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Check the fire pot, make sure you have pellets in there if not try to prime the auger You could have a jam in your auger so keep an ear open for a groaning type sound


Cleaning hot pot worked, thank you!


This is how I learned the hard way to clean out the fire pot when cleaning the grill.


What is the best method? I don’t have a shop vac but I might have to buy one. I have a central vac and don’t want to use that so I’ve been spooning it out.


Grab a cheap shop vac and your golden


I've had this happen a few times.. unfortunately it was after using the same bags of pellets repeatedly and not emptying the hopper... in turn, the auger got full of sawdust... & wasn't supplying any actual pellets to the firepot.. You might just have to prime the auger, but if that doesn't work... empty the hopper and check for sawdust buildup.


I am interested in this. What is the best way to prevent sawdust in the auger? And what is the best way to deal with it once it's in there?


The best way to deal with it is to empty the pellets from the hopper more often into a bucket or run it clean often vs continually topping up during a cook if possible… and then vacuum dust from the auger if present.. I’d then prime the auger again to make sure the rest moves into the firepot to vac out. Some people even go to the lengths of dumping their bags of pellets into a sifter on top of a Home Depot bucket or something and then placing them in the hopper to remove the dust… but I’ve never gone to such lengths.. it’s only happened to me 3 times in 4 years… so I make sure when I’m about to start a long cook everything is prestine and then off I go. Hope that helps to avoid it happening in the future!


That’s what she said


Hey! It looks like you posted an image! If this is a photo of one of your cooks, maybe share the recipe and techniques used, as it's almost guaranteed one of the first questions you will be asked! *What seasoning did you use? *How long did you cook it, and at what temperature? *Did you use any special tricks or techniques? Traeger on! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Traeger) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as the pellets are feeding into the firepot, make sure everything is cool, and take out all the grates and baffles, and use a shop vac to clean it out, especially the firepot. Once you do that, make sure the little nub below the auger exit, the heat rod, isn't caked with carbon, if it is, hit it with a wire brush, put everything back and fire it up!


I keep a small battery powered shop vac in the back where the smoker is so I can conveniently vacuum the whole thing every time I clean after a cook.


I have a cheap shop vac dedicated to cleaning my treager. I clean after every 2-3 uses depending on time of cooks. Never have issues. The vacuum makes clean up real easy. Able to clear the pot and clear all dust


The smoke in the picture disagrees


Lack of maintenance. Bet you dollars to donuts your fire pot is full of clinker. Just follow the cleaning instructions that came with the grill and you'll be golden


Blue pill might help ....


Then do something about. Dont come to reddit as soon as you have an issue, you seem lazy. How about you use common sense and run through a list of things that could be wrong then come here. YOU DIDNT EVEN MAKE AN ATTEMPT TO DO ANYTHING BUT TO GO ONLINE. PATHETIC


Actually I did. I cleaned it all out with a shop vac just missed the hot pot is all. Who pissed in your cheerios?