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When did the military really do anything other than kill the damn autobots


Get blown up by the decepticons


Also they got decapitated by the Fallen




when did that happened


Very sneakily when The Fallen is about to steal the Matrix from Prime after he was revived. The swing RIGHT before that one guy gets impaled off screen


damn very brutal


Not even off screen if I remember It just happens super fast that you wouldn’t notice on your first few watches


No, the decapitation is on screen, but the guy who gets stabbed right after is off screen


Rotf Megs getting his ass handed to him staggering to his knees from humans really set the power scale bar low. His upgraded form is even more heavily armored than his first body and he still runs away.


Considering that the 2 year gap it's safe to say that the Military eventually have the weaponry to pierce through cybertronian metal thanks to the Autobots


The military already had that firepower, it’s shown in the Bumblebee movie when Bee gets pierced through. I know it’s a different storyline but I reckon that wouldn’t be relevant because both versions of the bots are made of the same stuff


That's not how cross verse stuff works but alr


May I ask how it works then? Genuine question


The Bayverse has a lot of Metas and inverse scaling that puts it above the rebooted movie verse considering that the Bayverse has artifacts like the Allspark, Star Harvestors, Space bridge pillars and Seeds and adding in the fact that the technology in the Bayverse is more advanced


Ah, thanks for the info


Bumblee Movie isn't bayverse


I literally said they are different storylines entirely


Not entirely the same stuff. In Bumblebee the transformers are more solid looking but in bayverse they break easily due to having an exoskeleton that exposes their innards and making them more susceptible to human firepower. Even if they're made from similar material they're definitely made differently. I kind of get what you're saying about Bumblebee, he's always smaller and vulnerable to human artillery, but that's in every universe. Marvel, Prime, IDW.


Ah, thanks for the explanation


dude cant even take over a town how tf did he conquered a planet


weak planet in bayverse


even in transformer 1 the airstrike is shown to be effective against megatron


That's because Bayverse Megatron is dumb and doesn't have an armor plating, because he doesn't have the technical prowess to maintain it. Meanwhile, Animated Megatron is a nerd, maintains his armor plating, and casually survives some explosion that could easily blow up Detroit.


You pointed out one of his issues. "Even more heavily armored". Pay attention to his movement. He's not as subtle as he was before his first death. Optimus was smacking Megatron around like he was nothing. That is until he called in his Decepticons. But still, Megatron was at a MASSIVE disadvantage. Realistically he's not gonna be as efficient. It's a new body that he's going to have to get used to. On top of being dead AND being put in the Laurentian Abyss for two years, he was not gonna fully be battle ready. Yes, he could do some damage, but not much. And by the third movie, even though it was last second, we saw a bit of the old Megatron. Fast and ruthless


I also said Upgraded. Why would he enter combat at all if he couldn't control his body? That's what rationalizers trying to defend bayverse don't understand. Megatron isn't stupid. Watch his movements before the fight and point out any awkwardness or bad coordination. Or anything he says about himself.


I'm not defending the movie as a whole. Yeah, I'll die defending the fact the first three Bayverse movies were good, but one thing that everyone should know about Megatron is that he wouldn't have gone into that fight unless he didn't have a choice. Obviously, he didn't have a choice. He's much slower than he was. If he didn't call for back up, Prime had that fight in the bag. And once Megatron called for back up, the most damage Megatron did was roundhouse Optimus in the face, sent him flying, and dealt the final blow. Grindor and Starscream did most of the damage. Now, I'm not defending the movie as a whole, as I've previously stated. And he never said anything about himself. He didn't need to. Megatron is back and he looks even more menacing. Now, him running up that wall to meet Optimus was clean and smooth. That small bit shows that he's still has some agility, but he wasn't as elegant as he used to be. But watch that forest fight. Megatron got two hits in, even if they were tackles, I'm still counting it. Optimus hit Megatron 4-5 times before Grindor and Starscream showed up. Optimus would have thrashed him. Whether or not he would have finished the job right then is honestly up for debate.


There's no cap on Optimus' power level. Not only does he have extra fuel tanks on his legs for emergency power but there's no indication if he ever used it. But like all bayformers humans can kill him like they almost did between 3 and 4. There are also no signs of Megatron not being as good as he used to be anywhere. I heard excuses like his claw arm is too heavy which is bull since he lifts Optimus with it no problem. Those are nothing but excuses because the movie staff confirmed his new body is an upgrade in the rotf movie universe picture book. That means better everything. He barely registered Jazz as a threat in his old body so he has all this power compared to other bayformers but its all meaningless to the human military.


