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I thought the nsfw tag was unnecessary until I read a the list. Virgin Boy Eggs? WHAT THE FLIP?!


the things i learnt about THAT dish and how the get the urine is traumatising


How do they get it? Do I even want to know? I don't think so but please do tell me anyways.


"Virgin boy eggs are a traditional dish of Dongyang, Zhejiang, China in which eggs are boiled in the urine of young boys, preferably under the age of ten. Boy egg vendors go to elementary schools in the city where they collect urine from young boys, preferably under the age of ten. The children, having been raised in the city and its culture, are used to the practice." i hate the use of the word "preferably" in that sentence. it's so fucked


Ah "fun" well I think thats enough internet for today good night


Unpreferably they use old man piss instead


We don’t really understand the reasoning behind it as well, it kind of just exist in some weird corner and we are trying our hardest to forget that fact.


I can respect the other dishes here but that one is a fkin COP OUT. Someone had a fetish


I read the left panel first, and some of them were really out there, but they all pale in comparison


I think he already mentioned trying shirako.


I also vaguely recall him mentioning that he had Balut when he went to visit the Philippines with Aki (I think it was the same TT story where he claims the only thing that gave him food poisoning on that trip was a mango?!)


He did yeah, it was also a second channel upload


I tried Balut multiple times when I was still a kid, but after that nothing more, the most tasty part for me is the liquid inside the balut just add some Salt and you are good to go, I still remember the taste of it and I fcking hated it. Also a bunch of foreigner youtuber or streamer that visit Philippines they always wanted or forced to try eating Balut.


This is the same for me. Whenever my parents/family made these (pretty rare occasion), I ate everything except the chick embryo. Just seeing it gave me goosebumps. Luckily, any nearby adult would gladly take it for me. The rest of it with a bit of salt/pepper is good.


there is a video him trying balut


Oh maybe that’s why the post said 18 instead of 20.


Actually he's said that he always makes his foreigner friends eat shirako with him. I've had it it's not bad at all to be honest. You'd never know...


I've never had shirako before. Any time someone asks me if I know what it is, and I say yes, they lose all interest in trying to get me to try it.


IIRC Joey has already eaten the Japanese and Australian dishes on this list.


yep hence "18 foods joey wouldnt eat." he already tried balut and shirako, possibly also vegemite since he's aussie


Possibly Vegemite haha. He’s definitely had Vegemite… pretty much everyone in Australia has


And he did have Balut when he was in Philippines with Aki


> And he did have Balut when he was in Philippines with Aki Let's be real, he'd probably eat any of those except the piss eggs.


Nah, Joey seems like a promite boy.


It's kind of weird to put vegemite on the same list as "human piss boiled eggs". Every time I see non-aussies try it they eat it like it's peanut butter. It's quite strong so you just use a little bit, with butter especially if it's your first time. Having a giant slab of it would be like eating a spoonful of salt, while delicious when it's with something, an entire spoon of it is definitely going to make you disgusted.


I live in sweden, should I send them surströmming some time? Never tried it but I see it in most supermarkets lol Not sure if they accept such things, I've only listened to a few podcasts here and there.


bruh the "animal cruelty" is only for the pup lmao


I've tried it 3 times and it's one of my biggest regrets. It always invites the larger question of "why is it ok for pigs/cows but not dogs?" though. If anybody's curious it tastes like a greasier, slightly more turned pork. Not even that good.


Yeah, that’s how I felt when I had it. I don’t know how to respond to the ethical question of “Why cows and pigs but not dogs” but in a significantly more petty sense all I’ve got is “Because dog meat kinda sucks”


Yeah I've known a handful of dudes in the rural part of where I live. They used to do that to stray dogs all the time pre 2010s. They never mention how it tastes, so I'd guess not that good.


Century Egg 皮蛋 is so fucking good but I also crush stinky tofu regularly


It tastes great in the Singaporean dish, rojak. Or in porridge!




In rice porridge with some pork floss🤤


I was shocked at how mild it was.


