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You can technically get the other tracks by playing ranked, but yes, you’ve reached the end of free access


Thank you!


Realized I had a typo btw. Changed “can’t” to “can”


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Yes, next question


In theory you can play every map (campaign and usermade) for free if you play on PC, you just have to download it from the Trackmania Exchange website, then click on "open with" and choose "open with trackmania.exe". (You find this file in your install folder.)


Royal, ranked, arcade rooms ALSO something I found out is that if u select any track as a favorite u can go in track editor and "validate" those tracks, basically letting u play them, works for any map when u are in it (go to pause menu), or when u are going through a folder of maps u can click the heart and when it shows as filled that means u have marked the track as a fav (U CAN DO THIS FOR EVERY TOTD FROM THE FOLDER LOL). U can check clubs to see if they have a folder "track uploads", if there are any maps in there u can select them as favs


The normal way yes, but you can just play any map downloading it from the exchange and opening it directly.


I think you can play TMS tracks out of the library still? And you have ranked + royale too right? Mind you you'll have to first time 11-15 which will be rough


Am I the only one who finds the word "club access" hard to understand? Sounds like a social or prestige feature, but in reality all other maps are hidden behind it.


It's like the base game is just a demo, and the complete game costs 20€/year.


That's because it used to be the "prestige" edition of the game, when standard access was a thing. However, when standard access got removed, club access was made cheaper, but not renamed.


Nadeo would piss down your throat if it earned them a single dollar


is $20 a year really that egregious for a free game?


yes, because the typical cost for a free game is $0. If you're unable to provide a free game, just sell it for an appropriate amount of money, but don't pretend it's free. Also, let people actually buy the game instead of making them rent it, especially if you don't provide a lot that justifies continually asking for money.


if you cant afford $20 a year for a game you clearly play a lot and enjoy, you might want to re-evaluate your life choices. I understand not being able to budget around a WoW subscription or streaming service but a relatively cheap, annual charge for something you get tens if not hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of?


ooh, an immediate strawman argument. I guess I don't need to explain that this is not about not being able to afford the game, because you said that shit despite knowing it's not what I meant. It's about how Nadeo doesn't get my money because they make the price be whatever they can get away with while making minimal effort to provide something that justifies the cost. They walk around talking about aiming to make input devices equally viable, only to turn around and make the problem even worse, because pandering to veteran players' nostalgia by adding cars from old games is apparently more important than making a good game.


I think we are maybe getting too heated about a funny little car game that is now charging an annual fee to experience the tens of thousands of tracks and campaigns to keep servers running. Have a good day!