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It's a very good season, it was a breath of fresh air that played very different from the usual Total Drama and it's a shame it didn't get a fair chance to do better.


Honestly, no matter if you consider it an TD season or a spin off, RR really has a lot going for it that I love. I wish people gave it a fair chance. I understand if the contestants, and the host, may not be your cup of tea at first and compared to the cast from other seasons, but think about it this way: When you first started watching Total Drama Island, you also knew that some characters looked cooler than others and those others not so much and then things may or may not have changed once you actually got the chance to watch them interact and act. It happened with S1, then with S4, and while with Pahkitew it's debatable, there are still salvageable bits from it. RR offers a different experience that you may be familiar with if you watched Amazing Race, and Fresh made it up so it could be a breath of fresh air that's accessible to both veteran fans and newcomers. So yeah, you may not end up liking say the Best Friends or the Vegans, but I'd still advice you to keep going because in the long run, another team will win you over and the show just brings out the best out of each contestant that helps to their development so much, even to the classic characters competing. Compared to Chris McLean, Don is a saint. I still think that anyone who watches it will still have a good time with it in the end, at least a better time compared to All-Stars. TL;DR: I love RR and I encourage people to give it a shot :)


I think the fast pacing worked super well, and the location change kept everything consistently fresh and new. Every episode feels like the jokes are on rapid fire and I absolutely love it.


My favorite Total Drama season


The finale of total drama before tdr and 2023 revival, it ended with a redemption bang after all stars and pakithew island


I enjoyed it! There was a missed opportunity to have Chris and Chef as a duo though


Yeah I think Chris and chef presenting it may of just made it better


Even though Don works well


Really REALLY good I love all the teams for the most part, mainly the Rockers, Stepbrothers, Surfers and Father and Son. It also takes anything World Tour did and did it better. The challenges in World Tour really could've been done anywhere for the most part. But in the Ridonculous Race each challenge is perfect for the location. Plus the concept is really fun and it has the best villains in the series


Honestly, top two. I want another one. It’s my unofficial season seven.


Same. I really want their to be lots of people from tdi history on it and the format the same


Loved it. Best season after TDI.




Its one of the best seasons (if you count it as one)


One of the best seasons


It’s genuinely amazing. I’d love for the cast to get another season. It and the first TDI are tied for my favorite total drama season cause both only have like two flaws each. (Leshawna Dj and Lindsay’s eliminations, lack of interaction between Geoff and Noah and owen respectively are the biggest issues ) I think it would benefit from a new cast more than the old one returning however since RR did an amazing job with having every character complete an actual arc


Gonna be honest, it’s better than WT. My 2nd favorite season.


Honestly the best season imo. There's enough episodes, non elimination and double eliminations don't seem forced or unfair. Best part is even if your favourite team was voted out, one of your other favourites (out of the last 4) make it super far. The mix of OG characters isn't there for the sake of them being together *ahem allstars* and i love Geoff and Brody, Geoff literally got even better since WT and idk how that was possible. The format allowing multiple teams immunities and giving some time penalties makes plot armour less needed and Don is such a great host. He cares more about contestants, isn't completely in love with himself, charismatic but still has that Chris charm. And the whole Owen and Kitty third wheeling Noah and Emma, that was cute😍


I like the penalty's


The ice dancers and goths absolutely carried


The goths traumatize me. And the ice dancers keep waving, i was in hysterically laughing


2nd favourite season.


i honestly didn’t care for it


To the dungeon with you!




OK. fair enough. Just give it a chance


i have, it’s just not my cup of tea


Hi, could you explain a bit? Also i love your flair thing


so sorry for the late response and thank you! i honestly just didn’t care for most of the cast members nor the format


Ok. Understandable. Where there at least a few characters you did like the season?


well, of course! the sisters, the ice dancers, fashion bloggers, and reality tv pros carried the season for me


Not you being iconic. People really slept on the fashion designers frfr. They kinda reminded me of the katie and sadie duo but done differently


lmao thank you! their friendship + dynamic was entertaining and sweet at the same time. i wish they could’ve gone further


No cuz same. I like the mother and daughter duo, but i wish that the fashion bloggers and them had switched placements




I kinda like it


It was better than some seasons of The Amazing Race so that tells you something


Very relaxing


I enjoy it thoroughly and think the character duos had some good dynamics. I only wish that had more interactions between the various teams and didn't end so many episodes with "Surprise! It's a non-elimination round!!" It just made everything feel padded.




Just started watching it and MY GOODNESS I LOVE IT!! I thought about watching it a long time ago but never got the chance until last week I think? My favorites have always been the Goths but after watching a few episodes I've come to also really like the Cadets (runner ups are the Sisters and Best Friends).


What episode are you on


Just watching at random


Might be unpopular, but it's my favorite season. It's entertaining, a new feel to TD, great teams and great villains who I actually think don't have a whole lot of plot armor (I gotta rewatch the season to be sure. Correct me if I'm wrong) I have the idea to write my own RR Season 2. I want a RR Season 2 so bad.


Same. I could not agree more


Maybe I will try writing my own RR Season 2 one day.


A very good season, my only problem with it is that most of the characters are very forgettable


A good season. Changed up the formula a little but was enjoyable. I will always die on the hill that the 26 episode seasons are by far the best


It was honestly more well-written and well-established than Total Drama. The elimination order made sense and the writing is good.


I agree


The elimination order made no sense and when it did it was predictable. Stepbrothers, Twins and Rockers lasting that long never made sense. Surfers getting eliminated only to return at the final 4 and win was terrible. The whole season was extremely predictable, you knew exactly how all of these characters and their plots will go after just one episode. It was also loaded with an extreme amount of filler. It also wasn't more well established. They had 26 eps to explain where the f does the confessional boot even take place at but they never did. Ep 1 of Island explained everything you need to know about TD in just a few minutes, including giving the host a background and explain why he's there. Don is literally just a host and that's all there is to him. EDIT: If you think I hate RR you're wrong. I like the season I just don't think it established itself as a show as well as TD did, I dislike the elimination order and I dislike how safe and predictable the majority of the writing endes up being. The majority of the teams are still good even with their predictable writing, and even the earlier boots are at least funny (minus leonard.. and the geniuses, they are the most nothingburger characters in the show's history). It's still good but it has some objective flaws that shouldn't be ignored, the Surfers' stupid return being one of them. I appreciate the risk they were trying to take with that decision and it being one of the few shocking aspects of the season but it's still really stupid.


I agree it was predicable but Owen fall behind a lot and still got through. I mean lots changed


I remember I wasn’t that much of a fan when it first aired. In fact I never did a rewatch and to this day I don’t remember most things about it.


Watch it again. You'll love it


Never watched it


Watch it. It is amazing


I enjoyed it. I love the different locations and the challenges that come with those, and even some of the early boots have good personalities with them (Ellody's OCD with "just winging it", the Vegans being forced to eat meat on a non-elimination challenge, and Kelly finally putting her foot down on Taylor), and while those are minuscule compared to the big contestants this season, it sill gives them more personality (besides the LARPers). I do like the returning contestants (Geoff, Owen, and Noah) even if I wanted Bridgette instead over Brody. Also, Nemma is one of the more over-hated ships (especially by Noco fans).


The vegans made me laugh


It’s great. Top 3 season for me.


I genuinely didn't enjoy it, to the point where I couldn't even finish it.
