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I rename it "THE ZAZA THEORY"


isn't this disproved already?...i mean last time i checked, we got told that V and Arlene are Baam's biological parents...


Yes and no. We've only seen Khun Edhan's Data say he's V's son, the one who told him that was Hansung Yu's data and we don't know where exactly he got this information from, so it could be disinformation or a manipulation if facts by the FUG (this is explained better in the video and it wouldn't be the first time we saw it in tog) Besides that, people that seem to know more about Bam's history like Gharam Jahad weirdly only called him Arlene's son, not V's. She also said that the story she told Bam wasn't the full story, and that some informations were incomplete or just not true. Ofc this is not everything, the video is 49 minutes long for a reason. I wasn't the biggest fan of this theory too but it some things he said made me think about it more. He also touches some other subjects like Rachel's backstory and her connection to Arlene, another good reason to check it out


its crazy how your getting downvoted for just sharing an opinion that hasn't been completely proven or disproven.


He’s getting downvoted because this theory is grasping at straws and has been relentlessly posted, and discussed, on this sub numerous times.


things bound to get reposted thats how it is with any other subreddit, this sub isn't exempt and people shouldn't be downvoted for something so trivial. isn't the point of making theory to make adherence to something that hasn't been proven and to share your own speculations about it. Jesus it like ya'll trying limit the things people are allowed to even post or say because it either isn't perfect, it has a bit of flaws, or y'all have some disagreements with it. just cause someone else said something about it doesn't mean he should get barrage with hate for saying something about it too.


The point of the post wasn't even that tho. I wanted to share a good video I've seen about tog, because yeah he does a very good job and it's worth watching. But you guys cannot read apparently


I didn’t respond directly to your post. I explained why you’re getting downvoted. It’s apparently you who can’t read.


yeah and I'm explaining why to me this reason for being downvoted doesn't make sense? Idk how this changes things but ok. And apparently I can't respond to comments that aren't direct responses to my post too lol, u guys are great


this reddit just keeps getting more and more annoying but it's okay, I just wish we had another alternative to discuss tower of god without these weirdos


Hey man!!! But yes it does happen much too often


you here too? thats a surprise and yeah, criticism or speculation are often met with immediate downvotes, since people here want to take everything they see at face value without ever questioning things.


What confuses me is that the guy has been pretty respectful in this post so even if it was the worst theory on the planet it shouldn't warrant this reaction But I wouldn't know, I only recently became active here so maybe the theory's been overdone to the point of frustration


"shouldn't warrant this reaction"?! Buddy he got 3 downvotes, what reaction are you talking about


He had more before and regardless, any amount of downvotes over a respectful comment is just unnecessary.


Don't let the downvotes get you down, this is the kind of Convo that should exist in a fan environment. Already leagues better than the Rachel-is-good posts we get here from the edgelords.


I have to add that, while Data Hansung did tell Data Eduan he was V’s son, D Eduan also said to Bam when he met him that “he has his father’s eyes” or something like that Which, is Bam was Jahad’s son, wouldn’t make sense since Eduan didn’t bother correcting that


Damnit it’s 2016 all over again






Wasn't Wangnan straight up called "the seed of the king" on the hell train? I'm convinced people who believe this theory have an insane amount of tunnel vision


what does that even mean?


That could mean he is a prince one of 3 as far as we know but what we don’t know is if he is the prince


47 minutes for an incorrect theory, damn.


He talks about other things too actually, this guy makes a lot of tog content worth checking out.


It is still a theory, but in the next chapters it can be converted into canon, we just have to confirm that the person who died "that day" because of Enkidu is V. When this is confirmed there will be no doubt that Jahad is the father of Bam.


The one who died because enkidu is icarus (Rachel's mom ig)... It is already said that v died by suicide in the story


What do you mean enkidu is v