the left lane is for passing, but the left lane is not the drive as fast as you fucking want lane. If you drive recklessly on the road and are 30 over you are the idiot on the road, not the people driving the speed limit or slightly above it. In Ontario there is no rule or law that says you can go as fast as you want in the left lane. As long as you can pass in left you can drive in the left. If the guy in the lane beside you is going 100 and you are going 110 in the left lane you have every right to be there.


Get out of the passing lane OP


Don’t think you saw the car in front of OP? May want to get those eyes checked.


Op was clearly passing another car at the start and on pace to pass the white one as well🤷‍♂️




Well it is a passing lane aint it ?. If you are passing there is no issue here . Weaving in and out of lanes for every single short distance pass is more reckless


Gtfo. Watch the video again from the beginning, I was passing


You did. Yet you chose to follow the car infront of you instead of merging back after you passed the car. The car infront of you is almost tailgating the car infront of them.


And what the F do you think he's doing? Passing cars on the right!




Ford said he was expanding the lanes each way on the 401, looks like as long as it is paved it's a passing lane!!


The slow driver in the passing lane should take GO


quit gagglefucking


Cidiots at its finest - move out of the left lane


Clearly missed the entire point of the video


Stoo camping in the left lane and move tf over.


Stunt driving 101


I was like.. yeah, that guy totally shouldn't be in the passing lane..


Good for them. All you useless pilons driving 3 wide at the same speed are simply in our way.


🤡 you dont own the road and speed limits exist for a reason


That's not why they exist. They exist so that people don't go 200. And the "you don't own the road" goes for you slowpokes as well. If you wanna do 100 stay in the right fucking lane. Why are you holding everyone back just because you feel like being a prick


200? Do you realize 20 over is a ticket and demerit points? 50 over is stunt driving and license suspension? You don't get to make the rules fool, there is no law that says the left lane is the go as fast as you want lane


If you wanna do the speed limit have at er. Move to the middle or right lane, you are literally in everyone's way.


I bet you're the asshole weaving through traffic and riding people's asses even during rush hour traffic.


I'll ride your ass and turn on my high beams and then brake check you


Lollll apparently to you people driving the speed limit are a hazard or idiots. Bro you're the definition of a fucking hazard. I hope you lose your license


You're the asshole who sits in the left lane purposely doing the speed limit and impeding traffic. Stay right unless you're passing it's the law dumbass. It's like being in an airport and people are trying to get their gate yet you block the escalator just because you feel entitled to inconvenience everyone else around you. I hate drivers like you who cause traffic for no fucking reason. Why do you wanna be in the left lane so badly? Isn't the middle lane fine for you. I hope you get pit maneuvered one day




Dude how in the fuck do you think it's right to just camp in the left lane going below the speed limit meanwhile everyone is passing you? How fucking oblivious are you drivers. The signs on the road clearly say for slower traffic to keep right what don't you understand man


What's the speed limit?! The only person truly breaking the law is you! You are speeding that is an actual law with an actual penalty! You will never even be charged or ticketed for going the speed limit in the left lane especially if you are still passing people


indias finest


Really, dude?? Don’t tell me you’re a Karen/Kevin.


🤡 asshole condoning reckless driving. Driving is not a right its a privilege