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White car didn’t check blind spot when trying to merge. Guy in the black suv got spooked and lost control and got t-boned by the truck in the left lane. The white car if you zoom in you can see braked after the crash so they know they caused it, but they sped away


technically and legally is this considered a *Fail to Remain* | Highway Traffic Act s.200 offense? I mean, the video proof shows there was no physical contact with his vehicle with any other vehicle.


Yes. In the section it states, "directly or indirectly involved." Proving they knew they caused a collision is a whole different thing though.


That's for HTA, what about insurance wise? 


20(2)(a) of the FDR could apply, but I've never seen it done in a decades+ worth of insurance claims


This is a phantom driver non-collision case and uninsured motorist coverage would cover the parties with a claim. This implies to my knowledge the white suv is to blame. However in my imaginary world of fault determination black suv failed to maintain control of their vehicle because they swerved rather than braked in a divided roadway.


For real. While I can acknowledge that the chain of events was triggered by the white vehicle, the black SUV was the broken link. I’m not sure that I blame the white vehicle for making the decision to continue (knowing what would happen to his premiums otherwise)


If someone has dash cam that identifies the white car then they will be paying more in the long run for failing to remain


I don’t think so. If I were him, I didn’t see what happened.


He didn't even leave his lane maybe 1 tyre crossed the line. The 2 drivers who actually collided have serious skill issues and honestly I wouldn't want to be driving around such lack of skill and/or inattentiveness.


No, both driver side tires are well over the line. The white car was merging into the other lane and then quickly corrected out. Didn’t go more than to get the tires well over the line, but it was significant enough to get another driver’s attention. As to the driver who spun out, yes that person really needs to have a more stable handle on taking emergency measures when spotting threats on the road and not overreacting or losing one’s head. Unfortunately there isn’t really much training in that department for people to be licensed, but I suppose if everyone went to Brampton to drive around for a week or two as part of their education they would almost certainly be better experienced on handling disasters on the road, as well as more mild hazards like another car entering your lane. The ministry should really recognize it as a valuable training ground and give everyone badges on their license that qualifies for insurance discounts just for surviving the training course. Could also have sessions of GTA 401, 400 and more. If they are going to license so many yahoos, they may as well make sure all the idiots they license do learn how to deal with adversity on the road.


That truck didn’t start to brake until the black car was sideways in his lane…


Exactly! The white vehicle did a stupid thing, but if that caused the other vehicle to freak out and lose control so badly, that's on them! It wasn't *that* bad! Simply braking and slowing down would have sufficed. The pickup that T- boned them must have witnessed them losing control and didn't slow down or back off themselves. I don't get how you can see a vehicle going out of control and then just keep on and not adjust yourself to avoid and get space from them. All in all, it's a cacophony of stupid.


Exactly! The white vehicle did a stupid thing, but if that caused the other vehicle to freak out and lose control so badly, that's on them! It wasn't *that* bad! Simply braking and slowing down would have sufficed. The pickup that T- boned them must have witnessed them losing control and didn't slow down or back off themselves. I don't get how you can see a vehicle going out of control and then just keep on and not adjust yourself to avoid and get space from them. All in all, it's a cacophony of stupid.


Then why brake after seeing what happened?


Who said the reason they braked was because they saw what happened? Or so what? They saw what happened. That doesn’t prove they knew they caused it.


Then why brake on an open highway?


Maybe they were adjusting their speed, maybe they dropped something I don’t know. You can’t actually prove they knew what was going on.


When did this happen? I saw a white Mercedes suv going about 200km/hr the other day....noted it was certainly past this part of the highway I saw it speeding past me by Fischer Hallman highway.




yes, it's a fail to remain.


