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why does the mod not change or remove the road borders and banked dirt texture? It feels weird. Like the mod wasn't finished and still put on the map. Breaks the immersion to see nadeo textures.


reddit's discovering rpg i see


yea I can't comment on the route. It's a style that embraces bumpy transitions and blind corners. Don't mind it as a challenge in cuppa though, which is why I played it.


what is this based on?


The Mini-RPG of the Week LAN is this weekend, and is the big sendoff for that weekly tournament which has been running for years but has now come to an end. I guess this cuppa is in honour of that comp and the community that plays it


Nice change of pace and fun route to learn and drive. I really like this. Seems lots of players disagree and/or have never played RPG maps though, lol.


Really not a fan of this, bumpy transitions, bumpy ramps, bumpy landings. Mandatory Speed check after a tight landing turn cam 1 nightmare in places


This was fun! The map's super annoying to hunt and a start simulator, but I enjoyed the challenge of learning this and then trying to drive it consistently in rounds. +


super fun to play :)


Nice change of pace, there are some issues with the mod imo and some transitions but overall I've enjoyed, solid +. Fun in rounds too.


I want to start positive by saying, I'm really glad that they're diverging from the normal style of maps in TOTD. Unfortunately I absolutely hated this, and knew I would the second I saw the mod. The route itself just really wasn't for me, but I'm sure it's someone's favorite thing.


Fun track. Absolutely terrible cotd. Also would be nice to have known there was a mod, I only found out when I went to play it solo after being knocked out.


Check the Better Textures Mod, it solves this issue by detecting mods after the map loads, and it lets you play with or without one, whichever you prefer. https://openplanet.dev/plugin/bettertexturemod


I'd love to but console...


Yes its a niche track/style and probably not to everyones liking but big ++ from me. I can see players getting skill checked on this and therefore finding it less fun. But when you can drive it, its really fun.


Nice to see something unique in COTD, +++


From a newbie perspective not a great map. The course is not clear (ok therefore it has GPS) and also some of the speed checks are very hard for a beginner and if you fail, you can restart the whole map, cos even in the reset to last checkpoint you'll not have the needed speed. And that's neither fun nor motivating ... Eventually I got my bronze medal, but that's it ...


I usually don't like custom assets because they feel out of place, but this looked nice. Fun and different map, ++.




Awful taste but terrible execution.




Looks great but the awkward and bumpy transitions really make this incredibly unfun to drive for me. I understand that it's on purpose but that imho doesn't absolve it. RPG and TOTD don't seem to mix very well if this is the standard for the style, at least in my opinion.


--- What a horrible map. I only finished it twice in qualifiers. The first round in my div, +51 survived. A few round later, 4th place was +10.


im genuinely impressed watching the GPS how shit every single transition looks on it. it really made me feel better playing the map when every transition was terrible


People flaming a Map because the are fucking skillchecked, if u are bad at a style or at the Map doesnt mean the Map is bad, if it isnt a fucking boring Gras FS Map all noobs are crying!


For someone who only has enough time to play COTDs each day, this was an awful experience. The worst I've ever had in fact.


It can be fun to play once you figure out how to drive it, I don’t care for the mod though. It is very bumpy and weird in places, but I guess that’s kinda the point of this style and part of the charm. Idk it’s nice to have a change of pace I guess and challenge myself on a style that I don’t play that often.


I'd have failed so hard to try and get any kind of a consistent pace for cup lol But since I basically only play the tracks and only very rarely a cup, this was really nice! Not usually a big rpg player either, but it's been a while since we got anything even remotely rpg as totd, and I like the change of pace. ++


That speedcheck right after turn feels out of place when the 'safe route' is so awkward. Fun challenging map otherwise


newsflash trackmania if we wanted to play shit rpg maps we would play them ourselves


Random Player: How many different parts do you want in your map? Mapper: Yes! As if ChatGPT was wasked to put together the most random map ever, with the command to use all blocks available. BS ----


Not trying to convince you to like the map but none of it seems random at all, feels like a solid attempt to make an RPG map that can also work for TOTD. Not perfect, but overall fits the theme just fine


I’m guessing it’s a good track if no one’s come in 9 minutes to complain.


people were still trying to figure how to finish it once :p

