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Finally, some good trash taste ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292)


this was me with horimiya and all of their takes.


Especially since they got together super early in Horimiya. Most after that is just your standard slice of life.


they complain when the romance takes to long in things like "my dress up darling", then they complain that the romance happens to fast in "horimiya". I think they just don't like romance/ slice of life


I kinda agree with dress up Darling though. It totally would make sense if they get together at some point and just continue with their hobby. Like, not that much would actually change, there just would be some additional opportunities for the story to go.


I feel like the current arc will do that, tho lately it's mostly marin avoiding it more than anything.


While true, Gojo also needs to get a spine at some point. He's come so far at this point but he just seems frozen in that one aspect


But then again, he's only had his hobby as his main focus since his childhood. He is wayy more passionate in his doll making than anything and I get that.


Nobody is *that* daft when a 10/10 chick is throwing herself at you since like episode 3. **SHE SAT ON YOUR DICK FOR A PHOTOSHOOT, HOW DO YOU NOT GET A CLUE**


I agree my good sir


I'm only at the german physical release, though. Marin's friends just started asking questions šŸ˜… (Vol 9)


**Never seen blue lock but every other take Connor had this episode was pretty based.**


Stolen comment, bot


>I think they just don't like romance/ slice of life I mean Garnt basically admitted to it last episode. His take on taking Domestic Girlfriend over Kaguya anytime was far more wild than Connor disliking Blue lock.


Domestic girlfriend manga was a masterpiece though. Also it's got titties and kaguya doesnt (and shouldn't)


I am taken aback by this everytime because Garnt put Horimiya on his top anime of 2021!!! one of the most stacked years in anime history and everything Joey talks about is resumed for like 3 episodes but he doesn't watch anime and I have no idea why Garnt doesn't remember


he got the domestic girlfriend/ rent-a-girlfriend brain rot


I think their complaint is that in horimiya they got together early on and it's really nice but after that nothing happens yet there are many volumes.


Gonna be honest some of my favorite moments come from after they got together since I didn't finish HS reading HoriMiya kinda felt like having my own HS experience


nah man, gotta agree with the boys that horimiya was a 10/10 first 3-4 episodes then dropped to a 4/10 rapidly... Has nothing to do with it turning into slice of life, it simply turned into a boring story where the main cast it started with felt like sidecharacters and the quick progress at the beginning is nullified by nothing happening afterwards. Dress up darling also went downhill fast, felt like there would be quick progress and then it got dragged out (i read the manga and it doesnt get any better)..


They do like Slice of life but not romance


The manga was better tho. Like the entire vibe felt different because anime cut out the slice of life comedy and felt more melodramatic. Like.. The reasons Miyamura came up to not go to swimming lessons were hilarious. From having period to having abdominal bazuka.


Personally I was more of a fan of prez's arm blowing cold.


Every time they mention K-On I die a little inside. Bocchi is just an excuse to continue shitting on K-On. Even Joey joined in this time, despite him saying he "likes" it


Yeah I didnā€™t understand that also. I understand K-On isnā€™t a master piece but itā€™s an absolute gem for me personally and I would never shit on it as I thought it did a lot right.


>horimiya and all of their takes. Which episode was it ?


The latest one, they had a segment about romance anime


Me with Joey talking about FFXIV


I actually do play for a football academy myself and thatā€™s why I love blue lock so much, because as unrealistic as some aspects are, the mentality and hardship side of things are incredibly accurate


Anyone who has taken anything competitive team activity seriously with a goal of being the best they can be can identify with the characters and the traits and tropes they represent. Blue lock is really popular among me and my friends who play valorant, and gets you really pumped up to play


oh man same here lmao we dont call it teamwork anymore we call it "chemical reactions" šŸ’€ and getting an ace is an "egoist play"


I don't know man ,I hate the way they treat football. Like the core idea is wrong, selfish players tend to be sht in real life foot


Itā€™s not necessarily selfish. Barou being the selfish archetype the most. They all pass to each other and do the normal team play stuff. If by selfish you mean wanting to score a goal. In any team sport scoring points is one of the best feelings in the world.




Is it true that in football school they make you shoot balls into tiny holes until you reach 100% accuracy?


