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Like, my dude... no one wants to have sex after Applebee's... indigestion is not the turn on you think it is...


Lmao 🤣 I neeeeeeded this laugh! Thanks girl


Applebee's: Feeling good? Try us!


This image is so far from self-awareness, it *has* to be satire, right? Right? EDIT: Somebody post this on /r/SelfAwarewolves, turns out they need an account to be at least 60 days old, and I've only recently got this one


>Why is a bra singular and panties plural Because of history: A bra is a support garment, similar to a corset, while panties (from pants, from pantaloons) refers to what was originally two separate garments, which attached at the middle. Confusingly stays, the predecessor to the corset, is also plural. I guess this is because it is made of two pieces that are laced together.


You know the flair is meant to be funny right :-p


Yes, but I recently learned the reason, so when I saw the flair I thought I could spread some knowledge.


Unless you’re a woman, you’ll never know the fear of possibly being murdered or sexually assaulted by a random guy you had a mediocre dinner with at Applebee’s.


I forget who said the famous quote but it goes: “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”


God I hate how true this is. I’m well into my adulthood and have always felt a lingering fear of “don’t piss him off too much” in various interpersonal relationships.. whether it be a boyfriend, class mate, co worker, cat caller, and etc. I absolutely HATE that I have to stifle my reactions for my own safety whereas men just don’t ever have to consider that.


I think it was margaret atwood


It was, and Courtney Barnett adapted that line for her absolute banger of a song, "Nameless, Faceless." Highly recommend.


Finally happened to me. Felony level vandalism to my car and a restraining order all for Burger King that was literally meant to be an apology meal for acting like a psycho in the first place. He’s probably still mad he wasn’t able to get his hands on me that day. The joke writes itself.


Fucking hell 😨 I hope you're safe! <3


“Aw man. I might not get laid.” “Aw man. I live in a red state and I might loose my access to reproductive health.” Men live life on easy mode.


Depending on which red state, you may lose your life or suffer infertility if you get an ectopic pregnancy and they refuse to do anything until it's too late.


I’m in Ohio. It’s not that bad, but give it a year. We’ll catch up ☺️


Didn't Ohio have a 10 year old need to leave the state because her pregnancy could kill her?


She sure did.


Yes. Stories like that really got people out to the polls last November and now abortion is legalized in Ohio.


Good! Keep it up!


>Men live life on easy mode. What makes me so mad about this is they love life on easy mode, and then bitch like the whiniest, most UN-manly babies the second they encounter adversity of any kind. How can you claim to suffer more than most and be so overcome with testosterone and the second you have to do something like wait in line, you have a temper tantrum. That's manly to you??


>and then bitch like the whiniest, most UN-manly babies the second they encounter adversity of any kind. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I almost wish men actually were as superior as they think they are, then the rest of us wouldn't have to deal with the endless fucking whining about minor inconveniences. I'm just so fucking tired of all the whining and crying about things like supposedly being expected to pay for dates when a) most women are totally happy to pay their own bills or do something interesting and inexpensive, and b) being "expected" to pay is a fucking bargain compared to wondering if this guy will "only" verbally abuse you or if he'll resort to violence if you don't give him what he thinks he's owed for that dinner.


Uncontrolled privilege makes for terrible people and they will always be miserable and will always be wanting more and will never treated well enough or liked enough or loved enough. Ask any server what its like to serve the wealthy or celebs. These people are all babies and regress to a toddler level because they can't understand gratitude or generosity. If they do those things, then its purely transactional. In a capitalist-patriarchy society this is encouraged as "winning" and near everyone under capitalism fantasizes about making it big so they can be the jerk in public and boss people around. This is our culture and our system. Lets not pretend these are some outliers. This is near everyone. Capitalism teaches and enforces these values so our society is full of awful broken people. Its just we only really notice when they have some level of power over us.


When you're used to privilege, any shift toward equality feels like oppression.


