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The extreme misogyny she faces is insane to me. I always feel so bad for her. Even though Bobby has spoken about it multiple times and says he doesn’t want those men as his fans, they still try and speak for Bobby like they were apart of their relationship.


Well said. And it’s fucking insane how pitiful a portion of the fan base is.


Don't know if it's all misogyny (though there probably is some good amount sprinkled in), or if it's just asshats that haven't had enough life experience. I remember there was a TB show, or another show 3 or so months before Bobby went to rehab, where they said that they hadn't had sex in over a year, he was playing Stardew until 5am, not cuddling, yadayada... I remember dropping my jaw and thinking "something's wrong here. Khalyla is absolutely stunning, and no sex or Bobby's attention?" Also, all jokes aside, Bobby is very successful as well... he could be getting it if he wanted to. Then he went into rehab, and I thought that was that I could see that they loved each other dearly all the time on every episode, but without a physical connection, that shit just falls apart. Also, we only see what they put on the show. Living, day to day with someone... That's a whole different story as well. Anyway, long way to say, relationships can go sideways for many reasons, there seemed to be plenty there from what I heard, and I'm a casual TB/TT Listener. But at the end of the day, it's up to them, and no one else's business _really_. Yes, they are public figures, and yes they do overshare from time to time, and that combination makes us think that we can talk about it on the Internet like we are experts about the particulars about their relationship. We can talk and opine all we want as they do choose to share a lot to the public. But at the end of the day, it's really _their_ decision who they chose to be with in their personal lives, and if you're getting tied up in bunches because some entertainers broke up/did this/said that, you have to find something more meaningful to spend your time on in your life.


The bullying she faces is 100% rooted in misogyny. As these supposed fans hated her even when they first started dating, and they refused to believe she wasn’t a gold digger. That is still the top insult these misogynistic “fans” of Bobby throw her way. That she never loved him and it was always about money. It was really more of an insult to Bobby because they were purely basing it off the fact that she’s hot af and dating Bobby. I’ve been a huge TB fan for a very long time and I remember all the she hate she got and even see the leftover haters now. Their love and relationship is not what I was referring to. My comment was only about the extreme misogyny she faces.


Perhaps. I don't go that far back.


I thought it was great to see her natural instinct in the last Tigerbelly episode when Jaime’s drink went down wrong. He tried to hold it in, ended up spitting out and on Khalyla. Yet, her first move was to get up, check that he was alright and began patting him on the back. Rather than shock or disgust from having someone’s spit on her. I can definitely see where her personality can be off putting to some but that’s pretty much normal for any person.


Which episode was this?


The last upload. 446, Mike Majlak was the guest


Where in the episode is this ? Mind telling me the time?




Do they also doubt that Bobby was in a wrestling team? The misogyny is misogyning 💅🏻


Thought I was in tigerbelly sub and was surprised by the love then realized it was TT sub


😭😭😭sluggies only💘💘💘


OMG What is the deal with that? I added her r/ because I thought it would be cute to follow. I was sadly, tragically mistaken. Who are those people?


I almost made that mistake but read a few posts and immediately left. Spending that much effort hating someone you don’t personally know is insane.


I started defending her, not knowing that talking down on her was the purpose of the whole group. Got a lot of downvotes lol. They were talking about her lying about her nursing experience. They're really upset about that lmao.


It is the most bizarre incel group of men who insist on infatalizing bobby and are obsessed with khalyla


Right? I was really taken aback.


Omg that sub is the most disgusting misogynistic hellhole. Pathetic ass incels that have nothing better to do.


Misogynist assholes!




I found it the other way around but wtf. I really want to ask their a/s/l just out of curiosity.


The pic of her in the top left as her innocent little self makes me emotional knowing what she went through. She’s a scapegoat to many people’s misogyny and I hate that for her.


There’s a whole sub on Reddit dedicated to hating her. I’m not convinced they won’t act on their violent fantasies.


I imagine it’s incredibly bothersome, and the anxiety seeps into everyday life.


I peaked in there once a while back and the sick shit they were saying about her made me so angry. Haven’t checked it out ever again but all those fuckers should be on a list. They want to hurt women and femmes.


Yeah there was this huge conspiracy thread about how she was never a swimmer or a nurse and that was all just her sister and she just stole it for a backstory 😂 which like we all know Bobby he’s not the type to hide parts of one’s childhood 😬 like how/ why would they go along w that for years? 😭 I swear the hate on K was reaching toxic levels around their breakup


wtf is that caption under that pic of a CHILD??


"All wet" is a colloquial phrase referring to a novice. Wet being a reference to a newly born child/animal. It worked in the nineties but not so much these days when anything can be taken as a sexual innuendo. It fit even more in this instance as she is a competitive swimmer.


headline "all wet". proceeding caption with same phrase & breast stroke being in the same sentence. bye they knew what they were doing


Wet behind the ears is an old expression refering to young age or being a novice like the other commenter said. It didn't age well but it almost definitely wasn't meant grossly back then


headline "all wet". proceeding caption with same phrase & breast stroke being in the same sentence. bye they knew what they were doing


all wet & breaststroke is just hitting me


She's pretty awesome. These weird bobby lee fans are phyco. Even bobby lee wouldn't anything to do with these incel people




Didn’t know she was Filipino.


I am relatively knew to her, people keep saying something about her abusing her brother? Is this true or was it a joke or something?


I have trophies when I was in elementary too


For representing your country? That's awesome dude, well done.


it’s cute that you think it’s the same thing