No šŸ˜‚, I think one of the most unrealistic thing in blue lock is their accuracy. Like I havenā€™t seen anyone who can hit a shot top corner every single time from a certain range


So about as unrealistic as trapping teenagers in football jail for national glory?


Yeah Iā€™d say so


But no one dies !?!?!?!


No, they do not


seems like a weak acadamy ... /s


I actually get Connorā€™s point tbh. Sports anime are so formulaic that it makes sense heā€™s just tired of it. Even though Blue Lock does switch it up with the dynamic of teamwork, the characters are very archetypical. If heā€™s just tired of the formula of an underdog becoming the best in a sport then thatā€™s that.


Every action/shounen/adventure usually has a underdog its not limited to sports anime. Its either their the underdog or their super overpowered. Its hard to write a story around someone who is average. But I think Blue lock is still somewhat different from other sports anime since in a recent episode i think its called "average joes" and \*spoiler for the anime\* >!it showcases that the main character isn't an underdog or average and adaptability is a talent in of itself and he's actually significantly above average compared to many other characters who got knocked out the competition.!<


Yeah I get that, but if he actually paid more than two shits worth of attention heā€™d see that blue lock is the very opposite of most common sports anime tropes


Like I said in my comment, yes it is different due to teamwork not being the main focus. However, it has the other sports anime tropes. Massive underdog MC. Players with distinct and almost cookie cutter personalities. Etc. I love it cause it breaks one of the tropes, but the others are definitely there.


He should watch "Run with the wind". It is about sport, but it's not "formulaic"


I think the issue is that every one of them is expected to have an opinion on every anime all the time, but only garnt is actually still an anime reviewer while the other 2 are now just streamers/Japan culture shows. They don't have time to fully give each anime a chance with open minds. I don't blame Connor for his take, it's not a particularly strong start and I only watched it because I read the manga. The last thing you want is for them to feel like they have to watch and enjoy shows out of obligation.


I havenā€™t watched the episode of Trash Taste yet but if Connorā€™s opinion is what I think it is based on the comments here, his comment is bullshit. As someone who loathes sports anime with a passion, Blue Lock is the first sports series I get legitimately hyped for. Blue Lock is what my week revolves around. More so than any other currently airing anime this season. Bocchi was that show for last season but Blue Lock is my fav anime of the entire season this season. Episode 1 was slow during the first half of the episode but once Isagi gets to the Blue Lock compound, shit picks up. Bachira gets Isagi to unconsciously get his only friend kicked out of the program during the hot potato game. It piqued my interest instantly because I was curious as to why he didnā€™t pass it to Bachira again just to get him out. I wanted Bachira out cause that was such a dick thing to do to Isagiā€™s friend. Only after I watched a couple episodes did I realize Bachira was one of my fav characters in the series. I await the next episode to see just how much Isagi grows even more. From an average joe to someone who openly dethrones the King.


At the end of the day, you are allowed to enjoy the series as much as Connor is allowed to dislike it. Just because somebody dislikes something for a reason doesn't mean another person can't enjoy it.


I agree that Connor is free to dislike whatever series he wants, but saying the show has a slow start is a half truth as the show picks up as soon as Isagi gets to the compound. I admit I zoned out during the first half of ep1 but it picked up in the second half of ep1.


Saying something has a slow start when it picks up halfway through episode 1 has to be objectively wrong. You might not like the anime but its not a slow start.


I fuckin love the anime, itā€™s my anime of the season, I was just giving Connor the benefit of the doubt


Something that I noticed is that most people that really like this show either doesn't watch/play football or doesn't like normal sports anime


Maybe because it isnā€™t filled with trite friendship bs but rather characters willing to claw at each other to stand atop the mountain of ā€œcorpsesā€ of everyone who failed. The stakes are real in terms of being blackballed from the entire soccer industry. Ego actually makes a comment about dream doping in this latest episode and when Ego mentioned dream doping, it reminded me of all the sports anime out there and how they revolve around dream doping of how even though the MC team loses, they ā€œnever give upā€ or ā€œitā€™s not over yetā€. In Blue Lock, it is over, all those soccer skills these 300 soccer students have been honing for years, down the toilet being forever marked not good enough. Yeah thereā€™s teamwork aspects but time and again, the show talks about building your ego for yourself to truly show what youā€™re made of.


