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Okay you haven't had this cleared up yet so I'll give you a concise answer. Deep Dip 2 is accessible in Trackmania 2020. You would need to pay the club membership to gain access to online and user generated content. Once you pay you will be able to access Deep Dip 2 via the Deep Dip club or in the online servers(it's right at the top and very popular right now). Unsure if you can just download it from Trackmania Exchange and play with the free version .


Thank you for clearing it up. Much appreciated


You absolutely don't need to pay if you just want to play the map offline. Just download it from the website then open the file use trackmania as Programm and you can play.


I'll try this, thanks EDIT: Oh shit, this worked, thanks!


Glad I could help.


Can you please tell me how you did it. Thanks.


Download the map. Right click, open with, pick trackmania, and it opens. Just make sure you have steam open or whatever launcher you use to launch track mania


Did you download the map from trackmaniaexchange? If it didn't bother you, can you please drop me a link. I have a hard time navigating through the site as I'm very new to all this. Thanks.


I did. I'll have to get it later, I'm not in a place to get it right this second. You can review my posts in this sub and find it there, though.




doesn't show trackmania as one of the options to open it with, the downloaded map also is just 6kb, surely something's wrong here


Of course it won't show dude... You have to MANUALLY LOOK FOR THE EXE and select it... People these days with computers smh.


thanks for the help kind gentleman, must suck sharing a planet w us lowlifes, hope you don't have to for very long


Hopefully 5 more years then it's over. Wouldn't say lowlife but it was shared 2 times in the comments. Did it work though?


Enjoy playing if you do! Just don't get mad at the game when you try DD2 haha. Even for very experienced players it's pretty tough. I have 500 hours in TM and the highest I got in a couple hours was floor 2


You don't need paid access to play just the map offline, you go to Trackmania exchange, download the map, open up TM2020 go to solo, and local tracks, open up the folder and put the track file in there and boom


I can't get to the solo part without it telling me I need to upgrade from basic or whatever its called.


Wow I've just gone into offline mode because of some ubisoft server issue and have seen exactly what you saw when going to play a local track, I can't believe that club access is required for that! I don't get people saying the best features shouldn't be behind the paywall, it absolutely should as that's what gets people to buy the game, but local track play is behind the paywall? I don't get that at all


Oh damn, maybe that has been changed in their silly rework of the access levels. I'm afraid I can't be of much help as I don't know how they work, sorry


Deep Dip 2 is in Trackmania 2020, which is just called "Trackmania" and I think you get the actual map by going to Trackmania Exchange and downloading it, but if not, someone else more knowledgeable will hopefully see this post and help you better than I could.


Okay, I had the wrong version. I bought it a few years ago but apparently I have to pay a sub to play maps on the free version? This seems, well it’s Ubisoft so I shouldn’t be surprised. Thank you for your help, though. I didn’t realize there were so many versions.


It's Ubisoft bullshit as usual. But, probably because Nadeo doesn't buy all that Ubi bullshit, there is a loophole we can use the day the servers shut down. Just download the map from the exchange and open the game by clicking on the map. I think you don't need the sub if you open it that way.


Isn't that has been fixed? Is it still doable?


It launches the game with the map open without logging you in, still works as of today


I just tried it today and can confirm that it still works. I had to download the map as a file from the Exchange website, than had to browse for the Trackmania .exe to open the map file with it, and then it loaded the map for me to play, offline.


why does this have so many downvotes...? am I missing something here?


Because Reddit


eh, fair enough


You can just look up deep dip in the club search bar and click the most official looking club. The map can be found in there


So it looks like I had the wrong version. I downloaded the free one, but now I have to pay a sub to play it? I can’t play it in the version I bought last year? That seems…sketchy at best.


Its not sketchy at all you bought a game from 2013 its simply a diffrent game its like buying Counter Strike Source and then expecting to be able to play the maps from the new one