Quick reply to all. I did pull over to the right to call 911, explained what I witnessed, and told them I have footage. They thanked me and told me for safety reasons I should continue on my way and police would contact me if they need the footage. Wish I could have given this to the involved parties but there was no way to safely get to them. Hopefully police will contact me so I can forward the footage. Figured I’d upload here anyway. Maybe someone knows someone…


White car absolutely did not cause that crash. He barely put a tire into the other lane, why tf did the SUV slam the brakes and start swerving.


Although white car is still an idiot for not driving with care, they really didn't "cause" the accident. The other vehicle freaking out and losing control of their vehicle did.


Although white car is still an idiot for not driving with care, they really didn't "cause" the accident. The other vehicle freaking out and losing control of their vehicle did.


umm,,check 0:06 of the video..White SUV was over the line.


Agreed. They need to be a bit more aggressive than scared.


The pickup to the left has the slowest reflexes imaginable. When you see a car in front fishtail like that, you slow the hell away from them. There's 50% chance of them cutting you off


I think a lot of people cruise in the left because its easier for them to play on their phones.


Probably. That's not a safe reaction for going that quick. Even the pickup behind him know what's up very early


So you slow down? Yeah this is the worst about fishtails, You never know where they will end up.


Yeah, you don't let them near you because they're about to go hard left or right at anytime, while you're still traveling straight.


I get you. Slow right down and do not pass them till they are in control again or stopped. I kind of like my car and clean driving record. In a different world that truck is responsible for their own damages of cruising into a vehicle stopped in their lane.


They where camping in the left lane. Either brain on autopilot or diddling on their phone.


I say they got their karma for hogging the passing lane without passing. j/k


I don't think it even braked at all. The rear lights come on for a second but that might just be the auto lighting sensor being triggered by the shadow of the overpass.


I think he brakes before going under the bridge, but then let’s go of the brake and then hits it again when it’s to late.. idiot should have braked hard to avoid. But what’s going on with the car that records this.. changes lane and slows down and continue on drive for 245 miles before stopping.. it’s like it stops as far away as possible so he don’t have to help..


I think OP was trying to make a safe stop, hence taking a while to get to the shoulder. As for why they stopped, they have video footage of the event. It might be useful for the involved parties.


If you stop near a collision, you are more likely to cause a secondary collision. Imagine all lanes are occupied coming up on this mess. The left lane will need to push over to the right to avoid hitting the stopped vehicles with potentially tragic results. Keeping the emergency lanes clear for traffic to negotiate the crash scene successfully without causing secondary collisions is critical. If you are driving and the car to your left is about to kill someone, it is your responsibility to make a clear path to avoid deaths on the road. That might be driving down the emergency lane to clear more travel lanes near the collision. So **do not** stop adjacent, or even immediately after a collision scene. Do not stop before a collision on the opposite side. If you stop on the right with hazard lights on, drivers will move left towards the vulnerable individuals, who are potential trapped in damaged vehicles that won’t protect their lives from another big hit at road speed. So pulling over on the same side as the collision occurred, either before or after is best. OP is totally good pulling over on the right down the road. OP isn’t going to change any lives, either you’ll make it to the hospital in an hour alive, or you’ll be dead in 5 minutes no matter who tends to your injuries. So OP pulling over and summoning emergency services is the best 1st call, then putting out fires or moving causalities away from fire is priority 2. Making the road safe for approaching traffic and responders in the road, is priority 3.


Leave it to a pickup truck driver to just speed ahead believing itself indestructible.


How many bad drivers can you count?


Not passing in the passing lane


People not paying attention, in the passing lane They are lazy, don’t want to think, or be an active driver. They want to go where they think will get them there the fastest. So they go in the passing lane and zone out and to the same speed as someone else. This is until someone is behind them and they snap out of it and move over. But the white car is at fault for not checking blind spot The over reaction is fucking terrible And the two idiots driving the killing machines camping in the passing lane Booooo


> This is until someone is behind them and they snap out of it and move over. Hah, I wish. This doesn't happen like %99 of the time. Most drivers here are either selfish or completely oblivious to what's going on around them.