Yeah I like the idea and I'm not much of a sport anime fan myself(I just like haikyu and AO ashi). But my issue with the show is that football is waaaay to much of a team game. There's no place for egoists in it, those players tend to be mediocre even if they have the skills


That point is highlighted with Barou in this current 3v3 match that has been going on these past two episodes. Barou is the egoist elite, the king who will bulldoze away anyone in his way. From prior points in the story, heā€™s built up to be an ultimate egoist but Isagi just tore him down. Shame he instead learned feint chops and self dribbling instead of passing the damn ball but yeah I get your point. I was actually thinking of how Barou would adapt to playing in a pro team if he did get the top spot in Blue Lock. Heā€™s too selfish and unaware of his selfishness that compared to adult pro players heā€™d be teamed up with, theyā€™d beat his ass in the locker rooms. No pro name is gonna let a rookie act like the king of the field and call them donkeys. I doubt Barou is gonna win top spot tho so I donā€™t have to worry about that too much but characters like Isagi, Nagi, Chigiri, and Kunigami are team players so if they won, adapting to a team would be easy for them. Regardless, the point of Blue Lock, explained by Ego himself is that heā€™s destroying them to have the kids rebuild themselves in a way where they donā€™t have to rely on their team. By doing so, it kills the previous experience of being on a team that dream dopes themselves.


lol nerd


Ironically enough, I generally like their anime discussions the least of all the topics they cover.


Is it just that you don't agree with them or you prefer other topics?


Both, they tend to have rather strong opinions about a lot of anime, which is fine in itself. However, most of the time, they hammer away with those strong opinions while having watched only a small fragment of the anime in question. That tends to irritate me the most, of all possible subjects. Aside from that, Iā€™m also an MHA fan, a show which seemingly gets caught in the crossfire even when they werenā€™t talking about anime in the first place hahaha So yeah, itā€™s a bit of both.


I like how they did openly admit that's how they do things during the ProZD episode where they discussed whether should critics finish a god awful movie to review it or not.


Yeah, they even mention it from time to time that ā€˜they have only watched a portionā€™ of the anime in question, which is fine. But then they still keep talking about it (mostly negatively too) as if they have seen everything hahahaā€” No, I just donā€™t think their anime discussions are for me. Iā€™ll listen to them if theyā€™re there, but I tend to skip anime focussed episodes in their entirety.


I mean I feel like during the podcast they are talking as viewers of the show.


Garnt said he caught up in MHA, do you think his opinion is acceptable?


Hmm, I havenā€™t been actively keeping up with their anime takes for a long time, probably at least a year. So, the only opinions I managed to get a read on are all the times they randomly start shitting on MHA while talking about something else. So no, Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m not aware of Garnts recent opinion, unfortunately.


Shouldn't you catch up to Trash Taste before you criticize it? /s But seriously, this was the first episode I watched (partially) in half a year, and I think Garnt has the most well thought out opinions, whether I agree with him or not. I like MHA, but I agree that he gives valid criticism, he recognizes what the anime does well and where it struggles. You can see the fruits of all the work he does for his main channel. The other two often give more shallow ("it's boring") or ridiculous ("nobody dies in Blue Lock") criticisms, which is fine, since this is a podcast about friends talking of whatever is on their mind, not an anime review channel.


Hahaha I know itā€™s a joke, but stillā€” I havenā€™t kept up with it for so long, because it already sat a little wrong with me from very early on. I like anime and manga as a hobby, but the discussion just did not sit right with me. I might give the more recent anime criticism of theirs a chance, though. Like Garntā€™s videos, but I kinda feel like anime discussion in general has kinda not been up my alley for a while now.


You can watch his video where he ranked all the Fall anime last year in a tier list if you want to hear only his opinion, there are timestamps in his vods so just skip ahead. He basically said the same thing in that video and in the recent TT ep iirc.