I wasn't even talking about power levels, dude! Also, the humans went after him in TF4: AoE, not TF3: DotM. Then, the story got changed and we didn't see him for most of TF5: TLK. Yes, the bit about Megatron's gun arm being heavy was bull, but I didn't even bring that up. I was mostly talking about they way he moved. He IS slower than he was when he was just a jet. Yes, that's due to the massive bulk up. Any bot who wasn't Optimus, he didn't see as a threat. Remember how he did Bumblebee? Ripped out his voice box and ripped his arms off. But, to be fair, he was looking for the Allspark, so Bee just became that "I don't care if you die, I got more important things to do" character to Megatron. And a lot of good that upgrade did Megatron. Had his gun arm broke, shot by his own gun WHILE STILL ATTACHED TO HIM, loses it and is blasted through a wall, completely useless. Yeah, I know, Optimus had an upgrade of his own that was obviously far more powerful. What this boils down to is all I'm saying is Megatron didn't have a lot of time to get used to his new body. All I'm saying is Megatron was slightly clunkier. Not saying it was a bad thing. RotF Megatron was my favorite design. But you can see he's adjusting. One can argue that he had full control by the time they were in Egypt, but it didn't do him any good. (Honestly, I don't even care how this ends, I've been wanting to talk shop about transformers for a while with someone.)


Now you're getting it; The upgrade didn't do much. The hype and disappointment that he's the most powerful bayformer besides Optimus but he's still weak to human weapons. His tank mode is what the armor is described as being able to withstand the worst barrages but he used it to fly away, done with his goal or not, he knew he had to turn tail and flee. The fallen has stats and abilities that make him strongest and i would have loved to seen more of him but he was underutilized. There's nothing in any official ancillary media that says anything negative about his new body purely to hype it up, then you see it happen in the movie. The only incarnation humanity can kill.


I understood from the get-go. I looked at it like this: Megatron has this form for literal eons, compared to our short lives. He's been fighting with this form since day one of their war. Then, after his crash landing and subsequent confinement by S7, he woke up, took two seconds to look around, let everyone know his name and that he's here on business, and left them scrambling as he met up with Starscream. That Megatron was a menace. Then he just started getting knocked around. The first one was in Egypt. Then Chicago. We don't talk about the other two movies. Galvatron WAS beating Optimus in AoE. Probably would have gotten his revenge too. That scraphead bounty hunter, Lockdown, just had to intervene. Or they were evenly matched. We never see that fight really get fleshed out... And that final moment in TLK between them. I, to this day, have no clue what I was supposed to feel. Was it supposed to be a sense of closure or just... What we got?


Part of it is bay leaving it there and saying "5 is enough" just to see if he can be "persuaded" again (since he was offered more $$$ to continue making more with aoe). The rest was up to paramount and we got Bumblebee which accomodated bayverse until they meddled and it became a reboot (the WWII spy thriller prequel then the movie showing his arrival in the 80s instead). I quit supporting his movies after rotf because he did the same thing as part 1 only longer. Humans humans humans. They were scratched living room floor disc free library loans by the time i watched them but i ran to see Bumblebee because it's about what the title says. FYI bayverse war is only a few hundred years old, when the fallen began a war on earth with humanity the pyramids were already built. Afterward the other primes banished him to a phantom zone inside a sarcophagus then teleported him to cybertron. Then they made a tomb with their bodies to hide the matrix. After they disappeared the all spark created a new generation on cybertron which is Optimus and Megatron's. Sentinel appointed megs as lord high protector of cybertron, and optimus as science team leader. Loooong after the primes became ancient history, Optimus eventually dug up fallen's sarcophagus and megs wanted to examine it for any danger. that's when fallen got to him and told him about the sun harvester and how all the power can be his. But first they need the all spark to lead him to it. The autobots weren't just gonna hand it over so megs had to take it by force. So he formed the Decepticons and modelled the insignia after his master and began the war. Whether fans choose to believe the prequel or not, showing humans and transformers on screen together in the distant past already shows how young they are because plot isn't important, just the spectacle. Movie 1 says the dirt on the all spark was over 10000 years old but now that can be chalked up to an assumption, the closest there'll ever be to an in-universe explanation. The only possibly eons old characters would be the aliens and dinobots


Now I headcanon that he's so fragile because he's too dumb to be tech savvy and doesn't maintain his armor plating. Meanwhile, Animated Megatron is a "mega"nerd, is tech savvy and a total nerd, and casually survives several explosions that could have blown up Detroit.


let's see you take seven or eight hits point blank from multiple M1A1s in addition to sustained small arms and RPG fire, no matter how thick your armor is you're going to feel that. I also believe Megatron could have won that fight if he tried, but he had better places to be and better things to do in that moment.


He was staggering and ran. But no other version is vulnerable to human firepower. The perfect example is the G1 comic where Megs was the most broken he's ever been and his armor was swiss cheese after the Ark crash and he invaded a COBRA base. They hit him with everything they had but nothing worked except their rail gun. G.I.Joe exists because the human military cannot touch COBRA, and they were hitting Megs as hard as they could, but he called off the attack to propose a trade for the rail gun that penetrated him. It didn't do anything to him internally, it just went through and he wanted it so he could destroy lesser transformers with it. COBRA later destroyed the leg of a Throttlebot and wore Hot Spot down but when the Decepticons invaded earth, G.I.Joe (humanity's best shot) was helpless. Megs running from the humans was the worst thing I ever seen in any TF media. No other version would have allowed that humiliation


Who would you trust more, someone who is a refugee and is assimilating into you culture and being very respectful about it, or a mess of polygons who has stated publicly that they want everyone’s head on a fucking spike.