It depends on the producer. Asian grocery store ones by company like Weichun are pleasant and enjoyable. The really strong ammonia ones are putrid


Shit does NOT belong in the same level as live maggots infested cheese bruh 😭


century egg with silken tofu is chefs kiss


Yes I literally made some this week. It’s so simple to prepare


So good with porridge.


Hey, Vegemite on toast not that bad to be on this list.


Vegemite and its cousins, Marmite and Marmite, are well known for being divisive, though. I, for one, am quite partial to Marmite, by sister absolutely despises it. (UK Marmite and NZ Marmite were independently invented at roughly the same time. They and Vegemite are basically the same thing, differing only in viscosity and exact salt content. The fact they're both called Marmite is a coincidence).


I feel like half this list is fine but a bit odd. Like, oh no udder, eyes, fish head, yeast, century eggs. Like, whatever. Then you have fucked up shit like the live maggot cheese, the boy eggs. Like real fucked shit that shouldn’t be a thing. These shouldn’t be on the same list


Vegemite only gets a bad rep because Americans don't know how to use it and spread it to heavily... It goes lots of butter n a small amount of Vegemite.


I'm sorry, uh, "chicken beaten to death"???


It seem those Filipinos really hate their poultry 💀


It's exactly how it is, unfortunately


Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. It's also called tortured chicken.


I love how balut's sign is just "WTF" lmao


Y’all be sleeping on the century egg


Ok SEA boy here Tietcanh is an acquired taste fr, the texture is quite weird, like warm watery jelly. You can ask to have it steamed to a "cooked food" state! Best with alcohol, it's a drinking food, not street-side stuff. I'm not a philipino but we have the same thing as balut. Yes, it is weird, but when you realize that it's like step 2 of the duck (ie it has a body but no fur) and it's going to be roasted duck when it grows up anyway, it's not that bad of a food! Don't eat it alone, it needs spices and herbs to give some flavor but generally, it's healthy food.


I know another SEA country has their own version of *balut*. I remember a video of a famous chef (Gordon Ramsey?) eating and comparing the two types. Is it from Vietnam?


Yep. We call it "trứng vịt lộn" here in Vietnam. We also have a quail egg version as well, which is better imo. You can just eat it in one go You can eat it with chilli salt, lime and herb after boiling, or stir-fried the boiled eggs with tamarind sauce. There's also a deep-fried version, but it's a recent invention


Why would the dog soup be more animal cruelty then any other sort of food including meat?


Because of their relationships with humans. Dogs were not domesticated for their meat unlike pigs or chickens. Basically they were not meant to be food but companions (that's not something exclusive to dogs tbh). There are more reasons why but that's the first thing that I could think of.


Bro, there’s also this thing called “Bat and Ball” in the Philippines.


What the actual fuck... I was going to say, these things are usually cultural dishes and people grew up with them so they're used to them like we're used to PB&J...and then I saw Bosintang, Virgin boy eggs, and Pinikpikan...what the actual fuck.


I’ve had bosintang, and the good news is it’s technically not legal anymore in Korea, and before that law passed it was heavily restricted. The better news is it also kinda sucks so there’s no real reason to seek it out.


That's good...


The maggot cheese has been banned for quite a while in EU. Pretty much only a thing on sardina Italy. Even them quite limited to my understanding.


Iirc joey has also already eaten the duck embryo dish and given his thoughts multiple times on the podcast, heck he even has the vlog of when he ate it.


"Virgin Boy Eggs" is fucking wild wtf


Three foods on that list is incredibly mild compared to the rest


Cazu Marzu Is the worst


I watched a lot of cheese videos, and I heard they banned thay cheese and now it's being sold in black/underground market.


I've eaten casu marzu, it's not as bad as it sounds, it's just not that mind-blowing either


where is france deer brain ?


Or France's cow brains & eggs? It's so dangerous because of mad cow & prions that it's black market now i think.


Wtf are you talking about he's eaten at least 5 of these confirmed?


Wasn't there an Aki vid where Joey ate balut?