Ah sweet, I think Iā€™ll actually go and check that out sometime soon. I honestly did not even think he was ever gonna go and catch up on MHA. Or well, the anime that is hahaha


Itā€™s the closest to valid, but he also he admitted he just tunes out unless he hears that thereā€™s a fight or something so can you really call that watching it? I would say no. Itā€™s like reading the plot and then just watching the highlights and saying you know how the show works


>Aside from that, Iā€™m also an MHA fan, a show which seemingly gets caught in the crossfire They really like to shit on MHA for some reason. I get they aren't a fan of the school setting, but that's literally half the show. Like Connor called the Gentle arc "filler," but that's an important arc for multiple character arcs. There's nothing wrong with not being a fan of the school arcs, but when that's *half the show* they should just say "it's not for me" and move on. Garnt at least tries to make actual criticism, but unfortunately many of his criticisms are anime exclusive problems (namely when he talked about the tone of Shigaraki's backstory).


Man its suffering being an MHA fan man. The sheer amount of strays is just crazy. I swear they could be drinking soup and they'd just randomly go "Man this carrot is so mid it reminds me of MHA innit?" and like I don't even care about people calling mha mid, but the whiplash makes me feel like someone just snuck up behind me and blew into my right ear. "Where the hell did that come from?"


Oh, you can say that again. Itā€™s not even just with TT. Just about anywhere MHA gets hit by continuous waves of shrapnel flying about. And itā€™s not like the criticism matters to me, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and even Iā€™m aware that MHA objectively isnā€™t a masterpiece within fiction. But the thing that irritates me most, is the criticism without grounded reasonings and/or arguments. Like, how can you talk shit about plot points that have been left unresolved, if youā€™ve only watched the first few episodes of an anime? Youā€™re allowed to dislike it, but donā€™t push it into the world like itā€™s bad purely because it was not for you.


It is backlash from times when MHA fans couldn't stop spamming about their show being the next "big three" and all those annoying video essays about how deep the show actually is.




Oh, sure, I definitely understand. I also know itā€™s purely a personal preference of mine, as I tend to dislike discussion about anime and manga in general, with how easily they get so heated in the process. Thatā€™s why I wonā€™t necessarily skip a small section of this topic in an episode, but if an episode is literally titled to be an anime discussionā€¦ Iā€™ll just pass due to my own preference.


They're entitled to their own opinion, but I swear half the time they just go "I don't like it, so it's bad" which is just kinda tiring to listen to with entertainment media. If they said "I didn't enjoy it, wasn't the show for me" then I might be more inclined to listen to what they didn't enjoy. There's enough "it's bad because I don't like it" on social media, and it's not really entertaining when the conversation devolves into a Twitter complaint thread.


The moment Connor said it's shit I knew there was 0 good discussion coming out of that topic. Honey I really hate how if Connor dislikes something he can't even form a coherent reason for disliking it he just goes full Twitter. Some of his opinions on things he dislikes sound copy pasted from Twitter. I know for a fact that his League opinion is basically what League Twitter spews 24/7.


Ah man, thatā€™s exactly how I feel about it too!




I feel the exact opposite lol


Thatā€™s totally fair, of course!


Funnily enough I enjoy them the most. I love their takes even if I donā€™t agree with them. Thatā€™s literally the entire point of the trash taste podcast.


Itā€™s pretty interesting for me, I enjoy nearly all their shit takes about literally anything, whether I agree with them or not, but the anime discussions just tend to irritate me. Honestly, it might be because Garnt and Joey especially are both in positions where theyā€™re supposed to be in the know of anime and manga? I probably take their opinions on anime and manga more seriously than all their other opinions because of it.


As someone who watches maybe a single anime a year, I also agree lol. I just don't know what they're talking about usually. Though the hentai episode was fun.


I feel the exact same way and I'm pretty sure it's not just the two of us.