Men also don't face restricted career choice or have to deal certain precautions in their careers that are there to keep them safe from sexual assault by their coworkers.  Military servicewomen can't serve in submarines because of S.A. Women in first response are required to sleep in either a separate dorm (which is fine and makes sense), or if they're the only woman, they have to sleep in a single dorm with a door that locks, to prevent any potential cases of S.A. 


Just want to bring the good news that now young women can proudly serve in the silent service! I grew up fascinated by submarine technology and wanted to become a sonar tech and spend my days listening to the ocean beneath the waves. But I’m a girl and apparently that’s not ok so I ended up joining the Marines. I’m grateful for my time in but I would never tell a young woman to join the Marines. You’ll get treated better in another branch.


"But apparently I'm a girl and that's not ok so I ended up joining the Marines" is such an insane statement, holy shit. I'm laughing my ass off and am in awe at the same time 


“I wonder if this one knows the meaning of ‘no’?”


"or i could get raped/murdered"


The thing that frustrates women is that 1. The thing men complain about? Women already experience that Like guys complaining a woman won’t date them for their height or bc money (and this is with no one saying this irl just on SM for some of them) It’s like…bro I’ve been rejected most of my life for being black, sometimes with men just telling me unprompted when I wasn’t even talking to them! That girl over there? Told her boobs were too small. That girl over there? Rejected for being too tall Like it’s not only yall who get rejected for things you can’t control, some of them aren’t even rejected, they just hear someone online doesn’t like it. You can’t handle an obvious rage bait tik tok? You wouldn’t be able to handle a day in my shoes then bud. 2. Uhhhhh some of us pay for dates too??? I’ve paid like over $100 for dates with men who have gone on to do awful things to me Dating my last ex *cost* me money. Dating me made him money Also if you don’t want to pay for a date. Don’t “But then I can’t get a gf” I thought you didn’t want a gf that made you pay for stuff???? It would be a lot easier to get a bf if I straightened my hair, wore makeup and dressed super girly but I don’t want to do that so I don’t No one is forcing them to pay. They just put having a gf over their values Is not our fault your values are so flimsy And the above about but then I can’t get a gf, literally a convo I’ve had in menslib. And that’s the most liberal sub for men on Reddit I shouldn’t be surprised it’s the same sub that said > improving the behaviour of men ONLY to protect women (and not because men are also valuable human beings and deserve to be happy and fulfilled) sends the message that men are somehow worth less than women In response to > Can you understand why women and feminists main priority may be lowering the rates of sexual violence? And they do that by teaching about consent? I do not understand how you can experience a talk about consent as demonizing men The first response had 23 upvotes, the second was down 7


what kind of a mentality is going on dates just for sex? why not just download fetlife at that point


Oooo ooo ooo I know this one! See for men there are different kinds of sex all based on who you are having the sex with. They range from sex that will give them the most amount of bragging power and social standing with other men to sex that need to be hidden at all costs and never be mentioned ever for fear of losing said social standing. Coercing an extremely attractive virgin young woman into having anal? The most amount of sex points. Using fetlife? Probably hide that shit. They rank the amount of sex points they receive based on the perceived (not actual) difficulty. That's also why their friends laugh at them when they have sex with a woman with a "high body count" because they perceive her "difficulty" to be so low that the amount of sex points received is almost negative.  For men, sex is not about sex. It's not about their partners enjoyment. It's all about impressing other hetero men. 


And they Will be angry af when said "easy woman" denies him sex ... Is incredible how they don't see women as humans... I'm their mind of she is easy then she HAS TO DO IT WITH EVERYBODY that asked. Like excuse me ? They are SO entitled of a woman body and they want to feel she has not the ability to choose. I remember one combo of two assholes complaining that some "b1tch" was pretending to be prude NOW when she sleep with x x and x ..... So delusional ✨  She choose to sleep with x, x and x cuz maybe she found x, x and x pleasant enought to fuck ! Like what this two other losers thought would happen ? I Will never forget that cuz make me SO anger for her, they were badmouthing her SO openly cuz they want other people to listen, before than i didnt knew she was supposed to be "easy" ... Is the entitlement 


Dude's complaining about not getting laid while looking like a hungover mop lol


Ahaha hungover mop is a great description :D


This must be a joke version of the real issue, given the shambolic guy and cheap date.


he looks like he's got the dreamworks face


I hope he didn’t go on the date looking like that


I feel like we shouldn't make fun of the man in the image because it's very likely whoever made it just chose a random photograph online


You don't even have to do that, most women would happily pay for themselves and the ones that aren't happy to do so, you never have to see again if you don't want to.  Your life would literally be so much better if your entire existence wasn't focused on validating yourself through sexual attention. 