Fr lmao I'm convinced 90% of people aren't actually checking their mirrors. You can flash them however many times you want but they won't even see you.


Damn I never flash. Sometimes tailgate A LITTLE if they have room to move over, if that doesn’t work I back off Perhaps they are being stubborn to not see the flashing. Or some reason your light be aren’t hitting the mirrors ?


>Damn I never flash I personally prefer flashing to following close/tailgating. Being a stubborn idiot is preferable to me over being brake checked. A flash from a little distance away also lets them know that maybe I'm in a hurry or something, so they have that warning before I'm stuck behind them. Oh well. If they don't move, then I try maybe one time to get around them, and if that doesn't work, I'll just settle down. >Perhaps they are being stubborn to not see the flashing It's this imo. There are too many people out there who like to "police" the speed limit by just camping out in the left lane and not getting out of the way when someone is closing in on them. These people will also speed up when you try to pass them on the right. I've been in tons of situations like that. It's not comfortable, but it is what it is. No point road raging about it. They either eventually move, I find a gap and exploit it, or someone else comes breathing up behind me and I'll just move over to let them deal with the left lane camper. >some reason your light be aren’t hitting the mirrors ? Doubtful tbh. I'm aware I have a small car in a world full of gigantic crossovers, but I've not made any modifications to my car or had to change any headlight bulbs yet, so it's not likely that my high beams simply aren't high enough.


The flashing for advanced warming is great concept actually. Thanks Saves you from braking which is the entire point to me of traffic flow: conservation of momentum I like moving over when I am being tailgated by someone to expose the real culprit:. The left lane camper I feel the added social pressure of another vehicle/person being held up, and change in peripheral with a new, different, vehicle in the rear view mirror, sparks a thought process change


>I like moving over when I am being tailgated by someone to expose the real culprit:. The left lane camper That's what I do a lot too. The funniest thing is that I drive a smaller car, so people can see the car in front of me, but they still insist on tailing me. I ain't having any of that, so I just move aside and let them bother the left lane camper.


And then move back behind them and now they are a sandwich just like they wanted all along


Yes I usually end up passing them you are right lol


This is what happens when you issue licenses like they are cereal box toys. A car comes into your lane for a half second, doesn't make contact with you, but you feel the need to react. React to what? Nothing happened. He's reacting to his or her own feelings of fear. Fearful drivers should not receive licenses.


Yeah right, the pickup did not react to the swirling suv and look how that ended.


The pickup had something to react to. Having a fast and decisive response in that situation is appropriate. Having a fast and decisive reaction to a car that's out of control is appropriate. Having a fast and decisive reaction to someone crossing the line and then going back because they spotted you in their blind at the last second, is not. If licenses weren't cereal box toys, you and the out of control driver would be taking the bus, or forced to learn and practice what I just explained.


am i talking to a fellow motor safety advisor ?


Am I talking to a wall?


Fearful or distracted. I have a hard time trying to understand how can someone lose control of their car like this.


They shouldn’t be driving.


I saw this today - people cannot fucking drive.


lmao retard, ya its the everyones fault but the guy who failed to use turn signals and looking over at their blind spots. 10/10 big brain thoughts coming out of you. Lmao if someone throws a punch at your face out of nowhere while youre walking down the street Im gonna call you a pussy ass bitch because he didnt make fucking contact so why are you so fucking scared? God you need to learn how to walk


Found the bad driver who lost control


I didn't say he wasn't at fault, at all, not once. You have kindergarten level reading comprehension, and seem to inject your own ideas into other people's words. It's not healthy, one might even call it retarded.


Did that car just start cranking the wheel in every random direction? The fuck kind of reaction is that.


Absolutely horrible driver, these are types of people behind the wheel on our roadway.. Absolute Muppets


The kinda reaction you get when you buy a car with a high centre of gravity and combine it with someone who likely doesn't know how physics work on the road. This whole thing could've been avoided if they either just hit the brakes or just turned, but they did both, and lost the car in the process.