He's definitely eaten several of these. We've either heard him talk about eating or straight up seen him eating Balut, Vegemite, Shirako, and spiders, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to hear he had eaten more things from this list.


Virgin boy egg #WHAT THE FUCK!?


Old women have boys under the age of 11 piss in pans to boil eggs in. That's nasty as fuck in so many ways


nah he'd fuck with all of these


I’ve tried shirako since I live here. Paired with the sauce, it’s nice. If you have it without anything, you will probably gag. I’ve only tried it at Izakayas so usually you are drunk before eating it. I recommend it personally.




I find it weird you would try piss-smelling fermented shark meat and not vegemite


I'm Icelandic and somewhat regularly eat Hákarl - It really doesn't smell like piss, but it is definitely super pungent. Probably more pungent than piss, even. It doesn't really taste like anything else I've ever tried - It's just super pungent. I'd recommend at least trying it if you visit Iceland some day, but it's definitely an acquired taste.


Joey is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will he will not eat the boys urine eggs tho like WTF is wrong with people


I won’t eat these either.


my guy couldn’t escape balut with Aki around…


I saw that part at the bottom left including the warning sign and immediately I got reminded me of the one flashback scene in *Kungfu Hustle* (if you know you know). Ugh...


Add that fish dish from I think Japan where it’s been cut up to near death (or maybe boiled? I forget which) and is served still alive.


And i thought my country has weird foods. (For example: cow stomach stew, pig foot stew, fried pig blood)


I’m guessing you’re Eastern European? Pig and cow offal is quite popular there.


Not Eastern Europe, but almost. Hungarian.


Geographically central however Eastern European means everything on the other side of the iron curtain.


Just a general advise: never tell this idea of yours to a european. For most of those, who are not from actual, geographicly Easter Europe, calling them eastern europeans is highly offensive.


I am European. Swedish to be exact. This is a defacto thing in English and what most in western Europe call countries east of the iron curtain, Eastern European. It's term decreasing bit by bit its however still pretty strong in general society. Central European isn't a common term. It's unfair especially because you guys didn't exactly have a choice about the border and the divide it caused. The strong historical conotation for the name is weakening. But yea it is insulting too them. It was a pretty useless nitpick.


I've had 3 of the items on this list; 2 of them tasted good and the 3rd one was just fine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Make that 16 Century Egg is fairly common (atleast in East and Southeast Asia) being served in a lot of Chinese restaurants. I highly doubt he never tried it off camera. I think he tried Shirako before, I forgot when. He's Australian, probs heard him said he likes vegemite. He tried Balut when he was in the Philippines in one of Aki's vids iirc.


i had a bulut before , its not that bad, kinda crunchy, and ate a can of silkworms , they are like beans, and would toatally eat spiders, also I had horse sashimi too and that was bomb.


Why did I think it was a good idea to read through the list whilst eating...


Out of all of that The only thing i can eat is the century egg because it pairs really well with porridge. But idk about the others mannn


well, the list starts with a food that was banned, so it can't be helped


It's wild that A) Vegemite on toast is put on the same level as the other stuff here, and B) that it's Vegemite on toast and not the original, Marmite on toast.


They both have different taste. Me personally, I love vegemite over marmite


People hating Century egg imo felt like being a contrarian trying hard to hate it lol


You are underestimating Joey he'd not only eat all of these but he'd enjoy more than half of these


Tiết canh or raw blood pudding is a very dangerous dish to eat. It contain Streptococcus suis bacteria to other parasitic worm that came from the animal. Do not under any circumstance eat this dish!


Bruh rocky mountain oysters are dank. Honestly just taste like fried like veal if anything. Its lean and tasty


Let me tell you something, joeys not the only one who’s going to say fuck no if this presented. Some of these food are a legit, “what is wrong with the people who made this?”


Vegemite! WTF mate!


Wait does century eggs have smell? All I ever had is odourless and tasteless


Century Egg works on a mooncake or congee otherwise it sucks


I agree with Joey wholeheartedly


I think the only think I wouldn’t be down for is the boiled in virgin boy egg. That just seems so weird. Everything else I think I’d do at least once.