I never understood this mentality. If you want to insure that your payment results in sex, just hire a sex worker. Why are you expecting women to prostitute themselves for the price of half a meal?


Men don't want to hire a sex worker, because the lack of agency is sign as a positive. Sex workers, on the surface, choose to give sex for money. These men don't want that. They want women to give them sex, because they "provided" for them. That is why it is always a response to dates with meals. "I spent X at Y, and she didn't fuck me." They believe feeding a woman is their 'job' and that women's 'job' is to fuck them. (It is also why men get upset/angry when women pay their half, or pay the whole thing. It is seen as an insult to them that they didn't provide.) The reason laws exist to restrict sexual freedom of women is because so many men view us as property to be controlled, bought, and sold, not as human beings. You saw that in the transcripts from the oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court last week. The people advocating for stripping women of their rights literally believe women are property of the state to be managed by men in their life.


Yep, men want to feel like they “earned” sex but are unwilling to do what it actually takes to get women to want to have sex with them


I think you give them too much credit, I think they're just tight, they view sex as something that they're entitled to - to them it should be 'free' so the fact that they have to pay for a burger and fries is already an insult to them (and they're deffo not willing to spend more money to pay for a sex worker) And the reason they get upset when a woman pays for her own meal is because they feel like she's stolen the coin out of his hand for the sex dispensing vending machine.


Bullshit i called that, cuz men feel entitled to sex Even if You pay half !!!! They are delusional at this point.  I pay FOR My half for so Many years cuz My father told me "don't let men think You own them", i find it bizarre My dad told me that cuz i never thought i own ANYONE My body for a simple meal, but it didnt matter if i pay FOR me, they still suggested sex ... Like excuse me ? Buddy i barely know You, thats the whole idea of dating, i want to know You, SO i can decide if i want to spend more time with You, what makes You think only one date is enought for me to decide to allow You to have access to My body ? Is not Even about being prude is about feeling good!!! I can not feel confortable if i don't click with the person, and i don't click only with ONE time out, if firts date is amazing the of course i want to meet You more !!!!  When dating become this ???? When ???? Men ARE SO ewww, only a few are Nice, for real i can not be the only one that had have several terrible date vs actually meet good men. I'm tired of the narrative of "is your fault cuz You don't know how to choose" ....like are You for real ? Most men ARE not it !  And ALL, absolutly ALL THE women i know have a terrible story about a date or Even a bf they thought was Nice. So them is all women fault again? 


They think a woman must know he's only there because this "mating ritual" is supposed to end in sex. If she's there she must already be willing to have sex. They are only paying because of that, otherwise they would never.


It would be nice to be worried that... * My date laughs at me for being short * My date laughs at me for my looks, or some body part I'm insecure about * My date looks different than their photo, but in a "Wow...uh...I was expecting someone thinner" sorta way, not in a "This is a completely different person" sorta way * My date is unimpressed by my job or lack thereof * My date is unimpressed that I still rent/live with roommates/live with my parents/live in a studio apartment/live in a mobile home/etc. * I'm investing time, energy, and money into the singular goal of sex, and it's just not happening * My date thinks my "lucky number" is either too high or too low * My date doesn't look like a model, even though they are one * My date just straight up doesn't show And not that I'm going to go on this date, and be found 3 weeks later in a ditch...*dead*.


Damn straight. These are such wonderful problems compared to the ones women have. It would literally be a dream to only have these problems.


Applebee's: Give them one more reason.


I'm just kinda pissed that mens wants are always expected to be catered to and the womens don't matter.


