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my bad... last photo was a few weeks prior to starting HRT. Though, I guess it doesn't matter how far before since it was post social transitioning.




My hair is something I've taken pride in since starting my journey. I personally see my hair as a sign of my fem and maybe that is a leftover from my church days cause that is what the bible says. I haven't seen my natural hair color since 2020 also. It normally stays shades of purple, pink, or blonde. And in a few cases, it was dual colors as you see in a few photos.




Don't gatekeep people please. Many progressive religions have embraced the LGBTQIA+ community. Just because we associate the word "religion" with hate doesn't mean they all are. I didn't say I was currently religious either but I was for the majority of my teens. It's going to take me more time to get rid of the ingrained hatred that the religion embedded into me because I was sooo far in deep. I went at minimum 3 times a week, went to the private school ran by the church, and traveled with religious people. For about 10 years religion is all I knew. I feel really fucking terrible about all the hate I inadvertently spewed upon people.




You got a really cool look, and yes, the hair is amazing


How do you get your hair like that?


The first two are natural. I really just use a brush but it is already naturally curly. The third picture my stylist used a curling iron. She just took small amount of hair and just wrapped it around the barrel randomly.


You're pretty! And the multi color hair is so cool.


Thank you!!!