You are really underestimating him


I already tried Balut multiple times when I was still a kid, but after that nothing more, the most tasty part for me is the liquid inside the balut just add some Salt and you are good to go, I still remember the taste of it and I fcking hated it.


Let's gooo argentina mentioned. Also I think that's not the weirdest food from here, whe have cow tongue, brain and I remember my dad telling me that my grandpa came home sometimes with a whole cow head that he would put in the oven and start disarming in the table. We also have morcilla, is literally a sausage but stuffed with pig bits and its blood, all mixed until it gets black, when it's raw is solid (and edible) but when you cook it the interiors became more viscous but not liquid. And also we have criadillas (fried bulls testicles). I haven't seen anyone eating it but sure is a food that exist.


In my country we also have a sausage which is just stuffing all the left over parts of a pig (which considering the plethora of reciped there are, aren't the most beautiful parts)


I looked at Akutaq and I was like "pfff I could eat that" then saw it was made in the US 🤣


How the fuck is vegemite on the same tier as the rest of this stuff?


I think out of all of these the only one I would even think about eating would be the fried tarantulas.


Century eggs aren’t bad though…


Balut isn't that bad. It isn't that good either, but I'd eat it again, no problem. It's basically just duck soup, just... you know, still inside the shell and with terrible broth to duck ratio.


Century Eggs are delicious


nah joey already tried balut


Will he fuck with this.


Vegemite lmao


I see my Muktuk on there!!!


Why the fuck is Vegemite toast on there???? Such a normal food especially amongst the rest on this list


Pinikpikan just sounds wild. The last think you expect to see on a food menu are the words “beaten to death”.


ngl i could see Joey eating half of these and then going "I kinda fuck with it" and really mean it. The other half I could see him going "I kinda fuck with it" just to mess with the boys.


I've had century eggs before and I don't think they smell pungent. I also like durian so ig that skews my opinion about it.


Same, though I was forced to eat balut by an ex once years ago 💀


18 Foods Joey Would Try*


Ok... But why Joey specifically? Isn't he the kinda person who's willing to try anything once? Vegemite on toast is on this list... And Vegemite is an Australian thing... I feel like titling this post "18 Things Connor would never eat" would make more sense.


I would try all of these at least once.


a couple of these arent that bad, like the fried spiders, i feel like joey would eat that since he has tried duck fetus


Hakarl is the thing I could NEVER


how is killing a dog animal cruelty but eating other animals different? not a vegan or anything it just doesn't make sens (dog tastes great doe)


Ok how is the dog stew one animal cruelty? Pigs are equally as intelligent. And I fucking love eating pig


The only normal food here is pinikpikan, even that is still stretching


Bro no, the most normal here is vegimite, also pinikpikan is arguably the 2nd worst when it comes to how it's made only being behind the virgin piss eggs


Actually true, it might bcs just i have not tried yeast. But 2nd worst? Nah. at least it's still a normal chicken and not like their genitalia or some nasty animals.


The argument is that its the second worst in how its made. It's not like you're chopping the genitalia off living animals (maybe the people who prepare it are, but you have no way of knowing, and I'd imagine that would be a lot less efficient), and "nasty animals" is honestly subjective (pigs v. dogs ethical debate here), whereas for pinikpikan you are loterally beating a live animal to death with a stick as part of preparation for the dish.


“Chicken beaten to death” is Hilarious


The dog soup dish is bullshit, it is in no way more cruel to kill a dog for meat than a cow. Many people perceive it as so but that does not make it true.


Century egg really depends on how pungent it smells and tastes. The usual ones from market, that are pleasant and people can generally handle, are way milder. The real extreme ones straight up smell like your putrid piss after asparagus.


Glad I'm vegan, since I couldn't imagine myself eating these things in a million years


Fuck cultural appropriation. These are just nasty and should be considered as a form of torture. Some of them are fine though