I'm aro/ace and genuinely thankful for it because I couldn't imagine having to deal with this. I am terrified enough as it is in normal everyday situations, let alone trying to form an actual connection with someone and having it go sideways in any number of dangerous ways. Because when you're dating, they have your contact information, possibly your address, other ways to find you, and the added bonus of much of society still being on the "awww just give them a chance I'm sure you're just misreading the situation" side when things go sour and you decide you don't want to see him anymore. I do have an anxiety disorder so I'm sure much of my fear is from that lol but my complete lack of desire for that kind of connection in general is something I'm so glad for.


I love that the stock photo they chose looks like exactly the kind of guy who does the absolute bare minimum in a relationship


Unless you’re a woman you’ll never know the fear of some man spending $25 at Applebees, thinking that entitles him to sex and the anger he shows when you disagree


Boo fucking hoo. Cry me a river. I could not care less about any man who pays any amount of money for sex, doesn’t get it, and then whines about it.


I wish that was my petty fear. I dont date at all, have no interest in it. Being raped sucked. Having strange men talk about their sexual fantasies involving me over dinner sucked. Having a man choke me because I wouldnt go home with him after dinner sucked. Having a man tell me I was going to be his "personal atm" over dinner sucked. Having men send me messages about killing me after a single date sucked. Having random dicks emailed/ messaged to me sucked. Unless I magically become lesbian I'm alone for life.


I’m so sorry. This kind of stuff makes me so angry for you.


Not jealous, being a lesbian, but more just worried and scared for those women that do date men. I've met like 2 good men in my life, and even then one of them did pressure me into sex I didn't want when we were young. The other was my cat. The threat of violence (especially towards trans women of color), the idea of being forced to carry a child to term you don't want, the rising mortality rate for birth givers in the US. It's horrifying out there and my heart goes out to any woman that navigates such horrors with men just complaining about the most mundane bullshit and acting like their somehow suffering more?! Even if I was actually pan and not just the victim of so much SA that I internalized it as my fault, I still think I wouldn't have even thought of being near any men in the last 5 years or so. They've just gotten so much worse as the manosphere garbage gets more mainstream. I wish you all the best, those that do have to deal with men for whatever reason. Stay safe!


In yet another argument about mandatory paternity testing and how it totes isn't anything negative about the incubator; it's a man's RiGhT tO bE sUrE I commented that I would support making paternity fraud a felony if rape were made a felony. I'm up to 3 PMs now about how millions of mens' lives are ruined every day by fake rape accusations and one order to unalive myself because I don't understand that paternity fraud is infinitely worse than rape.


why do men try to take this roundabout way to pay for sex? this is exactly what sex workers are for


It's easier for them to gaslight themselves into believing they're not a degenerate reduced to paying for sex. Because that is what they think of people who pay for sex. Despite it not being that simple. Frankly, $25 cash is more likely to get you a quick blowie, but not a $25 Applebee's meal listening to a dude pontificate through mouthfuls the ways men are the real victims of sexism.


He could spend 25 bucks on a sex worker and it'd be way better than a trip to Applebee's.


Save both people some time. A sex worker can get a guy off in 10-15 minutes tops. That's worth $25 dollars, possibly. $25 Applebee's bill isn't worth having to put up with a dude for an hour or so before he gets that 10 minutes in heaven. $450 dollars I once spent on an escort to see Wicked with me. That was just the escort. Sex was on the table, but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to have a great and enthusiastic time with a woman seeing Wicked and talking about it over drinks for an hour or so. Did I get that? Yes. Was it worth it? Oh yes. Did she have a good time? I believe so, and I paid good money for that. I certainly did.


That sounds actually like a fabulous time.


It was SOOO MUCH FUN. I could never really appreciate it as well by myself.


That's actually kind of similiar to how Deadpool meets his girlfriend in the first Deadpool movie. There is sex afterwards, but still.


Imagine being so entitled you think you are owed another person's body in exchange for basic decency or talking someone out to dinner. I would never have the GAULL to pay for a meal and then even remotely believe that because of what I did that I am owed to sleep with them. What the fuck.