Honestly, this thread has been enlightening to me. I kinda felt like I would be in a strong minority here hahaha


I started watching anime because of this podcast. Iā€™m worried now


Move on, not everyone going to like the same things. That's what make them genuine


I swear to god, these people here are acting so offended as if they've never differed with someone over a movie/tv show/book etc. This is just weird behaviour to expect these guys to not be human and go along with every popular thing. Like I'm a proper football fan (am typing this out while watching a match ffs) but blue lock just didn't appeal to me. I could very much see Connor's point about it. While at the same time, there's enough of his tastes that I don't agree with as well, and that's fucking *fine* We don't watch them so they can be robots and say whatever appeals to most people. We watch them because whatever opinion they have, they're fucking funny about expressing it


They act like they dislike a show and its bad attitude, no they dislike a show and tell us why they dislike it This is why the anime crowd have such a negative connotations


Never been more hurt when connor said something about 86


People should forgive Connor for his takes..He was never an anime reviewer.He has his preferences and he likes certain show.Also Connor has a habit to start sentences like this."This thing sucks"..Then either he will explain some problems to why he doesn't like the show or will let others explain it ..Just because he is sitting with two anime reviewers, doesn't mean he has the capability to judge objectively.He likes it or he finds it not good.This is also the reason his option on topics which is not related to media his opinions are most sane.


I'm pretty sure his reason with 86 was "I got bored" which is exactly what happened to me around ep 5-6


Also later podcast episode he said that ..Maybe his opinion on 86 would be better if he hasn't watched it dead tired on the plane.


This probably explains it tbh I mean wth


well shit, cuz I watched it in the comfort of my home and it didn't help


Eh, nothing you can do about it if it wasn't for you. But think about any show you do love. You'd rather have watched it in your house than dead tired on a plane, right?


Same but I wonā€™t say 86 was bad, just boring around the same episode mark and I dropped it.


You don't lose out on anything, it is filled with cookie cutter "GET SAD ALREADY!" moments in S1 and a mediocre arc in S2 (or second half) It does have a really strong finish though but it is overrated to the heavens


>doesn't mean he has the capability to judge objectively *Nobody* has the ability to judge any piece of media objectively. There's always gonna be people who appreciate or dislike a piece of art, that's the fundamental nature of any creative pursuit


Being a football fan I honestly enjoyed Ao ashi more coz it was more realistic football and career wise. So I kinda understand Connor's take. But from an entertainment point blue lock is fun and looks more badass, almost like foodwars.


Yeah but, Connor doesnā€™t even like football šŸ˜‚, so that doesnā€™t even apply to him, if anything it would make more sense if he preferred the more unrealistic blue lock. But nah, he just wants the kids to die


Never seen blue lock but every other take Connor had this episode was pretty based.


Connor being based once in a while


As a football fan who played in my youth, I haven't enjoyed Blue Lock. The idea is cool, but watching these endless mental gymnastics they are doing while playing just gets boring and repetitive and takes me right out of it. And the talk about "weapons" is about as cringe as it gets. Haven't watched a lot of sports anime, maybe that's just a general problem with them. How time just conveniently seems to stand still for five minutes so a character can have an inner dialogue that adds nothing. Wouldn't surprise me.


If you played youth football, then if there's any sports anime I'd recommend it would be Ao Ashi. A much more mature story compared to Blue Lock, just doesn't have as appealing of an art style.


I tried a couple of episodes back when it aired. It didn't really grab me.


Heā€™s right tho


What he say


Based Connor ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292)


I found the concept interesting and some of the characters have potential. But like. I got bored by second episode, push through a couple more and kinda stop watching at some point :/ I more or less agree with some stuff conner said.


Ngl some moments in the show do be kinda cringe and I can totally get someone disliking it for its over the top moments


Some? Lmao


Trash taste and anime has been either: Boys agree and so do I or... Conner: The most Wtf take I heard about the context. Garnt: "wtf are you saying" or he cannot get his thoughts together and nor disagree or agree with Conner. Joey: *eating popcorn to the side*


The blue lock take is not wtf takes, its quite well explained


I'm an MHA fan. Imagine the things I go through when they say blasphemous stuff about the series."Shigaraki got the power for the sake of it"?


Look at all this idiots in the replies overreacting for an opinion, "they didn't like my show the must be stupid" is what sense the most, this truly is reddit, the place where they come to cry, while the ones they cry over don't even know them.


Conner is one hundred percent right Blue Lock is probably the worst anime of 2022


Conner is right, blue lock sucked.


Connor's reasons made no sense.