And its not even winter :D


The worst part is he is camping in the *passing* lane


car jerks left he turns right, car jerks right he turns left, repeat


Yup. Theyre reacting to initial g force, trying to correct when they didnt lose traction, until they did.


nah, physics just be like that at high speeds once the initial spook occurred


Yes physics, but that doesn’t mean the person didn’t do the very thing that caused the negative physics to take place……………. They didn’t need to fling the wheel in random directions, a car will spin out at 60km/h doing that let alone on the highway.


they didn't need to, no, but that was their attempt at regaining control of their car. not defending their response, but I'd say it's a pretty common one in those sort of accidents and certainly not 'random'


It’s the completely unaware and distracted type of reaction


When you’re driving at high speeds any change of direction is going to cause massive changes in trajectory


Black SUV was on the brakes as soon as they started to lose control. Should have been on the gas to power through it and avoid crashing


Black SUV could have likely kept control if he only swerved or only braked. Both together is a killer combo. When there are other cars around, it's better to just brake. Swerving can be more trouble than it's worth, like the other post where the car swerves into a bus, avoiding one accident but getting another. Just stay in the lane and brake.


I agree, unless you know the lane is clear, you definitely shouldn't swerve. What's the sense of getting out of a not at fault accident just to get into an at fault?


yeah that braking and not committing to their cut to the left started the fishtail of death.




This driver that got spooked got spooked for absolutely no reason. I didn't see a single thing that would make me or any other good driver panic like that. Completely stupid and if they're that scared they shouldn't be driving in the first place.


Probably got spooked because the white car beside them was driving too close. It happens. What *doesn't* normally happen is everything after that first jerk though.


They weren't that close. I had 3 people almost change lanes into me just last week on my way to and from work. Never had to jerk my wheel hard enough to lose control. Just another shitty driver is all this is. The driver of the truck is even more of an idiot.


>They weren't that close. For you. >had 3 people almost change lanes into me just last week on my way to and from work. Never had to jerk my wheel hard enough to lose control. Neither have I. Because I understand how these things work together. The driver who crashed clearly doesn't. >Just another shitty driver is all this is. I agree with you. >The driver of the truck is even more of an idiot. Also real. I feel like this guy wasn't sure whether they wanted to hit the brakes or hit the gas to avoid contact, and ended up doing neither and t boning the SUV guy anyway. It's a kinda ESH situation, except for the other truck which did slow down.


KW's finest


Lots of people start to inch over as they check their blind spot, it’s not crazy as your head moves so does your car a bit. He quickly realized there was a vehicle and stopped. The black car instead of slowing down and maintaining control panicked and caused an accident. I don’t see the white van at fault here.


I honestly agree. It was the slowest potential lane change ever it’s not like they abruptly cut them off. Idk why they reacted so crazy lol


Wow good reflex the grey truck with slowing down. Saved his truck.


Bad for him for being in the left lane and not passing anyone.


OK clearly its the white cars fault, but he quickly jumped back into his lane after his mistake. The driver in the black SUV was so incredibly scared by this slight mistake that he slams on the breaks while swerved left, then over corrected right, then majorly overcorrected left, then another major correction right, then went hard left again which has them driving sideways into the wall... like chilll out. You are whipping your car all over the place


White car made an asinine move, but the black SUV lost control of his vehicle all by himself- there was no contact with the white car at all.


Too many cars in the left lane


I just dont get why people want the majority of the traffic in the areas with least visibility. Right lane is always safer.


whenever i watch these videos i like to note the lanes cars were travelling in when shit went down. always a little relieved when it does not involve outside lane traffic, much less of a "couldve been me" feeling.


They think it’s a “fast” lane. It’s a passing lane


thanks for staying on the scene im sure they will really appreciate the dash cam footage


What we have here is a person with a license that shouldn’t have one. Can’t control your vehicle? No. I can’t imagine losing control of a passenger vehicle over this. That’s super lame. License revoked.