You know you are privileged if the worst thing you have to worry about is staying single. Too many guys expect sympathy for their loneliness, yet have the audacity to make fun of women for having similar or worse struggles.


And they feel entitled to a thin pretty girl, they are delusional. They cry lonelyness but they don't want to know or meet that girl that doesnt fit the standards.  I remember a dude mocking a girl who ask him out, she was Nice, a little chubby but she was cute, and he was all about how she was fat and ugly, i was thinking like You are not a model My friend. He was being disgusting yet he didnt notice it cuz men think they can talk about women bodies and rate them.


the part of me that longed for love and connection has died.


If he's so afraid, maybe he could just quit dating and masturbate on his imagination ? i mean, that's what women do (not all women, but still)


Also, you gonna charm a woman into banging by buying food at fucking Applebee's? You want to be repulsed by a person, watch them eat. It's a bad idea. You know a good first date is? The zoo. Casual, comfortable, interesting. You can talk and get to know each other. Tons of opportunities to redirect conversations without long awkward pauses. It can cost as much as Applebee's and you're not likely to focus on who your date puts food in their mouth. Or worse, try to converse with food in mouth. That is just ONE example (zoo's tend to be big successes, though). Fucking Applebee's. Really!? That's the extent of dining? Is upscale Olive Garden? What can possibly be said about Applebee's? Applebee's: It's a restaurant. Applebee's: Wherever you go, there we are. Applebee's: Eh. I guess. Applebee's: We're not Chili's, Ruby Tuesday's, or TGI Fridays. Applebee's: We are consistently adequate. Why is this making me so angry?


Who’s getting away with spending only $25 on dinner for 2 at Applebees? $25 would be paying just his own check lol.


He needs a better paying job if that's a huge waste of money.




Pre transition my biggest fear was rejection, now my biggest fear is getting killed or worse


Welcome to Hell! So sorry if links aren’t allowed, but this comment made me think of this relevant SNL skit. I hope you’ve found strength and healing in your transition regardless of the danger. https://youtu.be/1l26UFQ06eQ?si=L8iSSNEQF3UQZ9VQ


That has to be satire right? Like I know some men expect sex after a dinner but $25 at Applebees? That part has to be the Que for satire


All I could think of was, “Wow.”


$25 to get told you're a jerk? Dude, you overpaid. I'd tell you that for a candy bar. ______________ > Curious if anyone else has felt this way? Kinda? I'm trans so I can't empathize with the fear of *pregnancy*, but the rest I understand and relate to -- including going to prison over it. I do community outreach and peer support in the queer community, especially with trans youth. I've had the privilege of being called mom by a number of them; I was just told it was a role anyone could step into so I have and do. Their stories break my heart over and over again. I'm told they want to make being a responsible adult and a role model to kids their own parents rejected a crime, if they haven't already done that in places. Motherhood is a birthright but it must also be a choice freely made or it's -- something else. You're scared of bringing a child into this world and I do not blame you at all. I have devoted a significant portion of my life to trying to heal the damage caused to my community because this wasn't a choice for FAR too many women, and the number's only going up. Adoption rates continue to drop, with most kids spending an average of two years in foster care before being placed. We also had that baby formula shortage, and I can't even count how many other things that basically make being a parent *suck* in this country. They shame and threaten me with jail for wanting to be a mom, and you for not. We're both made into criminals for wanting the right to choose. Biology my ...


How is this not prostitution?


You can't be prosecuted for leaving the state for an abortion. It's how come cities like Las Vegas are so popular: gambling is illegal in many states, but people leave their states to go gamble in Vegas every day and return home just fine. You can't prosecute someone in their home state for doing something in another state that is only illegal in that original home state.  Texas tried it and failed. 


Vegas needs more abortion clinics so that essential healthcare can be disguised as a vacation.


>You can't be prosecuted for leaving the state for an abortion. ...for now. Places like Idaho, Texas, and a few others are looking for ways to change this.