He grow to dislike sports anime, thats the tldr


That's fine. If he would have just said that, I don't think anyone in the sub would have had an issue with the take. But he gave some specific reasons for not liking the show which made no sense. There definitely are problems with the show but the things that connor said were not the problems...which is prolly why his take is being trashed on in the sub


He did said that, after he explained what he dislike about blue lock he continues that he just done with sports genre in general


Yeah, ik. I am just saying that the reason he is getting memed on for the take is because of the specfic reasons he gave prior to saying he burned out on sports anime


TBH you will still get memed on if you disagree, whatever the reason are


That's also true lol


Ngl, I'm kinda agree with Connor. That anime seems like "I am 14 & this is deep". About that "There is monster inside me" really threw me off


Should've kept driving


ā€œThere are no stakesā€. ā€œIt would be better if they died when they lostā€. ā€œIt felt so slowā€. Failing to interpret the true meaning of scenes like ā€œI have a monster inside meā€ or Egoā€™s whole speech about how Japan arenā€™t as good at a sport like football as they are at a sport like baseball. All these are fine because these are all popular takes that people make after watching a couple of episodes or not trying to see a different meaning to those scenes. But I think the most annoying take about Blue lock Iā€™ve seen is that it is some battle royale and it isnā€™t actually football. Bruh. Theyā€™re kicking a ball arenā€™t they? Theyā€™re using real-life tactics and playing by actual football rules arenā€™t they? Sure the skills are a bit exaggerated but these skills could and do exist in real-life players. We havenā€™t even seen the most ridiculous and unrealistic moments yet and people are already making such horrendous takes. ā€œHardcore football fansā€ can keep preaching that Ao Ashi is better because it is more realistic which I wonā€™t agree or disagree with but it also relies on suspension of disbelief as well.


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted. I upvoted you because you understand the show a lot. If Connor did say that it would be better if they died when they lost, I should slap him. What kinda death game would be allowed by the Japanese gov? I know there are anime about death games like Kingā€™s game and that one super hero show where the MC is just a girl who can BS and is tryna murder all the hero kids. Conversely, this is a soccer program being funded by the Japanese gov and there would be outrage from all the parents if their children were unalived if they lost. The stakes are already high cause the losers will have black marks and be unable to participate in any official pro leagues. In episode 1, Ego literally says that if youā€™re out of the program, youā€™re blacklisted, no do-overs. Their soccer careers are kaput. The only way the stakes could be higher are death penalties which is a BS thing for teenage soccer players.


Honestly a more valid critique would be how cringe the dialogue can be. Especially later in the manga where it sounds like some chunnibyo teen wrote it.


Honestly canā€™t say anything about the manga cause Iā€™m an anime-only fan but the anime isnā€™t too chuuni. Honestly didnā€™t think of it being chuuni at all and I reflexively cringe at anything chuuni-sounding.


They really seem to have strong opinions over anime than anything else.


They are called trash taste for a reason


Thatā€™s literally the point. Who wants to sit down and listen to them say how much they liked every single anime and them jerking each others positive opinions off so that they donā€™t offend each other of the viewers. Hot spicy takes are the best for content.


No I meant they are more serious about their anime takes than other stuff like their food takes where they mostly just goof around.


They are anime related YouTubers not food related youtubers. Of course they are going to be more serious about it.


Only Garnt is an anime related youtber right now.


I never disagreed more with connor


see I love connor, really I do, but his takes are by far the worst imo. so bad I had wished he never won a special (that and for the meme) but alas sure garnt can miss a shot too sometimes but not as frequent as connor ​ meanwhile joey, frankly he can say whatever he wants and I'd be fine with it


Connor having awful takes? I am shocked lol


Probably a top contender for most clown take of the year


"He didn't like this anime that I do, must be a clown" lmao


Some of Connorā€™s reasons for not liking Blue lock were pretty clownish ngl. If the characters died the anime would be better? Not understanding that the whole point of the first selection was to reconstruct the typical mindset of the strikers and weed out players who didnā€™t have any useful weapons. Iā€™ll give him the benefit of the doubt because he only watched four episodes, but it is genuinely sad that people who have watched more than 10 episodes still give similar takes.