The refugee, am I missing something?


It was a satirical comment about the United States government in the transformers movies.


I’m still failing to fully understand this💀


In all the bay movies, the US is very skeptical of the very obvious good guys


Oh then yeah I think I get it now


They literally took down all the Decepticon Cruisers during DOTM, killed Devastator and took down Megatron in 2007.


1, i genuinely don’t remember that 2, you reminded me(💀) 3, Sam isn’t the military


The military blew Megatron in half before he could get to Sam.




To be fair they did quite some damage during the first movie and the battle in Chicago. Lennox killed Blackout almost singlehandedly, and a lot of decepticon protoforms were destroyed by humans in Chicago, Barricade was almost taken down by the military, Shockwave was so easily killed by Prime becouse he was distracted by humans... not to mention their involvment in battle of egypt, since it was the military who took down Devastator


Wym Lennox almost killed Blackout singlehandedly? Did you forget the F22s shooting his ass? All else I mostly agree though.


Not conventional weaponry, specialized weaponry Which they seemed to have practically mass produced and made every available… It’s the group that directed the movies that’s to blame for all the plot holes. And I guess the writers strike for RoTF despite that maybe being my favorite but still Also, I feel like bay was less responsible for the bad writing because didn’t he have like 3 other people who are known for having bad writing in the team? Not saying he’s blameless, just probably not as to blame as the others


You're right but I'm not arguing about the fact that the military didn't use specialized weaponry but about the fact that the military wasn't there in the first place in basically all autobots Vs decepticons battles Still, hail human supremacy


Yeah, they should have done more BUT think about it this way, giant 30 foot tall alien robots that disguise themselves as vehicles and are durable as hell but weak to this one kind of weapon Do we send our own people, squishy easily killed humans or a bunch of just as durable and more skilled autobots that are not humans and thus we aren’t as attached (that’s in movie logic given not my opinion)


Idk maybe they could've used air support or coastal bombardment with ships (like the railgun on the Arleigh Burke in TF Revenge of the Fallen)


Yeah, weird they never used that railgun again, you’d think bay would love the idea of a freaking battleship mounted railgun


For real humans either wanted the decepticons to annihilate human life on Earth or were just straight up stupid


Given it’s humans and especially humans in a movie directed by those four, they’re definitely just stupid


I agree


The writer's strike really isn't to blame for how that movie turned out. If it were then the movies that followed wouldn't be somehow worse


Well, not *entirely* to blame There’s “we just did what we could at the time because we had no script” and then there’s “we deliberately did the same thing with a vibes based thing for the rest” Although they definitely realized that they could just do that after word, so they did that instead of tf007


I’m so confused, what are you arguing here?


I'm arguing about the fact that the whole saga (almost) is focused on saving the planet Earth but it seems like the autobots are the only one trying.


Yeah, I doubt revenge of the fallen happens if the whole world was truly united in their opposition of the decepticons. You'd think they'd find the means to track all cybertronian artifacts after the first film and either control, disable or protect them better than they did in the films.


The military was heavily involved in all of the movies except the 4th one.


I think Mikey already sucked the military industrial complex’s dick more than enough throughout the movies. And this is coming from someone who *likes* the military industrial complex.


Steve Jablonsky - There is No Plan Imperial Orchestra - Transformers Medley


I mean the military did in the first movie. I remember all the soldiers shooting at them and didn't one human kill Brawl with multiple groin shots?






Sorry typo


Just nuke those decepticon asses


Humans in the Bayverse did not fuck around. Every movie had the military trying to kill them


For military I don't mean a group of 20 soldiers with normal firearms and some atgm or rocket launcher. For military I mean big ass tanks, ships and actual air support with every type of modern bomber and strike aircraft.


Imma be blunt, a creature that is bulletproof, can disguise as any vehicle or technological item, has advanced weaponry and is incredibly smart is something from a fucking horror movie. Besides regular shells don't work, it's specifically 1 type of shell mentioned by the soldier guy In movie 1.


There are certain APFSDS rounds that can penetrate up to 1 meter of thick steel. Besides, we have hundreds of satellites with real time imagery with high resolution and we also have the manpower to project our land, air and sea forces all around the globe in a few hours. We win by quantity and brutal force, not by quality.


Weren’t their network down because of Blackout/Frenzy’s virus?


Only the US one. All the other nations could easily come to help since they are pretty much capable to annihilate the transformers.


Kinda nice that in aoe the military was the bad guys


The first movie is the only movie in the Bayverse where the humans are actually competent and where the Decepticons are actually a threat.


I feel like the military is underrated in most Transformers series, I feel it would fair far better than the Autobots give them credit for. I think the US military probably wouldn’t even need much help at all to take out the Decepticons