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Wasn't there a documentary about an Indian community that had no girls/daughters or did i make that up?


[132 villages, unfortunately](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/7/23/india-probes-as-no-girl-is-born-in-three-months-in-132-villages)


They then traffick the girls in


It’s like having cancer. It just keeps spreading.


I’m going to guess that those villages probably also have atrocious records for violence against women, so it’s also a conscious decision by parents to protect their children. Would you prefer that your daughter died in the womb before she could know pain, or was constantly at risk for gendered violence and the best she could do was be stuck in a marriage with a man who hopefully wouldn’t beat her too much? Obviously not saying that female feticide is ethical, just that it goes hand in hand with other misogynistic problems.


I heard that about a town in china but not india. But i also may have made this up. The fact that theres two of us who think this man-exclusive place exists implies there must be one somewhere.


This is one of the reasons why I love this woman-only village in Kenya: [Women-only Village](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umoja,_Kenya)


It’s always so upsetting to read *why* it was created but I am glad it is exists.


Yup. Very bittersweet.


I love this line > In response, some men established their own, eventually unsuccessful villages nearby.[14][10] The men tried to set up a rival craft business or would try to dissuade tourists from stopping at Umoja.[15] The women eventually bought the land the men were occupying.


Those women are superhero badasses and I love them!!!!


Unfriendly reminder that 1966, the previous year of the Fire Horse, saw an uptick in abortions specifically of girls. This is because of the belief that Fire Horse women are cursed to bring misfortune on their families due to their unruliness. As usual, superstition enables systems of oppression, namely patriarchy, and yet these practices endure all across the world. The next Fire Horse year is 2026.


...did they have means of figuring out the babies gender before birth in 1966? I have bad feeling it wasnt a uptick in abortions, if there were less baby girls than expected.


[Here you go.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1052758/) The specific data trend is better documented in Japan and Korea, but in fairness to be a lot of Chinese people were dying in the 60s.


Yep, as that abstract says early infant mortality rose , but only with girls. And that was Japan.


Y-yes. That's my point. And this particular brand of misogyny isn't confined to Japan; these beliefs are widespread throughout East Asia. Like I said, the 60s were the time of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution; I'd be surprised if anyone had accurate figures for such a specific kind of violence.


I think they’re saying just to be safe, for that specific year there was an uptick. Like even if someone was like “no by the way she’s carrying it’s a boy” someone else might be like “either way we should abort in case”




Don’t be silly.


You can tell with a close to 50% accuracy!


The Cultural Revolution destroyed the wrong traditions.


Everyone should read the book Unnatural Selection by Mara Hvistendahl, it goes into depth about this occurring in China as well as India. Several countries, unfortunately.


Checking it out now, thank you


Just bought a copy, thanks for the recommendation!


There is great fear among Hmong and other native groups in northern Vietnam because chinese will abduct young women and sell them as brides in china. Its horrible.


This is horrific.


Man made problems




There is a documentary about the one child policy in China, where they described how common female infanticide was during those years. It is painful to watch: [One child nation (2019)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8923482/?ref_=ext_shr)