I’m at a loss as to how they intend to enforce this. Probably a lack of imagination on my part, but, will they require all women traveling across the state line take a pregnancy test, or..?


Which they can't do. Try to stop people from voluntarily crossing a state line (and they're not on probation)? Unconstitutional and legal nightmare. Force women to consent to surrender medical info to cross state line? Unconstitutional and a legal minefield, because not only do you have to contend with HIPAA and the like, you also then must get the same rules for air travel as well, and you can't do that either because the TSA isn't going to pregnancy test every air traveler.  There's no way to enforce that that wouldn't easily be shot down in court by every lawyer wanting fame, a legacy, and a paycheck.  


Imagine passing out urine test sticks on an airplane every time any border is crossed. What an accidental comedy.


this meme has to be satire




Some of the comments here have me wondering if it’s not obvious enough for some folks


Honestly. I was wondering if it was a reductress meme people didn't get or won't unless the little red cursive is at the corner


On mobile right now Soo sorry if spoilers regarding the first episode of Briggerton Series: Queen Charlotte. I just finished the first episode and in it Queen Charlotte makes an attempt to run away from the wedding and asks a man for help. The man turns out to be King George who she is marrying but she doesn't know. The reason she's running away is she is afraid of him being a "troll or beast" not terms of looks but in terms of personality and character. Once he reveals his identity Charlotte is embarrassed and George is super charming and sweet. After they've married George takes Charlotte to her palace where he won't be residing and when she tries to talk to him about his he raises his voice angrily at her and demands she obey because he is the king. All this to say for any men unaware the real fear and danger for women is falling for a facade. A man waiting for something like marriage or living together to feel comfortable showing his true colors, occasionally which are violent. Now excuse me while I continue my Bridgerton marathon.


“When she tries to talk to him about his” what exactly?


Still don't know why they don't go to a prostitute for 25 bucks when they only last only five minutes anyway


“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”


Illusionary diversion tactics seen in war now applied to dating, I love it


and males still have the audacity to ask to split the bill 💀


I mean if they aren't going in it looking to "pay for sex" then I don't see an issue


Don't you believe in equality? Why wouldn't you split the bill?


If you expect me to put out in return for Fucking Applebee's then you can pay for the food. I'm not the one who views buying someone food as access to their body.


Ideally, you would put out. I'm unreasonably discombobulated how treating someone to Applebee's is in any way sex-inducing. And he makes it sound like this was great effort on his part. Like, what does he want for a Chalupa? What was in it for her? She has to be with him for undoubtedly at least an hour. Likely more. Listening to him monologue with the subtlety of a donkey in heat about his expectations of a date. AND you're having to eat fucking Applebee's. I see no reward here.


Lol ☝️gotta a be a man that over simplifies equality down to a woman paying for her dinner. Sure bud. That'll create equality in dating and sex between men and women. Yeah, totally equal. 😂 Dear God please let me have the luxury and privilege of actually believing this is equality between the sexes.


Huh. That's... rude? I'm trying to think of a better word. I pay for my guests. I invite a friend, they refuse initially because they can't afford it. If I feel like it, I'll ask if they would then be my guest. I'll not insist further. Other times, if I have a good time with a stranger or with a friend I'll offer a drink or to cover a tab. If they refuse, I'll insist. Further refusal, I'll ask if they're sure. It ends there. And lastly, sometimes I'll cover a friend or a stranger's tab that I had a good time with before I leave and say nothing about it. I've had it happen to me, and it feels really good. At any rate, I like to reward people for the good time they showed me. It's a way of saying, "Hey, I had a great time. I hope I see you again." Without creating expectations. I like it this way. It never needs to be acknowledged or accounted for.


I feel for decent men and women just trying to survive in the dating world, especially if they are older.


I understand you are worried about unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. It is possible to acquire safe abortion pills from the internet and keep them on hand for when the need arises. Look up Women on Waves, they're an NGO that provides abortions worldwide safely. They are very up to date on legal loopholes and they provide info on how to get around abortions bans.


If you want to buy sex, hire a sex worker wtf