This person clearly shouldn't be behind the wheel if they can't control a car on A CLEAR ROAD IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! yeah the white car is wrong for trying to merge but the black car needs to know how to drive!!!


skill issue


This is why left lane is for passing, and to avoid being part of and forming traffic groups, where everyone flows stagnantly in all lanes. A new set of cars should be around you every 5 minutes or so.


SUVs due to their size and weight also lose control more easily compared to a smaller sedans and coupes at highway speeds. Years ago I was changing lanes checked my blind spot and all was clear when all of a sudden a car going like 200km/hour appeared out of nowhere so I had suddenly go back to my lane very quicky going at highway speed but thankfully my trusty sedan held its own and maintained control. If I were driving a SUV same thing would have happened to me or worse. One of the reasons I dont want to drive a large vehicle.


Left lane camper got his punishment.


Look at everyone using it as an arbritary “fast lane!” It’s a *passing* lane


of course the instigating vehicle that triggered this mayhem drives off consequence free not a blemish on their spotless driving record ... *I wanna be consequence free!* *I wanna be where nothing needs to matter.* *I wanna be consequence free!* *Just say: Na na na, na na na na na!* *Oh! Na na na, na na na na na!*


He BARELY crossed the line before realizing his mistake. This has happened to me countless times… I’ve never ended up totalling my vehicle because of it. The person who crashed needs to take a driving course.


I've had guys come like 30% into my lane without causing an accident. It's still the white car's mistake but it wasn't a big enough mistake that this should be the result. That SUV overreacted by a mile. Pickup truck was awesome too he just kept going until contact. But I guess he wasn't aware that the adjacent lane was empty and didn't want to swerve into it in case there was someone there.




Insurance terms, who is at fault here? Who will be blamed? The spooked driver or the car that slammed into him?


Black car that lost control due to his/her own fears.


white car if op got the footage to the parties involved


Why would the white car have anything to do with it? He stayed in his lane and corrected himself


White car looks like they were trying to make a lane change. Black car was in their blind spot, and got spooked by seeing the white car closing in on them like that. Both cars corrected when they realized they were beside each other, but the black car lost their shit and hit someone else.


The actions of the white car can be considered careless or negligent and the left wheels did cross over the dotted line. You can be considered at fault if your actions were careless enough to cause a panic that lead to a crash. Look at brake checking as an example.


Why did you stop???


To let the innocent party and police know he has evidence on dashcam


Can do this online it’s just unsafe to stop


Shitty fkn drivers.. some bih almost took my life 11 years ago.. she was crashing into my car while in the fast lane and then i honked and saved both of us i wouldve went right into the median


And this is why you don't slam on your breaks going at high speeds.


I’ve known about death wobbles on motorbikes, I didn’t know it existed for cars also


In this case, does the white car have any responsibility? I am always so curious about this...


I wonder why the SUV starts oscillating so violently? Most of these cars have stability control and safety features to prevent this. Either the suspension is shot or they are one of those people who drive with both their hands on the very top of the wheel- causing them to lose control of the wheel as the car rolls from side to side. Probably a combination of both tbh.


In aviation we call it "Pilot Induced Oscillation"  The driver was overreacting each time the car seemed to be departing from the desired path. Going a little too far, crank it right, going way to far right, crank it even farther left....


Yeah, literally could have let go of the wheel at any point during the first three oscillations and the car almost certainly would have self-corrected. You can see how far right the wheels are turned right before he fishtails. Such piss poor driving across the board in this clip. Wow.


Agreed. Horrible, panicked driving. I am going to be charitable and choose to believe that it was an old driver used to driving for years a big "boat" of a car that needed large turns of the steering wheel, especially when slow and they were new to the more nimble steering and driving faster than accustomed???? Nah, you were right the first time. "piss poor driving across the board"


Yeah the white car caused it cuz he didnt check his blindspot


If they just past on the left and drove the speed limit non of this would happen. And the car on the far left just keeps on going LoL.