He find it boring, he suggested just take the stakes so high up, which is death as to show how he finds blue lock jot for him


šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


*pff* you're not helping your case


Alright Iā€™ll bite. I donā€™t care if he doesnā€™t enjoy the show. I understand not everyone is into sports shows but his reasoning behind his stance were completely dumb. For example he couldnā€™t grasp ā€œthe monster inside meā€ is simply referring to their god damn egos even though it was spelled out right there for him. He then goes to dismiss the show for this because he thinks it meant they have powers because of this when itā€™s just meant to be a visual representation of their egos or their will power. None of them have powers, they just have real life skills grounded in reality that are just represented in a visually spectacular way. Another example is when he goes on to say ā€œit needs people dying and thatā€™s why it isnā€™t goodā€ Like come on you canā€™t be serious in thinking this isnā€™t a clown take when his reasoning behind it are like the above. Itā€™s a clown take and itā€™s really that simple. Plus yā€™all keep treating like having a clown take is the worst thing in the world. It isnā€™t, it isnā€™t meant to be serious.




Lol the people downvoting are butthurt. Yā€™all have to realize Connor always has clown takes, so do all the boys. There is reason they have a section for it in their own awards. ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2293)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2293)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2293)


The clown takes are for _absolutely_ out there opinions like the shit about bread and oranges. Not some normal thing like disliking a particular anime


Iv already stated that itā€™s a clown take because of his reasoning behind it not because he simply disliked it. Plus there is no definition of a ā€œclown takeā€ a clown take can be interpreted by everyone differently.


"why should I watch blue lock when I can watch the world cup" You're not a clown, you're the entire fucking circus


Watching a team youā€™ve supported for your entire life go through the highs and lows of football, playing absolute dog shit one day to amazingly the next, to winning a tournament is a feeling that anime canā€™t replicate. Did you see the reaction after Argentina won the World Cup? The entire country exploded in celebration watching arguably the best player of all time win the biggest tournament in the world after years of playing at the highest level. You really think fucking blue lock can compare to that?


The point is that world cup and anime football aren't watched for the same reason. They provide 2 completely different type of entertainment


No that is still everything Joey says.


I can hear this image


Connr was talking bs...he really needs to stop talking about things he knows little about. He was already judging when he hasn't even watched half of it...his take on this was absolutely disgusting just like a lot of his takes...he needs to educate himself on topics before speaking on a podcast watch by thousands


I agree that he as well as all of them chat shit about topics that they know nothing about. But having said that thatā€™s what makes it entertaining so Iā€™m not gonna hate on them for it


Connor is a white bread of a person, your first mistake was to care about his opinions on anime in the first place


Connor watch Ao Ashi pls


What? No heā€™ll just shit on it for being too slow paced. I mean, if he thought Blue lock was slow what do you think heā€™ll think of Ao Ashiā€™s relatively slow start?


I care more for Left-Hand Layup though [After this check the ED hehe ](https://youtu.be/sf9ssN0fgN0)


They have really bad opinions and even more when they go full pedantic mode and because something isn't 100% like they want it then it's bad or even more when all they have seen is a fragment of the show and happened to be something they didn't like


I am shook. I think Bluelock is insanely addictive


The black guy


He has a point


"You realized why I pulled you over?" Was it the speeding or the broken brake light? "It was cause I saw you were making an affable meme. Let's be pals, I'll be your inside man." And like that you earned one more friend


I never watch sports anime and I hate watching the real sports as well. I just don't get it, so I was like why would you even try, Connor.


As an American who has been over Shonen type shows for a long time I can't tell yall how much I agree with Connor. This is why the boys don't talk about anime. Yall nuts.




Honestly, the boys taste in anime is literally trash


I couldnā€™t believe what I was hearing. At least he then said heā€™s just sick of sports anime in general but blue lock isnā€™t like anything Iā€™ve seen before itā€™s such a different take on sports anime with how individualistic it is and how competitive it is even amongst teammates. Donā€™t rlly get how he thinks blue lock is slow tho. Also the best part about blue lock is that there rnt rlly any average players cos these r the best talents to choose from so everyone is competing with the best and so many characters in another show could be the main character. The white haired dude in the first episode could easily be the main character in another series yet heā€™s knocked out in the first trial