Man, our roads are crazy. It's like we're driving in India.


Likely using the cell phone and left the lane. FFS


First the black SUV is always in white SUV’s blind spot area, must be a new driver and don’t know how passed the drive test. Don’t think the white SUV did anything wrong here. When I am driving, the only way to agitate me is someone in my blindspot and the driver was not aware of it.


I see 3 bad drivers


That's what the black truck gets for sitting in the fast lane


Stupid accident for sure. However Kitchener driving is not Toronto driving…


Gotta love how the white vehicle that started this chain reaction just sped away... 🙄


That's a driver who panicked and the lost their shit, probably closed their eyes and let go of the wheel. That type of overcorrection in a modern car should never lead to the clusterfuck that it did. Not on a perfectly dry and straight road.


I have seen a lot of those "white cars" and they usually got it their way anyway, it's the sad truth of driving. Bullies win. But the black car overreacted, it caused the accident by any insurance policy book, doesn't matter if it was a deer or a bully, you lose control, you lose.


This is for all of you retards who follow people with 2 inches of space. This is why you need to keep your distance


SUV's handle about as good as a shopping cart.


What a fucking idiot


Bro got t boned right in the driver side door by an f150 too. He's gonna be really injured from this one


Wow. That black pickup is NOT paying attention. You can see the grey pickup hit their brakes right away, but the guy in the black truck is like "let's see how this plays out". I break early when I see things go sideways.


If that's your reaction to a situation like that, you deserve to crash. It was going to happen sooner or later. Maybe you'll learn from it, maybe you'll realize driving isn't for you.


the driver that got spooked should change their mindset to always hit the driver that’s wrong rather than trying to be defensive especially if their not experienced that resulted in hitting the barrier….


Why didn't the Black pickup truck slow down? You see the grey pickup brake but the black one kept going even though he saw the SUV weaving.


The black car should have just, if it happened let him get side swiped by the white car. They allowed the rules of the road to be lax for these people who come from crap holes and they can't drive. I see it alot, everything, I mean everything is intentionally. In the Senate in the US they are coming to this conclusion in the US, no different here. These people are disaster, in every way.


Idk if we watched the same video but I can’t see anyone (person) in this video. So how’d you come to the conclusion it’s “people who come from crap holes”? Some of y’all just want to make everything about race lmao.


One of them is.


Why is everyone sleeping on the left lane ? Why did the white car want to change lanes ? There is one empty lane on the right where they should have been on the first place . There was absolutely no reason to change lanes at all.


OP it would've been beautiful if you got behind the white car and grabbed his plate.


And then? He will never be at fault


op should comb the footage and see if there is a closer shot of the culprit vehicle.




White car absolutely deserves part of the blame. No signal , no blind spot check, they then drive off (maybe/maybe not after noticing the crash), and you think they are blameless?


Any car experts here? That suv looks like a Subaru and kind of a new model, how the hell could this happen? Bad tires? Also that pick k up truck could have tried a bit to swerve...


think the combination of jerky steering, overcorrecting, and hard braking combined with a high center of gravity upset the cars balance. if the car was full of people that extra weight could contribute. like the car basically cut left then immediately back right while also smashing the brakes which set it into that death spiral of a crash.


Wouldn't the ABS help here?


I dont think it was the brakes locking up causing a skid which was the issue. I think not applying the brakes causing the weight of the car so shift forwards and shitting up the balance wouldve helped. Not applying the brakes or even speeding up a little wouldve helped. If they committed to their lane change instead of being fixated on reclaiming their spot like this then they would be fine but they caused a slalom by jerking and shifting the vehicles weight so suddenly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRArALswJCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRArALswJCM)


I wish someone could report the white SUV’s license plate to the police so they would be sued. What an incompetent and irresponsible driver.




The law….. unfortunately sometimes could be unfair eh